Heike Inge Ada Sederoff
Works (63)
2025 review
Advances in lignocellulosic feedstocks for bioenergy and bioproducts
[Review of ]. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 16(1).
2024 journal article
<i>IPD3</i>, a master regulator of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis, affects genes for immunity and metabolism of non-host <i>Arabidopsis</i> when restored long after its evolutionary loss

2024 article
Camelina CircRNA Landscape: Implications for Gene Regulation and Fatty Acid Metabolism
Utley, D., Edwards, B., Budnick, A., Grotewold, E., & Sederoff, H. (2024, July 3).

2024 article
Camelina circRNA landscape: Implications for gene regulation and fatty acid metabolism
Utley, D., Edwards, B., Budnick, A., Grotewold, E., & Sederoff, H. (2024, December 10). PLANT GENOME, Vol. 12.

2024 article
Long- and short-read sequencing methods discover distinct circular RNA pools in <i>Lotus japonicus</i>
Budnick, A., Franklin, M. J., Utley, D., Edwards, B., Charles, M., Hornstein, E. D., & Sederoff, H. (2024, January 20). PLANT GENOME, Vol. 1.

2023 article
Back to the Future: Re-Engineering the Evolutionarily Lost Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Host Trait to Improve Climate Resilience for Agriculture
Hornstein, E. D., & Sederoff, H. (2023, September 13). CRITICAL REVIEWS IN PLANT SCIENCES, Vol. 9.

2023 journal article
Emergent molecular traits of lettuce and tomato grown under wavelength-selective solar cells

2023 article
Exceptionally high genetic variance of the doubled haploid (DH) population of poplar
Liu, C., Wang, S., Liu, Y., Wang, M., Fan, E., Liu, C., … Qu, G. (2023, May 4). JOURNAL OF FORESTRY RESEARCH, Vol. 5.

2023 article
Re-engineering a lost trait:IPD3, a master regulator of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis, affects genes for immunity and metabolism of non-host Arabidopsis when restored long after its evolutionary loss
Hornstein, E. D., Charles, M., Franklin, M., Edwards, B., Vintila, S., Kleiner, M., & Sederoff, H. (2023, March 7).
2022 journal article
Gene sdaB Is Involved in the Nematocidal Activity of Enterobacter ludwigii AA4 Against the Pine Wood Nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus

2022 journal article
High-throughput detection of T-DNA insertion sites for multiple transgenes in complex genomes

2022 article
Organic solar powered greenhouse performance optimization and global economic opportunity
Ravishankar, E., Booth, R. E., Hollingsworth, J. A., Ade, H., Sederoff, H., DeCarolis, J. F., & Brendan T. O'Connor. (2022, March 10). ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, Vol. 15.

2022 article
The double flower variant of yellowhorn is due to a LINE1 transposon-mediated insertion
Wang, H., Lu, Y., Zhang, T., Liu, Z., Cao, L., Chang, Q., … Zheng, Z. (2022, December 10). PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, Vol. 12.

2021 review
An Overview of the Practices and Management Methods for Enhancing Seed Production in Conifer Plantations for Commercial Use
[Review of ]. HORTICULTURAE, 7(8).

2021 journal article
Balancing crop production and energy harvesting in organic solar-powered greenhouses

2021 article
Epigenetic modification associated with climate regulates betulin biosynthesis in birch
Wang, J., Chen, B., Ali, S., Zhang, T., Wang, Y., Zhang, H., … Zhang, Q. (2021, December 4). JOURNAL OF FORESTRY RESEARCH, Vol. 12.

2021 journal article
Qu-2, a robust poplar suspension cell line for molecular biology
2020 journal article
Achieving Net Zero Energy Greenhouses by Integrating Semitransparent Organic Solar Cells
JOULE, 4(2), 490–506.
Contributors: E. Ravishankar n, R. Booth n, C. Saravitz n, n , H. Ade n & . B.T. O'Connor

2020 review
Microbial Interactions Within Multiple-Strain Biological Control Agents Impact Soil-Borne Plant Disease
Contributors: B. Niu *, W. Wang*, Z. Yuan*, R. Sederoff n, n , V. Chiang n, R. Borriss *

2019 journal article
One thousand plant transcriptomes and the phylogenomics of green plants
NATURE, 574(7780), 679-+.
Contributors: J. Leebens-Mack *, M. Barker *, E. Carpenter *, M. Deyholos *, M. Gitzendanner *, S. Graham *, I. Grosse*, Z. Li*

2019 journal article
Relating nitrogen concentration and light intensity to the growth and lipid accumulation of Dunaliella viridis in a photobioreactor
Journal of Applied Phycology, 31(6), 3397–3409.
Contributors: Y. Lai n, A. Karam n, n , J. Ducoste n & F. Reyes n

2018 journal article
Grafting the Indeterminate Tomato Cultivar Moneymaker onto Multifort Rootstock Improves Cold Tolerance
HORTSCIENCE, 53(11), 1610–1617.
Contributors: D. Suchoff n , P. Perkins-Veazie n, n , J. Schultheis n, M. Kleinhenz n, F. Louws n , C. Gunter n

2018 journal article
Metabolic and Transcriptional Profiles of Dunaliella viridis Supplemented With Ammonium Derived From Glutamine
Contributors: J. Dums n, C. Murphree n, N. Vasani n, D. Young n & n

2017 journal article
Accumulation of medium-chain, saturated fatty acyl moieties in seed oils of transgenic Camelina sativa
PLOS ONE, 12(2).

2017 journal article
Amino Acids Are an Ineffective Fertilizer for Dunaliella spp. Growth
Contributors: C. Murphree n, J. Dums n, S. Jain n, C. Zhao *, D. Young n, N. Khoshnoodi*, A. Tikunov *, J. Macdonald*, G. Pilot *, n

2017 journal article
Construction and Setup of a Bench-scale Algal Photosynthetic Bioreactor with Temperature, Light, and pH Monitoring for Kinetic Growth Tests
Journal of Visualized Experiments, 6(124).
Contributors: A. Karam n, C. McMillan n, Y. Lai n, F. De Los Reyes n , n , A. Grunden n, R. Ranjithan n, J. Levis n, J. Ducoste n

2017 journal article
Construction and setup of a bench-scale algal photosynthetic bioreactor with temperature, light, and ph monitoring for kinetic growth tests
Jove-Journal of Visualized Experiments, (124).
2016 journal article
ROSY1, a novel regulator of gravitropic response is a stigmasterol binding protein
Contributors: J. Dalal n, D. Lewis *, O. Tietz*, E. Brown n, C. Brown n, K. Palme *, G. Muday *, n

2015 journal article
A novel gateway-compatible binary vector series (PC-GW) for flexible cloning of multiple genes for genetic transformation of plants
PLASMID, 81, 55–62.
Contributors: J. Dalal n, R. Yalamanchili n, C. La Hovary n, M. Ji n, M. Rodriguez-Welsh n, D. Aslett n, S. Ganapathy n, A. Grunden n , n , R. Qu n

2015 journal article
A photorespiratory bypass increases plant growth and seed yield in biofuel crop Camelina sativa
Contributors: J. Dalal n, H. Lopez n, N. Vasani n, Z. Hu n, J. Swift n, R. Yalamanchili n, M. Dvora n, X. Lin n
2015 journal article
Algal ancestor of land plants was preadapted for symbiosis
Contributors: P. Delaux *, G. Radhakrishnan *, D. Jayaraman*, J. Cheema*, M. Malbreil*, J. Volkening *, H. Sekimoto *, T. Nishiyama *

2015 journal article
Interaction of Temperature and Photoperiod Increases Growth and Oil Content in the Marine Microalgae Dunaliella viridis
PLOS ONE, 10(5).
Contributors: S. Srirangan n, M. Sauer n, B. Howard n, M. Dvora n, J. Dums n, P. Backman n, n

2015 chapter
Methods for RNA Profiling of Gravi-Responding Plant Tissues
In Methods in Molecular Biology (Vol. 1309, pp. 91–117).
Contributors: J. Dalal n, E. Land n , N. Vasani n, L. He n, C. Smith n, M. Rodriguez-Welsh n, I. Perera n , n

2013 journal article
A physical map of the Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima) genome and its integration with the genetic map
TREE GENETICS & GENOMES, 9(2), 525–537.

2013 journal article
ASI: Dunaliella marine microalgae to drop-in replacement liquid transportation fuel
ASI:Dunaliellamarine microalgae to drop-in replacement liquid transportation fuel. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 32(4), 916–925.
Contributors: W. Wang n, E. Allen n, A. Campos n, R. Cade n, L. Dean *, M. Dvora n, J. Immer n, S. Mixson n
2013 journal article
High-Throughput RNA Sequencing of Pseudomonas-Infected Arabidopsis Reveals Hidden Transcriptome Complexity and Novel Splice Variants
PLOS ONE, 8(10).
Contributors: B. Howard n, Q. Hu n, A. Babaoglu n, M. Chandra n, M. Borghi n, X. Tan n, L. He n, H. Winter-Sederoff

2013 journal article
The SOS4 pyridoxal kinase is required for maintenance of vitamin B-6-mediated processes in chloroplasts
Contributors: E. Rueschhoff n, J. Gillikin n, n & M. Daub n

2012 journal article
An ER-targeted calcium-binding peptide confers salt and drought tolerance mediated by CIPK6 in Arabidopsis
PLANTA, 235(3), 539–552.
Contributors: P. Tsou*, S. Lee n, N. Allen n, H. Winter-Sederoff & D. Robertson n

2011 journal article
Arabidopsis thaliana calcium-dependent lipid-binding protein (AtCLB): a novel repressor of abiotic stress response
Contributors: K. De Silva *, B. Laska, C. Brown*, * & M. Khodakovskaya*

2010 journal article
Basal Signaling Regulates Plant Growth and Development
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 154(2), 439–443.
Contributors: W. Boss n, n , Y. Im n, N. Moran n, A. Grunden n & I. Perera n

2010 conference paper
EFRI-HyBi: Algal oils to "drop-in" replacements for petroleum transportation fuels
ACS National Meeting Book of Abstracts. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-79951504751&partnerID=MN8TOARS
2010 journal article
Increasing inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate metabolism affects drought tolerance, carbohydrate metabolism and phosphate-sensitive biomass increases in tomato
Plant Biotechnology Journal, 8(2), 170–183.

2010 journal article
Lignin and Biomass: A Negative Correlation for Wood Formation and Lignin Content in Trees
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 154(2), 555–561.
Contributors: E. Novaes n, M. Kirst n, V. Chiang n, H. Winter-Sederoff & R. Sederoff n

2010 journal article
Role of inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate signalling in gravitropic and phototropic gene expression
Plant, Cell & Environment, 33(12), 2041–2055.
Contributors: R. Salinas-Mondragon, J. Kajla n, I. Perera n , C. Brown n & n

2008 chapter
Plan(t)s for Space Exploration
In Plant Tropisms (pp. 183–195).
2007 conference paper
Quality Assessment of Affymetrix GeneChip Data using the EM Algorithm and a Naive Bayes Classifier
2007 IEEE 7th International Symposium on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, 145–150.
Contributors: B. Howard n, B. Sick n, I. Perera n , J. Yang n, H. Winter-Sederoff & S. Heber n
2005 journal article
Co-expression and hormonal regulation of genes in response to gravity and mechanical stimulation in the Arabidopsis root apex.
Gravitational and Space Biology Bulletin : Publication of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology, 18(2), 117–118. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-26944462406&partnerID=MN8TOARS
2005 journal article
Gravity and light: integrating transcriptional regulation in roots.
Gravitational and Space Biology Bulletin : Publication of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology, 18(2), 121–122. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-24944540197&partnerID=MN8TOARS
2004 journal article
Phosphorylation of the amino terminus of maize sucrose synthase in relation to membrane association and enzyme activity
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 134(4), 1427–1438.
Contributors: S. Hardin n, H. Winter n & S. Huber n

2004 journal article
The fast and transient transcriptional network of gravity and mechanical stimulation in the Arabidopsis root Apex
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 136(1), 2790–2805.
Contributors: J. Kimbrough n, R. Salinas-Mondragon, W. Boss n, C. Brown n & n

2003 journal article
Phosphorylation of sucrose synthase at serine 170: occurrence and possible role as a signal for proteolysis
PLANT JOURNAL, 35(5), 588–603.
Contributors: S. Hardin n, G. Tang n, A. Scholz*, D. Holtgraewe*, H. Winter* & S. Huber n

2002 journal article
Effect of short-term N<inf>2</inf> deficiency on expression of the ureide pathway in cowpea root nodules
Plant Physiology, 129(3), 1216–1221.
Contributors: P. Smith *, H. Winter*, P. Storer *, J. Bussell*, K. Schuller * & C. Atkins*
2000 journal article
Regulation of sucrose metabolism in higher plants: Localization and regulation of activity of key enzymes
Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 19(1), 31–67.
Contributors: H. Winter* & S. Huber n

2000 review
Regulation of sucrose metabolism in higher plants: Localization and regulation of activity of key enzymes
Contributors: H. Winter* & S. Huber n
1999 journal article
The site of oxygen limitation in soybean nodules
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 119(2), 399–407.
Contributors: M. Kuzma*, H. Winter n, P. Storer *, I. Oresnik *, C. Atkins* & D. Layzell *

1998 journal article
Growth dynamics and cytoskeleton organization during stem maturation and gravity-induced stem bending in Zea mays L.
PLANTA, 207(2), 246–258.
Contributors: D. Collings n, H. Winter n, S. Wyatt n & N. Allen n

1998 journal article
Identification of sucrose synthase as an actin-binding protein
FEBS LETTERS, 430(3), 205–208.
Contributors: H. Winter n, J. L. Huber n & S. Huber n

1997 journal article
Membrane association of sucrose synthase: changes during the graviresponse and possible control by protein phosphorylation
FEBS LETTERS, 420(2-3), 151–155.

1996 journal article
Regulation of soybean nodule phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase in vivo
Physiologia Plantarum, 97(3), 531–535.
Contributors: C. Wadham, H. Winter & K. Schuller

1994 journal article
Production and diurnal utilization of assimilates in leaves of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Planta, 192(4), 497–501.
Contributors: B. Riens*, G. Lohaus *, H. Winter* & H. Heldt*
1994 journal article
Subcellular volumes and metabolite concentrations in spinach leaves
Planta, 193(4), 530–535.
Contributors: H. Winter, D. Robinson * & H. Heldt

1993 journal article
Subcellular volumes and metabolite concentrations in barley leaves
Planta, 191(2), 180–190.
Contributors: H. Winter*, D. Robinson* & H. Heldt*

1992 journal article
Phloem transport of amino acids in relation to their cytosolic levels in barley leaves
Plant Physiology, 99(3), 996–1004.
Contributors: H. Winter*, G. Lohaus * & H. Heldt*
Updated: February 10th, 2021 13:43
2002 - present
Updated: February 10th, 2021 13:52
1984 - 1993