Works (19)
2017 journal article
A facilitated diffusion mechanism establishes the Drosophila Dorsal gradient
DEVELOPMENT, 144(23), 4450–4461.
2016 journal article
Analyzing negative feedback using a synthetic gene network expressed in the Drosophila melanogaster embryo
BMC Systems Biology, 10.
2015 journal article
Imaging the dorsal-ventral axis of live and fixed Drosophila melanogaster embryos
Tissue Morphogenesis: Methods and Protocols, 1189, 63–78.
2015 journal article
The presence of nuclear cactus in the early Drosophila embryo may extend the dynamic range of the dorsal gradient
PLoS Computational Biology, 11(4).
2013 journal article
Image analysis and empirical modeling of gene and protein expression
Methods, 62(1), 68–78.
2013 journal article
Size-dependent regulation of dorsal-ventral patterning in the early Drosophila embryo
Developmental Biology, 381(1), 286–299.
2012 journal article
Dorsal-ventral gene expression in the Drosophila embryo reflects the dynamics and precision of the dorsal nuclear gradient
Developmental Cell, 22(3), 544–557.
2010 journal article
Mesoderm migration in Drosophila is a multi-step process requiring FGF signaling and integrin activity.
Development , 137, 2167–2175.
2009 journal article
Biological systems from an engineer's point of view
PLoS Biology, 7(1), 0032–0035.
2009 journal article
Graded dorsal and differential gene regulation in the Drosophila embryo
Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology, 1(4), 566–577.
2009 journal article
Quantitative imaging of the dorsal nuclear gradient reveals limitations to threshold-dependent patterning in Drosophila
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106(52), 22317–22322, S22317/1–S22317/2.
2006 journal article
Quantifying the gurken morphogen gradient in Drosophila oogenesis
Developmental Cell, 11(2), 263–272.
2006 journal article
Quantitative models of developmental pattern formation
Developmental Cell, 11(3), 289–300.
2005 journal article
Computational analysis of EGFR inhibition by Argos
Developmental Biology, 284(2), 523–535.
2004 journal article
Argos inhibits epidermal growth factor receptor signalling by ligand sequestration
Nature, 430(7003), 1040–1044.
2004 journal article
Predicting stability of mixed microbial cultures from single species experiments: 1. Phenomenological model
Mathematical Biosciences, 192, 85–109.
2004 journal article
Predicting stability of mixed microbial cultures from single species experiments: 2. Physiological model.
Mathematical Biosciences, 192, 111–136.
2003 journal article
Growth of mixed cultures on mixtures of substitutable substrates: The operating diagram for a structured model.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 226(2), 143–157.
2003 journal article
The dynamics of single-substrate continuous cultures: The role of transport enzymes.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 223(3), 307–322.