@article{burgess_2024, title={Reprogrammable Rhetoric: Critical Making Theories and Methods in Rhetoric and Composition}, volume={43}, ISSN={["1532-7981"]}, DOI={10.1080/07350198.2024.2316394}, number={2}, journal={RHETORIC REVIEW}, author={Burgess, Helen J.}, year={2024}, month={Apr}, pages={152–154} } @article{intimate fields: a kit for e-literature_2018, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.14195/2182-8830}, DOI={10.14195/2182-8830}, abstractNote={In 2014, O Curto-Circuito da Arte Digital no Brasil [ The Short Circuit of Digital Art in Brazil] mapped the spaces for production, distribution, consumption and preservation of digital art in the country. The current text is a selection of that mapping, focusing on artists working at the interface of art-science-technology in projects that involve computability, interactivity, virtuality, immersion and "real time" in research processes related to biotechnology, nanotechnology, physics, computer science, mathematics, engineering, mechanics, robotics, among other areas, interfaced by digital media.}, journal={Matlit: Revista do Programa de Doutoramento em Materialidades da Literatura}, year={2018} } @inbook{burgess_harrington_2022, title={Chapter 13. The Sound of Type: Multimodal Aesthetics}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.37514/pra-b.2022.1688.2.13}, DOI={10.37514/pra-b.2022.1688.2.13}, booktitle={Amplifying Soundwriting Pedagogies: Integrating Sound into Rhetoric and Writing}, publisher={The WAC Clearinghouse\mathsemicolon University Press of Colorado}, author={Burgess, Helen J. and Harrington, Travis}, year={2022}, month={Nov}, pages={173–182} } @article{burgess_alves_2022, title={Exploring the Nuances}, volume={11}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.21428/6ffd8432.c6ed87b2}, DOI={10.21428/6ffd8432.c6ed87b2}, journal={Commonplace}, publisher={PubPub}, author={Burgess, Helen J and Alves, Tony}, year={2022}, month={Nov} } @book{burgess_hamming_2021, title={Futurama, Autogeddon}, ISBN={9781469670935}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.52750/493205}, DOI={10.52750/493205}, journal={North Carolina State University Libraries}, publisher={North Carolina State University Libraries}, author={Burgess, Helen and Hamming, Jeanne}, editor={Vandegrift, Micah and Dufresne, Kelsey and Clower, Carrie and Cox, EmilyEditors}, year={2021}, month={Mar} } @article{burgess_2021, title={Machine Dream Anthropocene: On Taking a Bot to the MLA}, volume={29}, ISSN={["1080-6520"]}, DOI={10.1353/con.2021.0003}, abstractNote={abstract:This essay considers the complexities and limitations of the “lifecycle report,” an established engineering and business practice in which auditors attempt to account for the entire material and operating “cost” of an electronic component. Answering Bethany Nowviskie’s 2014 call to “attend to the environmental and human costs” of digital humanities, I present the case of Anna Coluthon, a Twitterbot residing on a Raspberry Pi microcomputer, that in 2016 became the first nonhuman agent to register as a member of the Modern Language Association (MLA), and to co-present a paper, as she did with me at the MLA convention in 2017. Interleaved with Anna’s own comments, my essay reframes the lifecycle report as an act of Latourian “compilation work,” arguing that any attempt to account for the wholeness of a machine’s impact on the planet is a complex and partial process, as much art as it is engineering audit.}, number={1}, journal={CONFIGURATIONS}, publisher={Project Muse}, author={Burgess, Helen J.}, year={2021}, pages={73–95} } @article{burgess_2021, title={The Voice of the Polyrhetor: Physical Computing and the (e-)Literature of Things}, DOI={10.5040/9781501363474.ch-018}, journal={Electronic Literature as Digital Humanities}, publisher={Bloomsbury Academic}, author={Burgess, Helen J.}, year={2021} } @inbook{maher_burgess_menzies_2019, place={Tuscaloosa}, title={Good Computing with Big Data}, booktitle={Rhetorical Machines}, publisher={University of Alabama Press}, author={Maher, Jennifer and Burgess, Helen J. and Menzies, Timothy}, editor={Jones, John and Hirsu, LaviniaEditors}, year={2019}, pages={190–211} } @article{introduction: critical making and executable kits_2019, url={http://www.enculturation.net/critical-making-and-executable-kits}, journal={enculturation: a journal of rhetoric, writing, and culture}, year={2019}, month={Nov} } @article{the fates of things_2019, url={http://www.enculturation.net/fates}, journal={enculturation: a journal of rhetoric, writing, and culture}, year={2019}, month={Nov} } @misc{burgess_simon_2018, title={Intimate Fields}, volume={IV}, journal={University of Victoria Maker Lab in the Humanities}, author={Burgess, Helen J. and Simon, Margaret}, year={2018}, month={Aug} } @article{burgess_2018, title={Publish All the Things: The Life (and Death) of Electronic Literature}, volume={21}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/3336451.0021.105}, DOI={10.3998/3336451.0021.105}, number={1}, journal={The Journal of Electronic Publishing}, author={Burgess, H.J.}, year={2018}, month={Apr} } @book{boyle_burgess_2017, title={The Routledge Research Companion to Digital Medieval Literature}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781315696041}, DOI={10.4324/9781315696041}, journal={Routledge}, author={Boyle, J.E. and Burgess, H.J.}, year={2017}, month={Nov}, pages={1–5} } @article{burgess_2016, title={Tasty Gougère}, journal={Electronic Literature Organization Collection Vol. 3}, author={Burgess, Helen J}, year={2016} } @article{burgess_2015, title={Data Visualization}, volume={11}, DOI={10.20415/hyp/013.i03}, abstractNote={The images and objects on this page were produced using the Manifest Data kit from Duke's S-1 Speculative Sensation Lab, and represent the network data collected from my laptop while producing Hyperrhiz 13.}, number={13}, journal={Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures}, publisher={Electric}, author={Burgess, Helen J}, year={2015}, month={Nov}, pages={1–1} } @article{burgess_2015, title={Love Notes and Intimate Circuits}, volume={11}, DOI={10.20415/hyp/013.m02}, abstractNote={This kit documents MashBOT, a physical computing project in which a Twitterbot is paired with a thermal printer. Love notes are generated by the @mashomatic Twitter account and printed as receipts for display, drawing on Roland Barthes' A Lover's Discourse and Bruno Latour's Aramis: or the Love of Technology as its primary texts, MashBOT asks us to think about the ways in which the written declaration of love (the mash note) is a document at once transactional and unfathomable.}, number={13}, journal={Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures}, publisher={Electric}, author={Burgess, Helen J}, year={2015}, month={Nov}, pages={1–1} } @book{burgess_hamming_2014, title={Highways of the Mind}, journal={University of Pennsylvania Press}, publisher={University of Pennsylvania Press}, author={Burgess, Helen J and Hamming, Jeanne}, year={2014}, month={Oct} } @inbook{swiss_burgess_2012, title={Collaborative New Media Poetry: Mixed and Remixed}, booktitle={The Handbook of Participatory Cultures}, publisher={Routledge}, author={Swiss, Thomas and Burgess, Helen}, year={2012}, pages={73–81} } @article{new media in the academy: labor and the production of knowledge in scholarly multimedia_2011, year={2011} } @book{[?php]: 'invisible' code and the mystique of web writing_2010, year={2010} } @inproceedings{burgess_2009, title={How to read an electric poem}, booktitle={Unpublished conference paper. Presented at the Society for Literature, Science and the Arts, Atlanta, GA}, author={Burgess, Helen J}, year={2009} } @book{mitchell_burgess_thurtle_2008, title={Biofutures: Owning Body Parts & Information}, publisher={University of Pennsylvania Press}, author={Mitchell, Robert and Burgess, Helen J and Thurtle, Phillip}, year={2008} } @article{burgess_2008, title={Introduction: Move}, volume={10}, DOI={10.20415/hyp/005.i01}, number={5}, journal={Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures}, publisher={Electric}, author={Burgess, Helen J.}, year={2008}, month={Oct}, pages={1–1} } @article{burgess_2008, title={Introduction: e-Lit}, volume={1}, DOI={10.20415/hyp/004.i01}, number={4}, journal={Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures}, publisher={Electric}, author={Burgess, Helen J.}, year={2008}, month={Jan}, pages={1–1} } @inbook{burgess_2007, title={'Nature without Labor’: Virgin Queen and Virgin Land in Sir Walter Ralegh’s The Discoverie of the Large, Rich, and Bewtiful Empyre of Guiana}, booktitle={Goddesses and Queens: The Iconography of Elizabeth I}, publisher={Manchester University Press}, author={Burgess, Helen}, year={2007}, pages={101–114} } @article{burgess_2007, title={Introduction: SpaceWorks}, volume={8}, DOI={10.20415/hyp/003.i01}, number={3}, journal={Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures}, publisher={Electric}, author={Burgess, Helen J.}, year={2007}, month={Aug}, pages={1–1} } @article{burgess_2006, title={"Road of giants": Nostalgia and the ruins of the superhighway in Kim Stanley Robinson's Three Californias Trilogy}, volume={33}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-63549146590&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, number={2}, journal={Science-Fiction Studies}, author={Burgess, H.J.}, year={2006}, pages={275–290} } @article{burgess_2006, title={Introduction: Video Kill'd}, volume={12}, DOI={10.20415/hyp/002.i01}, number={2}, journal={Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures}, publisher={Electric}, author={Burgess, Helen J.}, year={2006}, pages={1–1} } @article{burgess_nelson_2005, title={Introduction/Commentary}, volume={12}, DOI={10.20415/hyp/001.i01}, number={1}, journal={Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures}, publisher={Electric}, author={Burgess, Helen J. and Nelson, Jason}, year={2005}, pages={1–1} } @article{futurama, autogeddon: imagining the superhighway from bel geddes to ballard_2004, year={2004} } @inbook{burgess_hamming_markley_2003, title={The Dialogics of New Media: Video, Visualization, and Narrative in Red Planet: Scientific and Cultural Encounters with Mars}, booktitle={Eloquent Images: Writing Visually in New Media}, publisher={MIT Press}, author={Burgess, Helen and Hamming, Jeanne and Markley, Robert}, year={2003}, pages={61–85} } @article{mapping bodies, mapping subjects: missing the mind's eye from the x-ray to the human genome_2002, year={2002} } @article{the ghost in the mechanism: virtual bodies, mechanical ghosts, and crash-test dummies_2002, year={2002} } @article{burgess_2001, title={Looking Back on Virtuality: the Strange Corporeographies of Cyberspace}, volume={21}, number={1}, journal={Spectator: The University of Southern California Journal of Film and Television Criticism}, author={Burgess, Helen}, year={2001}, pages={71–81} } @book{markley_higgs_kendrick_burgess_2001, title={Red Planet: Scientific and Cultural Encounters with Mars}, journal={University of Pennsylvania Press}, publisher={University of Pennsylvania Press}, author={Markley, Robert and Higgs, Harrison and Kendrick, Michelle and Burgess, Helen}, year={2001} }