@article{lee_hossain_jamalzadegan_liu_wang_saville_shymanovich_paul_rotenberg_whitfield_et al._2023, title={Abaxial leaf surface-mounted multimodal wearable sensor for continuous plant physiology monitoring}, volume={9}, ISSN={2375-2548}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.ade2232}, DOI={10.1126/sciadv.ade2232}, abstractNote={Wearable plant sensors hold tremendous potential for smart agriculture. We report a lower leaf surface-attached multimodal wearable sensor for continuous monitoring of plant physiology by tracking both biochemical and biophysical signals of the plant and its microenvironment. Sensors for detecting volatile organic compounds (VOCs), temperature, and humidity are integrated into a single platform. The abaxial leaf attachment position is selected on the basis of the stomata density to improve the sensor signal strength. This versatile platform enables various stress monitoring applications, ranging from tracking plant water loss to early detection of plant pathogens. A machine learning model was also developed to analyze multichannel sensor data for quantitative detection of tomato spotted wilt virus as early as 4 days after inoculation. The model also evaluates different sensor combinations for early disease detection and predicts that minimally three sensors are required including the VOC sensors.}, number={15}, journal={Science Advances}, publisher={American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)}, author={Lee, Giwon and Hossain, Oindrila and Jamalzadegan, Sina and Liu, Yuxuan and Wang, Hongyu and Saville, Amanda C. and Shymanovich, Tatsiana and Paul, Rajesh and Rotenberg, Dorith and Whitfield, Anna E. and et al.}, year={2023}, month={Apr} } @article{koenig_wang_zhu_gupta_tucker_thompson_2024, title={In situ characterization of thermomechanically loaded solution strengthened, nanocrystalline nickel alloys}, volume={263}, ISSN={["1873-2453"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.actamat.2023.119462}, abstractNote={Nanocrystalline (NC) Ni-40Cu and Ni-40Cu-0.6P (at.%) alloys were mechanically loaded in tension at ambient (23°C) and elevated (150°C) temperatures with the deformed nanostructure captured by in situ transmission electron microscopy coupled with digital image correlation for data mining high strain regions prior to catastrophic failure. The addition of the P provided grain boundary partitioning that stabilized the NC structure under both loading cases, which was not found to be the case for the binary alloy. While mechanical strength softening was observed in each of the alloys upon thermomechanical loading, the retention of strength was substantially higher in the ternary alloy than its binary counterpart. Digital image correlation was found to be a useful means for image mining to identify different regions where failure mechanisms were initiated. Intergranular failure was observed as the dominant failure mechanism in all specimens with the binary alloy revealing a coarser fracture profile as compared to a finer fracture profile in the ternary alloy. Atomistic simulations are used to understand P solute strengthening of the grain boundaries against this fracture failure mode.}, journal={ACTA MATERIALIA}, author={Koenig, Thomas R. and Wang, Hongyu and Zhu, Yong and Gupta, Ankit and Tucker, Garritt J. and Thompson, Gregory B.}, year={2024}, month={Jan} } @article{son_lee_wang_samson_wei_zhu_you_2022, title={Integrating charge mobility, stability and stretchability within conjugated polymer films for stretchable multifunctional sensors}, volume={13}, ISSN={["2041-1723"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-30361-0}, DOI={10.1038/s41467-022-30361-0}, abstractNote={AbstractConjugated polymers (CPs) are promising semiconductors for intrinsically stretchable electronic devices. Ideally, such CPs should exhibit high charge mobility, excellent stability, and high stretchability. However, converging all these desirable properties in CPs has not been achieved via molecular design and/or device engineering. This work details the design, synthesis and characterization of a random polythiophene (RP-T50) containing ~50 mol% of thiophene units with a thermocleavable tertiary ester side chain and ~50 mol% of unsubstituted thiophene units, which, upon thermocleavage of alkyl chains, shows significant improvement of charge mobility and stability. Thermal annealing a RP-T50 film coated on a stretchable polydimethylsiloxane substrate spontaneously generates wrinkling in the polymer film, which effectively enhances the stretchability of the polymer film. The wrinkled RP-T50-based stretchable sensors can effectively detect humidity, ethanol, temperature and light even under 50% uniaxial and 30% biaxial strains. Our discoveries offer new design rationale of strategically applying CPs to intrinsically stretchable electronic systems.}, number={1}, journal={NATURE COMMUNICATIONS}, author={Son, Sung Yun and Lee, Giwon and Wang, Hongyu and Samson, Stephanie and Wei, Qingshan and Zhu, Yong and You, Wei}, year={2022}, month={May} } @article{liu_wang_zhu_2021, title={Recycling of Nanowire Percolation Network for Sustainable Soft Electronics}, volume={7}, ISSN={["2199-160X"]}, DOI={10.1002/aelm.202100588}, abstractNote={AbstractThere is an increasing demand for eco‐friendly and sustainable electronics, where recycling of functional materials is the key. Soft electronics have received much attention recently, however, their recycling has been challenging. Here a strategy is reported to recycle silver nanowire (AgNW) percolation network to achieve sustainable soft electronics. The effect of working solvent and ultrasonication time on the morphology and electrical properties of the recycled AgNW network is investigated. Using the selected working solvent with low surface tension (isopropanol) and optimal ultrasonication time (20 s), the AgNW network film can be recycled multiple times (four times in this work) without significant morphology changes and performance degradation. A transient epidermal sensor patch using AgNW as electrodes and a water‐soluble polymer substrate is fabricated and fully recycled. On‐body test of the epidermal sensor patch fabricated by recycled AgNWs demonstrates a working example for the recycling concept of AgNWs. The recycling concept can be extended to other nanomaterials in the form of percolation network.}, journal={ADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS}, author={Liu, Yuxuan and Wang, Hongyu and Zhu, Yong}, year={2021}, month={Jul} } @article{song_yao_liu_wang_dong_zhu_brendan t. o'connor_2020, title={Facile Approach to Fabricating Stretchable Organic Transistors with Laser-Patterned Ag Nanowire Electrodes}, volume={12}, ISSN={["1944-8252"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.0c15339}, DOI={10.1021/acsami.0c15339}, abstractNote={Stretchable electronics are poised to revolutionize personal healthcare and robotics, where they enable distributed and conformal sensors. Transistors are fundamental building blocks of electronics, and there is a need to produce stretchable transistors using low-cost and scalable fabrication techniques. Here, we introduce a facile fabrication approach using laser patterning and transfer printing to achieve high-performance, solution-processed intrinsically stretchable organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs). The device consists of Ag nanowire (NW) electrodes, where the source and drain electrodes are patterned using laser ablation. The Ag NWs are then partially embedded in a poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) matrix. The electrodes are combined with a PDMS dielectric and polymer semiconductor, where the layers are individually transfer printed to complete the OTFT. Two polymer semiconductors, DPP-DTT and DPP-4T, are considered and show stable operation under the cyclic strain of 20 and 40%, respectively. The OTFTs maintain electrical performance by adopting a buckled structure after the first stretch-release cycle. The conformability and stretchability of the OTFT is also demonstrated by operating the transistor while adhered to a finger being flexed. The ability to pattern highly conductive Ag NW networks using laser ablation to pattern electrodes as well as interconnects provides a simple strategy to produce complex stretchable OTFT-based circuits.}, number={45}, journal={ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES}, publisher={American Chemical Society (ACS)}, author={Song, Runqiao and Yao, Shanshan and Liu, Yuxuan and Wang, Hongyu and Dong, Jingyan and Zhu, Yong and Brendan T. O'Connor}, year={2020}, month={Nov}, pages={50675–50683} } @article{zhou_yao_wang_du_ma_zhu_2020, title={Gas-Permeable, Ultrathin, Stretchable Epidermal Electronics with Porous Electrodes}, volume={14}, ISSN={["1936-086X"]}, DOI={10.1021/acsnano.0c00906}, abstractNote={We present gas-permeable, ultrathin, and stretchable electrodes enabled by self-assembled porous substrates and conductive nanostructures. Efficient and scalable breath figure method is employed to introduce the porous skeleton and then silver nanowires (AgNWs) are dip-coated and heat-pressed to offer electric conductivity. The resulting film has a transmittance of 61%, sheet resistance of 7.3 Ω/sq, and water vapor permeability of 23 mg cm-2 h-1. With AgNWs embedded below the surface of the polymer, the electrode exhibits excellent stability with the presence of sweat and after long-term wear. We demonstrate the promising potential of the electrode for wearable electronics in two representative applications - skin-mountable biopotential sensing for healthcare and textile-integrated touch sensing for human-machine interfaces. The electrode can form conformal contact with human skin, leading to low skin-electrode impedance and high-quality biopotential signals. In addition, the textile electrode can be used in a self-capacitance wireless touch sensing system.}, number={5}, journal={ACS NANO}, author={Zhou, Weixin and Yao, Shanshan and Wang, Hongyu and Du, QIngchuan and Ma, Yanwen and Zhu, Yong}, year={2020}, month={May}, pages={5798–5805} }