@article{liu_liu_xie_guan_zhao_2011, title={A Coupled Atmosphere-Wave-Ocean Modeling System: Simulation of the Intensity of an Idealized Tropical Cyclone}, volume={139}, ISSN={["1520-0493"]}, DOI={10.1175/2010mwr3396.1}, abstractNote={Abstract A coupled atmosphere–wave–ocean modeling system (CAWOMS) based on the integration of atmosphere–wave, atmosphere–ocean, and wave–current interaction processes is developed. The component models consist of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, the Simulating Waves Nearshore (SWAN) model, and the Princeton Ocean Model (POM). The coupling between the model components is implemented by using the Model Coupling Toolkit. The CAWOMS takes into account various wave-related effects, including wave state and sea-spray-affected sea surface roughness, sea spray heat fluxes, and dissipative heating in atmosphere–wave coupling. It also considers oceanic effects such as the feedback of sea surface temperature (SST) cooling and the impact of sea surface current on wind stress in atmosphere–ocean coupling. In addition, wave–current interactions, including radiation stress and wave-induced bottom stress, are also taken into account. The CAWOMS is applied to the simulation of an idealized tropical cyclone (TC) to investigate the effects of atmosphere–wave–ocean coupling on TC intensity. Results show that atmosphere–wave coupling strengthens the TC system, while the thermodynamic coupling between the atmosphere and ocean weakens the TC as a result of the negative feedback of TC-induced SST cooling. The overall effects of atmosphere–wave–ocean coupling on TC intensity are determined by the balance between wave-related positive feedback and the negative feedback attributable to TC-induced SST cooling.}, number={1}, journal={MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW}, author={Liu, Bin and Liu, Huiqing and Xie, Lian and Guan, Changlong and Zhao, Dongliang}, year={2011}, month={Jan}, pages={132–152} } @article{xie_liu_liu_bao_2011, title={A numerical study of the effect of hurricane wind asymmetry on storm surge and inundation}, volume={36}, ISSN={["1463-5011"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.ocemod.2010.10.001}, abstractNote={The influence of the asymmetric structure of hurricane wind field on storm surge is studied with five types of numerical experiments using a three-dimensional storm surge model. The results from the case of Hurricane Floyd (1999) show that Floyd-induced peak surge would have been much higher had the region of maximum wind rotated 30–90° counterclockwise. The idealized cases (the hypothetical hurricanes) with a wind speed asymmetry of 20 m s−1 show that the peak (negative) surge varied from 4.7 to 6.0 m (−5 to −5.7 m) or equivalent to −8.8% and 16.3% (2.8% and −10.4%) differences as compared to the control experiment. The area of flooding varied from 3552 to 3660 km2. The results from two other idealized cases of varying degree of wind speed asymmetry further show that with decreasing (increasing) asymmetry of wind fields, the variations of peak surge and peak negative surge caused by the rotation of wind fields decrease (increase) accordingly. The results suggest that in storm surge simulations forced by winds derived from balanced models, considerable uncertainty in storm surge and inundation can result from wind asymmetries. This is true even if all other storm parameters, including maximum wind speed, the radius of maximum winds (storm size), minimum central pressure, storm translation speed, drag coefficient, and model settings (domain size and resolution) are identical. Thus, when constructing ensemble and probabilistic storm surge forecasts, uncertainty in wind asymmetry should be considered in conjunction with variations in storm track, storm intensity and size.}, number={1-2}, journal={OCEAN MODELLING}, author={Xie, Lian and Liu, Huiqing and Liu, Bin and Bao, Shaowu}, year={2011}, pages={71–79} } @article{liu_xie_2009, title={A numerical study on the effects of wave-current-surge interactions on the height and propagation of sea surface waves in Charleston Harbor during Hurricane Hugo 1989}, volume={29}, ISSN={["0278-4343"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.csr.2009.03.013}, abstractNote={The effects of wave–current interactions on ocean surface waves induced by Hurricane Hugo in and around the Charleston Harbor and its adjacent coastal waters are examined by using a three-dimensional (3D) wave–current coupled modeling system. The 3D storm surge modeling component of the coupled system is based on the Princeton Ocean Model (POM), the wave modeling component is based on the third generation wave model, Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN), and the inundation model is adopted from [Xie, L., Pietrafesa, L. J., Peng, M., 2004. Incorporation of a mass-conserving inundation scheme into a three-dimensional storm surge model. J. Coastal Res., 20, 1209–1223]. The results indicate that the change of water level associated with the storm surge is the primary cause for wave height changes due to wave–surge interaction. Meanwhile, waves propagating on top of surge cause a feedback effect on the surge height by modulating the surface wind stress and bottom stress. This effect is significant in shallow coastal waters, but relatively small in offshore deep waters. The influence of wave–current interaction on wave propagation is relatively insignificant, since waves generally propagate in the direction of the surface currents driven by winds. Wave–current interactions also affect the surface waves as a result of inundation and drying induced by the storm. Waves break as waters retreat in regions of drying, whereas waves are generated in flooded regions where no waves would have occurred without the flood water.}, number={11-12}, journal={CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH}, author={Liu, Huiqing and Xie, Lian}, year={2009}, month={Jun}, pages={1454–1463} } @article{pietrafesa_buckley_peng_bao_liu_peng_xie_dickey_2007, title={On coastal ocean systems, coupled model architectures, products and services: Morphing from observations to operations and applications}, volume={41}, ISSN={["1948-1209"]}, DOI={10.4031/002533207787442268}, abstractNote={The national build-up of “coastal ocean observing systems” (COOSs) to establish the coastal observing component of the national component of the Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) network must be well organized and must acknowledge, understand and address the needs of the principal clients, the federal, and in some cases state as well, agencies that provide financial support if it is to have substantive value. The funds being spent in support of COOS should be invested in pursuit of the establishment of the National Backbone (NB) that is needed: to greatly improve atmospheric, oceanic and coastal “weather” forecasting, broadly defined; for ecosystem management; and to document climate variability and change in coastal zones. However, this process has not occurred in a well conceived, orderly, well integrated manner due to historical and cultural bases and because of local priorities. A sub-regional effort that is designed to meet federal agency needs and mission responsibilities with an emphasis on meeting societal needs is presented by way of example to show that university and industry partners with federal agencies have an important role to play in the future of building out ocean and coastal observing and prediction systems and networks.}, number={1}, journal={MARINE TECHNOLOGY SOCIETY JOURNAL}, author={Pietrafesa, L. J. and Buckley, E. B. and Peng, M. and Bao, S. and Liu, H. and Peng, S. and Xie, L. and Dickey, D. A.}, year={2007}, pages={44–52} } @article{liu_xie_pietrafesa_bao_2007, title={Sensitivity of wind waves to hurricane wind characteristics}, volume={18}, ISSN={["1463-5003"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.ocemod.2007.03.004}, abstractNote={In this study, the influence of the spatial and temporal variability of hurricane winds, storm translation speed, intensity, and ambient wind field on surface wind waves are investigated by using a third-generation wave model (Simulating WAves Nearshore, or SWAN). The results show that the asymmetric structure of wind-induced wave field is sensitive not only to the asymmetric structure of the hurricane wind field, but also to the variations in the storm translation speed and intensity. The significant wave height (SWH) in the front-right quadrant of the storm rises as storm translation speed increases until it reaches a critical value, then the SWH drops. The opposite occurs in the rear-left quadrant. The total contribution of the hurricane translation speed to the asymmetric structure of the wave field also depends on the intensity of the hurricane. As the intensity of the hurricane increases, the relative significance of the influence of the translation speed on the asymmetric structure of the wave field decreases. Most parametric hurricane wind models can only model symmetric hurricanes and do not include background winds. However, actual hurricanes in nature are not only asymmetric but also imbedded in background winds. Thus, to more properly model hurricane-induced wave field, it is important to consider storm asymmetry, translation speed, intensity, as well as background winds.}, number={1}, journal={OCEAN MODELLING}, author={Liu, Huiqing and Xie, Lian and Pietrafesa, Leonard J. and Bao, Shaowu}, year={2007}, pages={37–52} } @article{xie_liu_peng_2008, title={The effect of wave-current interactions on the storm surge and inundation in Charleston Harbor during Hurricane Hugo 1989}, volume={20}, ISSN={["1463-5011"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.ocemod.2007.10.001}, abstractNote={The effects of wave–current interactions on the storm surge and inundation induced by Hurricane Hugo in and around the Charleston Harbor and its adjacent coastal regions are examined by using a three-dimensional (3-D) wave–current coupled modeling system. The 3-D storm surge and inundation modeling component of the coupled system is based on the Princeton ocean model (POM), whereas the wave modeling component is based on the third-generation wave model, simulating waves nearshore (SWAN). The results indicate that the effects of wave-induced surface, bottom, and radiation stresses can separately or in combination produce significant changes in storm surge and inundation. The effects of waves vary spatially. In some areas, the contribution of waves to peak storm surge during Hurricane Hugo reached as high as 0.76 m which led to substantial changes in the inundation and drying areas simulated by the storm surge model.}, number={3}, journal={OCEAN MODELLING}, author={Xie, Lian and Liu, Huiqing and Peng, Machuan}, year={2008}, pages={252–269} } @article{pietrafesa_kelleher_karl_davidson_peng_bao_dickey_xie_liu_xia_2006, title={A new architecture for coastal inundation and flood warning prediction}, volume={40}, ISSN={["0025-3324"]}, DOI={10.4031/002533206787353205}, abstractNote={The marine atmosphere, coastal ocean, estuary, harbor and river water systems constitute a physically coupled system. While these systems have always been heavily impacted by coastal storms, increases in population density, infrastructure, and personal and business merchandise have exacerbated the economic and personal impacts of these events over the past half century. As such there has been increased focus on the need for more timely and accurate forecasts of impending events. Traditionally model forecast architectures for coastal storm surge, flooding and inundation of coastal and inland areas have taken the approach of dealing with each system separately: rivers, estuaries, harbors and offshore facing areas. However, given advances in coupled modeling and the availability of real-time data, the ability to accurately predict and project coastal, estuary and inland flooding related to the passage of high energy and wet atmospheric events is rapidly emerging and requires a new paradigm in system architecture. No longer do monthly averaged winds or river discharge or water levels have to be invoked in developing hindcasts for planning purposes or for real-time forecasts. In 1999 a hurricane associated flood on the North Carolina coast took 56 lives and caused more than $6 billion in economic impacts. None of the models existing at that time were able to properly forecast the massive flooding and clearly called for a new model paradigm. Here we propose a model system that couples atmospheric information to fully three dimensional, non-linear time dependent ocean basin, coastal and estuary hydrodynamic models coupled to interactive river models with input of real or modeled winds, observed or modeled precipitation, measured and modeled water levels, and streamflow. The river and estuarine components must both be capable of going into modes of storage or accelerated discharge. Spatial scales must downscale in the horizontal from thousands to tens meters and in the vertical from hundreds to several centimeters. Topography and elevation data should be of the highest resolution available, necessary for highly accurate predictions of the timing and location of the inundation and retreat of flood waters. Precipitation information must be derived from the optimal mix of direct radar, satellite and ground-based observations. Creating the capability described above will advance the modernization of hydrologic services provided by the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration and provide more accurate and timely forecasts and climatologies of coastal and estuary flooding. The goal of these climatologies and improved forecasts is to provide better information to local and regional planners, emergency managers, highway patrols and to improve the capacity of coastal communities to mitigate against the impacts of coastal flooding.}, number={4}, journal={MARINE TECHNOLOGY SOCIETY JOURNAL}, author={Pietrafesa, L. J. and Kelleher, K. and Karl, T. and Davidson, M. and Peng, M. and Bao, S. and Dickey, D. and Xie, L. and Liu, H. and Xia, M.}, year={2006}, pages={71–77} }