Works (67)
2024 conference paper
Present and Future of the US Social Security and their Meanings for Korean National Pension Reform
The Korean Association for Policy Studies’ Winter Public Policy Symposium: Policy Studies leading into Transitions for the Future, 43–50.
2023 conference paper
A call for advocacy: Confronting barriers to voter registration and voting rights
The Council on Social Work Education’s Annual Program Meeting (APM).
2023 conference paper
Critical Conversation about Reversed immigration among Korean American Older Adults
The Council on Social Work Education’s Annual Program Meeting (APM).
2023 conference paper
Financial and Psychological Vulnerability among Older 2nd Mortgage Borrowers and Mobile Home Renters
The Council on Social Work Education’s Annual Program Meeting (APM).
2023 journal article
Voter Registration in the United States: A Call for Change
Social Work, 69(1), 99–102.

2022 conference paper
Equitable-Inclusive Tenure and Promotion for Diverse Korean American and Other Asian Faculty
The Council on Social Work Education’s Annual Program Meeting (APM).
2022 journal article
Psychological Self-Sufficiency and Financial Literacy among Low-Income Participants: An Empowerment-Based Approach to Financial Capability
Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 43(4), 690–702.

2021 journal article
"KYE”, Korean immigrants’ private money clubs: Their potential as a savings program for low- and moderate-income families.
International Journal of Social Policy and Education, 12(3), 24–33.
2021 conference paper
Mastery of nine competencies among all BSW programs in the US
The Council on Social Work Education’s Annual Program Meeting (APM).
2021 conference paper
Psychological self-sufficiency and financial literacy among low-income jobseekers: A non-cognitive empowerment-based approach
The Center for Social Development.
2021 conference paper
The Effects of Self-determined Short-term Emergency Savings Accounts of Young Workers in South Korea
The Center for Social Development.
2021 chapter
The effects of self-determined short-term emergency savings accounts of young workers in South Korea
In L. Johnson, M. S. Sherraden, G. McClendon, J. Birkenmaier, J. Frey, C. Callahan, … D. Rothwell (Eds.), Financial Capability and Asset Building: Achievements, challenges, and next steps (CSD Conference Report). Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Ed(s): L. Johnson, M. Sherraden, G. McClendon, J. Birkenmaier, J. Frey, C. Callahan, J. Huang, D. Rothwell
2021 conference paper
YouTube as an advocacy tool to provide Medicaid information to Korean American older adults
The Council on Social Work Education’s Annual Program Meeting (APM.
2020 journal article
Economics Requirements Among BSW Programs: An Underused Tool for Economic Justice
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 25(1), 129–146.
2020 conference paper
Financial capability and asset building for Korean American female educators
The Council on Social Work Education’s Annual Program Meeting (APM).
2020 conference paper
Trump Administration’s oppressive visa practices and their impacts on social work education
The Council on Social Work Education’s Annual Program Meeting (APM).
2019 journal article
Consumer Directed Services (CDS) Program in North Carolina : Reporting New Benefits of the Alternative Care Program
Korea Academy of Care Management, 31, 205–228.
2019 conference paper
The term “social work”: Its origin and meanings for the future
The Council on Social Work Education’s Annual Program Meeting (APM).
2018 conference paper
Financial social work for case management: A due response to societal demands by social work educators
The Korean Academy of Care Management’s Fall Symposium, 43–59. Seoul, Korea.
2018 conference paper
Needs for Inter-professional Education with Economics and Finance to Fight Economic Injustice
The Council on Social Work Education’s Annual Program Meeting (APM).
2018 conference paper
Psychological Self-Sufficiency and Financial Literacy among Low-Income Jobseekers: A Non-Cognitive Empowerment-Based Approach
The Council on Social Work Education’s Annual Program Meeting (APM).
2017 chapter
Consumer Directed Services (CDS)
In Program in North Carolina. White Paper submitted to NC Division of Aging and Adult Services.
2017 conference paper
Grand Challenges among Korean Americans in Social Work Practice and Research
The Council on Social Work Education’s Annual Program Meeting (APM).
2017 conference paper
Grand challenges among Korean Americans in social work practice and research
Annual Program Meeting, Council on Social Work Education, 127.
2017 conference paper
Newly reported benefits of consumer directed services for older adults in the US state of North Carolina
Asian and Pacific Islander Social Work Educator Association’s Global Challenges Facing Social Welfare Policy, Education, Research and Practice Conference. Hong Kong, China.
2016 conference paper
The United States’ Consumer credits as a failed quasi welfare system and the lessons for Korea and other countries
Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education, and Social Development. Presented at the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education, and Social Development., Seoul, South Korea.
Event: Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education, and Social Development. at Seoul, South Korea.
2015 conference paper
Barriers to expanding Consumer Directed Services (CDS) for Older Adults in NC
Annual Program Meeting, Council on Social Work Education, 163.
2015 conference paper
Challenges among Korean American social work educators: How to become culturally competent?
Annual Program Meeting, Council on Social Work Education, 2–9.
2015 entry reference
Mutual Financial Aid and Saving Associations (MFASAs) among Asian Americans
2014 chapter
Consumer credits as a quasi welfare system for failed neoliberals’ trickle-down policies between the 1980s and 2000s
In S. Haymes, R. Miller, & M. V. Haymes (Eds.), Handbook of Poverty in the United States. Routledge.
Ed(s): S. Haymes, R. Miller & M. Haymes
2014 journal article
I'm with her: An examination of old lesbian relationship status and its association with health conditions, health behaviors, and health perceptions
Journal of Lesbian Studies.
2013 journal article
Older Lesbians and Bereavement: Experiencing the Loss of a Partner
Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 57(2-4), 273–287.
2013 journal article
Older lesbians and bereavement
Journal of Gerontological Social Work.
2013 conference paper
The private money clubs of Korean immigrants
Council on Social Work Education. Dallas, Texas.
2013 conference paper
The private money clubs of Korean immigrants: Their potential as a U.S antipoverty program.
Annual Program Meeting Council on Social Work Education. Dallas, Texas.
2013 journal article
“I Want to Know More About Who We Are”: New Directions for Research With Older Lesbians
Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 57(2-4), 349–361.
2012 journal article
Debt burdens among MSW graduates
Journal of Social Work Education., 48(1), 1–21.
2012 journal article
Older Lesbian Experiences of Homophobia and Ageism
Journal of Social Service Research, 39(1), 3–15.
2012 journal article
Older Lesbian Sexuality
Journal of Sex Research, 49(5), 495–507.
2011 journal article
A Case Study of Low Collective Efficacy and Lack of Collective Community Action
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 21(6), 625–643.
2011 journal article
Financial hardship among transitional social workers in the US.
International Journal of Business, Management, and Social Sciences, 2(4), 9–18.
2011 journal article
Older Lesbian Sexuality: Identity, Sexual Behavior, and the Impact of Aging
Journal of Sex Research, 49(5), 495–507.
2011 journal article
Older Lesbians
Journal of Women & Aging, 23(3), 216–232.
2011 journal article
Older Lesbians: Experiences of Aging, Discrimination and Resilience
Journal of Women & Aging, 23(3), 216–232.
2011 journal article
Temporary reinstatement of tax deduction for credit card interests for the financially vulnerable
International Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 2(5), 62–66.
2010 journal article
Debt burdens among BSW graduates
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 15(2), 61–79.
2010 conference paper
Debt burdens among BSW students
Council on Social Work Education, 207. Portland, Oregon.
2010 journal article
Sam would be proud
Social Responsibility Journal, 6(4), 551–561.
2010 journal article
Social worker in a fishbowl
Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping, 16(4), 36–45.
2009 journal article
A mixed-method case study of Princeville's rebuilding from the flood of 1999
Social Work, 54(1), 19–28.
2009 journal article
Securing Economic Justice and Sustainability from Structural Deviances: Recommendations for Consumer Credit Policy Changes
Journal of Poverty, 13(1), 40–54.
2009 journal article
Securing economic justice and sustainability from structural deviances
Journal of Poverty, 13(1), 40–54.
2007 journal article
Hosting a Short-term Visiting Program for International Social Work Students and Practitioners: Tips and Lessons Learned
Reflections, 13(4), 70–82.
2006 conference paper
An Educational Model for Helping International Social Work Students Excel
Annual Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors Conference. Los Angeles, California.
2006 conference paper
Converting KKK Rally in Austin, TX into an Educational DVD
Annual Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors Conference. Los Angeles, California.
2006 conference paper
Hosting a Short-term Exchange Program for International Social Work Students
Annual Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors Conference. Los Angeles, California.
2005 conference paper
How West Chester University Undergraduate Social Department helped Katrina survivors
Annual Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors Conference. Austin, Texas.
2005 conference paper
Imperative Needs of Incorporation of Disaster-related Contents into Social Work Education and Their Niches in Curriculum
Annual Council on Social Work Education Conference. Chicago, Illinois.
2005 conference paper
Needs of Disaster Contents in Social Work Education and Their Niches
Annual Council on Social Work Education Conference. Austin, Texas.
2005 newspaper article
Parenting guidance for Korean-American teenagers for healthy racial identity
The Donga Daily.
2005 conference paper
Self-efficacy and its Role in Lack of Community Action
West Chester University of PA Research Day. Pennsylvania: West Chester University of PA Research Day, West Chester.
2005 newspaper article
Social injustice targeting the economically disadvantaged and social work graduates.
Yoon, I. (2005, December 14). The New Social Worker, Social Work E-News.
2005 conference paper
The Strengths Perspective and its Applications to the Community Rebuilding Process After a Natural Disaster
Annual Council on Social Work Education Conference. New York, New York.
2004 conference paper
New Technologies Reshaping Social Work
Annual Council on Social Work Education Conference. Anaheim , California.
2004 journal article
New technologies reshaping social work: Emerging practice and education issues
The New Social Worker.
2002 conference paper
New Technologies Reshaping Social Work
Technology Conference. Charleston, South Carolina: Technology Conference.
2000 conference paper
Click for Cash
Technology Conference. Charleston, South Carolina.
Updated: March 20th, 2023 14:45
2017 - present
2006 - 2016
2004 - 2006
2004 - 2004
Updated: July 19th, 2014 11:01