Works (26)
2025 journal article
Determining Prestress Losses, Residual Capacity, and Degradation from Testing of Prestressed Concrete Bridge Girders after 56 Years of Service
Journal of Bridge Engineering, 30(2).
2023 journal article
Cyclic Lateral Loading Behavior of Thin-Shell Precast Concrete Wall Panels

2023 journal article
Rapid Prestressed Concrete Retrofit with Prestressed Mechanically-Fastened Fiber-Reinforced Polymer: Field Performance and Observation for a Deteriorated Prestressed Concrete Bridge
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2678(4), 804–818.

2023 journal article
Shear Transfer Mechanism between CFRP Grid and EPS Rigid Foam Insulation of Precast Concrete Sandwich Panels

2022 journal article
A new concept for improving the structural resilience of lap-welded steel pipeline joints

2021 journal article
Long-term behavior of precast, prestressed concrete sandwich panels reinforced with carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer shear grid
PCI JOURNAL, 66(5), 23–38.

2021 journal article
Prestressed MF-FRP: Experimental Study of Rapid Retrofit Solution for Deteriorated Prestressed C-Channel Beams
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 35(1).

2020 journal article
Bending response of lap welded steel pipeline joints

2020 journal article
Flexural performance of pretensioned ultra-high performance fibre reinforced concrete beams with CFRP tendons
Composite Structures, 243, 112223.

2019 journal article
Anchor Bolt Patterns for Mechanically Fastened FRP Plates
Journal of Composites for Construction, 23(4).

2019 journal article
Numerical simulation and experimental corroboration of galvanic corrosion of mild steel in synthetic concrete pore solution

2018 journal article
Boundary Elements of Special Reinforced Concrete Walls Tested under Different Loading Paths
EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA, 34(3), 1267–1288.

2018 journal article
Influence of geometry and fiber properties on rupture strain of cylindrical FRP jackets under internal ICE pressure

2018 conference paper
Pipelines 2018. Presented at the Pipelines 2018.

2018 journal article
Seismic performance of reinforced concrete filled steel tube drilled shafts with inground plastic hinges
Engineering Structures, 165, 106–119.

2017 journal article
New generation of precast concrete double tees reinforced with carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer grid response
PCI Journal, 90–91.
2016 journal article
New generation of precast concrete double tees reinforced by carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer grid response
PCI Journal, 87–89.
2015 journal article
New generation of precast concrete double tees reinforced with carbon-fiber reinforced polymer grid
PCI Journal, 60(4), 37–48.
2012 journal article
Development of a rational design methodology for precast concrete slender spandrel beams
PCI Journal, 182–186.
2012 journal article
Innovative Use of FRP for the Precast Industry
Advances in Structural Engineering Journal, 15(4), 565–574.

2011 journal article
Development of a rational design methodology for precast concrete slender spandrel beams: Part 2, analysis and design guidelines
PCI Journal, 106–133.
2011 journal article
Splice strength of large diameter, high strength steel reinforcing bars
Construction and Building Materials, 7.

2008 journal article
Behavior of concrete bridge decks reinforced with high-performance steel
ACI Structural Journal, 105(1), 78–86.
2007 journal article
Modeling of L-shaped, precast, prestressed concrete spandrels
PCI JOURNAL, 52(2), 78–92.

2007 journal article
Precast Concrete, L-Shaped Spandrels Revisited: Full-Scale Tests
PCI Journal, 52(2), 62–76.

2007 personal communication
Stirrups for torsion resistance prompt questions - Authors' response