2004 journal article
Public attitudes towards agricultural biotechnology
Valuation Methods for Environmental Benefits in Forestry and Watershed Investment Projects.
2003 journal article
Environmental worldview and behavior - Consequences of dimensionality in a survey of North Carolinians
1999 journal article
Consumer acceptance of biotechnology in the United States and Japan
Food Technology, 53(5), 50–53.
1999 review
Research in social problems and public policy, vol 6
[Review of ]. Contemporary Sociology, 28(1), 47–48.
1999 journal article
Testing for temporal reliability in contingent valuation with time for changes in factors affecting demand
LAND ECONOMICS, 75(3), 453–465.
1998 journal article
American consumer views on biotechnology
Cereal Foods World, 43(1), 20–22.
1998 journal article
Food industry innovation: efficient consumer response
Agribusiness, 14(3), 235–245.
1998 journal article
Improving the success of new product development
Food Technology, 52(1), 46–49.
1997 journal article
Cognitive determinants of risk perceptions associated with biotechnology
SCIENTOMETRICS, 40(2), 299–331.
1997 journal article
Consumer acceptance of biotechnology: An international perspective
1997 journal article
Denominational subcultures of environmentalism
1997 journal article
Industrialization of poultry and swine production: Implications for natural resource management
Journal of Soil & Water Conservation, 52(6), 406–409.
1997 journal article
Social and demographic influences on environmental attitudes
Southern Rural Sociology, 13(1), 89–107.
1997 journal article
Substantive religious belief and environmentalism
Social Science Quarterly, 78(1), 96–108.
1996 journal article
Anticipating public reaction to the use of genetic engineering in infant nutrition
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 63(4), 657.
1996 journal article
How Japanese consumers view biotechnology
Food Technology, 50(7), 85.
1992 journal article
Public opposition to genetic engineering
Rural Sociology, 57(4), 476.
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