Hans Peter Schmitz
Human rights, transnationalism, international non-governmental organizations (INGOs), global health
Hans Peter Schmitz is the Mattocks Distinguished Chair in Nonprofit Leadership at North Carolina State University. He does research on international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and global advocacy focused on human rights, global health, or economic equity. In his recent research, he explores the role of digital media and billionaire philanthropy in shaping the broader context of global activism. The scholarship explores how institutional and normative constraints prevent INGOs from accomplishing their lofty missions. The methods approach emphasizes spoken and written practitioner perspectives, including how they understand their accountability, the effectiveness of their actions, how they think about advancing social justice, and how they prepare for, and respond to, changing external conditions.
Works (114)
2024 chapter
NGO Mergers and Acquisitions: A Relational Perspective
In M. Z. Deloffre & S. Quack (Eds.), Beyond Cooperation and Competition: A Relational Approach to NGOs. Oxford University Press.
Ed(s): M. Deloffre & S. Quack
2024 chapter
The Giving Pledge
In H. K. Anheier & S. Toepler (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Civil Society. Toepler, Springer.
Ed(s): H. Anheier & S. Toepler
2024 journal article
Who Governs Transnational NGOs? A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Board Composition
Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs.
2023 conference paper
Board Diversity of International NGOs
Academy of Management Conference. Presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Boston, MA.
Event: Academy of Management Conference at Boston, MA
2023 chapter
Collaborative Advocacy: Fostering Transformative Outcomes, Hope is not a Strategy
In L. Corbett (Ed.), Leadership and Positioning in Health and Human Services (pp. 157–166). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.
Ed(s): L. Corbett
2023 chapter book
Philanthropy and Heroism
2023 conference paper
Self-Awareness and Self-Study. Informal Leadership Development in the Public Sector
International Leadership Association Conference. Presented at the International Leadership Association Conference, Vancouver, CA.
Event: International Leadership Association Conference at Vancouver, CA on October 13-16, 2023
2023 journal article
Vigilantes beyond Borders: NGOs as Enforcers of International Law, Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni and J. C. Sharman (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2022), 248 pp., cloth $99.95, paperback $29.95, eBook $29.95.
Ethics & International Affairs, 37(2), 244–246.
2022 report
Coronado Floral Association. Bringing together California’s Coronado Community
[Teaching case]. San Diego, CA: Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies.
2022 journal article
Forum: New Perspectives on Transnational Non-State Actors—A Forum Honoring the Work of Thomas Risse
International Studies Review, 24(3).
2022 journal article
The Routledge Companion to Nonprofit Management
Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs, 8(1), 157–159.
2022 journal article
Understanding the Limits of Transnational NGO Power: Forms, Norms, and the Architecture
International Studies Review.
Contributors: & G. Mitchell * *
2022 journal article
What Is the Future of Transnational Advocacy in the Digital Era? A Review of Transnational Advocacy in the Digital Era: Think Global, Act Local, by Nina Hall (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021)
Global Perspectives.
2022 magazine article
What’s the Giving Pledge? A philanthropy scholar explains
Schmitz, H. P. (2022, May 20). The Chronicle of Philanthropy/The Conversation (US). https://www.philanthropy.com/article/whats-the-giving-pledge-a-philanthropy-scholar-explains
2021 journal article
Billionaires in Global Philanthropy: a Decade of the Giving Pledge
Society, 5.
2021 journal article
2021 journal article
How Billionaires Explain Their Philanthropy: A Mixed-Method Analysis of the Giving Pledge Letters
VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 32(2), 512–523.
Contributors: , G. Mitchell * & E. McCollim* *
2021 magazine article
MacKenzie Scott, The Giving Pledge, And Rival Discourses of Billionaire Philanthropy
Schmitz, H. P., Mitchell, G. E., & McCollim, E. M. (2021, July 22). HistPhil. https://histphil.org/2021/07/22/mackenzie-scott-the-giving-pledge-and-rival-discourses-of-billionaire-philanthropy/
2021 report
To Remain Relevant, CSOs Need to Fix the Architecture
2021 journal article
Using Model-Based Clustering to Improve Qualitative Inquiry: Computer-Aided Qualitative Data Analysis, Latent Class Analysis, and Interpretive Transparency
VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations.
Contributors: G. Mitchell * & *
2020 magazine article
A Window into the Hearts and Minds of Billionaire Donors
Schmitz, H. P. (2020, June 5). The Conversation (US). https://wordandway.org/2020/06/05/a-window-into-the-hearts-and-minds-of-billionaire-donors/
2020 magazine article
A review of motives from Giving Pledge signatories
Schmitz, H. P. (2020, June 11). Philanthropy Daily. https://philanthropydaily.com/motives-giving-pledge-signatories/
2020 book
Between Power and Irrelevance. The Future of Transnational NGOs
In Oxford University Press.
2020 magazine article
COVID-19 and the Urgency of Long-term Strategy
Tallack, B., Bruno-van Vijfeijken, T., Mitchell, G. E., & Schmitz, H. P. (2020, June 24). InterAction.
2020 journal article
Democratizing advocacy?: How digital tools shape international non-governmental activism
Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 17(2), 174–191.
2020 magazine article
International NGOs: Legitimacy, Mandates and Strategic Innovation
Schmitz, H. P. (2020, August 26). E-International Relations. https://www.e-ir.info/2020/08/26/international-ngos-legitimacy-mandates-and-strategic-innovation/
2019 conference paper
A Golden Age of Philanthropy? The Giving Pledge’s Commitment Letters
Symposium Philanthropy & Social Impact. Presented at the Symposium Philanthropy & Social Impact, The Center of Philanthropy & Public Policy, Sol Price School of Public Policy, University of Southern California.
Event: Symposium Philanthropy & Social Impact at The Center of Philanthropy & Public Policy, Sol Price School of Public Policy, University of Southern California on March 14-16, 2019
2019 magazine article
Fridays for Future: How Young Climate Strikers Are Teaching NGOs a Lesson
Hall, N., Schmitz, H. P., & Dedmon, J. M. (2019, November 12). SAIS Perspectives. https://www.saisperspectives.com/2020-issue/2019/11/8/fridays-for-future-how-young-climate-strikers-are-teaching-ngos-a-lesson
2019 conference paper
Impaired Vision?: Constructing Global Protections against Bodily Harm
International Studies Association. Presented at the International Studies Association, Toronto, ON.
Event: International Studies Association at Toronto, ON on March 27-30, 2019
2019 chapter
International NGO Legitimacy. Challenges and Responses
In Routledge Handbook of International NGOs and International Relations.
2019 conference paper
Nonprofit Collaboration in the German context
Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action. Presented at the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, San Diego, CA.
Event: Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action at San Diego, CA on November 20-23, 2019
2019 magazine article
The Future of Transnational NGO Advocacy
Bloodgood, E., Bruno-van Vijfeijken, T., Hall, N., Mitchell, G. E., Pallas, C., & Schmitz, H. P. (2019, May 20). Stanford Social Innovation Review.
2019 conference paper
The Motives of Billionaire Philanthropy
Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action. Presented at the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, San Diego, CA.
Event: Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action at San Diego, CA on November 20-23, 2019
2019 journal article
Transnational Advocacy and NGOs in the Digital Era: New Forms of Networked Power
International Studies Quarterly, 64(1), 159–167.
Contributors: N. Hall *, * & J. Dedmon *
2018 journal article
Do Executives Approach Leadership Differently When They Are Involved in Collaborative Partnerships? A Perspective from International Nongovernmental Organizations (INGOs)
Public Performance & Management Review, 42(1), 213–240.
Contributors: E. Boyer *, A. Kolpakov * & H. Schmit *
2018 entry reference
International Criminal Accountability and Transnational Advocacy Networks (TAns)
(A. Gheciu & W. C. Wohlforth, Eds.).
Ed(s): A. Gheciu & W. Wohlforth
2018 journal article
The Nexus of Public and Nonprofit Management
Public Performance & Management Review, 42(1), 11–33.
Contributors: G. Mitchell * & *
2017 magazine article
Digital Media and Peace, The Next Decade
Kroc Peace Magazine, 2017-18, 44–45.
2016 journal article
Comparing global alcohol and tobacco control efforts: network formation and evolution in international health governance: Table 1
Health Policy and Planning, 31(suppl 1), i98–i109.
2016 report
State of Nonprofits and Philanthropy in San Diego
San Diego, CA: Caster Family Center.
2016 book review
The Taming of Democracy Assistance. Why Democracy Promotion Does not Confront Dictators, by S.S. Bush, Cambridge UP, 2015
[Review of The Taming of Democracy Assistance. Why Democracy Promotion Does not Confront Dictators, by S. S. Bush]. H-Diplo | ISSF Roundtable, VIII(18).
2016 journal article
The emergence and effectiveness of global health networks: findings and future research
Health Policy and Planning, 31(suppl 1), i110–i123.
Contributors: J. Shiffman *, * , D. Berlan *, S. Smith *, K. Quissell *, U. Gneiting*, D. Pelletier *
2016 chapter
Transnational Associations and INGOs: Macro-Associations
In The Palgrave Handbook of Volunteering, Civic Participation, and Nonprofit Associations (pp. 874–893).
2015 journal article
A framework on the emergence and effectiveness of global health networks
Health Policy and Planning, 31(suppl 1), i3–i16.
Contributors: J. Shiffman *, K. Quissell *, * , D. Pelletier *, S. Smith *, D. Berlan *, U. Gneiting*, D. Van Slyke*
2015 journal article
The Other Side of the Coin: NGOs, Rights‐Based Approaches, and Public Administration
Public Administration Review, 76(2), 252–262.
Contributors: & G. Mitchell * *
2015 journal article
The global health network on alcohol control: successes and limits of evidence-based advocacy
Health Policy and Planning, 31(suppl 1), i87–i97.
2014 magazine article
Addressing non-communicable diseases: the role of the United States government, philanthropies, and civil society
Dialogue (King's College London), (7), 23–24.
2014 book review
Book Review: Importing democracy: The role of NGOs in South Africa, Tajikistan, and Argentina, by Fisher, J.
[Review of ]. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 0899764014556734. SAGE Publications.
2014 journal article
Importing democracy: The role of NGOs in South Africa, Tajikistan, and Argentina
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.
2014 chapter
Non-State Actors in Human Rights Promotion
In The Sage Handbook of Human Rights (pp. 352–372). Sage.
2014 journal article
Socializing States: Promoting Human Rights through International Law
Perspectives on Politics.
2014 book review
Socializing States: Promoting Human Rights through International Law. By Ryan Goodman and Derek Jinks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. 256p. $99.00 cloth, $29.95 paper.
[Review of ]. Perspectives on Politics, 12(04), 973–974. Cambridge University Press.
2013 chapter
Encouraging Greater Compliance: Local Networks and the United Nations Global Compact
Cambridge University Press.
2013 journal article
2013 book review
Global health governance
[Review of ]. Global public health, 8(8), 976–977. Routledge.
2013 chapter
International human rights
In Handbook of International Relations (pp. 827–851). Sage.
2013 journal article
Networks in Public Administration: Current scholarship in review
Public Management Review, 16(5), 643–665.
Contributors: J. Lecy *, I. Mergel * & *
2013 journal article
Principled instrumentalism: a theory of transnational NGO behaviour
Review of International Studies, 40(3), 487–504.
2013 chapter
Rebels without a cause? Transnational diffusion and the Lord’s Resistance Army, 1986--2011
In Transnational Dynamics of Civil War, edited by Jeffrey T. Checkel (pp. 120–148). Cambridge University Press.
2013 magazine article
Rights-based approaches to development: from rights ‘talk’ to joint action
Schmitz, H. P. (2013, November 27). OpenGlobalRights. https://www.openglobalrights.org/rights-based-approaches-to-development-from-rights-talk-to-joi/
2013 chapter
The INGO research agenda. A community approach to challenges in method and theory
In Routledge Handbook of International Organization (pp. 67–79). Routledge.
2013 book review
[Book Review] Jack Donnelly. Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice. 3rd edition. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2013.
[Review of ]. H-Diplo, H-Net Review. http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=39846.
2012 journal article
A Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA) in Practice: Evaluating NGO Development Efforts
Polity, 44(4), 523–541.
2012 book review
Borders among Activists, by S.S. Stroup, Cornell UP,
[Review of Borders among Activists, by S. S. Stroup]. H-Diplo, H-Net Reviews. https://networks.h-net.org/node/28443/reviews/30439/schmitz-stroup-borders-among-activists-international-ngos-united-states
2012 report
Democratic Imperatives: Innovations in Rights, Participation, and Economic Citizenship
[Report by the Task Force on Democracy, Economic Security, and Social Justice in a Volatile World]. Washington, DC: American Political Science Association.
2012 book review
[BOOK REVIEW] Sarah S. Stroup. Borders among Activists: International NGOs in the United States, Britain, and France. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2012. x + 246 pp. $39.95.
[Review of ]. H-Diplo, H-Net Reviews. http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=36592.
2011 journal article
A Gap between Ambition and Effectiveness
Journal of Civil Society, 7(3), 287–292.
2011 journal article
Accountability of Transnational NGOs: Aspirations vs. Practice
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 41(6), 1176–1195.
Contributors: , P. Raggo * & T. Bruno-van Vijfeijken* *
2011 journal article
Corporations and NGOs: When Accountability leads to Co-optation
Journal of Business Ethics, 106(1), 9–21.
2011 book
How does CCCD Affect Program Effectiveness and Sustainability? A Meta Review of Plan’s Evaluations
Syracuse: Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs.
2011 journal article
Non-Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizational Effectiveness: A Modern Synthesis
Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 23(2), 434–457.
Contributors: J. Lecy *, * & H. Swedlund *
2011 journal article
Transnational NGOs and Human Rights in a Post-9/11 World
2011 chapter
Transnational NGOs and Human Rights in a post-9/11 World
In Human Rights in the 21st Century. Continuity and Change since 9/11 (pp. 203–221). Palgrave/MacMillan.
2010 chapter
Advocacy organizations, networks, and the firm analogy
In Advocacy Organizations and Collective Action (pp. 229–251). Cambridge University Press.
2010 journal article
Beyond Norms and Interests: Understanding the Evolution of Transnational Human Rights Activism
International Journal of Human Rights, 14(3), 442–459.
2010 journal article
Mobilizing for Human Rights: International Law and Domestic Politics
Perspectives on Politics.
2010 report
Navigating Effectiveness; Humanitarian & Development
Navigating Effectiveness; Humanitarian & Development. In NGOs Domain Blog. The Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations, Harvard University.
2010 chapter
The Globalization of Human Rights Norms: Understanding the Opportunities and Limits of International Law and Transnational Activism
In Globalizing Justice. Critical Perspectives on Transnational Law and the Cross-Border Migration of Legal Norms (pp. 121–139). State University of New York Press.
2010 chapter
Transnational Human Rights Networks: Significance and Challenges
In The International Studies Encyclopedia (pp. 7189–7208). Wiley-Blackwell.
2010 journal article
[BOOK REVIEW] Mobilizing for Human Rights: International Law and Domestic Politics. By Beth A. Simmons. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. 468p. $28.99.
Perspectives on Politics, 8(3), 994–995.
2009 journal article
Bracing for impact
Monday Developments, 27(4), 20–22.
2009 report
Rights-Based Approach to Development. Learning from Guatemala; a report commissioned by Plan International Guatemala
Plan International Guatemala TNGO Initiative/Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs.
2009 journal article
Setting Higher Goals: Rights and Development
Monday Developments, 27(12), 19–20.
2009 journal article
Teaching the EU and Europe: Visiting Home with a US Perspective
EUSA Review, 22(1), 11–12.
2009 report
Transnational NGO Interview Study (in Stata, SPSS and Excel formats)
[Data set]. National Science Foundation.
2007 journal article
Human rights education (HRE) and transnational activism
Human Rights Quarterly, 29(4), 973–993.
2007 journal article
Unexpected Power-Conflict and Change among Transnational Activists
Global Change, Peace & Security. https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/31452158/
2007 book review
[BOOK REVIEW] Peaceful Resistance. Advancing Human Rights and Democratic Freedoms. By Robert M. Press. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing, 2006. 227p. $99.50. The New Transnational Activism. By Sidney Tarrow. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[Review of ]. Perspectives on Politics, 5(2), 413–415.
2007 book review
[BOOK REVIEW] Unexpected Power. Conflict and Change among Transnational Activists, by Shareen Hertel, Ithaca: Cornell UP 2006.
[Review of ]. Global Change, Peace, and Security, 19(2), 162–164.
2006 book review
A Science of Humanitarian Action?
[Review of ]. International Studies Review, 8(3), 501–503.
2006 journal article
The new transnationalism and comparative politics
Comparative Politics, 38(4), 479–500.
2006 book
Transnational mobilization and domestic regime change: Africa in comparative perspective
Palgrave Macmillan.
2005 chapter
International Relations
In The Social Science Encyclopedia, edited Adam Kuper and Jessica Kuper, 3rd edition (pp. 521–526). Routledge.
2004 journal article
Domestic and transnational perspectives on democratization
International Studies Review, 6(3), 403–426.
2004 journal article
Freedom on Fire: Human Rights Wars and Americas Response
International Journal, 60(1), 300.
2003 journal article
Globalization and Human Rights, by A
Development in Practice, 13(4), 417–418.
Ed(s): A. Brysk
2002 book
Die Macht der Menschenrechte. Internationale Normen, kommunikatives Handeln und politischer Wandel in den Ländern des Südens
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
2002 chapter
International human rights
In Handbook of International Relations (pp. 517–537). Sage.
2002 journal article
2002 chapter
Nicht-staatliche Akteure und Weltöffentlichkeit. Menschenrechte in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts
In Transnationale Öffentlichkeiten und Identitäten im 20. Jahrhundert (pp. 423–444). Campus Verlag.
2001 journal article
Constructing world culture: International nongovernmental organizations since 1875
Contemporary Sociology.
2001 journal article
Menschenrechtswächter: partielle Midlife-Crisis: INGOs, Vereinte Nationen und Weltöffentlichkeit
Vereinte Nationen, 49(1), 7–12.
2001 chapter
When Networks Blind: Human Rights and Politics in Kenya
In Intervention and Transnationalism in Africa: Global-Local Networks of Power (pp. 149–172). New York: Cambridge University Press.
2001 book review
[BOOK REVIEW] Constructing World Culture. International Nongovernmental Organizations since 1875, by John Boli and George M. Thomas (eds.), Stanford University Press.
[Review of ]. Contemporary Sociology, 30(4), 390–391.
2000 chapter
Mobilizing identities: transnational social movements and the promotion of human rights
In Global Institutions and Local Empowerment. Competing Theoretical Perspectives (pp. 85–113). MacMillan Press.
1999 chapter
International factors in processes of political democratization: towards a theoretical integration
In Democracy without borders: Transnationalization and conditionality in new democracies (pp. 23–41). Routledge.
1999 chapter
Transnational activism and political change in Kenya and Uganda
In The Power of Human Rights. International Norms and Domestic Change (pp. 39–77). Cambridge University Press.
1998 journal article
Die Macht der Menschenrechte. Zur innenpolitischen Durchsetzung internationaler Normen
Aus Politik Und Zeitgeschichte, 43–53.
1998 journal article
Internationale Menschenrechtsnormen, transnationale Netzwerke und politischer Wandel in den Ländern des Südens
Zeitschrift Für Internationale Beziehungen, 5(1), 5–41.
1998 journal article
Kenya and Uganda: Defining and Diffusing Democracy in a Transnational World
L'Afrique Politique 1998, 227–244.
1998 journal article
Spiral of influence - How are human rights norms implemented?
Europa Archiv. https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/32586824/
1998 journal article
Spirale des Einflusses: Wie lassen sich Menschenrechtsnormen durchsetzen?
Internationale Politik, 53(11), 61–67.
1997 journal article
Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NRO) und internationale Menschenrechtspolitik
Comparativ, 7(4), 27–67.
1995 journal article
Konflikte in der UNESCO. Eine Überprüfung neorealistischer Thesen zum Nord-Süd-Verhältnis
Zeitschrift Für Internationale Beziehungen, 2(1), 107–139.
Updated: August 4th, 2024 15:02
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Updated: January 10th, 2015 00:13
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