Joseph E. Hummer Yang, G., Warchol, S., Cunningham, C. M., & Hummer, J. (2023). The potential of signalized offset T-intersections to accommodate new developments. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 12(1), 217–229. Zahabi, M., Pankok, C., Jr., Kaber, D. B., Machado, P., Lau, M. Y., Hummer, J. E., & Rasdorf, W. (2017). On-Road Visual Sign Salience, Driver Attention Allocation, and Target Detection Accuracy. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, (2663), 40–47. Arocho, I., Rasdorf, W., Hummer, J., & Lewis, P. (2017). Time and cost characterisation of emissions from non-road diesel equipment for infrastructure projects. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE ENGINEERING, 10(2), 123–134. Hummer, J. E., Harris, E. A., & Rasdorf, W. (2013). Simulation-Based Evaluation of Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity Maintenance Practices. JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING-ASCE, 139(6), 556–564. Findley, D. J., Hummer, J. E., Rasdorf, W., & Laton, B. T. (2013). Collecting Horizontal Curve Data: Mobile Asset Vehicles and Other Techniques. JOURNAL OF INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS, 19(1), 74–84. Harris, E. A., Rasdorf, W., & Hummer, J. E. (2012). Development of a Microscopic Simulation to Model Traffic Sign Management and Performance. JOURNAL OF COMPUTING IN CIVIL ENGINEERING, 26(2), 172–182. Zhang, Y., Harris, E., Rogers, M., Kaber, D., Hummer, J., Rasdorf, W., & Hu, J. (2013). Driver distraction and performance effects of highway logo sign design. APPLIED ERGONOMICS, 44(3), 472–479. Hollar, D. A., Rasdorf, W., Liu, M., Hummer, J. E., Arocho, I., & Hsiang, S. M. (2013). Preliminary Engineering Cost Estimation Model for Bridge Projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(9), 1259–1267. Liu, M., Rasdorf, W., Hummer, J. E., Hollar, D. A., & Parikh, S. C. (2013). Preliminary Engineering Cost-Estimation Strategy Assessment for Roadway Projects. Journal of Management in Engineering, 29(2), 150–157. Ott, S. E., Haley, R. L., Hummer, J. E., Foyle, R. S., & Cunningham, C. M. (2012). Safety effects of unsignalized superstreets in North Carolina. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 45, 572–579. Rasdorf, W., Findley, D. J., Zegeer, C. V., Sundstrom, C. A., & Hummer, J. E. (2012). Evaluation of GIS Applications for Horizontal Curve Data Collection. JOURNAL OF COMPUTING IN CIVIL ENGINEERING, 26(2), 191–203. Hummer, J. E., Rasdorf, W., & Zhang, G. (2011). Linear Mixed-Effects Models for Paint Pavement-Marking Retroreflectivity Data. JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING, 137(10), 705–716. Haley, R. L., Ott, S. E., Hummer, J. E., Foyle, R. S., Cunningham, C. M., & Schroeder, B. J. (2011). Operational effects of signalized superstreets in North Carolina. Transportation Research Record, (2223), 72–79. Moon, J. P., Hummer, J. E., & Van Duyn, M. H. (2011). Saving space in a dense city: When designers should consider the new nano-interchange. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 15(6), 1101–1108. Hummer, J. 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A., Dai, X. L., Khatak, A. J., & Hummer, J. E. (1998). The emergence of high-resolution satellite digital imagery for acquisition roadway inventory features. Space Energy and Transportation, 3(1), 19–26. Hummer, J. E. (1998). Unconventional left-turn alternatives for urban and suburban arterials: Part one. ITE Journal, 68(9), 26–29. Rouphail, N. M., Hummer, J. E., & Allen, D. P. (1997). Bicycle operations and level of service literature synthesis. In Final Draft, Federal Highway Administration, McLean, VA, January 1997. Hummer, J. E., Graham, JR, Ravoori, S. B., King, L. E., & Rogers, M. D. (1997). Classifying unlighted roadways based on night to total accident ratios. JOURNAL OF THE ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING SOCIETY, 26(2), 49-+. Karimi, H. A., & Hummer, J. E. (1997). Collection and presentation of roadway inventory data. In Interim Report, National Cooperative Highway Research Program Project 1515, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, May 1997. Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board. Hummer, J. E., Khattak, A., & Kantor, P. (1997). Collision factors and potential counter measures related to heavy trucks on two-lane roads. Proceedings, 1997 International Large Truck Safety Symposium, Knoxville, TN, October 27-29, (1997), 81–91. Chatterjee, A., Hummer, J. E., Clarke, D. B., & Ney, S. M. (1997). Landside access to sea ports in urban areas: A case study. In Truck, marine, and intermodal freight and hazardous materials transportation (pp. 49–56). Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board. Hummer, J. E. (1997). Planning and engineering studies. In Traffic sign handbook (Ch. 4). Washington, DC: Institute of Transportation Engineers. Milazzo, J., Rouphail, N., Allen, P., & Hummer, J. (1997). Proposed revisions to Highway Capacity Manual chapter 9: Pedestrian and bicycle analysis procedures. Proceedings of the ASCE Specialty Conference: Traffic Congestion and Safety in the 21st Century, Chicago, IL, June 8-11, 1997. Dutt, N., Hummer, J. E., & Clark, K. L. (1997). User preferences of flourescent strong yellow-green pedestrian crossing sign. In Research on traffic control devices (pp. 17–21). Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board.