2015 conference paper
Design methodology of series DC coupling transformer in a medium-voltage DC amplifier system
2015 thirtieth annual ieee applied power electronics conference and exposition (apec 2015), 2015-May(May), 183–190.
Contributors: R. Beddingfield n , A. De n, H. Mirzae n & S. Bhattacharya n
2015 conference paper
Investigation of series DC active filter and hybrid AC active filter performance in medium voltage DC amplfier
2015 IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium (ESTS), 161–166.
Contributors: R. Beddingfield n , A. Davis n, n & S. Bhattacharya n
2014 journal article
Design Comparison of High-Power Medium-Voltage Converters Based on a 6.5-kV Si-IGBT/Si-PiN Diode, a 6.5-kV Si-IGBT/SiC-JBS Diode, and a 10-kV SiC-MOSPET/SiC-JBS Diode
Contributors: A. De n, A. Tripathi n & S. Bhattacharya n n,
2013 conference paper
A multi-loop control system for series DC active filter in a medium-voltage DC amplifier
2013 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2013, 5193–5198.
Contributors: S. Bhattacharya n & S. Bala n,
2013 conference paper
Performance investigation of hybrid converter systems for mobile mining applications
2013 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2013, 825–831.
Contributors: R. Beddingfield n, S. Bhattacharya n & B. Parkhideh* n,
2013 journal article
Supplementary Energy Storage and Hybrid Front-End Converters for High-Power Mobile Mining Equipment
Contributors: B. Parkhideh *, n & S. Bhattacharya n
2012 conference paper
A three-phase three winding topology for dual active bridge and its D-Q mode control
Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC, 1368–1372.
Contributors: A. Tripathi n, K. Hatua n, n & S. Bhattacharya n
2012 conference paper
Design issues in a medium-voltage DC amplifier with a multi-pulse thyristor bridge front-end
2012 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2012, 603–609.
Contributors: S. Bhattachary n & S. Bala * n,
2012 conference paper
Hybrid front end converters for large multi-motor applications integrated with energy storage
Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC, 607–614.
Contributors: B. Parkhideh n, n & S. Bhattacharya n
2011 conference paper
A high power medium-voltage DC amplifier system
IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition: Energy Conversion Innovation for a Clean Energy Future, ECCE 2011, Proceedings, 4043–4050.
Contributors: S. Bhattacharya n & S. Bala n n,
2011 conference paper
Design comparison of high power medium-voltage converters based on 6.5kV Si-IGBT/Si-PiN diode, 6.5kV Si-IGBT/SiC-JBS diode, and 10kV SiC MOSFET/SiC-JBS diode
IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition: Energy Conversion Innovation for a Clean Energy Future, ECCE 2011, Proceedings, 2421–2428.
Contributors: A. De n, A. Tripathi n & S. Bhattacharya n n,
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