@article{khan_mondino_russell_case_fefer_woods_olby_gruen_2023, title={A novel task of canine olfaction for use in adult and senior pet dogs}, volume={13}, ISSN={["2045-2322"]}, url={https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC9908929}, DOI={10.1038/s41598-023-29361-x}, abstractNote={AbstractWhile much work has been done in the field of canine olfaction, there has been little exploration of hyposmia or anosmia. This is partly due to difficulties in reducing confounds like training history and environmental distraction. The current study describes a novel olfaction test using spontaneous search behavior in dogs to find a hidden food treat in a three-choice task with both light-phase and dark-phase conditions. The study was performed in 18 adult control dogs, 18 senior/geriatric dogs enrolled in a longitudinal aging study, and a single dog with severe nasal pathology. In the senior/geriatric and control groups, dogs performed with higher accuracy (p < 0.0001) and were less likely to show biased selection strategy (p < 0.01) in the dark-phase than light-phase. While senior/geriatric dogs performed above chance, they had lower accuracy in the dark-phase compared to controls (p = 0.036). Dogs who scored higher on an owner questionnaire of cognitive decline showed a positive correlation with performance in the dark-phase; performance on additional cognitive tests did not correlate with performance in the dark-phase. This task can be used to quantify canine olfaction using clearly defined endpoints and spontaneous behaviors thus making it feasible to compare between and within groups of pet dogs.}, number={1}, journal={SCIENTIFIC REPORTS}, author={Khan, Michael Z. and Mondino, Alejandra and Russell, Katharine and Case, Beth and Fefer, Gilad and Woods, Hope and Olby, Natasha and Gruen, Margaret}, year={2023}, month={Feb} } @article{khan_mondino_russell_case_fefer_woods_olby_gruen_2023, title={Relationship between engagement with the impossible task, cognitive testing, and cognitive questionnaires in a population of aging dogs}, volume={9}, ISSN={["2297-1769"]}, DOI={10.3389/fvets.2022.1052193}, abstractNote={IntroductionThe aim of this study was to evaluate the engagement of aging dogs with a cognitively challenging and potentially frustrating task (the impossible task). Based on previous observations, we predicted that dogs showing signs of cognitive impairment in other cognitive tests and owner-completed questionnaires would show reduced engagement with the task.MethodsIn this task, dogs were shown a piece of food in a clear container that they could not open; time spent interacting with the container and the experimenter was measured. While the impossible task has not been used as a measure of frustration, the parameters of the test design creates a potential frustrate state, making this assessment appropriate. Thirty-two dogs enrolled in a longitudinal aging study participated in the study. Owners were asked to complete two cognitive dysfunction screening questionnaires (Canine Dementia Scale [CADES] and Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Rating Scale [CCDR]) as well a questionnaire assessing general frustration. Dogs participated in multiple measures of cognitive function as well the impossible task.ResultsLatency to disengage from the impossible task was faster for dogs with higher total (more impaired) CADES (p = 0.02) and total CCDR (p = 0.04) scores. Latency to disengage also correlated with decreased performance in cognitive tests observing social cues (p = 0.01), working memory (p ≤ 0.001), spatial reasoning and reversal learning (p = 0.02), and sustained attention (p = 0.02).DiscussionThe high correlation with several cognitive measures and the ease of administration of this test makes it a useful tool in evaluating canine cognitive dysfunction syndrome, however it is unclear if increased frustration or other cognitive processes are contributing to the observed changes.}, journal={FRONTIERS IN VETERINARY SCIENCE}, author={Khan, Michael Z. and Mondino, Alejandra and Russell, Katharine and Case, Beth and Fefer, Gilad and Woods, Hope and Olby, Natasha J. and Gruen, Margaret E.}, year={2023}, month={Jan} } @article{woods_li_patel_lascelles_samson_gruen_2020, title={A functional linear modeling approach to sleep-wake cycles in dogs}, volume={10}, ISSN={["2045-2322"]}, DOI={10.1038/s41598-020-79274-2}, abstractNote={AbstractThe study of companion (pet) dogs is an area of great translational potential, as they share a risk for many conditions that afflict humans. Among these are conditions that affect sleep, including chronic pain and cognitive dysfunction. Significant advancements have occurred in the ability to study sleep in dogs, including development of non-invasive polysomnography; however, basic understanding of dog sleep patterns remains poorly characterized. The purpose of this study was to establish baseline sleep–wake cycle and activity patterns using actigraphy and functional linear modeling (FLM), for healthy, adult companion dogs. Forty-two dogs were enrolled and wore activity monitors for 14 days. FLM demonstrated a bimodal pattern of activity with significant effects of sex, body mass, and age; the effect of age was particularly evident during the times of peak activity. This study demonstrated that FLM can be used to describe normal sleep–wake cycles of healthy adult dogs and the effects of physiologic traits on these patterns of activity. This foundation makes it possible to characterize deviations from normal patterns, including those associated with chronic pain and cognitive dysfunction syndrome. This can improve detection of these conditions in dogs, benefitting them and their potential as models for human disease.}, number={1}, journal={SCIENTIFIC REPORTS}, author={Woods, Hope J. and Li, Ming Fei and Patel, Ujas A. and Lascelles, B. Duncan X. and Samson, David R. and Gruen, Margaret E.}, year={2020}, month={Dec} }