2022 journal article
Swine Lagoon Compost: Analysis as Transplant Substrate for 'Traviata' Eggplant, 'Clemson Spineless' Okra, and 'Moneymaker' Tomato
HORTTECHNOLOGY, 32(1), 67–73.
2018 journal article
Rootstock improves high-tunnel tomato water use efficiency
HortTechnology, 28(3), 337–343.
2017 journal article
Nutrient Sequestration by Vegetation in Bioretention Cells Receiving High Nutrient Loads
2016 journal article
Storm impact on sea surface temperature and chlorophyll a in the Gulf of Mexico and Sargasso Sea based on daily cloud-free satellite data reconstructions
Geophysical Research Letters, 43(23), 12,199–112,207.
2015 journal article
Stormwater control measure (SCM) maintenance considerations to ensure designed functionality
Urban Water Journal, 14(3), 278–290.
2014 conference paper
Defining rain garden filter bed substrates based on saturated hydraulic conductivity
International symposium on growing media and soilless cultivation, 1034, 57–64.
2014 conference paper
Physical properties of varying rain garden filter bed substrates affect saturated hydraulic conductivity ?
Proceedings of the international plant propagator's society - 2013, 1055, 485–489.
2014 journal article
Rain garden filter bed substrates affect stormwater nutrient remediation
HortScience, 49(5), 645–652.
2013 conference paper
Strategies for developing sustainable substrates in nursery crop production
International symposium on growing media, composting and substrate analysis, 1013, 43–56.
2011 journal article
Development of the AG*IDEA Alliance's horticulture graduate certificates program and Inter-institutional course share
HortTechnology, 21(6), 688–691.
2011 journal article
Nitrogen:phosphorus:potassium ratios affect production of two herbaceous perennials
HortScience, 46(5), 776–783.
2002 journal article
Nitrogen form affects growth, mineral nutrient content, and root anatomy of Cotoneaster and Rudbeckia
HortScience, 37(1), 126–129.
2001 article
Method of fertilizer application affects nutrient losses of controlled-release fertilizer
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