Works (11)
2000 journal article
Ensemble Monte Carlo study of channel quantization in a 25-nm n-MOSFET
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 47(10), 1864–1872.
2000 journal article
NMR quantum computation with indirectly coupled gates
Physical Review A, 62(2).
2000 chapter
Overview of semiconductor devices
In Y. Nishi & R. Doering (Eds.), Handbook of semiconductor manufacturing technology. New York: Marcel Dekker.
Ed(s): . Y. Nishi & R. Doering
2000 journal article
Scalable solid-state quantum computer based on quantum dot pillar structures
Physical Review B, 61(11), 7526–7535.
1999 journal article
Analysis of hot-electron reliability and device performance in 80-nm double-gate SOI n-MOSFET's
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 46(8), 1760–1767.
1999 journal article
Optically driven quantum-dot quantum computer
Physical Review A, 60(5), 4146–4149.
1999 journal article
Quantum computing with complex instruction sets
Physical Review A, 59(2), 1098–1101.
1998 journal article
A new device design methodology for manufacturability
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 45(3), 634–642.
1998 journal article
Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm as a test of quantum computation
Physical Review A, 58(3), R1633–R1636.
1998 journal article
Scaling trends for device performance and reliability in channel-engineered n-MOSFETs
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 45(1), 254–260.
1998 journal article
Temperature dependence of impact ionization coefficients in p-Si
Journal of Applied Physics, 83(9), 4988–4990.