@article{stratton_davis_lewbart_2024, title={Gastrotomy for removal of a gastric fishhook foreign body in a blue catfish (Ictalurus furcatus)}, volume={6}, ISSN={["2052-6121"]}, DOI={10.1002/vrc2.918}, abstractNote={Abstract An adult blue catfish ( Ictalurus furcatus ) presented for ingestion of a fishing lure. Manual retrieval of the fishing lure was attempted via palpation of the stomach through the oral cavity and oesophagus. The lure was palpable within the lumen of the stomach, but it could not be safely extracted, as one of the trebleā€barb hooks on the lure had perforated the gastric wall. The lure was surgically removed via gastrotomy. Six weeks following surgery, the patient experienced dehiscence of the skin incision, which was left open for healing by second intention. The patient made a complete recovery. This is the first documented gastrotomy for successful removal of a gastric fishhook foreign body in a teleost fish.}, journal={VETERINARY RECORD CASE REPORTS}, author={Stratton, Hayley S. and Davis, Ragon and Lewbart, Gregory A.}, year={2024}, month={Jun} }