@article{saha_throckmorton_lucier_seracino_proestos_2025, title={Determining Prestress Losses, Residual Capacity, and Degradation from Testing of Prestressed Concrete Bridge Girders after 56 Years of Service}, volume={30}, ISSN={["1943-5592"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1061/JBENF2.BEENG-6966}, DOI={10.1061/JBENF2.BEENG-6966}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Bridge Engineering}, author={Saha, A. S. and Throckmorton, E. and Lucier, G. and Seracino, R. and Proestos, G.T.}, year={2025}, month={Feb} } @article{sevil yaman_lucier_2023, title={Cyclic Lateral Loading Behavior of Thin-Shell Precast Concrete Wall Panels}, volume={13}, ISSN={["2075-5309"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings13112750}, DOI={10.3390/buildings13112750}, abstractNote={Two precast concrete thin-shell wall panels were subjected to reverse-cyclic lateral loads to replicate wind fatigue over a 50-year design lifetime prior to loading to failure. The panels consisted of an outer wythe of concrete connected to light-gauge steel framing. Wire mesh was used to reinforce the concrete panel skin. Rivets provided a connection between the steel studs and the concrete panel. Two reinforced concrete (R/C) beams were integrated into the top and bottom parts of the panel, isolated from the concrete face by a thin sheet of extruded polystyrene (XPS) foam insulation. To connect these beams with the concrete face through the rigid foam insulation, a carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) grid was utilized. The aim of the experimental program was to characterize the behavior of the concrete and steel framing panel, with particular attention focused on the connections between the various structural elements of the panel. The first and second thin-shell panels survived the fatigue loading cycles and behaved elastically through failure-level lateral load cycles equivalent to 54 psf (2.6 kPa) and 66 psf (3.2 kPa) of applied uniform load, respectively. The failure mode was the separation of the top R/C beam from the concrete panel on the pull stroke of the loading cycle (when the connection between the beam and the concrete shell was in tension) for both specimens.}, number={11}, journal={BUILDINGS}, author={Sevil Yaman, Tugce and Lucier, Gregory}, year={2023}, month={Nov} } @article{lin_mccoy_lucier_seracino_pierce_2023, title={Rapid Prestressed Concrete Retrofit with Prestressed Mechanically-Fastened Fiber-Reinforced Polymer: Field Performance and Observation for a Deteriorated Prestressed Concrete Bridge}, volume={2678}, ISSN={0361-1981 2169-4052}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/03611981231186981}, DOI={10.1177/03611981231186981}, abstractNote={ This paper presents repairs to rural bridges in North Carolina that deteriorated as a result variously of aging, overweight traffic, and exposure to salts and sulfates. The prestressed concrete C-channel superstructures exhibited prestressing strand loss and displayed significant concrete spalling, with one structure having to be closed to traffic after a routine inspection. Analysis conducted using the American Association of State Highway and Transportations Officials (AASHTO) bridge load rating criteria concluded that repair techniques which strengthen deteriorated flexural elements without also restoring lost prestressing forces are insufficient to maintain load ratings in C-channel structures with heavily damaged prestressing tendons. A prestressed mechanically-fastened fiber-reinforced polymer (MF-FRP) retrofit solution was developed and successfully installed on three structures by the authors and North Carolina Department of Transportation maintenance crews. The most extensive of these three repairs is presented here in detail. The field applications and associated analysis show the temporary MF-FRP repair system is capable of restoring lost prestressing forces, allowing original inventory and operating ratings to remain in place until a permanent superstructure replacement can be scheduled. The most heavily repaired bridge remains in service after 23 months, its performance demonstrated by long-term monitoring data. As currently implemented, the MF-FRP repair is a viable temporary solution for maintaining traffic on a degraded structure while a replacement structure is designed, programmed, and implemented. Efforts to expand the MF-FRP repair into a longer-term solution are underway. }, number={4}, journal={Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board}, publisher={SAGE Publications}, author={Lin, Sheng-Hsuan and McCoy, Brad C. and Lucier, Gregory W. and Seracino, Rudolf and Pierce, Nicholas A.}, year={2023}, month={Aug}, pages={804–818} } @article{yaman_lucier_2023, title={Shear Transfer Mechanism between CFRP Grid and EPS Rigid Foam Insulation of Precast Concrete Sandwich Panels}, volume={13}, ISSN={["2075-5309"]}, url={https://www.mdpi.com/2075-5309/13/4/928}, DOI={10.3390/buildings13040928}, abstractNote={An experimental program was implemented to investigate the shear transfer mechanism of carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) grids and expanded polystyrene (EPS) rigid foam insulation in three wythe precast concrete sandwich wall panels. The purpose of the research was to measure the shear flow capacity and to observe the failure mode(s) of precast concrete sandwich panels manufactured with a CFRP grid shear transfer mechanism between wythes. Six precast concrete sandwich panels were examined by push-out tests in which the center concrete wythe was pushed downward with respect to two outer concrete wythes. It was observed that the average shear flow capacity of the specimens having 2 in (51 mm) thick foam was higher than that of the specimens having 4 in (102 mm) thick foam. In addition, stiffness decreased significantly when the thickness of the EPS insulation increased. The failure mode for the panels included relative displacement between the center concrete wythe and the outer concrete wythes. Test results showed that panels tended to fail by CFRP grid rupture, CFRP grid pull-out, and loss of bond at the concrete/foam interface. Further tests should be performed to fully comprehend the nature of the shear transfer mechanism between the specific CFRP grid used and EPS rigid foam insulation.}, number={4}, journal={BUILDINGS}, author={Yaman, Tugce Sevil and Lucier, Gregory}, year={2023}, month={Apr} } @article{keil_fappas_gobler_sarvanis_chatzopoulou_lucier_mielke_karamanos_2022, title={A new concept for improving the structural resilience of lap-welded steel pipeline joints}, volume={171}, ISSN={["1879-3223"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.tws.2021.108676}, abstractNote={Lap-welded steel joints are widely used in steel pipelines for water transmission, and their structural resistance is essential for safeguarding pipeline integrity and functionality after severe earthquakes or other geohazards. These pipelines are thin-walled with a diameter-to-thickness ratio ranging between 100 and 240 and are susceptible to buckling. The present paper is part of a longtime research project on the structural performance of lap-welded steel pipeline joints subjected to severe inelastic deformations, motivated by the need of pipeline safety in geohazards areas. The work described in the present paper focuses on the mechanical behavior, analysis, and design of a new seismic resistant lap-welded joint which was developed to improve the structural performance of lap-welded steel pipelines. Analysis consists of extensive finite element simulations, supported by a series of special-purpose full-scale experiments, on the mechanical response of the new lap-welded joints subjected to severe structural (axial and bending) loading conditions. The proposed joint consists of the standard lap weld configuration, enhanced by a small geometric projection introduced at a specific location near the field-applied fillet weld. The numerical and experimental results demonstrate that under severe compressive loading, this enhancement of the standard lap-welded joint results in consistent and preferential buckling of the steel pipe cylinder and not the lap-welded joint. The proposed joint effectively allows for the steel pipeline resistance to not be limited by the compression capacity of the standard lap-welded joint and offers an efficient, reliable, and economical solution for lap-welded joints in steel water pipelines constructed in geohazard areas.}, journal={THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES}, author={Keil, Brent D. and Fappas, Dimitris and Gobler, Fritz and Sarvanis, Gregory C. and Chatzopoulou, Giannoula and Lucier, Gregory and Mielke, Richard D. and Karamanos, Spyros A.}, year={2022}, month={Feb} } @article{nafadi_lucier_yaman_gleich_rizkalla_2021, title={Long-term behavior of precast, prestressed concrete sandwich panels reinforced with carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer shear grid}, volume={66}, ISSN={["0887-9672"]}, DOI={10.15554/pcij66.5-01}, abstractNote={■ The applied fatigue testing did not affect the ultimate performance of the panels and had a minimal effect on the composite action between the wythes. Precast concrete sandwich panels are typically used to construct high-performance, energy-efficient building envelopes. These panels typically consist of two concrete wythes separated by rigid foam insulation, such as expanded polystyrene (EPS) or extruded polystyrene (XPS). The panels are designed to resist floor loads as well as wind or seismic lateral loads while providing efficient insulation to the structure. They are often fabricated with heights over 45 ft (13.7 m) and widths up to 15 ft (4.6 m). Wythe thickness commonly ranges from 2 to 6 in. (50.8 to 152.4 mm), and overall panel thickness may be from 6 to over 12 in. (304.8 mm). Longitudinal prestressing is normally provided in both concrete wythes to control cracks.}, number={5}, journal={PCI JOURNAL}, author={Nafadi, Mohamed K. and Lucier, Gregory and Yaman, Tugce Sevil and Gleich, Harry and Rizkalla, Sami}, year={2021}, pages={23–38} } @article{sarvanis_chatzopoulou_fappas_karamanos_keil_lucier_gobler_mielke_2020, title={Bending response of lap welded steel pipeline joints}, volume={157}, ISSN={["1879-3223"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.tws.2020.107065}, abstractNote={The paper presents a combined experimental and numerical investigation of the bending response of lap welded joints in pressurized steel water pipelines. It is motivated by the structural performance of large-diameter steel pipelines used for water transmission in seismic and geohazard areas, where the pipeline may be subjected to severe permanent ground-induced actions. A series of large-scale four-point bending experiments on lap welded joints has been performed, and rigorous finite element numerical models have been developed for conducting extensive numerical simulations. The numerical models account for the bell forming process and the corresponding residual stresses, as well as the presence of initial geometric imperfections on the pipeline wall. A very good comparison has been found between experimental results and numerical simulations in terms of both global response and local strains developed at the vicinity of the weld. The finite element models are also employed for elucidating some interesting features of lap welded joint behavior under severe bending deformation, towards determining the joint strength, its deformation capacity and the evolution of strain at different deformation stages. The experimental and numerical results indicate that lap welded joints, can sustain a significant level of bending deformation and strain, without loss of pressure containment, and can be used in geohazard areas, where severe permanent ground-induced strains on the pipeline wall are expected to develop.}, journal={THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES}, author={Sarvanis, Gregory C. and Chatzopoulou, Giannoula and Fappas, Dimitris and Karamanos, Spyros A. and Keil, Brent D. and Lucier, Gregory and Gobler, Fritz and Mielke, Richard D.}, year={2020}, month={Dec} } @article{sturm_visintin_seracino_lucier_oehlers_2020, title={Flexural performance of pretensioned ultra-high performance fibre reinforced concrete beams with CFRP tendons}, volume={243}, ISSN={0263-8223}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112223}, DOI={10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112223}, abstractNote={In this paper, the mechanical performance of pretensioned concrete girders manufactured with ultra-high performance fibre reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) and carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) tendons is explored both experimentally and analytically. For the experimental investigation, four UHPFRC beams with either steel or CFRP tendons are tested under four point bending to failure. Digital image correlation is used to monitor the development of cracks. These results are then used to validate a rational analysis technique based on the modelling of concrete cracking and crushing through the application of partial interaction mechanics which is then compared to that suggested by codes of practice}, journal={Composite Structures}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Sturm, A.B. and Visintin, P. and Seracino, R. and Lucier, G.W. and Oehlers, D.J.}, year={2020}, month={Jul}, pages={112223} } @article{mccoy_bourara_lucier_seracino_liu_lin_2021, title={Prestressed MF-FRP: Experimental Study of Rapid Retrofit Solution for Deteriorated Prestressed C-Channel Beams}, volume={35}, ISSN={0887-3828 1943-5509}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0001536}, DOI={10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0001536}, abstractNote={AbstractThis paper presents design and installation details and full-scale test results for a prestressed mechanically fastened fiber-reinforced polymer (MF-FRP) retrofit solution that restores the...}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities}, publisher={American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)}, author={McCoy, Brad C. and Bourara, Zakariya and Lucier, Gregory W. and Seracino, Rudolf and Liu, Min and Lin, Sheng-Hsuan}, year={2021}, month={Feb} } @article{mccoy_bourara_seracino_lucier_2019, title={Anchor Bolt Patterns for Mechanically Fastened FRP Plates}, volume={23}, ISSN={1090-0268 1943-5614}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)CC.1943-5614.0000951}, DOI={10.1061/(ASCE)CC.1943-5614.0000951}, abstractNote={AbstractThis paper examines the results of material testing of hybrid carbon and glass fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) plates for use in prestressed mechanically fastened applications. The small-sca...}, number={4}, journal={Journal of Composites for Construction}, publisher={American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)}, author={McCoy, Brad C. and Bourara, Zakariya and Seracino, Rudolf and Lucier, Gregory W.}, year={2019}, month={Aug} } @article{mohammadian_rashetnia_lucier_seracino_pour-ghaz_2019, title={Numerical simulation and experimental corroboration of galvanic corrosion of mild steel in synthetic concrete pore solution}, volume={103}, ISSN={["1873-393X"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2019.04.027}, abstractNote={Corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete is one of the most prevalent deterioration mechanisms affecting reinforced concrete structures. While there have been significant advances in modeling the initiation stage of corrosion, corrosion kinetic models for predicting the rate of corrosion after depassivation of steel are scarce, and models with experimental corroboration under controlled experimental conditions are virtually nonexistent. Furthermore, the sensitivity of corrosion kinetic models to the uncertainty of their input parameters is not understood. The objective of the present work is to model active corrosion of steel in synthetic solution, experimentally corroborate the modeling approach under controlled conditions, and study the effect of uncertainty of the input parameters on the model predictions. To this end, a two-dimensional finite element method is used to solve the coupled system of Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP) equations subjected to electroneutrality constraint. To corroborate the modeling approach, the results of computations are compared against one-dimensional and two-dimensional galvanic corrosion of stainless/carbon steel in dilute and non-dilute NaCl electrolytes as well as two synthetic concrete pore solutions. The modeling parameters, including electrode polarization behaviors and electrolyte properties, are obtained experimentally. Monte Carlo simulations are used to understand the effect of uncertainty of polarization parameters on the predicted corrosion rate.}, journal={CEMENT & CONCRETE COMPOSITES}, author={Mohammadian, Armita and Rashetnia, Reza and Lucier, Gregory and Seracino, Rudolf and Pour-Ghaz, Mohammad}, year={2019}, month={Oct}, pages={263–278} } @article{haro_kowalsky_chai_lucier_2018, title={Boundary Elements of Special Reinforced Concrete Walls Tested under Different Loading Paths}, volume={34}, DOI={10.1193/081617EQS160M}, abstractNote={ Large inelastic tensile strains and wide horizontal cracks primarily caused by in-plane loading, may lead to local out-of-plane deformations of the end regions of reinforced concrete (RC) walls within a buckled zone that comprises the plastic hinge length. Critical parameters that influence the onset of this failure mode have been studied through past experimental tests on RC prisms subjected to axial loading, which simulates the response of end regions of RC walls under in-plane demands. Missing from those studies is the effect of bidirectional loading protocols and the effect of the longitudinal reinforcement ratio on the hysteretic response. Therefore, 12 RC prisms with 3 longitudinal steel ratios representative of prototype boundary elements of typical special RC walls and piers walls were tested. The experimental results showed that the longitudinal steel content and the in-plane loading demands mainly govern the onset of out-of-plane buckling instability of planar RC walls. }, number={3}, journal={EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA}, author={Haro, Ana G. and Kowalsky, Mervyn and Chai, Y. H. and Lucier, Gregory}, year={2018}, pages={1267–1288} } @article{sadeghian_seracino_das_lucier_2018, title={Influence of geometry and fiber properties on rupture strain of cylindrical FRP jackets under internal ICE pressure}, volume={192}, ISSN={["1879-1085"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2018.02.077}, DOI={10.1016/j.compstruct.2018.02.077}, abstractNote={This paper presents an study on the rupture strain of cylindrical fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) jackets under internal ice pressure. A total of 45 cylindrical FRP jackets were prepared using three unidirectional carbon, glass, and basalt fabrics in three different internal diameters, namely 60, 114, and 216 mm, and one-, two-, and three-plies. Three jackets for each combination were typically tested and the average hoop rupture strains were obtained and compared to the rupture strain of flat coupons in the form of a strain efficiency factor. It was found that the strain efficiency factor ranged from 0.53 to 1.05 with an average of 0.77. A new analytical model was also developed based on the bi-axial state of stress in a cylindrical FRP jacket to obtain the rupture strain and strain efficiency factor of the FRP jacket using a closed-form solution. The model engaged four major parameters, namely: diameter, thickness, axial/transverse strength ratio, and Poisson’s ratio of the FRP jacket. The two latter parameters were eliminated after a parametric study to propose a simplified formula. The analytical and simplified models predicted the experimental strain efficiency factors with an average error of −3.4% and −4.6%, respectively.}, journal={COMPOSITE STRUCTURES}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Sadeghian, Pedram and Seracino, Rudolf and Das, Baishali and Lucier, Gregory}, year={2018}, month={May}, pages={173–183} } @inproceedings{keil_gobler_mielke_lucier_sarvanis_karamanos_2018, title={Seismic}, ISBN={9780784481646}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/9780784481646.045}, DOI={10.1061/9780784481646.045}, abstractNote={1Northwest Pipe Co., Vancouver, WA, USA. E-mail: BKEIL@nwpipe.com 2Northwest Pipe Co., Vancouver, WA, USA. E-mail: fgobler@nwpipe.com 3Northwest Pipe Co., Vancouver, WA, USA. E-mail: RMIELKE@nwpipe.com 4North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. E-mail: gwlucier@ncsu.edu 5Univ. of Thessaly, Volos, Greece. E-mail: gsarvan@uth.gr; skara@mie.uth.gr 6Univ. of Thessaly, Volos, Greece; Univ. of Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K. E-mail: spyros.karamanos@ed.ac.uk}, booktitle={Pipelines 2018}, publisher={American Society of Civil Engineers}, author={Keil, Brent D. and Gobler, Fritz and Mielke, Richard D. and Lucier, Gregory and Sarvanis, Gregory C. and Karamanos, Spyros A.}, year={2018}, month={Jul} } @article{aguirre_kowalsky_nau_gabr_lucier_2018, title={Seismic performance of reinforced concrete filled steel tube drilled shafts with inground plastic hinges}, volume={165}, ISSN={0141-0296}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2018.03.034}, DOI={10.1016/j.engstruct.2018.03.034}, abstractNote={The seismic performance of reinforced concrete-filled steel tube (RCFST) drilled shafts, also known as RCFST pile-columns, was examined based on experimental tests conducted on twelve half-scale RCFST specimens at the soil-structure interaction facility at the North Carolina State University, Constructed Facilities Laboratory (NCSU-CFL). The specimens consisted of steel tubes with diameter-to-thickness (D/t) ratios ranging from 48 to 95 that were filled with reinforced concrete. Spirally welded steel tubes with outer diameters (D) of 12″ (305 mm) and 12–3/4″ (324 mm) were utilized. The specimens were tested with aboveground-to-diameter (La/D) ratios of 5.5 and 7.5, and they were embedded 14′ (4270 mm) into poorly graded sand (SP). Different levels of soil stiffness were induced in the sand by using a soil-sandwich approach, which allowed for modifying the soil stiffness profile by means of applying a surcharge on the soil surface. Cyclic lateral load was applied by a 100-kip (445 kN), 70-in. (1780 mm) stroke hydraulic actuator, supported on a braced steel frame, and pin-connected to the pile-column head ensuring that the plastic hinge developed below ground. The failure mechanism was controlled by the tensile strain in the steel tube and it was caused by a combination of tube local buckling and tube fracture. First, tube local buckling developed outward at the extreme compression fiber of the section. Tube fracture then occurred in the section with the largest buckle and it extended around about half of the section perimeter. The plastic hinge developed at depths of 2D to 4D. Onset of tube local buckling was observed at higher displacement ductility levels (µ = 3) for specimens using thicker tubes (D/t = 48) than for those using thinner tubes (D/t = 95). The force-displacement response, tensile strain distribution, and hysteretic equivalent viscous damping are discussed in this paper.}, journal={Engineering Structures}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Aguirre, D.A. and Kowalsky, M.J. and Nau, J.M. and Gabr, M. and Lucier, G.}, year={2018}, month={Jun}, pages={106–119} } @article{lunn_lucier_rizkalla_cleland_gleich_2017, title={New generation of precast concrete double tees reinforced with carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer grid response}, journal={PCI Journal}, author={Lunn, D. and Lucier, G. and Rizkalla, S. and Cleland, N. and Gleich, H.}, year={2017}, pages={90–91} } @article{lunn_lucier_rizkalla_cleland_gleich_2016, title={New generation of precast concrete double tees reinforced by carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer grid response}, journal={PCI Journal}, author={Lunn, D. and Lucier, G. and Rizkalla, S. and Cleland, N. and Gleich, H.}, year={2016}, pages={87–89} } @article{lunn_lucier_rizkalla_cleland_gleich_2015, title={New generation of precast concrete double tees reinforced with carbon-fiber reinforced polymer grid}, volume={60}, ISSN={0887-9672}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.15554/pcij.07012015.37.48}, DOI={10.15554/pcij.07012015.37.48}, number={4}, journal={PCI Journal}, publisher={Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute}, author={Lunn, Dillon and Lucier, Gregory and Rizkalla, Sami and Cleland, Ned and Gleich, Harry}, year={2015}, month={Jul}, pages={37–48} } @article{klein_rizkalla_zia_lucier_2012, title={Development of a rational design methodology for precast concrete slender spandrel beams}, journal={PCI Journal}, author={Klein, G. and Rizkalla, S. and Zia, P. and Lucier, G.}, year={2012}, pages={182–186} } @article{rizkalla_lucier_dawood_2012, title={Innovative Use of FRP for the Precast Industry}, volume={15}, ISSN={["2048-4011"]}, DOI={10.1260/1369-4332.15.4.565}, abstractNote={ This paper presents several advancements in the use of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) materials for the precast concrete industry. Precast concrete members are commonly selected for reasons such as the high level of quality control used in their production, the durability of the finished structure, reduced labor costs and shorter construction schedules, and the economics of scale achieved with mass-production of components. The environmental durability, high strength to weight ratio, and ease of installation of FRP reinforcements an attractive alternative material for the precast industry. This paper presents several advancements in the use of FRP grid as flange reinforcement for precast double-tee members, as a shear transfer mechanism for thermally efficient composite and partially-composite load bearing wall panels, as reinforcement for precast architectural cladding panels. Each of these applications highlights the advantages of using FRP materials to achieve significant enhancement of the structural, thermal and architectural performance. The innovative use of the FRP materials and the unique construction techniques described have resulted in the development of safe and functional structures, as demonstrated by the research conducted by the authors and others in collaboration with the precast industry. }, number={4}, journal={Advances in Structural Engineering Journal}, author={Rizkalla, S. and Lucier, G. and Dawood, M.}, year={2012}, month={Apr}, pages={565–574} } @article{lucier_walter_rizkalla_zia_klein_2011, title={Development of a rational design methodology for precast concrete slender spandrel beams: Part 2, analysis and design guidelines}, DOI={10.15554/pcij.09012011.106.133}, abstractNote={This paper summarizes the results of an analytical research program undertaken to develop a rational design procedure for normalweight precast concrete slender spandrel beams. The analytical and rational models use test results and research findings of an extensive experimental program presented in the companion paper "Development of a Rational Design Methodology for Precast Concrete Slender Spandrel Beams: Part 1, Experimental Results," which appeared in the Spring 2011 issue of PCI Journal. The overall research effort demonstrated the validity of using open web reinforcement in precast concrete slender spandrel beams and proposed a simplified procedure for design. The webs of such slender spandrels, particularly in their end regions, are often heavily congested with reinforcing cages when designed with current procedures. The experimental and analytical results demonstrate that open web reinforcement designed according to the proposed procedure is safe and effective and provides an efficient alternative to traditional closed stirrups for precast concrete slender spandrel beams.}, journal={PCI Journal}, author={Lucier, Gregory and Walter, C. and Rizkalla, S. and Zia, P. and Klein, G.}, year={2011}, pages={106–133} } @article{hassan_lucier_rizkalla_2011, title={Splice strength of large diameter, high strength steel reinforcing bars}, volume={7}, ISSN={0950-0618}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2011.06.013}, DOI={10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2011.06.013}, abstractNote={The results of an experimental program conducted to study the splice strength of large diameter, high strength reinforcing bars, either No. 20 (63.5 mm diameter) or No. 9 (28 mm diameter), are presented. The parameters included in the experimental program are the bar size, splice length, concrete compressive strength, and the amount of transverse reinforcement provided within the splice zone. The ability of several models including the current ACI 318 Building Code, to predict the maximum steel stresses at the onset of splitting failure was examined for these high strength, large diameter bars. The influence of the moment of inertia of the bar on the induced splitting stresses was evaluated numerically using finite element analysis. Test results showed that the presence of transverse reinforcement has a more pronounced effect for large diameter spliced-bars compared to regular size bars. It is also shown that the current ACI 318 Building Code provided more conservative bond strength predictions for regular bars compared to large diameter bars.}, journal={Construction and Building Materials}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Hassan, Tarek K. and Lucier, Gregory W. and Rizkalla, Sami H.}, year={2011}, month={Jul} } @article{seliem_lucier_rizkalla_zia_2008, title={Behavior of concrete bridge decks reinforced with high-performance steel}, volume={105}, DOI={10.14359/19071}, abstractNote={This paper describes the behavior of concrete bridge decks reinforced with newly developed high-perfonnance (HPJ steel that is charac­ terized by its high stren gth mId en hanced corrosion-resistance in comparison with conventionaL ASTM A6JS-06 Grade 60 steel. The study presented herein included testing of three full-scale bridge decks with a span-depth ratio of 12.5. The first and second decks were constructed with the same reinforcement ratio using HP and Grade 60 steel, respectively. The third deck was reinforced with HP steel using 33% less reinforcement in an attempt to use its high strength. A nonlinear finite elemen t model was used to predict the mode offailure alldfailure loads. Test results demollstrate that the use of HP steel at a reduced reinforcement ratio is viable as flexural reinforcemellt in concrete bridge decks. The paper also presents the test results of specially-designed specimens to study the effect of bending of HP steel bars on their tensile strength.}, number={1}, journal={ACI Structural Journal}, author={Seliem, H. M. and Lucier, Gregory and Rizkalla, S. H. and Zia, P.}, year={2008}, pages={78–86} } @article{hassan_lucier_rizkalla_zia_2007, title={Modeling of L-shaped, precast, prestressed concrete spandrels}, volume={52}, ISSN={["0887-9672"]}, DOI={10.15554/pcij.03012007.78.92}, abstractNote={This paper presents results of nonlinear finite element (FE) analyses conducted to model the behavior of L-shaped, precast, prestressed concrete spandrels built with open web reinforcement. The FE model was calibrated using experimental results from recent tests of slender, L-shaped, precast, prestressed concrete spandrels. Detailed correlative studies between analytical and experimental results are provided, demonstrating the capability of the FE program to describe the observed experimental behavior. The feasibility of using open web reinforcement in compact, L-shaped, precast, prestressed concrete spandrels to achieve a more construction-friendly reinforcement scheme is also examined. Five different web reinforcement configurations for the compact spandrels were studied in order to evaluate the contribution of closed stirrups to the spandrels' shear-torsion behavior. The behavior, ultimate load-carrying capacity, and mode of failure of both the slender and compact L-shaped precast, prestressed concrete spandrels are presented. For loading values near the ultimate, the out-of-plane bending behavior of compact, L-shaped, precast, prestressed concrete spandrels is strongly influenced by the web-reinforcement configuration. Results from the analysis show that for long-span, compact spandrels, open web reinforcement can be used effectively to resist torsional forces throughout the member.}, number={2}, journal={PCI JOURNAL}, author={Hassan, Tarek and Lucier, Gregory and Rizkalla, Sarni and Zia, Paul}, year={2007}, pages={78–92} } @article{lucier_rizkalla_zia_klein_2007, title={Precast Concrete, L-Shaped Spandrels Revisited: Full-Scale Tests}, volume={52}, ISSN={0887-9672}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.15554/pcij.03012007.62.76}, DOI={10.15554/pcij.03012007.62.76}, abstractNote={This paper presents results from full-scale testing conducted on 4 precast, prestressed concrete L-shaped spandrels. The 4 L-shaped spandrels were each loaded through 12-ft-long, prestressed double tees that rested on the spandrel ledge at one end and on an independent support at the other. None of the beams were constructed with closed stirrups of mild-steel reinforcement. Rather, different arrangements of transverse L-shaped bars, welded-wire reinforcement, and longitudinal bars were provided to resist the shear and torsion induced in the spandrels. Shear and torsion forces were created by the double-tee reaction forces that were loaded eccentrically to the spandrels. The transverse and longitudinal reinforcement resisted the combined effects of vertical shear and out-of-plane bending of the web and satisfied minimum vertical hanger reinforcement requirements for ledge-to-web attachment. All beams sustained loads in excess of their factored design loads. Eliminating the need for closed reinforcement in slender spandrels would be of significant benefit to the precast concrete industry. This design approach would enhance constructability of slender members, which could increase plant productivity and reduce overall costs. Behavior of all 4 spandrels at various limit states is presented, including crack patterns and failure modes. Researchers used these test results to better understand the fundamental mechanism developed in the L-shaped spandrels to resist shear and torsion.}, number={2}, journal={PCI Journal}, publisher={Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute}, author={Lucier, Gregory and Rizkalla, Sami and Zia, Paul and Klein, Gary}, year={2007}, month={Mar}, pages={62–76} } @misc{lucier_hassan_rizkalla_klein_zia_2007, title={Stirrups for torsion resistance prompt questions - Authors' response}, volume={52}, number={4}, journal={PCI Journal}, author={Lucier, G. and Hassan, T. and Rizkalla, S. and Klein, G. and Zia, P.}, year={2007}, pages={14–14} }