Works (10)
2023 journal article
An atomically smooth container: Can the native oxide promote supercooling of liquid gallium?
ISCIENCE, 26(4).

2021 journal article
Are Contact Angle Measurements Useful for Oxide-Coated Liquid Metals?
LANGMUIR, 37(37), 10914–10923.

2021 article
Stretchable and Soft Electroadhesion Using Liquid-Metal Subsurface Microelectrodes
Park, S., Shintake, J., Piskarev, E., Wei, Y., Joshipura, I., Frey, E., … Dickey, M. D. (2021, June 25). ADVANCED MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES, Vol. 6.

2020 journal article
Metallophobic Coatings to Enable Shape Reconfigurable Liquid Metal Inside 3D Printed Plastics

2019 journal article
Toughening stretchable fibers via serial fracturing of a metallic core

2017 conference paper
Active THz waveguides enabled by liquid metal actuation
2017 conference on lasers and electro-optics (cleo).
2017 journal article
Electrowetting without external voltage using paint-on electrodes
LAB ON A CHIP, 17(6), 1069–1075.

2017 article
Electrowetting without external voltage using paint-on electrodes (vol 17, pg 1069, 2017)
Eaker, C. B., Joshipura, I. D., Maxwell, L. R., Heikenfeld, J., & Dickey, M. D. (2017, April 7). LAB ON A CHIP, Vol. 17, pp. 1359–1359.
2015 journal article
Liquid-Metal Microdroplets Formed Dynamically with Electrical Control of Size and Rate
ADVANCED MATERIALS, 28(4), 604–609.

2015 journal article
Steering liquid metal flow in microchannels using low voltages
LAB ON A CHIP, 15(19), 3905–3911.