Works (11)
2000 journal article
Ensemble Monte Carlo study of channel quantization in a 25-nm n-MOSFET
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 47(10), 1864–1872.
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2000 journal article
NMR quantum computation with indirectly coupled gates
Physical Review A, 62(2).
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2000 chapter
Overview of semiconductor devices
In Y. Nishi & R. Doering (Eds.), Handbook of semiconductor manufacturing technology. New York: Marcel Dekker.
Ed(s): . Y. Nishi & R. Doering
2000 journal article
Scalable solid-state quantum computer based on quantum dot pillar structures
Physical Review B, 61(11), 7526–7535.
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1999 journal article
Analysis of hot-electron reliability and device performance in 80-nm double-gate SOI n-MOSFET's
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 46(8), 1760–1767.
1999 journal article
Optically driven quantum-dot quantum computer
Physical Review A, 60(5), 4146–4149.
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1999 journal article
Quantum computing with complex instruction sets
Physical Review A, 59(2), 1098–1101.
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1998 journal article
A new device design methodology for manufacturability
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 45(3), 634–642.
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1998 journal article
Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm as a test of quantum computation
Physical Review A, 58(3), R1633–R1636.
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1998 journal article
Scaling trends for device performance and reliability in channel-engineered n-MOSFETs
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 45(1), 254–260.
1998 journal article
Temperature dependence of impact ionization coefficients in p-Si
Journal of Applied Physics, 83(9), 4988–4990.
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