@article{jang_deng_sprague_lindsay_2023, title={Divergent Synthesis of & beta;-Fluoroamides via Silver-Catalyzed Oxidative Deconstruction of Cyclopropanone Hemiaminals}, volume={7}, ISSN={["1523-7052"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.orglett.3c01992}, DOI={10.1021/acs.orglett.3c01992}, abstractNote={An expedient approach for the synthesis of challenging β-fluoroamides from readily accessible cyclopropanone equivalents is reported. Following the addition of pyrazole used here as a transient leaving group, silver-catalyzed regiospecific ring-opening fluorination of the resulting hemiaminal leads to a β-fluorinated N-acylpyrazole intermediate reactive to substitution with amines, ultimately affording β-fluoroamides. The process could also be extended to the synthesis of β-fluoroesters and γ-fluoroalcohols via the addition of alcohols or hydrides as terminal nucleophiles, respectively.}, journal={ORGANIC LETTERS}, author={Jang, Yujin and Deng, Weixia and Sprague, Ivan S. S. and Lindsay, Vincent N. G.}, year={2023}, month={Jul} }