@article{li_naderi_schwartz_shen_2017, title={On the role of precursor powder composition in controlling microstructure, flux pinning, and the critical current density of Ag/Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox conductors}, volume={30}, ISSN={["1361-6668"]}, DOI={10.1088/1361-6668/30/3/035004}, abstractNote={Precursor powder composition is known to strongly affect the critical current density (Jc) of Ag/Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox (Bi-2212) wires. However, reasons for such Jc dependence have not yet been fully understood, compromising our ability to achieve further optimization. We systematically examined superconducting properties, microstructural evolution and phase transformation, and grain boundaries of Bi-2212 conductors fabricated from precursor powders with a range of compositions using a combination of transport-current measurements, a quench technique to freeze microstructures at high temperatures during heat treatment, and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). Samples include both dip-coated tapes and round wires, among which a commercial round wire carries a high Jc of 7600 A mm−2 at 4.2 K, self-field and 2600 A mm−2 at 4.2 K, 20 T, respectively. In the melt, this high-Jc conductor, made using a composition of Bi2.17Sr1.94Ca0.89Cu2Ox, contains a uniform dispersion of fine alkaline-earth cuprate (AEC) and copper-free solid phases, whereas several low-Jc conductors contain large AEC particles. Such significant differences in the phase morphologies in the melt are accompanied by a drastic difference in the formation kinetics of Bi-2212 during recrystallization cooling. STEM studies show that Bi-2212 grain colonies in the high-Jc conductors have a high density of Bi2Sr2CuOy (Bi-2201) intergrowths, whereas a low-Jc conductor, made using Bi2.14Sr1.66Ca1.24Cu1.96Ox, is nearly free of them. STEM investigation shows grain boundaries in low-Jc conductors are often insulated with a Bi-rich amorphous phase. High-Jc conductors also show higher flux-pinning strength, which we ascribe to their higher Bi-2201 intergrowth density.}, number={3}, journal={SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY}, author={Li, Pei and Naderi, Golsa and Schwartz, Justin and Shen, Tengming}, year={2017}, month={Mar} } @article{toda_grabowska_ciesielska-wrobel_2017, title={Application of micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) to study unevenness of the structure of yarns}, volume={87}, ISSN={["1746-7748"]}, DOI={10.1177/0040517516629149}, abstractNote={ A study was conducted on the structure of a single cotton yarn using micro-computer tomography (micro-CT). This article describes two important parameters determining the unevenness of yarn structure, i.e. the migration of staple fibers and packing density of staple fibers in the yarn cross-section. Relationships were found between the variation of staple fiber migration characteristics and the relationship between yarn durability and twist. For the boundary value, the radius and range of migration are the highest, and the variation coefficient of the fiber migration range is the lowest. The number of fibers in the yarn cross-section decreases with twist. Above the boundary twist value, the number of fibers in the yarn cross-section stabilizes at the value corresponding to the number of fibers in the boundary twist. }, number={3}, journal={TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL}, author={Toda, Marta and Grabowska, Katarzyna and Ciesielska-Wrobel, Izabela}, year={2017}, month={Feb}, pages={351–368} } @article{de mey_ciesielska-wrobel_van langenhove_2017, title={Mathematical model of haptic perception of temperature}, volume={87}, ISSN={["1746-7748"]}, DOI={10.1177/0040517515624879}, abstractNote={ The tactile perception of temperature of fabric measured by the thermocouple placed between fabric and a fingertip was analyzed. The experimental data were compared to the mathematical model of heat transfer between body and fabric. A high correlation between mathematical model, which presents a theoretical approach to heat transfer, and the experimental part was found. It proves that the very basic laboratory setup for measurement of heat transfer can be a reliable source of information concerning this phenomenon. It was proven that two time constants, τ and τL, and two temperature values, T0 and ΔT0, are the essential parameters to obtain a reliable agreement between the mathematical model and the experimental results. }, number={2}, journal={TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL}, author={De Mey, Gilbert and Ciesielska-Wrobel, Izabela and Van Langenhove, Lieva}, year={2017}, month={Jan}, pages={155–164} } @article{ciesielska-wróbel_denhartog_barker_2016, title={Measuring the effects of structural turnout suits on firefighter range of motion and comfort}, volume={60}, ISSN={0014-0139 1366-5847}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00140139.2016.1229044}, DOI={10.1080/00140139.2016.1229044}, abstractNote={Abstract Range of motion (ROM) can be restricted by wearing stiff and bulky clothing. This is particularly true of firefighter suits that are constructed using fabric layers to provide thermal protection from fire. This study developed an evaluation technique to quantify the loss of mobility associated with wearing firefighters’ protective suits that were deliberately selected to represent similar ergonomic design features. The ROM of 10 firefighters was measured using electro-goniometers attached to their bodies while they wore uniforms and a reference outfit, and performed specific movements. The most restrictive uniform is the Bulky suit that contained additional layers of materials in sleeves and on the knees. The Traditional Suit was more ROM restrictive than Ergonomic. The subjective evaluation of suits supported the objective assessments provided by the electro-goniometers. A 3-D body scanning technique was employed to establish a correlation between the bulkiness of firefighter outfits and subject ROM. Practitioner Summary: This study presents a methodology for measurements of range of motion (ROM) in firefighters wearing personal protective equipment (PPE). Even small differences in designs of PPE may impact firefighters’ ROM, which can be detected by electro-goniometers providing measurements if they are attached along the joint to measure limb angular movement.}, number={7}, journal={Ergonomics}, publisher={Informa UK Limited}, author={Ciesielska-Wróbel, Izabela and DenHartog, Emiel and Barker, Roger}, year={2016}, month={Sep}, pages={997–1007} } @article{toda_grabowska_ciesielska-wrobel_2016, title={Micro-CT supporting structural analysis and modelling of ropes made of natural fibers}, volume={86}, number={12}, journal={Textile Research Journal}, author={Toda, M. and Grabowska, K. E. and Ciesielska-Wrobel, I. L.}, year={2016}, pages={1280–1293} } @article{ciesielska-wrobel_de mey_van langenhove_2016, title={Dry heat transfer from the skin surface into textiles: subjective and objective measurement of thermal haptic perception of textiles - preliminary studies}, volume={107}, ISSN={["1754-2340"]}, DOI={10.1080/00405000.2015.1034938}, abstractNote={The aim of the study is the assessment of thermal haptic perception of textiles based on subjective and objective evaluations. This subjective evaluation is based on the questioning of human subjects about their thermal perception related to touching textiles. The objective evaluation relies on measurements of temperature changes between fabrics and a human fingertip when textiles are touched. The proposed objective method for estimation of the thermal haptic perception of textiles is far more precise than traditional subjective methods based on the assignment of certain verbal or numerical parameters to the perceived features of textiles. The results provided by the objective methods are congruent with an analytical approach, utilising the heat transfer formula to calculate the heat lost from fingertip skin into textiles, as well as with the theory explaining the boosting of the warm feeling of textiles due to their roughness. It was found that the QMAX parameter of the textiles is in opposition to the results of subjective assessment and partly to the results of objective assessment.}, number={4}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE TEXTILE INSTITUTE}, author={Ciesielska-Wrobel, Izabela and De Mey, Gilbert and Van Langenhove, Lieva}, year={2016}, month={Apr}, pages={445–455} }