artificial intelligence, machine learning, interaction design, graphic design, accessibility
2024 chapter
Sponsored research: an alternative to traditional client work
In M. Dee & J. Meharry (Eds.), Working with Design Clients: Tools and Advice for Successful Partnerships (pp. 187–191). United Kingdom: Bloomsbury.
Ed(s): M. Dee & J. Meharry
2023 chapter
Peering into the Black Box: How Artifi cial Intelligence Impacts Design Practice
In Ç. Tüker, İ. V. Alaca, & L. F. Gül (Eds.), "Connected To" by Çevrimiçi Görsel İletişim Tasarımı Eğitiminde Yeni Yöntemler New Methodologies in Online Visual Communication Design Education. Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Universitesi.
Ed(s): Ç. Tüker, İ. Alaca & L. Gül
2023 journal article
The Pictorial Trapezoid: Adapting McCloud's Big Triangle for Creative Semiotic Precision in Generative Text-to-Image AI
Visible Language, 57(3), 6–51.
2021 book
Big Data. Big Design: Why Designers Should Care About Artificial Intelligence
Hudson, New York: Princeton Architectural Press.
2021 conference paper
Peering into the Black Box: How Artifi cial Intelligence Impacts Design Practice
Grafi st International Conference Proceedings. Presented at the Grafi st International Conference.
Event: Grafi st International Conference
2018 conference paper
Dreaming in VR: A Virtual Reality Prototyping Workshop for Educators
In B. Smith, L. Mignogna, & L. S. Turow (Eds.), AIGA Frontier Conference Proceedings: Frontier: A Graphic Design Education Reader.
Ed(s): B. Smith, L. Mignogna & L. Turow
Event: AIGA Frontier Conference at Minneapolis, MI
2018 journal article
Harnessing Technology to Re-envision the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences as an Autism-friendly Space
Design for All: A Publication of Design for All Institute of India, 13(:1), 29–31.
2018 article proceedings
“Is Universal Design Dead?”: Creating inclusive user experience design methods
Event: Design Research Society Conference 2018
2017 journal article
Introduction: The Value of Design in an Academic Context
Design and Culture, 9(1), 67–68.
2016 chapter
Participatory Design
In E. Resnick (Ed.), Developing Citizen Designers (pp. 189–232).
Ed(s): E. Resnick
2015 journal article
AIGA National Design Conference 2015
Communication Design, 3(2), 210–212.
Updated: February 10th, 2023 09:38
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