Works (3)
2023 article
Within-Season Shift in Fungicide Sensitivity Profiles of Pseudoperonospora cubensis Populations in Response to Chemical Control
Kikway, I., Keinath, A. P., & Ojiambo, P. S. (2023, April 28). PLANT DISEASE, Vol. 4.
2022 article
Field Occurrence and Overwintering of Oospores of Pseudoperonospora cubensis in the Southeastern United States
Kikway, I., Keinath, A. P., & Ojiambo, P. S. (2022, August 8). PHYTOPATHOLOGY, Vol. 8.

2022 journal article
Temporal Dynamics and Severity of Cucurbit Downy Mildew Epidemics as Affected by Chemical Control and Cucurbit Host Type
PLANT DISEASE, 106(3), 1009–1019.