@article{wang_harrison_2013, title={Bayesian update method for contaminant source characterization in water distribution systems}, volume={139}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management}, author={Wang, H. and Harrison, K. W.}, year={2013}, pages={13–22} } @article{wang_rouskas_2013, title={Traffic grooming in optical networks: Decomposition and partial linear programming (LP) relaxation}, volume={5}, DOI={10.1364/jocn.5.000825}, abstractNote={We consider the traffic grooming problem, a fundamental network design problem in optical networks. We review a typical integer linear program formulation considered in the literature, and we identify two challenges related to this formulation in terms of scalability and wavelength fragmentation. We then propose a new (to our knowledge) solution approach that decomposes the traffic grooming problem into two subproblems that are solved sequentially: 1) the virtual topology and traffic routing (VTTR) subproblem, which does not take into account physical topology constraints, and 2) the routing and wavelength assignment subproblem, which reconciles the virtual topology determined by VTTR with the physical topology. The decomposition is exact when the network is not wavelength limited. We also propose an algorithm that uses a partial linear programming relaxation technique driven by lightpath utilization information to solve the VTTR subproblem efficiently. Our approach delivers a desirable tradeoff between running time and quality of the final solution.}, number={8}, journal={Journal of Optical Communications and Networking}, author={Wang, H. and Rouskas, G. N.}, year={2013}, pages={825–835} } @article{tang_song_wang_zhu_2013, title={Variable selection in high-dimensional quantile varying coefficient models}, volume={122}, journal={Journal of Multivariate Analysis}, author={Tang, Y. L. and Song, X. Y. and Wang, H. J. and Zhu, Z. Y.}, year={2013}, pages={115–132} } @article{wang_sankarasubramanian_ranjithan_2013, title={Integration of Climate and Weather Information for Improving 15-Day-Ahead Accumulated Precipitation Forecasts}, volume={14}, ISSN={["1525-7541"]}, DOI={10.1175/jhm-d-11-0128.1}, abstractNote={Abstract Skillful medium-range weather forecasts are critical for water resources planning and management. This study aims to improve 15-day-ahead accumulated precipitation forecasts by combining biweekly weather and disaggregated climate forecasts. A combination scheme is developed to combine reforecasts from a numerical weather model and disaggregated climate forecasts from ECHAM4.5 for developing 15-day-ahead precipitation forecasts. Evaluation of the skill of the weather–climate information (WCI)-based biweekly forecasts under leave-five-out cross validation shows that WCI-based forecasts perform better than reforecasts in many grid points over the continental United States. Correlation between rank probability skill score (RPSS) and disaggregated ECHAM4.5 forecast errors reveals that the lower the error in the disaggregated forecasts, the better the performance of WCI forecasts. Weights analysis from the combination scheme also shows that the biweekly WCI forecasts perform better by assigning higher weights to the better-performing candidate forecasts (reforecasts or disaggregated ECHAM4.5 forecasts). Particularly, WCI forecasts perform better during the summer months during which reforecasts have limited skill. Even though the disaggregated climate forecasts do not perform well over many grid points, the primary reason WCI-based forecasts perform better than the reforecasts is due to the reduction in the overconfidence of the reforecasts. Since the disaggregated climate forecasts are better dispersed than the reforecasts, combining them with reforecasts results in reduced uncertainty in predicting the 15-day-ahead accumulated precipitation.}, number={1}, journal={JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY}, author={Wang, Hui and Sankarasubramanian, A. and Ranjithan, Ranji S.}, year={2013}, month={Feb}, pages={186–202} } @inproceedings{wang_liu_rouskas_2012, title={Scalable traffic grooming in optical networks}, booktitle={2012 asia communications and photonics conference (acp)}, author={Wang, H. and Liu, Z. Y. and Rouskas, G. N.}, year={2012} }