Works (22)
2025 article
Di-Tyrosine Cross-Linking of Elastin-Like Polypeptides through Ruthenium Photoreaction To Form Scaffolds: Fine Tuning Mechanical Properties and Improving Cytocompatibility
2024 journal article
Comparison of Day-Specific Serum LH, Estradiol, and Progesterone with Mira™ Monitor Urinary LH, Estrone-3-glucuronide, and Pregnanediol-3-glucuronide Levels in Ovulatory Cycles

2024 journal article
Comparison of Different Stabilizing Agents and Antigen Attachment Methods on Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Vaccination
Biomedical Materials & Devices.

2024 journal article
Generation of Broad Protection against Influenza with Di-Tyrosine-Cross-Linked M2e Nanoclusters
ACS Infectious Diseases.

2024 journal article
Standardizing the skin tape stripping method for sensitization and using it to create a mouse model of peanut allergy

2023 journal article
Delivery of gold nanoparticle-conjugated M2e influenza vaccine in mice using coated microneedles
Biomaterials Science.

2023 journal article
Introduction to microneedles
Journal of Materials Chemistry B.
2023 journal article
Introduction to microneedles
Biomaterials Science.
2022 journal article
Drug-Coated Floss to Treat Gum Diseases: In Vitro and In Vivo Characterization
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.

2022 journal article
Peptide Cross-Linking Using Tyrosine Residues Facilitated by an Exogenous Nickel–Histidine Complex: A Facile Approach for Enhancing Vaccine-Specific Immunogenicity
ACS Infectious Diseases.

2022 journal article
Role of Sporopollenin Shell Interfacial Properties in Protein Adsorption
Langmuir, 38(9), 2763–2776.

2022 journal article
Targeted Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy within the Skin Improves Allergen Delivery to Induce Desensitization to Peanut
2021 journal article
Tyrosine-Based Cross-Linking of Peptide Antigens to Generate Nanoclusters with Enhanced Immunogenicity: Demonstration Using the Conserved M2e Peptide of Influenza A
ACS Infectious Diseases, 8.

2020 journal article
Microneedle-Mediated Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy for the Treatment of Airway Allergy in Mice
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 17(8), 3033–3042.

2019 journal article
Investigation of the Fate of Proteins and Hydrophilicity/Hydrophobicity of Lycopodium clavatum Spores after Organic Solvent–Base–Acid Treatment
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11(23), 20628–20641.
2019 journal article
Microneedles coated with peanut allergen enable desensitization of peanut sensitized mice
Journal of Controlled Release, 314, 38–47.

2019 conference paper
Topical anesthetic efficacy on palatal mucosa pretreated with microneedles
Resumos do Congresso de Iniciação Cientı́fica Unicamp.
2018 journal article
Assessment of Th1/Th2 Bias of STING Agonists Coated on Microneedles for Possible Use in Skin Allergen Immunotherapy
Molecular Pharmaceutics, 15(11), 5437–5443.

2018 journal article
From allergen to oral vaccine carrier: A new face of ragweed pollen
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 545(1-2), 286–294.

2017 journal article
Cutaneous vaccination with coated microneedles prevents development of airway allergy
Journal of Controlled Release, 265, 75–82.

2017 journal article
Microneedles enhance topical delivery of 15-deoxy-Δ 12,14 -prostaglandin J 2 and reduce nociception in temporomandibular joint of rats
Journal of Controlled Release, 265, 22–29.

2016 journal article
Mucosal vaccine delivery: Current state and a pediatric perspective
Journal of Controlled Release, 240, 394–413.