Works (99)
2024 journal article
Exploring Gameplay and Learning in a Narrative-Centered Digital Game for Elementary Science Education
IEEE Transactions on Games.
2023 article
Project-Based Inquiry (PBI) Global Border-Crossing Discourse Within a Collaboration of Students from China and the United States
2023 journal article
Project-Based Inquiry (PBI) Global during a Pandemic: A New Learning Ecology Perspective
2023 article
Teaching K-8 English Learners Literacy and Academic Content: Educator Beliefs and Discursive Engagement in an Online Teacher Professional Development Course
Bausell, S. B., Himes, M., & Spires, H. A. (2023, July 9). AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DISTANCE EDUCATION, Vol. 7.
2023 article
Towards an Overarching Definition of Global Literacies Introduction
2022 journal article
Supporting Students' Science Content Knowledge and Motivation through Project-Based Inquiry (PBI) Global in a Cross-School Collaboration
2021 journal article
"We Are the Future": Critical Inquiry and Social Action in the Classroom
2020 chapter
A world of difference: Teaching global citizenship through inquiry in a rural junior high school
In A. Cordova & W. Reynolds (Eds.), Educating for Social Justice: Field Notes from Rural Communities (pp. 298–328).
Ed(s): A. Cordova & W. Reynolds
2020 book
Read, Write, Inquire: Disciplinary Literacy in Grades 6-12
New York: Teachers College Press.
2020 journal article
Teaching New Literacies and Inquiry: A Grassroots Effort to Bring About Educational Change in Kenya
2019 journal article
Critical Perspectives on Digital Literacies: Creating a Path Forward
Media and Communication, 7(2), 1.
2019 journal article
Game-based literacies and learning: Towards a transactional theoretical perspective
Journal of Literacy and Technology, 20(4), 81–134.
2019 journal article
Going Global With Project-Based Inquiry: Cosmopolitan Literacies in Practice
2019 journal article
Project-Based Inquiry (PBI) Global in Kindergarten Classroom: Inquiring About the World
2018 journal article
Cross-Cultural Collaborative Inquiry: A Collective Case Study with Students from China and the US
Contributors: , C. Medlock Paul n, M. Himes n & C. Yuan n n
2018 journal article
Educational cosmopolitanism and collaborative inquiry with Chinese and US teachers
Teaching Education, 30(4), 437–454.
Contributors: , S. Kerkhoff * & N. Fortune * n
2018 journal article
Operationalizing and validating disciplinary literacy in secondary education
READING AND WRITING, 31(6), 1401–1434.
Contributors: , S. Kerkhoff *, A. Graham n, I. Thompson n & J. Lee n n
2018 chapter
Project-Based Inquiry: Professional Development With Chinese EFL Elementary Teachers
In P. Roberson & T. Huber (Eds.), Inquiries Into Literacy Learning and Cultural Competencies in a World of Borders (pp. 183–198). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Ed(s): P. Roberson & T. Huber
2017 chapter
Chinese Parents' Perspectives on International Higher Education and Innovation
In Digital Transformation and Innovation in Chinese Education (pp. 272–287).
2017 chapter
Community of Inquiry as Teacher Professional Development in China: New Literacies, New Complexities
In H. Spires (Ed.), Digital transformation and innovation in Chinese education (pp. 100–118).
2017 journal article
Cross-cultural inquiry in science
Educational Leadership, 74(4), 72-.
2017 chapter
Designing a State-of-the-Art High School in Suzhou, China
In Digital Transformation and Innovation in Chinese Education (pp. 191–210).
2017 article
Digital Literacy for the 21st Century
2017 book
2016 journal article
Connecting classrooms to the future: Developing cross-cultural understandings through project-based inquiry
Literacy Today, 34(1), 26–27.
2016 journal article
Cross-cultural inquiry in science
Educational Leadership, 74(4).
2016 journal article
Disciplinary Literacy and Inquiry: Teaching for Deeper Content Learning
2016 journal article
Disciplinary literacy in the middle school: Exploring pedagogical tensions
Middle Grades Research Journal, 11(1), 63–83.
2016 journal article
Enhancing Writing Achievement Through a Digital Learning Environment: Case Studies of Three Struggling Adolescent Male Writers
Contributors: M. Pruden n, S. Kerkhoff n, n & J. Lester n
2016 journal article
Game-based learning: creating a multidisciplinary community of inquiry
ON THE HORIZON, 24(1), 88–93.
Contributors: & J. Lester n n
2016 chapter
New literacies
In S. B. Mertens, M. M. Caskey, & N. Flowers (Eds.), The encyclopedia of middle grades education (2nd ed., pp. 282–286). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Ed(s): S. Mertens, M. Caskey & N. Flowers
2015 journal article
DIGITAL GAMEPLAY effects on young adolescents' science content learning
Research on Teaching and Learning with the Literacies of Young Adolescents, 10, 75–95.
2015 journal article
Digital Game-Based Learning: What's Literacy Got to Do With It?
2015 chapter
Digital literacy and engagement in business education
In National Business Education Yearbook (pp. 211–225). Reston, VA: National Business Education Association.
2015 book
Fifth graders' flow experience in a digital game-based science learning environment
In Gamification: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (Vol. 3-4, pp. 1433–1450).
2015 journal article
Getting close to close reading: Teachers making instructional shifts in early literacy.
Journal of Language and Literacy Education, 11(2), 44–63.
2015 journal article
Portraits Of One-To-One Learning Environments In A New Learning Ecology
International Journal of Learning, Teaching, and Educational Research, 10(3), 78–101.
2014 journal article
Fifth graders' flow experience in a digital game-based science learning environment
International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments, 5(2), 69–86.
2013 journal article
Creative synthesis and TPACK: Supporting teachers through a technology and inquiry-rich graduate degree program
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 13(4), 386–418.
2013 journal article
Designing game-based learning environments for elementary science education: A narrative-centered learning perspective
Contributors: J. Lester n, n , J. Nietfeld n , J. Minogue n, B. Mott n & E. Lobene n
2013 chapter
Embracing project-based learning with emerging technologies in the multi-age classroom
In A. Cohan & A. Honigsfeld (Eds.), Breaking the mold of education: Innovative and successful practices for student engagement, empowerment and motivation. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
Ed(s): A. Cohan & A. Honigsfeld
2013 chapter
Scaffolding the TPACK framework in reading and language arts: New literacies, new minds
In C. A. Young & S. Kajder (Eds.), Research on technology in English education (pp. 33–61). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Ed(s): C. Young & S. Kajder
2012 journal article
Energizing Project-Based Inquiry: Middle-Grade Students Read, Write, and Create Videos
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 55(6), 483–493.
Contributors: , L. Hervey*, G. Morris & C. Stelpflug *
2012 journal article
New Literacies and Emerging Technologies: Perspectives from U.S. and Chinese Middle Level Teachers
RMLE Online, 35(10), 1–11.
2012 journal article
Toward a new learning ecology: Professional development for teachers in 1:1 learning environments
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 12(2), 232–254.
2011 journal article
Does interaction with a web-based learning environment lead to higher levels of writing self-efficacy for sixth graders?
Chronicle of Middle Level Education Research, 11(2), 7–15.
2011 journal article
Enhancing 5th graders’ science content knowledge and self-efficacy through game-based learning
Computers & Education, 59(2), 497–504.
2011 chapter
Examining upper elementary students' gameplay experience: A flow theory perspective
In A. Mendez-Vilas (Ed.), Education in a technological world: Communicating current and emerging research and technological efforts (pp. 190–198). Badajoz, Spain: Formatex Research Center.
Ed(s): A. Mendez-Vilas
2011 book
New technologies, new horizons: Graduate student views on creating their technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK)
In Student Reactions to Learning with Technologies: Perceptions and Outcomes (pp. 23–41).
2011 journal article
New technologies, new pedagogies: Finding the grail in higher education
Journal of Leadership Studies, 4(4), 54–56.
2011 journal article
Problem solving and game-based learning: Effects of middle grade students' hypothesis testing strategies on learning outcomes
Journal of Educational Computing Research, 44(4), 453–472.
Contributors: , J. Rowe n, B. Mott n & J. Lester n n
2011 journal article
Teachers' interactions in an online graduate course on moodle: A social network analysis perspective
Meridian, 13(2).
2011 journal article
The New Learning Ecology of One-to-One Computing Environments
Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 28(2), 63–72.
2009 chapter
Educating young adolescents in the Republic of Ireland: Towards a “new young Ireland"
In S. Mertens, K. Roney, & V. Anfara (Eds.), An international look at educating young adolescents (pp. 287–311). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Ed(s): S. Mertens, K. Roney & V. Anfara
2009 chapter
The Awakening of Young Adolescent Education in the People’s Republic of China
In S. Mertens, V. Anfara, & K. Roney (Eds.), An international look at educating young adolescents (pp. 97–114). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Ed(s): S. Mertens, V. Anfara & K. Roney
2009 journal article
What students think about technology and academic engagement in school: Implications for middle grades teaching and learning
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) Journal, 17(2), 61–81.
2008 chapter
21st century skills and serious games: Preparing the N generation
In L. A. Annetta (Ed.), Serious educational games: from theory to practice (pp. 13–23).
Ed(s): L. Annetta
2008 journal article
Having Our Say
Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 40(4), 497–515.
Contributors: , J. Lee n , K. Turner n & J. Johnson n
2008 journal article
The twenty-first century learner and game-based learning
Meridian, 11(1).
2004 journal article
Enhancing adolescent engagement with young adult literature through web-based strategies
The Chronicle of Middle Level Research, 4, 3–6.
2003 chapter
Promoting text engagement through reader-generated elaborations
In E. Paulson, M. Lane, S. Biggs, & T. Bullock (Eds.), College reading research and practice. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.
Ed(s): E. Paulson, M. Lane, S. Biggs & T. Bullock
2002 chapter
Curriculum integration: Theory, practice, and research for a sustainable future
In V. Anfara & S. Stacki (Eds.), Middle school curriculum, instruction, and assessment (pp. 1–22). Greenwich, CT: NMSA/Information Age Publishing.
Ed(s): V. Anfara & S. Stacki
2002 journal article
Literacy junction: Cultivating adolescent literature engagement through web options.
Reading Online, 6(2).
2002 chapter
Reading in web-based learning environments
In C. Collins Block & M. Pressley (Eds.), Comprehension instruction: Research-based best practices (pp. 115–125). New York: Guilford Press.
Ed(s): C. Collins Block & M. Pressley
2001 journal article
Exploring the academic self within an electronic mail environment
Research and Teaching in Developmental Education, 17(2), 5–14.
2001 journal article
Hemispheric processing characteristics for lexical decisions in adults with reading disorders
Perceptual and Motor Skills, 92(1), 273–287.
Contributors: M. Walker*, n & M. Rastatter*
2001 conference paper
Literacy junction: Exploring narrative theory and books for youth in a cyberworld
In J. Price (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 2202–2203). Waynesville, NC: AACE.
Ed(s): J. Price
Event: Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, at Norfolk, VA
2001 journal article
The case for social agency in computer-based teaching: Do students learn more deeply when they interact with animated pedagogical agents?
Contributors: R. Moreno, R. Mayer, & J. Lester* *
2000 journal article
Creating pathways of change - One school begins the journey
URBAN EDUCATION, 35(1), 104–120.
1999 journal article
Effects of instructional context on academic performance and self‐regulated learning in underprepared college students
Research and Teaching in Developmental Education, 16(1), 23–32.
1999 journal article
Leveling the academic playing field through autobiographical reading and writing
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 42(4), 296–304.
1999 journal article
Reculturing Teacher Education: One College Begins the Journey
Action in Teacher Education, 21(2), 51–58.
1998 journal article
Leveling the academic playing field through autobiographical reading and writing
Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 42(4), 296–304.
1998 journal article
Prior knowledge activation: Inducing, engagement with informational texts
Journal of Educational Psychology, 90(2), 249–260.
1996 journal article
The NC State University middle years teacher education program: Changing from the inside out
New Directions, II, 3.
1995 journal article
Macro?based, micro?based, and combined strategies in text processing
Reading Psychology, 16(1), 21–41.
1995 journal article
Socializing College Developmental Students to hear Their Academic Voices with Literature
Journal of Reading, 38(5), 340–345.
1994 journal article
Effects of explicit instruction in notetaking on sixth graders' lecture comprehension and attitudes toward notetaking
Reading Improvement, 31(2), 72–76.
1993 journal article
Developing a Critical Stance Toward Text Through Reading, Writing, and Speaking
Journal of Reading, 37(2), 114–122.
1993 journal article
The influence of macro and micro‐level cognitive strategies training on the prose learning process
Journal of Research and Development in Education, 26, 164–178.
1992 book review
Book review: Metacognition and reading comprehension
[Review of Metacognition and reading comprehension, by R. Garner]. Reading Psychology, 13, 76–81.
1992 chapter
Effects of explicit comprehension instruction on reading to learn
In F. Satow & B. Gatherer (Eds.), Literacy without frontiers. Edinburgh, Scotland: United Kingdom Reading Association.
Ed(s): F. Satow & B. Gatherer
1992 journal article
Effects of schema-based and text structure-based cues on expository prose comprehension in fourth graders
Journal of Experimental Education, 60(4), 307–320.
Contributors: , J. Gallini* & J. Riggsbee n n
1992 journal article
Learning from a lecture: Effects of comprehension monitoring
Reading Research and Instruction, 32(2), 19–30.
1992 journal article
Minding metaphors: Instructional strategies for production and comprehension
Teaching Thinking and Problem Solving, 14, 1–5.
1992 journal article
Promoting text engagement through reader‐generated elaborations
Forum for Reading, 23(1-2), 22–32.
1992 journal article
The influence of anaphoric relations and departures from story grammar structure on text processing
Reading Psychology, 13(2), 107–130.
1992 journal article
Using writing to explore academic self‐perceptions
Journal of Reading, 35(7), 582–583.
1991 journal article
The reading professional and certification: A view from the south
The Literacy Professional, I(2), 1.
1990 journal article
Effects of interspersed adjunct questions on comprehension monitoring: Implications for postsecondary reading instruction
Research and Teaching in Developmental Education, 7(1), 19–24.
1990 journal article
Metacognition and reading: Implications for instruction
Reading, 24(3), 151–156.
1989 journal article
Metacognitive processes of reading: A review of research
Contemporary Issues in Reading, 5, 25–32.
1989 journal article
The Directed notetaking activity: A self‐questioning approach
Journal of Reading, 33(1), 36–39.
1988 journal article
Effects of Meta-Adjunct Questions on Macrolevel Processing
The Journal of Experimental Education, 56(2), 104–110.
1988 journal article
Preserving the reading habit: A case for the young adult novel
North Carolina English Teacher, 45, 22–23.
1984 journal article
A study of test‐wiseness clues in college and university teacher‐made tests
Journal of Learning Skills, 3, 56–68.
1983 journal article
The beneficial effect of chunking on good reader's comprehension of expository prose
Journal of Reading, 26(5), 442–445.
1983 journal article
The reading anxiety scale: A better predictor of college reading achievement
Journal of Learning Skills, 2(4), 22–23.