Works (8)
2023 article
A Timely Application-Temporal methods, past, present, and future
Keefer, H. R. M., Rovai, D., & Drake, M. A. (2023, February 15). JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE.

2023 article
Consumer perception of whole watermelons
Liu, Y., Keefer, H., Watson, M., & Drake, M. A. (2023, November 22). JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE.

2023 article
Factors influencing consumer motivations for protein choice
Keefer, H., Racette, C., & Drake, M. (2023, November 22). JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE.

2022 journal article
Children's perceptions of fluid milk with varying levels of milkfat
JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 105(4), 3004–3018.

2022 article
Temporal ranking for characterization and improved discrimination of protein beverages
Keefer, H. M., Harwood, W. S., Castura, J. C., & Drake, M. A. (2022, May 23). JOURNAL OF SENSORY STUDIES.

2021 article
The effect of carrier on consumer liking of soy sauce
Keefer, H. R. M., Harwood, W. S., Ennis, D., & Drake, M. A. (2021, August 9). JOURNAL OF SENSORY STUDIES.

2020 journal article
Role of sweeteners on temporality and bar hardening of protein bars
JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 103(7), 6032–6053.

2020 journal article
The sensory properties and consumer acceptance of cold brew coffee