Works (3)
2023 article
A Database for Reduced-Complexity Modeling of Fluid Flows
Towne, A., Dawson, S. T. M., Bres, G. A., Lozano-Duran, A., Saxton-Fox, T., Parthasarathy, A., … Taira, K. (2023, May 12). AIAA JOURNAL, Vol. 61.
Contributors: A. Towne *, S. Dawson *, G. Brès *, A. Lozano-Durán *, T. Saxton-Fox *, A. Parthasarathy*, A. Jones *, H. Biler *
2023 conference paper
Modal analysis for three-dimensional instability coupling mechanisms in turbulent wake flows over an airfoil
AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition, 2023.
Contributors: & C. Yeh n n
2022 manuscript
A Database for Reduced-Complexity Modeling of Fluid Flows