Works (184)
2024 journal article
The impacts of CaCO3 deposition in natural wood on its viscoelastic properties
2023 journal article
Multiplex CRISPR editing of wood for sustainable fiber production
SCIENCE, 381(6654), 216-+.

2022 article
High-performance sustainable tissue paper from agricultural residue: a case study on fique fibers from Colombia
Kumar, R., Zambrano, F., Peszlen, I., Venditti, R., Pawlak, J., Jameel, H., & Gonzalez, R. (2022, June 28). CELLULOSE, Vol. 6.

2022 article
The tissue dust analysis system: a new device and methodology to quantify dusting and linting propensity in hygiene tissue papers
Frazier, R., Zambrano, F., Pawlak, J. J., Peszlen, I., Welsford, D., & Gonzalez, R. (2022, August 13). CELLULOSE, Vol. 8.

2022 conference paper
Wood Properties of CRISPR Gene-edited Poplar
SWST International Convention. Presented at the SWST International Convention, Kingscliff, NSW, Australia.
2021 conference paper
Bacterial degradation of the cell wall of transgenic poplar with modified lignin content and composition
Society of Wood Science and Technology 2021 International Convention. Presented at the Society of Wood Science and Technology 2021 International Convention, Flagstaff, AZ.
2021 journal article
Genetic Variation and the Effect of Herbicide and Fertilization Treatments on Wood Quality Traits in Loblolly Pine
FOREST SCIENCE, 67(5), 564–573.

2021 conference paper
High-Performance Sustainable Tissue Paper from Residue of Decorticated Nonwood Fique Fibers
SWST International Convention. Presented at the SWST International Convention, Flagstaff, AR.
2021 conference paper
Pathways to Sustainable Materials Science and Engineering: Enhancing College and Career Opportunities for Minority Women From Rural North Carolina
Society of Wood Science and Technology 2021 International Convention. Presented at the Society of Wood Science and Technology 2021 International Convention, Flagstaff, AZ.
2021 conference paper
Plant-Based Materials Selection
Society of Wood Science and Technology 2021 International Convention. Presented at the Society of Wood Science and Technology 2021 International Convention, Flagstaff, AZ.
2021 conference paper
Sustainable Materials Science and Technology, A Defining Discipline of Our Time
Society of Wood Science and Technology 2021 International Convention. Presented at the Society of Wood Science and Technology 2021 International Convention, Flagstaff, AZ.
2020 journal article
Fungal Pretreatment and Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Genetically-modified Populus trichocarpa
BIORESOURCES, 15(3), 6488–6505.

2020 journal article
Involvement of CesA4, CesA7-A/B and CesA8-A/B in secondary wall formation in Populus trichocarpa wood
Tree Physiology, 40(1), 73–89.
Ed(s): C. Plomion
2019 journal article
WOOD AND FIBER SCIENCE, 51(2), 173–182.

2019 journal article
Anatomy and Chemistry of Populus trichocarpa with Genetically Modified Lignin Content
BIORESOURCES, 14(3), 5729–5746.
2019 conference paper
Cell Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Transgenic Poplar with Reduced Cellulose Content
Society of Wood Science and Technology 2019 International Convention. Presented at the Society of Wood Science and Technology 2019 International Convention, Yosemite, CA.
2019 conference paper
Comparison of Small- and Intermediate-Scale Fire Performance Tests of Southern Pine Cross-Laminated Timber
Society of Wood Science and Technology 2019 International Convention. Presented at the Society of Wood Science and Technology 2019 International Convention, Yosemite, CA.
2019 journal article
Quantitative fermentation of unpretreated transgenic poplar by Caldicellulosiruptor bescii
Contributors: C. Straub n, P. Khatibi n, J. Wang n , J. Conway n, A. Williams-Rhaesa *, n , V. Chiang n, M. Adams *, R. Kelly n

2019 journal article
Thermo-mechanical Behavior of Genetically Modified Populus trichocarpa
BIORESOURCES, 14(2), 4760–4773.
2018 journal article
Altered Lignin Content and Composition in Transgenic Populus trichocarpa Results in a Decrease of Modulus of Elasticity
BIORESOURCES, 13(4), 7698–7708.
2018 conference paper
Fire Performance of Southern Yellow Pine Cross-Laminated Timber
Society of Wood Science and Technology 2018 International Convention. Presented at the Society of Wood Science and Technology 2018 International Convention, Nagoya, Japan.
2018 journal article
Improving wood properties for wood utilization through multi-omics integration in lignin biosynthesis
Nature Communications, 9(1), 1579.
Contributors: J. Wang n , M. Matthews n, C. Williams n , R. Shi n, C. Yang n, S. Tunlaya-Anukit n, H. Chen n, Q. Li *
2018 conference paper
Moisture Transport in Southern Yellow Pine Cross-Laminated Timber
Society of Wood Science and Technology 2018 International Convention. Presented at the Society of Wood Science and Technology 2018 International Convention, Nagoya, Japan.
2018 conference paper
Morphological and Mechanical Properties of Transgenic Poplars and Pines with Modified Cell Wall Components
Society of Wood Science and Technology 2018 International Convention. Presented at the Society of Wood Science and Technology 2018 International Convention, Nagoya, Japan.
2017 journal article
Characterization and enzymatic hydrolysis of wood from transgenic Pinus taeda engineered with syringyl lignin or reduced lignin content
CELLULOSE, 24(4), 1901–1914.
2017 conference paper
Fire Performance of Edge-Glued Cross-Laminated Timber
NC State University Graduate Student Research Symposium. Presented at the NC State University Graduate Student Research Symposium, Raleigh, NC.
2016 journal article
A cell wall-bound anionic peroxidase, PtrPO21, is involved in lignin polymerization in Populus trichocarpa
Tree Genetics & Genomes, 12(2).

2016 conference paper
Characterization and enzymatic hydrolysis of genetically modified Pinus taeda with decreased lignin content and incorporated syringyl lignin
Society of Wood Science and Technology 2016 International Convention. Presented at the Society of Wood Science and Technology 2016 International Convention, Curitiba, Brazil.
2016 journal article
Fungal degradation method development for small wood samples subjected to Ceriporiopsis subvermispora
Wood and Fiber Science, 48(SI).
2016 conference paper
Fungal pretreatment, white-rot fungi, brown-rot fungi, Populus trichocarpa, genetic modification
Society of Wood Science and Technology 2016 International Convention. Presented at the Society of Wood Science and Technology 2016 International Convention, Curitiba, Brazil.
2015 conference paper
Anatomical, Physical and Mechanical Properties of Transgenic Loblolly Pine
Society of Wood Science and Technology 2015 International Convention. Presented at the Society of Wood Science and Technology 2015 International Convention, Great Teton, WY.
2015 conference paper
Fungal pretreatment method optimization for small wood samples degraded by Ceriporiopsis subvermispora
Society of Wood Science and Technology 2015 International Convention. Presented at the Society of Wood Science and Technology 2015 International Convention, Great Teton, WY.
2015 conference paper
Fungal pretreatment of genetically modified Black Cottonwood - Merging novel low-input fungal pretreatment with next-generation lignocellulosic feedstocks
Society of Wood Science and Technology 2015 International Convention. Presented at the Society of Wood Science and Technology 2015 International Convention, Grand Teton, WY.
2015 conference paper
Influence of Lignin Modification on Microfibril Angle in Young Transgenic Black Cottonwood Trees
Society of Wood Science and Technology 2015 International Convention. Presented at the Society of Wood Science and Technology 2015 International Convention, Great Teton, WY.
2014 conference paper
Changes in the Anatomy of Exposed Roots of Some Hardwood Species
Society of Wood Science and Technology 2014 International Convention. Presented at the Society of Wood Science and Technology 2014 International Convention, Zvolen, Slovakia.
2014 conference paper
Chemical and Mechanical Properties of Young Black Cottonwood
34th Symposium of the Philippine-American Academy of Science and Engineering (PAASE. Presented at the 34th Symposium of the Philippine-American Academy of Science and Engineering (PAASE, Raleigh, NC.
2014 conference paper
Comparing Mechanical and Chemical Properties of Young Transgenic Black Cottonwood Trees Modified for Reduction of Specific Genes in Lignin Biosynthesis
Society of Wood Science and Technology 2014 International Convention. Presented at the Society of Wood Science and Technology 2014 International Convention, Zvolen, Slovakia.
2014 journal article

2014 conference paper
Thermo-mechanical properties of genetically modified Populus trichocarpa with altered lignin content and structure
34th Symposium of the Philippine-American Academy of Science and Engineering (PAASE. Presented at the 34th Symposium of the Philippine-American Academy of Science and Engineering (PAASE, Raleigh, NC.
2014 conference paper
Understanding the relationship between thermo-mechanical behavior and lignin properties in genetically modified Populus trichocarpa
Society of Wood Science and Technology 2014 International Convention, 47.
2013 journal article
Hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) infestation affects water and carbon relations of eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) and Carolina hemlock (Tsuga caroliniana)
New Phytologist, 199(2), 452–463.

2013 conference paper
Mechanical properties of young transgenic black cottonwood trees modified for reduction of specific genes in lignin biosynthesis
8th Annual NC State University Graduate Student Research Symposium, 53.
2013 journal article
Modeling of the mechanical properties of a wood-fiber/bicomponent-fiber composite
BioResources, 8(3), 3672–3684.
2013 conference paper
Modulus of elasticity of young transgenic black cottonwood modified for specific genes involved in lignin biosynthesis
Forest Products Society 67th & Society of Wood Science and Technology 56th International Convention. Presented at the Forest Products Society 67th & Society of Wood Science and Technology 56th International Convention, Austin, TX, USA.
2013 journal article
Ptr-miR397a is a negative regulator of laccase genes affecting lignin content in Populus trichocarpa
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(26), 10848–10853.
2013 conference paper
Wood quality of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) subjected to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide.
Forest Products Society 67th & Society of Wood Science and Technology 56th International Convention. Forest Products in a Global Sustainable Economy. June 9-11, presented at the Forest Products Society 67th & Society of Wood Science and Technology 56th International Convention, Austin, TX, USA.
2012 conference paper
Counteracting the effect of shrinkage anisotropy with tensile and compressive set
Forest Products: Solutions for Global Green Economy. Presented at the Forest Products Society 66th International Convention, Washington, DC.
2012 journal article
Distribution of wood polymers within the cell wall of transgenic aspen imaged by Raman microscopy
HOLZFORSCHUNG, 66(6), 717–725.

2012 conference paper
Elevated Atmospheric CO2: Projecting its Impact on Biomass Accumulation and Wood Quality of Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.)
Forest Product Society, 66th International Convention. Presented at the Forest Product Society, 66th International Convention, Washington, DC, USA.
2012 conference paper
Elevated CO2 Treatment Effect on Growth Ring Width and Average Density of Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.)
Natural Resources Programs and Partnerships at Work Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals 8th Biennial Conference. Presented at the Natural Resources Programs and Partnerships at Work Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals 8th Biennial Conference, Hendersonville, NC.
2012 conference paper
Fiber morphology of aspen and cottonwood affected by the genetic modification of cell wall chemical components
Forest Products: Solutions for Global Green Economy. Presented at the Forest Products Society 66th International Convention, Washington, DC.
2012 conference paper
Free air carbon dioxide enrichment effect on the wood quality of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L
7th Annual NC State University Graduate Student Research Symposium. Presented at the 7th Annual NC State University Graduate Student Research Symposium, Raleigh, NC.
2012 journal article
Fungal biodegradation of genetically modified and lignin-altered quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.)
HOLZFORSCHUNG, 66(1), 105–110.

2012 journal article
Lumber drying stresses and mitigation of cross-sectional deformation
Wood and Fiber Science, 44(1), 94–102.
2012 conference paper
Micromechanical investigation of the interaction between chemical composition and mechanical performance using genetically-modified aspen wood
Forest Products Society 66th International Convention, Forest Products: Solutions for Global Green Economy. Presented at the Forest Products Society 66th International Convention, Forest Products: Solutions for Global Green Economy, Washington, DC.
2012 journal article
Modeling hygroelastic properties of genetically modified Aspen
Wood and Fiber Science, 44(1), 22–35.
2012 journal article
Modeling the hygrothermal performance of selected North American and comparable European wood-frame house walls

2012 journal article
Piezoelectric Effect of Cellulose Nanocrystals Thin Films
ACS Macro Letters, 1(7), 867–870.
2011 conference paper
A novel approach to mitigating defects due to wood shrinkage anisotropy
6th Annual NC State University Graduate Student Research Symposium. Presented at the 6th Annual NC State University Graduate Student Research Symposium, Raleigh, NC.
2011 conference paper
Computer modeling of the micromechanical properties of transgenic aspen wood
International Scientific Conference on Hardwood Processing. Presented at the International Scientific Conference on Hardwood Processing, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.
2011 journal article
Dielectrophoresis of cellulose nanocrystals and alignment in ultrathin films by electric field-assisted shear assembly
2011 journal article
Down-regulation of glycosyltransferase 8D genes in Populus trichocarpa caused reduced mechanical strength and xylan content in wood
TREE PHYSIOLOGY, 31(2), 226–236.
Contributors: Q. Li n, D. Min n, J. Wang n, n , L. Horvath n, B. Horvath n, Y. Nishimura n, H. Jameel n, H. Chang n, V. Chiang n
2011 conference paper
Legacy Sediments and Stream Water Quality: Estimating Volume, Nutrient Content, and Stream Bank Erosion in 303(d)-Impaired Waterways of the North Carolina Piedmont
Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI) Annual Conference. Presented at the Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI) Annual Conference, Jane S. McKimmon Center, Raleigh, NC.
2011 conference paper
Living Erosion Pins: Exposed Root Dendrochronology and Multi-year Rates of Stream Bank Erosion
Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI) Annual Conference. Presented at the Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI) Annual Conference, Jane S. McKimmon Center, Raleigh, NC.
2011 conference paper
Minimizing cupping in red oak using the concept of drying stresses
International Scientific Conference on Hardwood Processing. Presented at the International Scientific Conference on Hardwood Processing, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.
2011 journal article
Multi-layer heat insulation system for frame construction buildings
ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, 43(2-3), 713–717.

2011 journal article
Use of transmittance near-infrared spectroscopy to predict the mechanical properties of 1-and 2-year-old transgenic aspen
2011 journal article
thermal softening of transgenic aspen
BioResources, 6(2), 2125–2134.
2010 conference paper
Changes in mass, compression strength, and chemical composition of genetically modified aspen during bio-treatment by lignin-selective white-rot fungus
North Carolina State University, 5th Graduate Student Research Symposium. Presented at the North Carolina State University, 5th Graduate Student Research Symposium, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
2010 conference paper
Determining River Bank and Soil erosion rates from exposed tree roots and the potential uses of Dendrochronology in Water Resources Management
Tennessee American Water Resources Association (TN AWRA). Presented at the Tennessee American Water Resources Association (TN AWRA), Montgomery Bell State Park, Tennessee, USA.
2010 journal article
IAWA JOURNAL, 31(1), 29–38.
2010 journal article
Elastic modulus determination of transgenic aspen using a dynamic mechanical analyzer in static bending mode
Forest Products Journal, 60(3), 296–300.
2010 journal article
Elastic modulus of transgenic aspen
Wood Research, 55(1), 1–10.
2010 conference paper
Electric field oriented convective assembly of cellulose nanocrystals
13th International Conference on Organized Molecular Films. Presented at the 13th International Conference on Organized Molecular Films, Quebec City, Canada.
2010 conference paper
Evaluating Current and Historic River Bank Erosion Using Exposed Tree Roots of Eastern Hardwood Species
2010 Land Grant and Sea Grant - National Water Conference. Presented at the 2010 Land Grant and Sea Grant - National Water Conference, Hilton Head Island, SC.
2010 conference paper
Geospatial Determination of Potential Hillslope Response to an Invasive Species in the Southern Appalachians
41st International Binghamton Geomorphology Symposium (BGS), Geospatial Technologies & Geomorphological Mapping, 15–17,
2010 journal article
Mechanical properties of genetically engineered young aspen with modified lignin content and/or structure
Wood and Fiber Science, 42(3), 310–317.
2010 conference paper
Micromechanical modeling of the cell wall of genetically modified aspen (Populus tremuloides) wood
North Carolina State University, 5th Graduate Student Research Symposium. Presented at the North Carolina State University, 5th Graduate Student Research Symposium, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
2010 conference paper
Pulping of wavelet transform analyzed black locust juvenile and mature wood
Hardwood Science and Technology - The 4th Conference on Hardwood Research and Utilization in Europe. Presented at the Hardwood Science and Technology - The 4th Conference on Hardwood Research and Utilization in Europe, Sopron, Hungary.
2010 journal article
Technical note: Shrinkage properties of partially cad-deficient loblolly pine lumber
Wood and Fiber Science, 42(1), 117–119.
2010 conference paper
The Effect of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) Infestation on Water Relations of Carolina and Eastern Hemlock: Can Ecophysiological Investigation of Tree Water Relations Improve Silvicultural Management of the HWA?
5th Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Symposium. Presented at the 5th Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Symposium, Asheville, North Carolina, USA.
2010 conference paper
Ultra Thin Films of Oriented Cellulose Nanocrystals by Electric Field-Assisted Convective Assembly
2010 TAPPI International Conference on Nanotechnology for the Forest Product Industry. Presented at the 2010 TAPPI International Conference on Nanotechnology for the Forest Product Industry, Helsinki, Finland.
2009 journal article
An innovative wood-fiber composite incorporating nonwoven textile technologies
Forest Products Journal, 59(11-12), 11–17.
2009 conference paper
Anatomical Structure of Transgenic Aspen Trees
Experimental and computational methods in wood micromechanics Workshop. Presented at the Experimental and computational methods in wood micromechanics Workshop, Vienna, Austria.
2009 conference paper
Application of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to Predict Mechanical Properties of Transgenic Aspen
Forest Product Society, 63rd International Convention. Presented at the Forest Product Society, 63rd International Convention, Boise, Idaho, USA.
2009 conference paper
Bioconversion Using Artificial Soil Matrices
18th Annual North Carolina State University Undergraduate Research Symposium. Presented at the 18th Annual North Carolina State University Undergraduate Research Symposium, Raleigh, NC.
2009 conference paper
Dendrogeomorphic Methods of Using Exposed Roots for Relating BEHI and Near Bank Stress to Evaluate Stream Bank Erodibility
3rd National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration. Presented at the 3rd National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration, Los Angeles, CA.
2009 conference paper
Determining River Bank Erosion rates for the Prediction of Stream Bank Erodibility Using Dendrogeomorphic Methods and Exposed Tree Roots
25th Annual International Conference on Soils, Sediments, Water and Energy. Presented at the 25th Annual International Conference on Soils, Sediments, Water and Energy, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA.
2009 conference paper
Effect of Lignin on the Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Transgenic Aspen
Experimental and computational methods in wood micromechanics Workshop. Presented at the Experimental and computational methods in wood micromechanics Workshop, Vienna, Austria.
2009 conference paper
Mechanical Properties of Transgenic Aspen with Reduced Lignin Content and Increased S/G Ratio
Experimental and computational methods in wood micromechanics Workshop. Presented at the Experimental and computational methods in wood micromechanics Workshop, Vienna, Austria.
2009 conference paper
Prediction of the Mechanical Properties of Young Genetically Modified Aspen Trees using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
North Carolina State University, 4th Graduate Student Research Symposium. Presented at the North Carolina State University, 4th Graduate Student Research Symposium, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
2009 conference paper
Property Evaluation of Genetically Engineered Wood from Aspen with Down-regulated Lignin Content
Forest Biotechnology Industry Research Consortium Annual Meeting. Presented at the Forest Biotechnology Industry Research Consortium Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC.
2009 conference paper
Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Genetically Engineered Populus Tremuloides Clone
Forest Product Society, 63rd International Convention. Presented at the Forest Product Society, 63rd International Convention, Boise, Idaho.
2009 conference paper
Thermo-mechanical Properties of Transgenic Aspen
Forest Biotechnology Industry Research Consortium Annual Meeting. Presented at the Forest Biotechnology Industry Research Consortium Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC.
2009 conference paper
Transgenic trees with dwarf and brittle-wood phenotypes: Correlation of genetic functions of cellulose synthase genes with tree growth and wood mechanical properties
Forest Biotechnology Industry Research Consortium Annual Meeting. Presented at the Forest Biotechnology Industry Research Consortium Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC.
2009 conference paper
Viscoelastic Properties of Genetically Engineered Aspen
Forest Biotechnology Industry Research Consortium Annual Meeting. Presented at the Forest Biotechnology Industry Research Consortium Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC.
2008 conference paper
Anatomical and mechanical properties of genetically engineered aspen wood
Genes to Products: Agricultural Plant, Microbe, & Biobased Product Research. Presented at the Genes to Products: Agricultural Plant, Microbe, & Biobased Product Research, USDA CSREES Competitive Programs Unit, Bethesda, MD.
2008 conference paper
Comparative study of micromechanical testing and dynamic mechanical analysis of young poplar trees
Forest Product Society, 62nd International Convention. Presented at the Forest Product Society, 62nd International Convention, St. Louis, MO.
2008 conference paper
Decay resistance of genetically modified quaking aspen
Forest Product Society, 62nd International Convention. Presented at the Forest Product Society, 62nd International Convention, St. Louis, MO.
2008 conference paper
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of Genetically Modified Aspen
17th Annual NC State Undergraduate Research Spring Symposium. Presented at the 17th Annual NC State Undergraduate Research Spring Symposium, Raleigh, NC.
2008 conference paper
Effect of lignin on wood formation in transgenic aspen trees
EuroDendro Conference. Presented at the EuroDendro Conference, Hallsatt, Austria.
2008 conference paper
Fiber characteristics of young aspen trees and their significance as paper fiber resources
Forest Product Society, 62nd International Convention. Presented at the Forest Product Society, 62nd International Convention, St. Louis, MO.
2008 conference paper
Mechanical and physical properties of a wood fiber composite reinforced using nonwoven textile technologies
Bonding of Timber Conference. Presented at the Bonding of Timber Conference, Sopron, Hungary.
2008 journal article
Mechanical properties of lumber from partially cad-deficient loblolly pine (Pinus taeda)
Wood and Fiber Science, 40(4), 657–662.
2008 conference paper
Micromechanical and Dynamic Mechanical Testing of Young Transgenic Trees
3rd Annual NC State Graduate Student Research Symposium. Presented at the 3rd Annual NC State Graduate Student Research Symposium, Raleigh, NC.
2008 conference paper
Nondestructive Assessment of the Mechanical Properties of Transgenic Aspen
North Carolina State University, 4th Graduate Student Research Symposium. Presented at the North Carolina State University, 4th Graduate Student Research Symposium, Raleigh, North Carolina.
2008 conference paper
Static Design of a Skating Rink Using Glued-Laminated Timber Construction
Forest Product Society, 62nd International Convention. Presented at the Forest Product Society, 62nd International Convention, St. Louis, MO.
2008 book
Wood Anatomy
Budapest: Szaktudas Kiado Haz Zrt.
2007 conference paper
Analysis of traditional wooden window joints with three different methods
Forest Product Society, 61st International Convention. Presented at the Forest Product Society, 61st International Convention, Knoxville, Tennessee.
2007 conference paper
Development of Engineered Wood Composites with Nonwoven Textile Technology
Forest Product Society, 61st International Convention. Presented at the Forest Product Society, 61st International Convention, Knoxville, Tennessee.
2007 conference paper
Fiber morphology of genetically engineered aspen
Forest Product Society, 61st International Convention. Presented at the Forest Product Society, 61st International Convention, Knoxville, Tennessee.
2007 conference paper
Mechanical Properties of lumber from partially CAD-deficient loblolly pine (Pinus taeda)
Forest Product Society, 61st International Convention. Presented at the Forest Product Society, 61st International Convention, Knoxville, Tennessee.
2007 article
Preliminary tests to evaluate the mechanical properties of young trees with small diameter
HOLZFORSCHUNG, Vol. 61, pp. 390–393.
2007 conference paper
Variation in vessel and fiber morphology of genetically engineered aspen
Forest Product Society, 61st International Convention. Presented at the Forest Product Society, 61st International Convention, Knoxville, Tennessee.
2007 conference paper
Variation of Microfibril Angle in Young Eucalyptus Trees - Testing Methodology and Preliminary Data Generation
NCSU Forest Biotechnology Industrial Research Consortium (FORBIRC) Annual Meeting. Presented at the NCSU Forest Biotechnology Industrial Research Consortium (FORBIRC) Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC.
2006 conference paper
Mechanical property evaluation of CAD-deficient loblolly pines
Forest Products Society, 60th International Convention. Presented at the Forest Products Society, 60th International Convention, Newport Beech, California.
2006 conference paper
Preliminary results of the property evaluation of genetically engineered aspen
Forest Products Society, 60th International Convention. Presented at the Forest Products Society, 60th International Convention, Newport Beach, California.
2006 conference paper
Screening wood and fiber properties of genetically engineered young trees
Third EPSO Conference: Plant Dynamics: from Molecules to Ecosystems. Presented at the Third EPSO Conference: Plant Dynamics: from Molecules to Ecosystems, Visegrad, Hungary.
2006 conference paper
Test methods to determine properties of small-diamter genetically altered material
7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics - Mechanical and Physical Properties of Wood and Wood Based Materials. Presented at the 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics - Mechanical and Physical Properties of Wood and Wood Based Materials, Los Angeles, California.
2006 conference paper
Transgenic as surrogate materials for understanding wood biophysics
NCSU Forest Biotechnology Industrial Research Consortium (FORBIRC) Annual Meeting. Presented at the NCSU Forest Biotechnology Industrial Research Consortium (FORBIRC) Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC.
2006 conference paper
Variation in anatomical properties of genetically engineered wood from aspen with down-regulated lignin
NCSU Forest Biotechnology Industrial Research Consortium (FORBIRC) Annual Meeting. Presented at the NCSU Forest Biotechnology Industrial Research Consortium (FORBIRC) Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC.
2006 conference paper
Variation of Microfibril Angle in Young Eucalyptus Trees - Testing Methodology and Preliminary Data Generation
NCSU Forest Biotechnology Industrial Research Consortium (FORBIRC) Annual Meeting. Presented at the NCSU Forest Biotechnology Industrial Research Consortium (FORBIRC) Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC.
2005 conference paper
Anatomical Properties of Genetically Engineered Wood from Aspen with Down-regulated Lignin
NCSU Forest Biotechnology Industrial Research Consortium (FORBIRC) Annual Meeting. Presented at the NCSU Forest Biotechnology Industrial Research Consortium (FORBIRC) Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC.
2005 journal article
Comparison of morphological and chemical properties between juvenile wood and compression wood of loblolly pine
HOLZFORSCHUNG, 59(6), 669–674.

2005 conference paper
Methodology Development for Testing the Properties of Wood From Genetically Engineered Aspen
Forest Products Society, 59th International Convention. Presented at the Forest Products Society, 59th International Convention, Quebec City, Canada.
2005 conference paper
New Insights into the Similarities between Juvenile Wood and Compression Wood in Loblolly Pine
59th Appita Annual Conference and Exhibition: Incorporating the 13th ISWFPC (International Symposium on Wood, Fibre and Pulping Chemistry). Presented at the 59th Appita Annual Conference and Exhibition: Incorporating the 13th ISWFPC (International Symposium on Wood, Fibre and Pulping Chemistry), Auckland, New Zealand.
2005 conference paper
Relationship between genetic markers and mechanical properties of genetically improved solid wood – testing methodology and preliminary data generation
NCSU Forest Biotechnology Industrial Research Consortium (FORBIRC) Annual Meeting. Presented at the NCSU Forest Biotechnology Industrial Research Consortium (FORBIRC) Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC.
2004 conference paper
Effects of Environment and Genetics on Wood Quality
NCSU Forest Biotechnology Industrial Research Consortium (FORBIRC) Annual Meeting. Presented at the NCSU Forest Biotechnology Industrial Research Consortium (FORBIRC) Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC.
2004 conference paper
Finding New Strategies for the Genetic Improvement of Populus Wood Quality
2004 IUFRO Forest Genetic Conference: Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding in the Age of Genomics: Progress and Future. Presented at the 2004 IUFRO Forest Genetic Conference: Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding in the Age of Genomics: Progress and Future, Charleston, SC.
2004 conference paper
Genetic and Environmental Interactions in Growth Rates and Wood Quality
Forest Products Society, 58th Annual Meeting. Presented at the Forest Products Society, 58th Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids, MI.
2004 conference paper
Resistance of Juvenile and Mature Wood of Black Locust to Fungal Decay
Forest Products Society, 58th Annual Meeting. Presented at the Forest Products Society, 58th Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids, MI.
2003 conference paper
Wood Quality of Poplars in Hungary
IUFRO All Division 5 Conference. Presented at the IUFRO All Division 5 Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand.
2002 journal article
Development and properties of reaction wood - Compression wood II
Magyar Asztalos És Faipar, 12, 152–153.
2002 journal article
Development and properties of reaction wood - Tension wood
Magyar Asztalos És Faipar, 2002(1), 140–143.
2002 conference paper
Investigation of Respirable Range of Hardwood Dust
Technical Forum Presentation, Forest Products Society 56th Annual Meeting. Presented at the Technical Forum Presentation, Forest Products Society 56th Annual Meeting, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
2002 conference paper
Modeling the Wood Chain for Red Heart Beech
Technical Forum Presentation, Forest Products Society, 56th Annual Meeting. Presented at the Technical Forum Presentation, Forest Products Society, 56th Annual Meeting, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
2001 journal article
Development and properties of reaction wood - Compression wood I
Magyar Asztalos És Faipar, 2001(11), 134–135.
2001 conference paper
Genetic and environmental interaction on Populus specific gravity
Wood Breeding & Biotechnology Conference. Presented at the Wood Breeding & Biotechnology Conference, Bordeaux, France.
2001 conference paper
Industrial distribution of wood resources in Hungary
Wood Properties for Industrial Use - 5th Workshop. Presented at the Wood Properties for Industrial Use - 5th Workshop, Oslo, Norway.
2001 chapter
Modifying Populus Environmental Responses: Impacts on Wood Quantity and Quality
In N. Morohoshi & A. Komamaine (Eds.), Molecular Breeding of Woody Plants (pp. 229–238).
Ed(s): N. Morohoshi & A. Komamaine
2000 chapter
In S. Molnár (Ed.), Faipari Kézikönyv (Wood Handbook (pp. 50–51). Sopron: Faipari Tudományos Alapítvány.
Ed(s): S. Molnár
2000 chapter
Cell wall
In S. Molnár (Ed.), Faipari Kézikönyv (Wood Handbook) (pp. 37–40). Sopron: Faipari Tudományos Alapítvány.
Ed(s): S. Molnár
2000 conference paper
Distribution and Importance of black locust in Hungary
Technology for High Quality Products from Black Locust Conference. Presented at the Technology for High Quality Products from Black Locust Conference, Bugac, Hungary.
2000 chapter
Macroscopic characteristics
In S. Molnár (Ed.), Faipari Kézikönyv (Wood Handbook) (pp. 46–50). Sopron: Faipari Tudományos Alapítvány.
Ed(s): S. Molnár
2000 chapter
Microscopic structure
In S. Molnár (Ed.), Faipari Kézikönyv (Wood Handbook) (pp. 40–46). Sopron: Faipari Tudományos Alapítvány.
Ed(s): S. Molnár
2000 conference paper
Resistance of untreated and steamed black locust to fungal decay
Technology for High Quality Products from Black Locust Conference. Presented at the Technology for High Quality Products from Black Locust Conference, Bugac, Hungary.
2000 chapter
Wood Structure and Properties - The living tree
In S. Molnár (Ed.), Faipari Kézikönyv (Wood Handbook) (pp. 29–32). Sopron: Faipari Tudományos Alapítvány.
Ed(s): S. Molnár
2000 conference paper
Wood for Energy and its Impact on the Environment
Forest Products Society 54th Annual Meeting. Presented at the Forest Products Society 54th Annual Meeting, South Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA.
2000 conference paper
Wood properties in Picea abies clones
Forest Products Society 54th Annual Meeting. Technical Forum presented at the Forest Products Society 54th Annual Meeting, South Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA.
2000 conference paper
Wood quality and utilization perspectives of selected poplar clones for biomass energy in Hungary
21st Session of the International Poplar Commission (IPC 2000). Presented at the 21st Session of the International Poplar Commission (IPC 2000), Portland, Oregon, USA.
2000 conference paper
Wood structure and properties that affect production from black locust
Technology for High Quality Products from Black Locust Conference. Presented at the Technology for High Quality Products from Black Locust Conference, Bugac, Hungary.
1999 conference paper
Selected Wood Properties of Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) affected by steaming
Proceedings of the Forest Product Society 53rd Annual Meeting, 40.
1999 speech
Within-tree and between-tree variation of selected wood propereties in Pinus sylvestris clones
Presented at the Habilitation Presentation, University of Sopron, Sopron, Hungary.
1999 conference paper
Wood properties of black locust - a species of the future
Proceedings of the Wood Properties for Industrial Use - 2nd Workshop, 54.
1999 journal article
Wood quality of poplar and pine plantations in Hungary
Magyar Asztalos, 99(4), 156–157.
1999 conference paper
Újabb kutatási eredmények az akác minőségi feldolgozásához. [Investigation of quality production from black locust wood]
Hungarian Academy of Science, Agricultural Committee, Forestry Section, III. National Meeting on Forestry, Wildlife and Forest Products Industry. Presented at the Hungarian Academy of Science, Agricultural Committee, Forestry Section, III. National Meeting on Forestry, Wildlife and Forest Products Industry, Budapest, Hungary.
1998 chapter
Dry matter allocation and wood quality in relation to spacing in Scots pine clone trial
In I. Peszlen (Ed.), Environment and Wood Science, Acta Facultatis Ligniensis 1998 (pp. 15–22). Sopron, Hungary: University of Sopron.
1998 conference paper
Effect of spacing on biomass production and wood properties for Pinus sylvestris clones
3rd International Symposium on Wood Structure and properties'98. Presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Wood Structure and properties'98, Zvolen, Slovakia.
1998 conference paper
Effect of spacing on dry matter poduction in a Scots pine clone trial
Environment and Wood Science Jubilee Conference. Presented at the Environment and Wood Science Jubilee Conference, Sopron, Hungary.
1998 journal article
Effect of spacing on wood in Scots pine plantations
FAIPAR, XLVI(1), 33–35.
1998 chapter
Environment and Wood Science
In Acta Facultatis Ligniensis. Sopron, Hungary: University of Sopron.
1998 conference paper
Faanyagvizsgálati módszerek. [Wood testing methods.]
Hungarian Academy of Science, Veszprém Regional Committee and the Industrial Archeology and Archeometry Working Group Meeting. Presented at the Hungarian Academy of Science, Veszprém Regional Committee and the Industrial Archeology and Archeometry Working Group Meeting, Veszprém, Hungary.
1998 conference paper
Influence of spacing on wood quality of Pinus sylvestris
Conference on Recent Advances in the Wood Industry. Presented at the Conference on Recent Advances in the Wood Industry, Sopron, Hungary.
1998 conference paper
Influence of steaming on selected wood properties of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.)
Environment and Wood Science Jubilee Conference. Presented at the Environment and Wood Science Jubilee Conference, Sopron, Hungary.
1998 chapter
Influence of steaming on selected wood properties of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.)
In I. Peszlen (Ed.), Environment and Wood Science, Acta Facultatis Ligniensis 1998 (pp. 38–45). Sopron, Hungary: University of Sopron.
1998 journal article
Latest results of investigation on black locust wood
FAIPAR, XLVI(2), 21–22.
1998 conference paper
Utilization of black locust in the furniture industry
International Furniture Research Conference. Presented at the International Furniture Research Conference, Sydney, Australia.
1998 journal article
Variation in specific gravity and mechanical properties of poplar clones
Drevársky Vyskum - Wood Research, 43(2), 1–17.
1997 book
A fatest háromdimenziós szerkezete – Three Dimensional Structure of Wood
(English - Hungarian Edition.). Budapest: Faipari Tudományos Alapítvány.
1997 journal article
Early testing of Populus clones based on juvenile-mature correlation of their anatomical properties
Silvae Genetica, 46(2-3), 64–72.
1996 conference paper
Juvenile wood quality in connection to reaction wood of hardwoods
ICWSF'96, 2nd International Conference on the Development of Wood Science, Technology and Forestry, 10–12.
1996 journal article
Technological parameters of poplars grown in Hungary
Bútor & Faipar II, 1996(11-12), 26–28.
1996 conference paper
Wood properties of Hungarian poplar clones
IPC’96, Environmental and Social Issues in Poplar and Willow Cultivation and Utilization. 20th Session of FAO International Poplar Commission. Presented at the IPC’96, Environmental and Social Issues in Poplar and Willow Cultivation and Utilization. 20th Session of FAO International Poplar Commission, Budapest, Hungary.
1995 conference paper
Juvenile wood characteristics of plantation wood
IUFRO XX. World Congress. Invited paper. IUFRO XX. presented at the IUFRO XX. World Congress, Tampere, Finland.
1994 journal article
Application of stereology in quantitative anatomy
FAIPAR (Wood Industry), XLIV(2), 13–21.
1994 chapter
Gelatinous fibers in Populus x euramericana clones
In L. A. Donaldson, A. P. Singh, B. G. Butterfield, & L. J. Whitehouse (Eds.), Recent Advances in Wood Anatomy (pp. 327–333). Rotorua, New Zealand: New Zealand Forest Research Institute.
Ed(s): L. Donaldson, A. Singh, B. Butterfield & L. Whitehouse
1994 journal article
Influence of Age on Selected Anatomical Properties of Populus Clones
IAWA Journal, 15(3), 311–321.

1993 conference paper
Effect of site and clone on variation of anatomical properties of Populus x euramericana clones
Wood as a Raw material of the Future Conference, EFE - FATE - Ligno Novum. Presented at the Wood as a Raw material of the Future Conference, EFE - FATE - Ligno Novum, Sopron.
1993 conference paper
Wood quality of plantation-grown poplars
Conference on The Globalization of Wood: Supply, Processes, Products, and Markets. Presented at the Conference on The Globalization of Wood: Supply, Processes, Products, and Markets, Forest Products Society, Portland, Oregon.
1993 conference paper
Zselatinos rostok elôfordulása - Incidence of gelatinous fibers
Scientific Conference of the University of Forestry and Wood Sciences. Presented at the Scientific Conference of the University of Forestry and Wood Sciences, Sopron.
1989 book
Microscopic and macroscopic structure and identification of indigenous industrial woods of Hungary
Sopron: University of Forestry and Wood Sciences.
1986 journal article
Age-dependent variation in structural and quality parameters of black locust wood
Scientific Journal of the University of Forestry & Wood Sciences.
1985 journal article
Selected attributes of the applicants and students admitted to forestry and forest products related educational programs
Felsőoktatási Szemle (Chronicle of Higher Education), 1985(7-8).
1982 journal article
Wearing test of the edge stability of frame saw blades hardened by swaging and induction hardening
Scientific Journal of the University of Forestry & Wood Sciences.
Updated: April 23rd, 2019 12:09
2000 - present
Updated: December 11th, 2019 00:39
1989 - 1993