Works (7)
2024 journal article
Molecular NMR shieldings, <i>J</i>-couplings, and magnetizabilities from numeric atom-centered orbital based density-functional calculations

2023 journal article
Delivering Robust Proton-Only Sensing of Hyperpolarized [1,2-<SUP>13</SUP>C<sub>2</sub>]-Pyruvate Using Broad-Spectral-Range Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Pulse Sequences
ACS SENSORS, 8(11), 4101–4110.

2023 journal article
Spin dynamics of [1,2-C-13(2)]pyruvate hyperpolarization by parahydrogen in reversible exchange at micro Tesla fields
Contributors: A. Browning n, K. Macculloch n, P. TomHon n , n, E. Chekmenev *, B. Goodson *, S. Lehmkuhl n, T. Theis n

2022 article
Interplay of Near-Zero-Field Dephasing, Rephasing, and Relaxation Dynamics and [1-C-13]Pyruvate Polarization Transfer Efficiency in Pulsed SABRE-SHEATH
Nantogma, S., Eriksson, S. L., Adelabu, I., Mandzhieva, I., Browning, A., TomHon, P., … Chekmenev, E. Y. (2022, November 28). JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, Vol. 11.
Contributors: S. Nantogma *, S. Eriksson *, I. Adelabu *, n, A. Browning n, P. TomHon n , W. Warren *, T. Theis n , B. Goodson *, E. Chekmenev *

2022 article
Proton-Only Sensing of Hyperpolarized [1,2-C-13(2)]Pyruvate
Mandzhieva, I., Adelabu, I., Chekmenev, E. Y., & Theis, T. (2022, November 22). ACS SENSORS, Vol. 11.
Contributors: I. Adelabu *, E. Chekmenev * & T. Theis n n,

2022 article
Triplet Photosensitized para-Hydrogen Induced Polarization
Brown, E. E., Mandzhieva, I., TomHon, P. M., Theis, T., & Castellano, F. N. (2022, November 14). ACS CENTRAL SCIENCE, Vol. 11.
Contributors: E. Brown n , n, P. Tomhon n , T. Theis n & F. Castellano n

2021 article
Order-Unity C-13 Nuclear Polarization of [1-C-13]Pyruvate in Seconds and the Interplay of Water and SABRE Enhancement
Adelabu, I., TomHon, P., Kabir, M. S. H., Nantogma, S., Abdulmojeed, M., Mandzhieva, I., … Chekmenev, E. Y. (2021, December 9). CHEMPHYSCHEM, Vol. 23.
Contributors: I. Adelabu *, P. TomHon n , M. Kabir *, S. Nantogma *, M. Abdulmojeed n, n, J. Ettedgui*, R. Swenson *