Works (70)
2021 article
Optical properties of segmented Ag-Au wire at single particle level studied with a home-built micro-spectrometer
Neupane, B. B., Chase, T. E., Zhao, L., Wang, G., & He, L. (2021, July 18). ENGINEERING REPORTS.

2020 journal article
Study on self-assembly of colloidal particles at high ionic strength with stimulated emission depletion microscopy

2020 article
Three-Dimensional Single Particle Tracking and Its Applications in Confined Environments

2019 journal article
Enhancing Photostability of Fluorescent Dye-Attached Molecular Machines at Air-Glass Interface Using Cyclooctatetraene

2019 journal article
Harnessing Plasmon-Induced Hot Carriers at the Interfaces with Ferroelectrics
Frontiers in Chemistry, 7(299), 1–19.

2019 journal article
Interfacing Plasmonic Nanoparticles with Ferroelectrics for Hot-Carrier-Driven Photocatalysis: Impact of Schottky Barrier Height

2019 journal article
Near-Infrared Light Activates Molecular Nanomachines to Drill into and Kill Cells
ACS NANO, 13(6), 6813–6823.

2018 journal article
Composite Ferroelectric and Plasmonic Particles for Hot Charge Separation and Photocatalytic Hydrogen Gas Production

2018 journal article
Developing Noise-Resistant Three-Dimensional Single Particle Tracking Using Deep Neural Networks
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 90(18), 10748–10757.

2018 journal article
Diffusion of Nanocars on an Air-Glass Interface
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 122(33), 19025–19036.

2018 journal article
Effect of doping Ge into Y2O3:Ho,Yb on the green-to-red emission ratio and temperature sensing
DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 47(32), 11158–11165.

2018 journal article
Three-Dimensional Heterogeneous Structure Formation on a Supported Lipid Bilayer Disclosed by Single-Particle Tracking
LANGMUIR, 34(39), 11857–11865.

2018 journal article
Tuning green-to-red ratio of Ho3+/Yb3+ activated GdPO4 upconversion luminescence through Eu3+ doping

2017 journal article
Anisotropic Overgrowth of Palladium on Gold Nanorods in the Presence of Salicylic Acid Family Additives

2017 journal article
Characteristic rotational behaviors of rod-shaped cargo revealed by automated five-dimensional single particle tracking
Nature Communications, 8(1).

2017 journal article
Harnessing Hot Electrons from Near IR Light for Hydrogen Production Using Pt-End-Capped-AuNRs

2017 journal article
Investigating Diffusing on Highly Curved Water-Oil Interface Using Three-Dimensional Single Particle Tracking

2017 journal article
Investigation of NIR-to-red upconversion luminescence mechanism in Y2O3:Er3+, Yb3+ and the effect of co-doping Zn in the matrix

2017 journal article
Molecular machines open cell membranes
Nature, 548(7669), 567–572.

2016 journal article
Imaging Single Molecular Machines Attached with Two BODIPY Dyes at the Air-Solid Interface: High Probability of Single-Step-Like Photobleaching and Nonscaling Intensity
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 120(46), 26522–26531.

2016 journal article
Investigating axial diffusion in cylindrical pores using confocal single-particle fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
ELECTROPHORESIS, 37(15-16), 2129–2138.

2016 journal article
Microscopic Movement of Slow-Diffusing Nanoparticles in Cylindrical Nanopores Studied with Three-Dimensional Tracking
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 88(10), 5122–5130.

2016 journal article
Moving Kinetics of Nanocars with Hydrophobic Wheels on Solid Surfaces at Ambient Conditions
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 120(20), 10887–10894.

2016 journal article
Nanosecond Time-Resolution Study of Gold Nanorod Rotation at the Liquid-Solid Interface
CHEMPHYSCHEM, 17(14), 2218–2224.

2016 journal article
New dinuclear ruthenium arene complexes containing thiosemicarbazone ligands: synthesis, structure and cytotoxic studies
DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 45(48), 19329–19340.

2015 journal article
A dual wavelength-activatable gold nanorod complex for synergistic cancer treatment
NANOSCALE, 7(28), 12096–12103.
Contributors: D. Pacardo n, B. Neupane n, S. Rikard n, Y. Lu n, R. Mo n, S. Mishra n, J. Tracy n , n, F. Ligler n, Z. Gu n

2015 journal article
A temperature microsensor for measuring laser-induced heating in gold nanorods

2015 journal article
An exonuclease I-based label-free fluorometric aptasensor for adenosine triphosphate (ATP) detection with a wide concentration range

2015 journal article
Continuous-wave stimulated emission depletion microscope for imaging actin cytoskeleton in fixed and live cells
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 15(9), 24178–24190.
2015 journal article
Unimolecular Submersible Nanomachines. Synthesis, Actuation, and Monitoring
NANO LETTERS, 15(12), 8229–8239.

2015 journal article
beta-Cyclodextrin functionalized Mn-doped ZnS quantum dots for the chiral sensing of tryptophan enantiomers
POLYMER CHEMISTRY, 6(4), 591–598.
2014 review
Review of recent developments in stimulated emission depletion microscopy: Applications on cell imaging
[Review of ]. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 19(8).
2013 journal article
Simultaneous Single-Particle Superlocalization and Rotational Tracking
ACS NANO, 7(2), 1658–1665.

2013 review
Single Cell Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy
[Review of ]. CHEMICAL REVIEWS, 113(4), 2469–2527.

2013 journal article
Tuning donut profile for spatial resolution in stimulated emission depletion microscopy
Review of Scientific Instruments, 84(4), 043701.

2013 journal article
Up-Conversion Luminescence of Gold Nanospheres When Excited at Nonsurface Plasmon Resonance Wavelength by a Continuous Wave Laser
NANO LETTERS, 13(9), 4087–4092.

2012 journal article
Deciphering Orientation and Rotational Information of Cargoes at Pauses During Axonal Transport
Biophysical Journal, 102(3), 38a–39a.
2012 conference paper
Detecting and tracking nonfluorescent nanoparticle probes in live cells
Imaging and spectroscopic analysis of living cells: optical and spectroscopic techniques, 504, 83–108.
2012 journal article
Determining the Full Three-Dimensional Orientation of Single Anisotropic Nanoparticles by Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 51(31), 7734–7738.
2012 journal article
Electrophoretic Migration and Axial Diffusion of Individual Nanoparticles in Cylindrical Nanopores
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116(34), 18460–18468.
2012 journal article
Influence of Polarization Setting on Gold Nanorod Signal at Nonplasmonic Wavelengths Under Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 84(12), 5210–5215.

2012 journal article
Revealing Rotational Modes of Functionalized Gold Nanorods on Live Cell Membranes
Small, 9(5), 785–792.
2012 journal article
Rotational dynamics of cargos at pauses during axonal transport
Nature Communications, 3(1).
2012 journal article
Three-dimensional super-localization and tracking of single gold nanoparticles in cells
Analytical Chemistry, 84(9), 4111–4117.

2011 journal article
Detection of the Potential Pancreatic Cancer Marker MUC4 in Serum Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering
Analytical Chemistry, 83(7), 2554–2561.

2011 journal article
Differential interference contrast polarization anisotropy for tracking rotational dynamics of gold nanorods
Chemical Communications, 47(27), 7743.
2011 journal article
Dual-Modality Single Particle Orientation and Rotational Tracking of Intracellular Transport of Nanocargos
Analytical Chemistry, 84(2), 1134–1138.
2011 journal article
Rotational Motions of Endocytic Cargos Revealed by Single Particle Orientation and Rotation Tracking (Sport)
Biophysical Journal, 100(3), 405a–406a.
2011 journal article
Single Particle Orientation and Rotation Tracking Discloses Distinctive Rotational Dynamics of Drug Delivery Vectors on Live Cell Membranes
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133(15), 5720–5723.

2011 journal article
Superlocalization of Single Molecules and Nanoparticles in High-Fidelity Optical Imaging Microfluidic Devices
Analytical Chemistry, 83(13), 5073–5077.
2011 journal article
Understanding Nanoparticle Drug Delivery from Rotational Dynamics and Behaviors of Functionalized Gold Nanorods on Live Cell Membranes
Biophysical Journal, 100(3), 473a.

2011 journal article
Whole-Cell Scan Using Automatic Variable-Angle and Variable-Illumination-Depth Pseudo–Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy
Journal of Laboratory Automation, 16(4), 255–262.
2010 journal article
Autocalibrated Scanning-Angle Prism-Type Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy for Nanometer-Precision Axial Position Determination
Analytical Chemistry, 82(6), 2441–2447.
2010 journal article
Influence of Gold Nanorod Geometry on Optical Response
ACS Nano, 4(12), 7667–7675.
2010 journal article
Optical imaging of non-fluorescent nanoparticleprobes in live cells
The Analyst, 135(2), 215–221.
2010 journal article
Resolving Rotational Motions of Nano-objects in Engineered Environments and Live Cells with Gold Nanorods and Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132(46), 16417–16422.
2010 journal article
Wavelength-Dependent Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy: Multiplexing Detection Using Nonfluorescent Nanoparticles
Analytical Chemistry, 82(15), 6675–6679.
2009 journal article
Control of Antigen Mass Transport via Capture Substrate Rotation: Binding Kinetics and Implications on Immunoassay Speed and Detection Limits
Analytical Chemistry, 81(15), 6175–6185.
2009 journal article
Mixed Monolayers on Gold Nanoparticle Labels for Multiplexed Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Based Immunoassays
Analytical Chemistry, 81(23), 9643–9650.
2009 journal article
Wavelength-Dependent Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy: Selectively Imaging Nanoparticle Probes in Live Cells
Analytical Chemistry, 81(22), 9203–9208.
2008 journal article
SERS as a bioassay platform: fundamentals, design, and applications
Chemical Society Reviews, 37(5), 1001.

2006 journal article
Analysis of heterogeneous fluorescence decays in proteins. Using fluorescence lifetime of 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonate to probe apomyoglobin unfolding at equilibrium
Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 1760(7), 1125–1137.
2006 journal article
Generalized Two-Dimensional Heterocorrelation Analysis of Spectrally Resolved and Temporally Resolved Fluorescence of the 8-Anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonate−Apomyoglobin Complex with pH Perturbation
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110(16), 8506–8512.
2006 journal article
Probing strong adsorption of individual solute molecules at solid/liquid interfaces with model-based statistical two-dimensional correlation analysis
Journal of Molecular Structure, 799(1-3), 204–210.
2006 journal article
Statistical two-dimensional correlation coefficient mapping of simulated tissue phantom data: Boundary determination in tissue classification for cancer diagnosis
Journal of Molecular Structure, 799(1-3), 239–246.
2006 journal article
Two-dimensional correlation coefficient mapping in gas chromatography: Jet fuel classification for environmental analysis
Journal of Molecular Structure, 799(1-3), 247–252.
2006 journal article
Unfolding of apomyoglobin studied with two-dimensional correlations of tryptophan, 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonate, and pyrene fluorescence
Journal of Molecular Structure, 799(1-3), 177–187.
2005 journal article
Direct observation of frits and dynamic air bubble formation in capillary electrochromatography using confocal fluorescence microscopy
Journal of Chromatography A, 1062(2), 275–283.
2005 journal article
Probing Strong Adsorption of Solute onto C18-Silica Gel by Fluorescence Correlation Imaging and Single-Molecule Spectroscopy under RPLC Conditions
Analytical Chemistry, 77(8), 2303–2310.
2005 journal article
Statistical and Generalized Two-Dimensional Correlation Spectroscopy of Multiple Ionization States. Fluorescence of Neurotransmitter Serotonin
Analytical Chemistry, 77(1), 20–29.