@inbook{paraíso clausurado: la forma con atributos_2023, booktitle={Pedro Ángel Palou y la novela infinita: Lecturas críticas}, year={2023}, month={Apr}, pages={169–180} } @inbook{mario bellatin y la filosofía del dinero_2020, year={2020} } @book{mario bellatin y las formas de la escritura_2020, year={2020} } @article{jaimes_2020, title={Octavio Paz: (re)readings of the Mexican Muralism}, volume={22}, ISSN={["2340-2199"]}, DOI={10.12795/araucaria.2020.i43.13}, abstractNote={Este articulo propone que la critica de arte que lleva a cabo Octavio Paz guarda una estrecha relacion con su vision poetica, particularmente la que se expone en El arco y la lira. Asimismo, aunque teoricamente hablando esta critica se distancia de las posturas ideologicas (partidistas), pues considera la produccion artistico-literaria como fuente de libertad en si, aqui vemos que al final la critica de Paz tambien llega a ser ideologica y es a traves de la ideologia como generara su critica en contra de los murales de Siqueiros y Rivera; sin embargo, Paz sera mas condescendiente con la vision estetica de Orozco, precisamente porque Orozco encaja dentro de su vision poetica, y dentro de -en principio- su agenda no ideologica.}, number={43}, journal={ARAUCARIA-REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE FILOSOFIA POLITICA Y HUMANIDADES}, author={Jaimes, Hector}, year={2020}, pages={267–282} } @book{kahlo_2018, title={You Are Always With Me: Letters to Mama}, author={Kahlo, Frida}, year={2018} } @article{jaimes_2017, title={Introduction: The Mexican Crack Writers-Toward a New Literary Aesthetics}, ISBN={["978-3-319-62715-1"]}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-319-62716-8_1}, abstractNote={Jaimes contextualizes the emergence of the Mexican Crack writers taking into consideration historical and literary events, and provides a general overview of the topics addressed in each of the following chapters.}, journal={MEXICAN CRACK WRITERS: HISTORY AND CRITICISM}, publisher={Cham: Palgrave Macmillan}, author={Jaimes, Hector}, year={2017}, pages={1–9} } @book{jaimes_2017, title={The Mexican Crack Writers: History and Criticism}, ISBN={9783319627151}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-319-62716-8}, abstractNote={This book provides a rich and cutting-edge analysis of one of the most prominent literary groups in Latin America: the Mexican Crack Writers. The first}, publisher={Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan}, author={Jaimes, Héctor}, year={2017} } @article{jaimes_2017, title={Toward a Philosophy of Love: Pedro Angel Palou's Qliphoth and La profundidad de la piel}, ISBN={["978-3-319-62715-1"]}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-319-62716-8_8}, abstractNote={By exposing the shortcomings of contemporary theoretical debates about love when it comes to analyzing literature, Jaimes takes Octavio Paz as a backdrop for his examination of two of Palou’s novels, Qliphoth (2003) and La profundidad de la piel (2010), through the lens of the “philosophy of love” that Palou advances in his writings. This philosophy of love encompasses an aesthetic quest that incorporates language, love, and eroticism. In the end, the impossibility of love, as portrayed in Palou’s novels, is resolved—according to Jaimes—through textual complexities which search for meaning beyond the body (the material) and the narrative form, as Palou aims to transcend the story of the lovers (and of their corporeality) to present the universality of love.}, journal={MEXICAN CRACK WRITERS: HISTORY AND CRITICISM}, publisher={Cham: Palgrave Macmillan}, author={Jaimes, Hector}, year={2017}, pages={127–145} } @book{jaimes_2016, title={Tu hija Frida: Cartas a mamá}, ISBN={9786070307690}, publisher={Siglo XXI Editores}, author={Jaimes, Hector}, year={2016} } @article{veinte años después: diálogo con la 'generación del crack': entrevista a ricardo chávez castañeda_2016, year={2016} } @article{jaimes_2015, title={El espiritu vanguardista de Diego Rivera: Los murales de Chapingo}, volume={LXXXI}, DOI={10.5195/reviberoamer.2015.7251}, number={250}, journal={Revista Iberoamericana}, author={Jaimes, Héctor}, year={2015}, pages={255–275} } @article{jaimes_2015, title={Ethics and "liquid modernity": Friccion of Eloy Urroz and Lodo of Guillermo Fadanelli}, volume={49}, number={1}, journal={Revista De Estudios Hispanicos}, author={Jaimes, H.}, year={2015}, pages={25–44} } @misc{jaimes_2015, title={Picon Salas: History of culture and cosmopolitanism}, volume={92}, number={4}, journal={Bulletin of Spanish Studies}, author={Jaimes, H.}, year={2015}, pages={640–641} } @article{hijano villegas_vieira_imperiale_campbell_casal_wood_fernández-cifuentes_castaño_wheeler_o'hagan_et al._2015, title={Reviews of Books}, volume={92}, ISSN={1475-3820 1478-3428}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14753820.2015.1019725}, DOI={10.1080/14753820.2015.1019725}, abstractNote={Originally published in 1963, this study was revised in 1975 and a third update appeared in 1985. The 2005 printing is an unrevised reprint of the third edition. The blurb on the back cover alludes to this but, re-appearing some twenty years after it was initially published, the book would benefit from a foreword to set it in context. The content includes discussion of the Romans, the Jews and the Moors in Spain, the medieval and Renaissance periods, the Habsburgs and the Bourbon dynasties, and comments on Spanish art, literature, architecture and music, with particular emphasis on the Siglo de Oro. The discussion of architecture and art ends with Goya, and that of literature of with the Generación del 98 (although Garcı́a Lorca is mentioned as a personal acquaintance, his work is not discussed). The later chapters deal with the Second Republic, the Civil War, Franco’s legacy and Spain in 1984. One of the book’s main strengths, then, is its scope, although this necessarily means that it is quite superficial. Another is its lively style and the enthusiasm of the writer for his subject. The result is an interesting and readable introduction to and overview of Spain’s history and culture. The chapters dealing with the twentieth century differ in tone to the earlier part of the book. As he spent two years in Republican Spain, Crow gives a first hand impression of the Republic and its problems. He is particularly at pains to prove that the Republican government was not Communist, both to show that Franco’s label of Reds was inaccurate and to criticize the USA for its participation in the ‘non-intervention Pact’ when civil war broke out. The final two chapters focus mainly on the economy and, to some extent, the social problems of Spain during and after Franco, and the last provides an interesting snapshot of Spain on the eve of its accession to the EU (then EC). A constant tension throughout is the manner in which the author argues for the quintessential ‘Spanish temperament’ (rather laboured at times), while at the same time repeatedly stressing the diversity of the peoples and the regions and the absence of homogeneity. There are various negative aspects to the book. One of these is its exoticism and repeated recourse to race, as opposed to culture, as an explanation for events or attitudes. It is also clear that Crow is only ever discussing men unless otherwise stated and, when mentioned, women are presented as viewed by men. The exception is the final chapter (though even here he lapses at times). Then too, confidence in his knowledge of the Roman era is somewhat undermined by the reference to Julius Caesar, who died 44BC, fighting a bull in the Colosseum, finished in 80AD (179). In fact, this particular discussion of bullfighting is an extended example of another feature of the book, which is the repetition of material, phrases and images. Sometimes, but not always, this is necessitated by the structure; e.g. a chapter on Moorish Spain followed by a chapter on the medieval Christian kingdoms where the same battles and events are mentioned. Overall, though irritating at times, this feature allows each chapter to stand alone. Throughout, there are extracts from other works on Spain and from Spanish literature in translation. Some of these are pertinent and interesting, but others are not. Some of the extracts from literature in translation are long and, in English, do not illustrate the point the author is making (Crow even comments on this at one point [138]). For all extracts, the system of referencing could be better (there are oddities in the numbering of sources—possibly a legacy of the various revisions), and not all quotes are, in fact, referenced. The effect of the two updates makes the author’s use of ‘today’ in the text another problem. At various points}, number={4}, journal={Bulletin of Spanish Studies}, publisher={Informa UK Limited}, author={Hijano Villegas, Manuel and Vieira, Estela and Imperiale, Louis and Campbell, Jodi and Casal, Rodrigo Cacho and Wood, Oliver Noble and Fernández-Cifuentes, María Ángeles and Castaño, Victoria Ríos and Wheeler, Duncan and O'hagan, Ciara and et al.}, year={2015}, month={Mar}, pages={607–650} } @article{la 'fricción' literaria: entrevista a eloy urroz_2013, year={2013} } @book{jaimes_2012, title={Filosofia del muralismo Mexicano: Orozco, Rivera y Siqueiros}, ISBN={9786074024661}, publisher={Mexico: Plaza y Valdes}, author={Jaimes, Hector}, year={2012} } @book{filosofía del muralismo mexicano: orozco, rivera y siqueiros_2012, place={Mexico}, journal={Plaza y Valdés}, publisher={Plaza y Valdés}, year={2012}, month={Apr} } @book{fundacion del muralismo mexicano: textos ineditos de david a. siqueiros_2012, publisher={Mexico DF: Siglo XXI}, year={2012} } @inbook{jaimes_2011, title={The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love}, ISBN={9780684316819}, booktitle={Cuba: People, Culture, History}, publisher={Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons}, author={Jaimes, H.}, year={2011} } @inbook{jaimes_2010, title={Tradicion y vanguardia: La expresion Americana de Jose Lezama Lima}, volume={9786070205125}, ISBN={9789703235810}, booktitle={Estrategias del pensar: Ensayo y prosa de ideas en America Latina Siglo XX}, publisher={Mexico, D.F. : Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico}, author={Jaimes, Hector}, year={2010}, pages={105–126} } @book{jaimes_2009, title={(Dis)pensares}, ISBN={9789801407775}, publisher={Caracas, Venezuela: Fundacion Editorial el Perro y la Rana}, author={Jaimes, Hector}, year={2009} } @misc{jaimes_2009, title={The Return of the native: Indians and myth-making in Spanish America, 1810-1930.}, volume={84}, number={2}, journal={New Mexico Historical Review}, author={Jaimes, H.}, year={2009}, pages={314–315} } @inbook{jaimes_2008, title={America}, ISBN={9780684312705}, booktitle={Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture}, publisher={Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons}, author={Jaimes, H.}, editor={Kinsbruner, Jay and Langer, Erick D.Editors}, year={2008}, pages={158–160} } @article{jaimes_2008, title={Estetica y politica en el muralismo mexicano}, number={74/75}, journal={Pagina}, author={Jaimes, H.}, year={2008}, pages={173–188} } @article{estética y política en el muralismo mexicano_2008, year={2008} } @article{jaimes_2006, title={Memorias del Desarrollo: El placer de las ruinas (entrevista a Edmundo Desnoes)}, volume={4}, number={1}, journal={Contracorriente}, author={Jaimes, H.}, year={2006}, pages={110–119} } @article{memorias del desarrollo: el placer de las ruinas: entrevista a edmundo desnoes_2006, year={2006} } @misc{jaimes_2004, title={Convergence of times. Subordinate studies/Latinamerican contexts: state, culture, subordinance.}, volume={72}, number={4}, journal={Hispanic Review}, author={Jaimes, H.}, year={2004}, pages={573–574} } @misc{jaimes_2004, title={New perspectives since/about Latin America: The challenge of cultural studies}, volume={72}, number={2}, journal={Hispanic Review}, author={Jaimes, H.}, year={2004}, pages={332–334} } @inbook{octavio paz: ensayo, historia y estética_2004, year={2004} } @book{jaimes_2004, title={Octavio Paz: La dimension estetica del ensayo}, ISBN={9682325277}, publisher={Mexico, DF: Siglo XXI}, author={Jaimes, Hector}, year={2004} } @book{octavio paz: la dimensión estética del ensayo_2004, year={2004} } @inbook{jaimes_2004, title={Oscar Hijuelos}, ISBN={068431293X}, booktitle={Latino and Latina writers}, publisher={New York: Charles Scribners'}, author={Jaimes, H.}, year={2004}, pages={653–669} } @misc{jaimes_2004, title={Postcolonial perspectives: On the cultures of Latin America and Lusophone Africa.}, volume={72}, number={3}, journal={Hispanic Review}, author={Jaimes, H.}, year={2004}, pages={448–450} } @inbook{jaimes_2002, title={Venezuela}, booktitle={World education encyclopedia: A survey of educational systems worldwide}, publisher={Detroit, MI: Gale Group}, author={Jaimes, H.}, year={2002}, pages={1539–1550} } @book{jaimes_2001, title={La reescritura de la historia en el ensayo Hispanoamericano}, ISBN={8424508920}, publisher={Madrid: Editorial Fundamentos}, author={Jaimes, Hector}, year={2001} } @book{la reescritura de la historia en el ensayo hispanoamericano_2001, place={Madrid}, journal={Fundamentos}, publisher={Fundamentos}, year={2001}, month={Mar} } @article{octavio paz: el mito y la historia en el laberinto de la soledad_2001, year={2001} } @article{jaimes_2001, title={Octavio Paz: The myth and history in El 'Laberinto de la soledad'}, volume={67}, DOI={10.5195/REVIBEROAMER.2001.5906}, abstractNote={así como de su carácter y personalidad, igualmente cierto es que Paz -aunque lee a Ramos-no se propone una simple superación; es decir, no lo comenta para superarlo (o para destruirlo), sino para asimilarlo. 2 De la misma}, number={194-95}, journal={Revista Iberoamericana}, author={Jaimes, Héctor}, year={2001}, pages={267–280} } @misc{jaimes_2001, title={Venezuelan literature today: National history & urban reality}, volume={69}, number={4}, journal={Hispanic Review}, author={Jaimes, H.}, year={2001}, pages={562–563} } @article{jaimes_2000, title={La cuestion ideologica del Americanismo en el ensayo Hispanoamericano}, volume={LXVI}, DOI={10.5195/reviberoamer.2000.5795}, abstractNote={To conceive a true utopia, to sketch, with conviction, the structure of an ideal society, requires a certain dose of ingenuousness, even of stupidity, which, being too evident, ultimately exasperates the reader. E. M. Cioran, History and UtopiaEl americanismo ha marcado el origen y buena parte del desarrollo de lo que hoy llamamos literatura hispanoamericana. 1 Aunque desde el período colonial aparecen visos de esta tendencia, 2 es a partir de la independencia política alcanzada por Hispanoamérica en el siglo XIX, cuando surge la noción de la emancipación cultural o mental; esta noción estimuló a los intelectuales a desarrollar la temática continental principalmente en el aspecto étnico, geográfico 3 e histórico.Esto es, el carácter de lo americano adquirió un valor positivo a priori y sin proponérselo, inauguró toda una línea de producción literaria que seguirían los escritores más destacados del momento.Sin embargo, esta postura ejerció una función negativa sobre las letras, ya que redujo la literatura a una representación tautológica de lo expresado; en este}, number={192}, journal={Revista Iberoamericana}, author={Jaimes, Héctor}, year={2000}, pages={557–569} } @article{jaimes_1999, title={History and autobiography in the essays of Mariano Picon-Salas}, number={125}, journal={Hispanofila}, author={Jaimes, H.}, year={1999}, pages={23–36} } @article{la historia y la autobiografía en los ensayos de mariano picón-salas_1999, year={1999} } @article{jaimes_1999, title={Leopoldo Zea y la filosofia de la historia}, volume={15}, journal={Apuntes Filosoficos}, author={Jaimes, H.}, year={1999}, pages={147–158} } @book{modernismo y estetica: cuaderno inedito_1999, ISBN={980385197X}, publisher={Caracas, Venezuela: Fondo Editorial Tropykos}, year={1999} } @book{modernismo y estética: cuaderno inédito_1999, year={1999} } @article{jaimes_1998, title={Experiencias de toda una vida: cartas de German Arciniegas by Roberto Esquenazi-Mayo}, volume={66}, DOI={10.2307/474494}, number={3}, journal={Hispanic Review}, author={Jaimes, Héctor}, year={1998}, pages={375–377} } @article{mariano picón-salas y el discurso de la historia_1998, year={1998} }