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(2020). Epinephrine drives human M2a allergic macrophages to a regulatory phenotype reducing mast cell degranulation in vitro. Allergy, 75(11), 2939–2942. Herrmann, I., Kradischnig, C., Skor, O., Pakozdy, A., & Panakova, L. (2021). Higher prevalence of seizure activity in a small population of atopic dogs: a retrospective breed- and age-matched study. VETERINARY DERMATOLOGY, 32(2), 126-+. High, E. J., Linder, K. E., Mamo, L. B., Levy, B. J., Herrmann, I., & Bizikova, P. (2020). Rapid response of hyperkeratotic erythema multiforme to oclacitinib in two dogs. VETERINARY DERMATOLOGY, 31(4), 330-+. Herrmann, I., Loft, K. E., & Olivry, T. (2020). Shortened immunotherapy dose‐escalation saves time, but is it safe? A case‐control study comparing the rates of adverse reactions between conventional and fast‐escalation subcutaneous immunotherapy protocols during the induction phase. Veterinary Dermatology. Fazekas-Singer, J., Singer, J., Ilieva, K. 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House dust mites provide enzymes that disrupt epithelial integrity. 28th Annual Congress of European Society of Veterinary Dermatology (ESVD). Presented at the 28th Annual Congress of European Society of Veterinary Dermatology (ESVD), Krakow, Poland. Jensen‐Jarolim, E., Einhorn, L., Herrmann, I., Thalhammer, J. G., & Panakova, L. (2015). Pollen Allergies in Humans and their Dogs, Cats and Horses: Differences and Similarities. Clinical and Translational Allergy, 5(1). Herrmann, I. (2014). Positive effects of videootoscopy and otic flushing in dogs with chronic and recurrent otitis externa, a retrospective study of 62 diseased ears. 29th Annual Meeting of the Vereinigung Österreichischer Kleintiermediziner. Poster presented at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Vereinigung Österreichischer Kleintiermediziner, Salzburg, Austria.