@article{hausle_forrester_walker_2023, title={Determining the effectiveness of using acoustic velocity as an indirect measurement of branchiness in standing longleaf pine}, volume={6}, ISSN={["1208-6037"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2023-0052}, DOI={10.1139/cjfr-2023-0052}, abstractNote={ Branches reduce stem quality, and the level of the effect is determined by the geometry, size, and number, of associated knots. Quantifying branchiness is difficult, as visual estimates are subjective, and mechanical measurements are impractical. Acoustic velocity (AV) is a relatively novel measurement capturing the speed stress travels through wood. AV is correlated with wood stiffness and is affected by internal characteristics like knots. This project tested AV as an indirect branchiness metric by measuring AV, height, diameter, and counting branches classified by diameter on 255 standing 8 year old longleaf pine ( Pinus palustris). AV was highly correlated with height (r = 0.76, p < 0.0001) and slenderness (r = 0.52, p < 0.0001). AV was moderately correlated with large living branches (diameter > 2.54 cm) (r = −0.27, p < 0.0001), but not correlated with total branches. Height, slenderness, and the count of large living branches (diameter > 2.54 cm) were included in the selected model for AV. Inclusion of dead or small (diameter < 2.54 cm) branches reduced model power. The best model captured 11% of the variation in AV, of which branches explained 5%. We conclude that AV does not appropriately quantify individual tree branchiness, but may be suitable for comparing populations such as families or provenances. }, journal={CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH}, author={Hausle, Jacks M. T. and Forrester, Jodi A. and Walker, Trevor D.}, year={2023}, month={Jun} } @article{forrester_fraver_mladenoff_gower_d'amato_lindner_2023, title={Experimental Evidence that Forest Structure Controls Detrital Decomposition}, volume={4}, ISSN={["1435-0629"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1007/s10021-023-00841-5}, DOI={10.1007/s10021-023-00841-5}, journal={ECOSYSTEMS}, author={Forrester, J. A. and Fraver, S. and Mladenoff, D. J. and Gower, S. T. and D'Amato, A. W. and Lindner, D. L.}, year={2023}, month={Apr} } @article{sabo_forrester_kruger_mladenoff_2023, title={Herbaceous plant height is an early indicator of groundlayer response to an experimental manipulation of forest structure and deer pressure}, volume={536}, ISSN={["1872-7042"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.foreco.2023.120902}, abstractNote={There is growing interest in adapting forest management to increase diversity, in both composition and structure, to restore old-growth characteristics and to build resiliency against anthropogenic disturbances. In order to determine appropriate interventions, managers need to evaluate the quality of natural areas but efficient and effective measurements are elusive. Using a suite of herbaceous species and measuring their responses to experimental treatments, we aim to assess (1) the sensitivity of different metrics and (2) the current and likely future effects of gap-generating disturbances and abundant deer on the understory of a northern hardwood forest in Wisconsin, USA. More specifically, we investigated plant cover, density, height, aggregate height and the proportion of individuals producing flowers/fruits under unmanipulated canopies v. three gap sizes, with and without downed woody material (DWM) additions, and inside v. outside of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) exclusion fences, approximately seven years after treatment. The effects were taxon-specific with Anemone quinquefolia, Arisaema triphyllum, Laportea canadensis and Trillium grandiflorum being most responsive to canopy structure, Impatiens spp. and T. grandiflorum to deer pressure, and A. triphyllum, Impatiens spp., L. canadensis and Sanguinaria canadensis to canopy structure in combination with DWM. Cover was least responsive to treatments, density and proportion of sexually reproducing individuals sometimes differed, but height was overall the best metric. Mean height and maximum height showed similar results so we suggest that managers focus on measuring maximum height to limit sampling time. We also draw attention to the importance of retaining and/or creating DWM which has long been recognized as an important structural feature promoting diversity in natural forests. In the present study, DWM additions appeared to play a role in mitigating microclimates and/or deer pressure for multiple herbaceous species.}, journal={FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT}, author={Sabo, Autumn E. and Forrester, Jodi A. and Kruger, Eric L. and Mladenoff, David J.}, year={2023}, month={May} } @article{reed_bronson_forrester_prudent_yang_yantes_reich_frelich_2023, title={Linked disturbance in the temperate forest: Earthworms, deer, and canopy gaps}, volume={4}, ISSN={["1939-9170"]}, DOI={10.1002/ecy.4040}, abstractNote={AbstractDespite the large body of theory concerning multiple disturbances, relatively few attempts have been made to test the theoretical assumptions of how and if disturbances interact. Of particular importance is whether disturbance events are linked, as this can influence the probability and intensity of ecological change. Disturbances are linked when one disturbance event increases or decreases the likelihood or extent of another. To this end, we used two long‐term, multi‐disturbance experiments in northern Wisconsin to determine whether earthworm invasion is linked to canopy gap creation and white‐tailed deer browsing. These three disturbances are common and influential within North American temperate forests, making any interactions among them particularly important to understand. We expected both deer and canopy gaps to favor invasive earthworms, particularly species that live close to or on the soil surface. However, we found only partial support of our hypotheses, as both deer exclosures and canopy gaps decreased earthworms in each experiment. Further, earthworm density increased the most over time in areas far from the gap center and in areas with deer present. Deer exclosures primarily decreased Aporrectodea and Lumbricus species, while gaps decreased Dendrobaena and Lumbricus species. Our findings show that earthworm invasion is linked to deer presence and gap‐creating disturbances, which provides new insight in multiple disturbance theory, aboveground–belowground dynamics, and temperate forest management.}, journal={ECOLOGY}, author={Reed, Samuel P. and Bronson, Dustin R. and Forrester, Jodi A. and Prudent, Leah M. and Yang, Anna M. and Yantes, Austin M. and Reich, Peter B. and Frelich, Lee E.}, year={2023}, month={Apr} } @article{hausle_forrester_moorman_martin_2023, title={Tradeoffs between timber and wildlife habitat quality increase with density in longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) plantations}, volume={550}, ISSN={0378-1127}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2023.121497}, DOI={10.1016/j.foreco.2023.121497}, abstractNote={Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris), a historically abundant tree species in the southeastern United States, is often planted to restore the ecologically and culturally important longleaf pine ecosystem that once covered vast acreages in the southeastern United States. Government cost-share programs that support establishment of these plantations place restrictions on planting rates to promote wildlife habitat, as greater tree planting density may reduce canopy openness and herbaceous plant cover that are critical components of habitat for priority species, including gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) and Bachman’s sparrow (Peucaea aestivalis). However, there is expressed concern among some forest managers that more open grown trees in the plantations will be of inferior timber quality with more and larger horizontal branches and associated knots. We examined how density affects dynamics and tradeoffs among understory vegetation structure and composition, longleaf pine stem form (branch density and straightness), and longleaf pine survival by sampling 73 plantations of various ages (5–25 years) and planting rates (653–2445 trees per hectare (TPH)/264–990 trees per acre (TPA)) throughout the southeastern United States. We documented a relationship between planting rate and longleaf pine stand density at time of sampling (r = 0.69, p = 0.0001) and relationships between stand density and habitat and timber quality metrics. Greater stand density resulted in lower tree diameters but greater stand basal area than lower stand density. Higher planting rates led to lower branch density and lower straightness grades than lower planting rates. Canopy openness decreased with greater stand density, and bare ground cover and herbaceous cover decreased as density and stand age at time of sampling increased. Based on our results, we suggest that lower maximum planting rates are appropriate when wildlife habitat is a program objective because lower rates result in fewer tradeoffs, as reducing planting rates slows degradation of wildlife habitat when compared with higher maximum planting rates that have only mixed benefits on timber quality.}, journal={Forest Ecology and Management}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Hausle, Jacks M.T. and Forrester, Jodi A. and Moorman, Christopher E. and Martin, Melissa R.}, year={2023}, month={Dec}, pages={121497} } @article{hicks pries_lankau_ingham_legge_krol_forrester_fitch_wurzburger_2023, title={Differences in soil organic matter between EcM- and AM-dominated forests depend on tree and fungal identity}, volume={1}, ISSN={["1939-9170"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.3929}, DOI={10.1002/ecy.3929}, abstractNote={AbstractAs global change shifts the species composition of forests, we need to understand which species characteristics affect soil organic matter (SOM) cycling to predict future soil carbon (C) storage. Recently, whether a tree species forms a symbiosis with arbuscular (AM) versus ectomycorrhizal (EcM) fungi has been suggested as a strong predictor of soil C storage, but there is wide variability within EcM systems. In this study, we investigated how mycorrhizal associations and the species composition of canopy trees and mycorrhizal fungi related to the proportion of soil C and nitrogen (N) in mineral associations and soil C:N across four sites representing distinct climates and tree communities in the eastern US broadleaf forest biome. In two of our sites, we found the expected relationship of declining mineral‐associated C and N and increasing soil C:N ratios as the basal area of EcM‐associating trees increased. However, across all sites these soil properties strongly correlated with canopy tree and fungal species composition. Sites where the expected pattern with EcM basal area was observed were (1) dominated by trees with lower quality litter in the Pinaceae and Fagaceae families and (2) dominated by EcM fungi with medium‐distance exploration type hyphae, melanized tissues, and the potential to produce peroxidases. This observational study demonstrates that differences in SOM between AM and EcM systems are dependent on the taxa of trees and EcM fungi involved. Important information is lost when the rich mycorrhizal symbiosis is reduced to two categories.}, journal={ECOLOGY}, author={Hicks Pries, Caitlin E. E. and Lankau, Richard and Ingham, Grace Anne and Legge, Eva and Krol, Owen and Forrester, Jodi and Fitch, Amelia and Wurzburger, Nina}, year={2023}, month={Jan} } @article{perreault_forrester_lindner_jusino_fraver_banik_mladenoff_2023, title={Linking wood-decay fungal communities to decay rates: Using a long-term experimental manipulation of deadwood and canopy gaps}, volume={62}, ISSN={["1878-0083"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.funeco.2022.101220}, abstractNote={Decomposition transfers carbon (C) from detrital organic matter to soil and atmospheric pools. In forested ecosystems, deadwood accounts for a large proportion of the detrital C pool and is primarily decomposed by wood-inhabiting fungi (WIF). Deadwood reductions linked to forest harvesting may alter WIF richness and composition, thus indirectly influencing the persistence of deadwood and its contribution to C and nutrient cycling. Forest structure was enhanced via canopy gap creation and coarse woody debris (CWD) addition that mimic natural disturbance by windfall within a deciduous northern hardwood forest (Wisconsin, USA) to examine its effect on deadwood-associated biodiversity and function. Experimental sugar maple (Acer saccharum) logs were sampled, for DNA extraction, ten years after placement to determine the assembly of fungal community composition and its relationship to wood decay rates. Our findings suggest that the WIF community responded to gap disturbance by favoring species able to persist under more extreme microclimates caused by gaps. CWD addition under closed canopy tended to favor a different species assemblage from gap creation treatments and the control, where canopy was undisturbed and CWD was not added. This was presumably due to consistent microclimatic conditions and the abundance of CWD substrates for host specialists. Fungal OTU richness was significantly and inversely related to CWD decay rates, likely due to competition for resources. In contrast, fungal OTU composition was not significantly related to CWD decay rates, canopy openness or CWD addition amounts. Our study site represents a diverse fungal community in which complex interactions among wood-inhabiting organisms and abiotic factors are likely to slow CWD decomposition, which suggests that maintaining a biodiverse and microsite-rich ecosystem may enhance the capacity for C storage within temperate forests.}, journal={FUNGAL ECOLOGY}, author={Perreault, Lili and Forrester, Jodi A. and Lindner, Daniel L. and Jusino, Michelle A. and Fraver, Shawn and Banik, Mark T. and Mladenoff, David J.}, year={2023}, month={Apr} } @article{jones_sabo_forrester_mladenoff_mcdill_2023, title={Northern hardwoods seedlings respond to a complex of environmental factors when deer herbivory is limited}, volume={527}, ISSN={["1872-7042"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.foreco.2022.120600}, abstractNote={Deer herbivory has a reputation for suppressing tree seedling development in Northern hardwood forests. We examined survival and growth of sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and ash (Fraxinus spp.) seedlings in a controlled factorial experiment with differing light conditions and levels of deer access in a Northern hardwoods forest in Wisconsin, USA. Measurements were made in ∼380 m3 harvest gaps, in transition zones adjacent to gaps, and under closed canopy conditions, both inside and outside of deer exclosures. Browse incidence was initially greater in unfenced treatments, but a general decline through time eliminated this difference. Seven-year survival of both species groups was correlated positively with initial root collar diameter (RCD) and was greater in transition zones. Ash seedling survival was greater in plots with greater overall seedling aggregate height. Soils were primarily differentiated by available nitrogen, which positively influenced height growth of sugar maple in transition zones but did not influence ash growth. Although sugar maple height growth was correlated positively with initial RCD, greater initial height reduced growth rates, both as a simple effect (sugar maple) and in combination with initial RCD (ash). Ash growth correlated negatively with seedling aggregate height in gaps but was unaffected in transition or canopy zones. Allometric coefficients of RCD:height indicated some influence of deer herbivory which was not detected in other analyses. Coefficient values trended downward from year 2 to year 9, but wide confidence intervals limit the value of this metric as an indicator of seedling community resilience with regard to deer.}, journal={FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT}, author={Jones, Phillip D. and Sabo, Autumn E. and Forrester, Jodi A. and Mladenoff, David J. and McDill, Marc E.}, year={2023}, month={Jan} } @article{read_fraver_forrester_wason_woodall_2022, title={Temporal trends in CO(2 )emissions from Picea rubens stumps: A chronosequence approach}, volume={524}, ISSN={["1872-7042"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.foreco.2022.120528}, abstractNote={Understanding the forest carbon cycle has become increasingly important as carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions contribute to the changing climate. Decomposition is a major component of the forest carbon cycle; however, aspects of wood decomposition remain poorly understood, especially for stumps. To fill this knowledge gap, we examined the change in CO2 emissions over time from Picea rubens Sarg. (red spruce) stumps using a 32-year chronosequence (i.e., 0, 2, 4, 8, 23, and 32 years since harvest) derived from detailed harvesting records in a northern conifer forest in central Maine, USA, that has experienced repeated partial harvests. We found low initial CO2 flux (3.2 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 at year 0) followed by a rapid increase, peaking 8 years post-harvest (24.3 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1) followed in turn by a decrease to very low rates by years 23 and 32 (1.4 and 1.7 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1, respectively). We found no clear relationship between CO2 emissions and any of the environmental or stump variables tested (wood temperature, wood moisture, soil moisture, and/or stump volume), suggesting that time since harvest was the overriding influence on CO2 flux rates. The large variability in CO2 flux rates among stumps of the same time since harvest points to the need for future research that includes larger sample sizes and covers a wider range of environmental and stump variables to better capture potential sources of variation. Our results add to the growing body of research on carbon emissions from deadwood that can inform forest carbon-cycle models. In addition, forest managers, who are increasingly interested in carbon management, can use these results to assess harvesting impacts on forest carbon emissions.}, journal={FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT}, author={Read, Zoe and Fraver, Shawn and Forrester, Jodi A. and Wason, Jay and Woodall, Christopher W.}, year={2022}, month={Nov} } @article{perreault_forrester_mladenoff_lewandowski_2021, title={Deadwood Reduces the Variation in Soil Microbial Communities Caused by Experimental Forest Gaps}, volume={24}, ISSN={["1435-0629"]}, DOI={10.1007/s10021-021-00624-w}, number={8}, journal={ECOSYSTEMS}, author={Perreault, Lili and Forrester, Jodi A. and Mladenoff, David J. and Lewandowski, Tera E.}, year={2021}, month={Dec}, pages={1928–1943} } @article{perreault_forrester_mladenoff_gower_2021, title={Linking deadwood and soil GHG fluxes in a second growth north temperate deciduous forest (Upper Midwest USA)}, volume={8}, ISSN={["1573-515X"]}, DOI={10.1007/s10533-021-00839-y}, journal={BIOGEOCHEMISTRY}, author={Perreault, Lili and Forrester, Jodi A. and Mladenoff, David J. and Gower, Stith T.}, year={2021}, month={Aug} } @article{bakken_forrester_mladenoff_leggett_juzwik_jetton_2021, title={Mortality patterns following a hickory decline event - Is density reduction key to maintaining bitternut hickory?}, volume={485}, ISSN={["1872-7042"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.foreco.2021.118956}, abstractNote={Bitternut hickory (Carya cordiformis (Wangenh.) K. Koch) is an important component of many hardwood forest systems in the northern hardwood forests of the Lake States. Extensive mortality of the species was observed in a long-term field experimental site in a second growth northern hardwood forest of Wisconsin between 2010 and 2016. We quantified and documented the characteristics of the mortality, investigated the relationship between bitternut hickory density and mortality patterns, and assessed the persistence of hickory regeneration. The presence of a pathogenic fungus (Ceratocystis smalleyi Johnson and Harrington) and hickory bark beetle (Scolytus quadrispinosus Say) were identified as the main cause of mortality in other instances of hickory decline during a similar time period in the Midwest and Northeast. We investigated the role of these agents through post hoc analysis. Tree surveys of mapped stems ≥10 cm dbh conducted periodically from 2005 to 2016 indicated mortality of hickory rose sharply to 35% year−1 from 2010 to 2016. This is a substantial increase in mortality relative to the dominant species at the site (Acer saccharum Marshall, Tilia americana L., and Fraxinus spp.) which was 1.11% year−1 in the same time period. Mortality rates were higher in larger stems (≥20 cm dbh) than smaller stems (10 < 20 cm dbh). Additional analyses evaluated whether mortality rates were affected by localized species composition, using the proportion of hickory stems among neighboring trees. Proportion of hickory stems, diameter, and crown class proved to be statistically important in predicting mortality in individual hickory stems. The density of hickory regeneration in the <30 cm tall height class decreased from 2010 to 2016. Overall the bitternut hickory population significantly declined, especially the larger sized trees, and this decline will have lasting consequences on the persistence of the species in the area. Potential management actions for mitigating impacts of such rapid hickory decline events, mainly selective thinning, are discussed. Methods for maintaining this co-occurring species is increasingly important as several other codominant species in northern hardwood forests are also decreasing.}, journal={FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT}, author={Bakken, K. A. and Forrester, J. A. and Mladenoff, D. J. and Leggett, Z. and Juzwik, J. and Jetton, R. M.}, year={2021}, month={Apr} } @article{burton_mladenoff_forrester_clayton_2021, title={Effects of forest canopy gaps on the ground‐layer plant community depend on deer: Evidence from a controlled experiment}, url={https://doi.org/10.1111/jvs.12969}, DOI={10.1111/jvs.12969}, abstractNote={AbstractQuestions: How do deer mediate the response of forest ground‐layer plant communities to canopy gap size?Location: Flambeau River State Forest in north central Wisconsin, USA (47°37.4ʹ N, 90°47.8ʹ W).Method: We examined responses of resources, growth forms and temporal guilds to factorial combinations of canopy gap treatments consisting of a range of gap sizes (80, 200 and 380 m2), and deer (Odocoileus virginianus) exclusion (0.64 ha fenced exclosures) 4 years following gap creation (3 years following deer exclusion). We contrasted responses in central and transition zones.Results: In the absence of deer, forb productivity increased from pre‐treatment levels, particularly where light transmittance and soil moisture were high. In contrast, forb productivity decreased in the presence of deer. These effects were stronger among forbs with early‐ and late‐summer leafing phenology than spring ephemeral, and evergreen species. In contrast, deer amplified increases in graminoid productivity, which were related primarily to light transmittance. Deer did not alter responses of ferns, shrubs, trees seedlings or vines. Canopy gaps increased community heterogeneity among gap sizes and zones, but only in the absence of deer. This was related to the effects of deer on the composition and diversity of gap specialists.Conclusions: The maintenance of biodiversity in northern temperate forest ground‐layer plant communities by canopy gap dynamics appears to hinge on deer herbivory, even at relatively modest populations of deer and a productive site. Conversely, increases in resource availability within gaps may function to mitigate some negative effects of deer on forb productivity. Effects may be transient, as species turnover to shrub‐ and sapling‐dominated communities and canopy closure may cause communities to converge in the future. However, populations of undefended gap specialists remain particularly sensitive.}, journal={Journal of Vegetation Science}, author={Burton, Julia I and Mladenoff, David J and Forrester, Jodi A and Clayton, Murray K}, editor={Tanentzap, AndrewEditor}, year={2021}, month={Jan} } @article{perreault_forrester_wurzburger_mladenoff_2020, title={Emergent properties of downed woody debris in canopy gaps: A response of the soil ecosystem to manipulation of forest structure}, volume={151}, ISSN={["1879-3428"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.108053}, abstractNote={Abstract Natural forest disturbance events can influence soil biogeochemical processes in two ways - by creating downed woody debris (DWD; fallen tree boles or branches) and by creating canopy gaps that alter forest microclimate. DWD represents a substrate for microbial growth and a persistent store of carbon and nutrients, but microbial activity is also sensitive to temperature and moisture. We studied the potential interaction of DWD and canopy gaps on soil microbial processes, and wondered if microclimatic conditions resulting from the manipulation of forest structure would be enough to inhibit production, thereby altering a critical ecosystem process. Gaps and DWD (>10 cm diameter) were added to a maturing, even-aged, second-growth northern hardwood forest (the Flambeau Experiment; N Wisconsin, USA) to enhance structural complexity and promote key ecosystem processes typically associated with late-successional forests. We investigated the influence of DWD and gaps on soil microbial community composition, extracellular enzyme activity and soil characteristics. Soils were sampled near intermediately and highly decayed DWD and 2 m away from DWD (control) in gaps and closed canopy a decade after manipulation. DWD decomposition influenced the surrounding soil differentially depending on decay class and canopy condition. Mean C- and P-potential extracellular enzyme activities (BG, BX and AP) were enhanced near highly decayed DWD in gaps. The relative abundance of bacteria (actinomycete, anaerobic, gram-negative and gram-positive) remained constant in gaps but decreased from May to August in closed canopy. In gaps, soil total exchangeable cations increased by 34.6%, available phosphorus by 152% and fungal to bacterial ratios by 23.3% but temperatures decreased by 3.42% suggesting that canopy condition continues to affect soil properties and microbial processes a decade after gap creation. These results highlight the contribution of DWD to the forest floor and the influence of decaying wood characteristics on belowground ecosystems critical to future forest productivity. Retaining or adding heterogeneously distributed DWD of varying decay status may be essential to maintain ecosystem functions associated with nutrient cycling and microbial community dynamics in managed forests.}, journal={SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY}, author={Perreault, Lili and Forrester, Jodi A. and Wurzburger, Nina and Mladenoff, David J.}, year={2020}, month={Dec} } @article{lewandowski_forrester_mladenoff_marin-spiotta_d'amato_palik_kolka_2019, title={Long term effects of intensive biomass harvesting and compaction on the forest soil ecosystem}, volume={137}, ISSN={["0038-0717"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2019.107572}, DOI={10.1016/j.soilbio.2019.107572}, abstractNote={Forest soil ecosystems can be negatively affected by intensive biomass harvesting due to losses of organic inputs and soil compaction, ultimately leading to reduced forest productivity. In this research, we revisited a site from the North American Long-Term Soil Productivity study located on a sandy Spodosol within the Huron National Forest in Michigan, USA, to measure the effects of aboveground organic matter removal of different intensities (three levels: bole only; whole tree harvest; or whole tree harvest and forest floor removal) and soil compaction (2 levels: no or moderate compaction) nearly 20 years following the initial treatments. The effects of harvesting on the soil microbial community in surface and subsurface soils and on soil nutrient availability in surface soils were evaluated. Additionally, patterns of carbon and nitrogen distribution among soil organic matter pools in surface and subsurface soils were compared using a physical fractionation approach to isolate a free – light fraction of particulate organic matter external to aggregates, an occluded – light fraction, which represents particulate organic matter released from the disruption of soil aggregates, and a heavy or mineral-associated fraction. Whole-tree harvests had significantly different microbial community compositions than bole-only harvests (P = 0.02), a result driven by significantly lower abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizae and greater gram positive bacterial abundance in the whole-tree harvest relative to bole-only harvest conditions. Few differences in soil nutrient availability were apparent 20 years after organic matter manipulations, with the exception of reduced calcium availability where organic matter was removed. Soil compaction resulted in greater microbial biomass (0.19 versus 0.14 μmol g−1 soil), which may have also led to a reduced C:N ratio in the heaviest and oldest soil component and increased P availability as well. Nitrogen concentrations and stocks were greatest at the surface (0–10 cm depth) for the free and light soil fractions in bole-only removal treatments, in contrast to whole-tree harvest treatments where C and N concentrations and C stocks were greater in the subsurface soil (free - light fraction at 20–30 cm depth). The soil microbial community, soil fraction size, and soil C and N stocks differed between surface and subsurface soils, highlighting the soil forming processes at work in this Spodosol, and the importance of sampling multiple depths to address research questions. These results demonstrate the long-term effects of forest management on soil biological, physical, and chemical properties and are useful in evaluating sustainable biomass harvesting practices for comparable forests.}, journal={Soil Biology and Biochemistry}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Lewandowski, T.E. and Forrester, J.A. and Mladenoff, D.J. and Marin-Spiotta, E. and D'Amato, A.W. and Palik, B. and Kolka, R.}, year={2019}, month={Oct}, pages={107572} } @article{lewandowski_forrester_mladenoff_anthony w. d'amato_fassnacht_padley_martin_2019, title={Do biological legacies moderate the effects of forest harvesting on soil microbial community composition and soil respiration}, volume={432}, ISSN={["1872-7042"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.foreco.2018.09.020}, abstractNote={Ecological forestry is a management approach that uses natural disturbance processes as models for designing silvicultural prescriptions that restore or sustain ecosystem biodiversity and function in actively managed forests. We evaluated how a novel ecologically-based multi-cohort silvicultural treatment affects the soil microbial community (SMC) and tested whether supplemental dead wood in the form of girdled trees alters these effects. We also tested SMC function by measuring soil CO2 flux over multiple growing seasons, and examined if these patterns were related to soil microbial groups. Our experimental harvests were conducted in second-growth northern hardwood forests in northern Wisconsin, USA. Treatments included a modified shelterwood harvest (SH), a shelterwood harvest plus dead wood supplementation (SH + CWD), and an unharvested control; here we report responses three to five years post-treatment. The SMC composition (determined using PLFA) in both harvests was significantly different from the control, a difference driven by greater bacterial abundance in the harvested areas, and particularly by gram negative bacteria in SH. Microbial community composition was not significantly different between the two harvests (SH and SH + CWD). Total soil respiration was significantly lower in SH than in the control and SH + CWD treatments, a difference most likely driven by a reduction of the autotrophic respiration component in SH treatments due to harvesting, while in the SH + CWD treatment roots from living girdled trees contributed to autotrophic soil respiration. The relationship between the SMC and soil respiration varied with treatment and season. In general, soil respiration in the unharvested controls was most significantly correlated with microbes that relate to autotrophic respiration sources, while respiration in SH + CWD was most significantly correlated with heterotrophic microbes. These results indicate that, although the SMC composition was affected by forest harvesting practices incorporating live and dead biological legacies, supplementing the number of standing dead trees through girdling and felling maintained SMC function, as measured through total soil respiration, an indicator of some important aspects of ecosystem function.}, journal={FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT}, author={Lewandowski, Tera E. and Forrester, Jodi A. and Mladenoff, David J. and Anthony W. D'Amato and Fassnacht, Dakota S. A. and Padley, Eunice and Martin, Karl J.}, year={2019}, month={Jan}, pages={298–308} } @article{sabo_forrester_burton_jones_mladenoff_kruger_2019, title={Ungulate exclusion accentuates increases in woody species richness and abundance with canopy gap creation in a temperate hardwood forest}, volume={433}, ISSN={["1872-7042"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.foreco.2018.11.004}, abstractNote={Forest biodiversity is declining due to a wide variety of anthropogenic factors. Forest and wildlife management can be part of the problem or part of the solution. Our objective was to examine the influence of white-tailed deer exclusion on the response of understory communities to a gradient in overstory disturbance. We expected that greater overstory disturbance would act synergistically with deer exclusion to increase understory species richness and abundance. In northern Wisconsin, USA, we monitored changes in understory vegetation in a temperate hardwood forest following four overstory treatments (no-harvest controls and three gap sizes) and two deer treatments (deer access or exclosure). By the seventh year following gap creation, understory species richness and the abundance of multiple species groups had increased, especially when deer were excluded. Effects were most pronounced in larger gaps, particularly among saplings of less shade-tolerant tree species. The tree seedling community responded similarly, but less strongly, to treatments. In contrast, change in the short-stature shrub and herbaceous community seven years following gap and deer treatments was limited and species-specific. Environmental conditions at the groundlayer, such as light availability and soil moisture content, rarely differed by treatment in our study. Increased density of understory vegetation at seven years post-treatment may have negated early pulses in resource availability resulting from gap creation. Gap creation alone increased species richness and abundance of woody taxa, whereas deer exclusion alone had little effect on the understory community. When treatments were applied in combination, we saw the greatest change in the plant community. Our study provides evidence that, when accompanied by a reduction in deer population density, relatively intense overstory disturbance (e.g., group-selection harvest) may be an effective management strategy for restoring forest heterogeneity.}, journal={FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT}, author={Sabo, Autumn E. and Forrester, Jodi A. and Burton, Julia I and Jones, Phillip D. and Mladenoff, David J. and Kruger, Eric L.}, year={2019}, month={Feb}, pages={386–395} } @article{fraver_tajvidi_anthony w. d'amato_lindner_forrester_milo_2018, title={Woody material structural degradation through decomposition on the forest floor}, volume={48}, ISSN={["1208-6037"]}, DOI={10.1139/cjfr-2017-0175}, abstractNote={ Dead woody material (DWM) plays numerous important roles in forest ecosystems; however, through the process of decomposition, it undergoes structural and chemical changes that progressively alter its function in these roles. Much remains unknown about how DWM mechanical strength and structural integrity change through decomposition in natural forest settings. We assessed changes in wood strength (bending strength, compressive strength, and surface hardness) using standard wood stakes of known initial mass from three species. The stakes were placed in forested settings for two and four years before collection for laboratory analyses. All three strength metrics decreased as stakes lost mass due to decay; however, bending strength had the strongest relationship with mass loss, a result that was consistent for all species, as well as species-pooled data. Results for all strength-loss metrics indicate that stakes had experienced ca. 10% strength loss before any detectable mass loss had occurred. Further, our results suggest that the decay class system typically used during field inventories — based in large part on tactile assessments of wood structural integrity — may provide a reasonable characterization of DWM mass loss, which is a critical assumption for carbon accounting and modelling based on inventory data. }, number={1}, journal={CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH}, author={Fraver, Shawn and Tajvidi, Mehdi and Anthony W. D'Amato and Lindner, Daniel L. and Forrester, Jodi A. and Milo, Amy M.}, year={2018}, month={Jan}, pages={111–115} } @article{lewandowski_forrester_mladenoff_d’amato_palik_2016, title={Response of the soil microbial community and soil nutrient bioavailability to biomass harvesting and reserve tree retention in northern Minnesota aspen-dominated forests}, volume={99}, ISSN={0929-1393}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apsoil.2015.11.001}, DOI={10.1016/j.apsoil.2015.11.001}, abstractNote={Intensive forest biomass harvesting, or the removal of harvesting slash (woody debris from tree branches and tops) for use as biofuel, has the potential to negatively affect the soil microbial community (SMC) due to loss of carbon and nutrient inputs from the slash, alteration of the soil microclimate, and increased nutrient leaching. These effects could result in lowered forest productivity and threaten the long-term sustainability of forest management. Retaining organic material post-harvest, including greater amounts of harvesting slash and live trees, within harvested areas may ameliorate some negative effects of biomass harvesting on soil processes. We evaluated the effects of biomass harvests with reserve tree and slash retention on the SMC and soil nutrient bioavailability (assessed using plant-root simulator probes) in trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) forests in northern Minnesota during the spring and summer, 1–3 years after harvest. Variable biomass removal levels tested include complete removal (whole tree harvest of boles and branches), complete slash retention (bole only harvest), and 20% slash retention (amount suggested by regional biomass harvesting guidelines). Compared to the unharvested control, biomass harvests had no effect on the multivariate SMC composition or microbial biomass, but did result in a 1–4% increase in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal abundance and reduced bacterial stress two and three years after harvest. Additionally, biomass harvesting increased NH4 bioavailability during year one, and reduced NO3 bioavailability during year two when compared to unharvested controls. Among the three biomass harvests with differing levels of slash removal there were few differences in overall SMC composition, microbial biomass, and soil nutrients; however, the abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, gram positive and actinomycete bacteria were significantly higher in harvested treatments with more slash retained. These results are specific to single rotation biomass harvesting in aspen stands due to the unique relationships between plants and their associated SMCs, and may not be directly applicable to forest biomass harvesting of other commercial forest tree species, or multiple rotations.}, journal={Applied Soil Ecology}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Lewandowski, Tera E. and Forrester, Jodi A. and Mladenoff, David J. and D’Amato, Anthony W. and Palik, Brian J.}, year={2016}, month={Mar}, pages={110–117} } @article{xue_penton_zhang_zhao_rothstein_mladenoff_forrester_shen_tiedje_2016, title={Soil fungal and bacterial responses to conversion of open land to short-rotation woody biomass crops}, volume={8}, ISSN={1757-1693}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/gcbb.12303}, DOI={10.1111/gcbb.12303}, abstractNote={AbstractShort‐rotation woody biomass crops (SRWCs) have been proposed as an alternative feedstock for biofuel production in the northeastern US that leads to the conversion of current open land to woody plantations, potentially altering the soil microbial community structures and hence functions. We used pyrosequencing of 16S and 28S rRNA genes in soil to assess bacterial and fungal populations when ‘marginal’ grasslands were converted into willow (Salix spp.) and hybrid poplar (Populus spp.) plantations at two sites with similar soils and climate history in northern Michigan (Escanaba; ES) and Wisconsin (Rhinelander; RH). In only three growing seasons, the conversion significantly altered both the bacterial and fungal communities, which were most influenced by site and then vegetation. The fungal community showed greater change than the bacterial community in response to land conversion at both sites with substantial enrichment of putative pathogenic, ectomycorrhizal, and endophytic fungi associated with poplar and willow. Conversely, the bacterial community structures shifted, but to a lesser degree, with the new communities dissimilar at the two sites and most correlated with soil nutrient status. The bacterial phylum Nitrospirae increased after conversion and was negatively correlated to total soil nitrogen, but positively correlated to soil nitrate, and may be responsible for nitrate accumulation and the increased N2O emissions previously reported following conversion at these sites. The legacy effect of a much longer grassland history and a second dry summer at the ES site may have influenced the grassland (control) microbial community to remain stable while it varied at the RH site.}, number={4}, journal={GCB Bioenergy}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Xue, Chao and Penton, Christopher Ryan and Zhang, Bangzhou and Zhao, Mengxin and Rothstein, David E. and Mladenoff, David J. and Forrester, Jodi A. and Shen, Qirong and Tiedje, James M.}, year={2016}, month={Jan}, pages={723–736} } @article{lewandowski_forrester_mladenoff_stoffel_gower_d’amato_balser_2015, title={Soil microbial community response and recovery following group selection harvest: Temporal patterns from an experimental harvest in a US northern hardwood forest}, volume={340}, ISSN={0378-1127}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/J.FORECO.2014.12.012}, DOI={10.1016/j.foreco.2014.12.012}, abstractNote={Forest harvesting and the associated loss of nutrients and carbon has the potential to negatively affect the soil microbial community, which plays a significant role in the health and productivity of the forest ecosystem. We used an experiment to evaluate the effects of group selection using whole-tree harvesting on the soil microbial community in a second growth northern hardwood forest dominated by sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) in northern Wisconsin, USA. We compared the response of the soil microbial community in 200 m2 and 380 m2 harvested gaps to unharvested controls during the spring and summer in the first two years post-harvest, and continued to monitor changes in the soil microbial communities and microenvironment in 380 m2 gaps in years four, five, and seven post-harvest. Changes in community size and composition were assessed using phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis. We found that the abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi initially decreased following harvest, while abundance of anaerobic and gram positive bacteria, and the cyclo/pre-cyclo microbial stress ratio increased; responses that can be linked to microclimatic variability and resource accessibility. Neither actinomycete bacteria nor saprotrophic fungi exhibited an initial response to harvest, but in later years, we observed a decrease in actinomycetes and an increase in fungal abundance, suggesting a competitive interaction between the two main complex carbon-utilizing microbial groups. Canopy gap size had a minimal effect on the soil microbial community, resulting in a higher microbial stress ratio in 200 m2 gaps. The microbial community exhibited seasonal and yearly fluctuation, which reinforces the need for repeated sampling over multiple seasons to correctly interpret management effects. Despite the large amount of seasonal and yearly variability, we began to see signs of recovery in the soil microbial community between two and four years post-harvest. We conclude that group selection accomplished via whole-tree harvesting of this size and scale does not result in long-term effects on the soil microbial community in this temperate northern hardwood forest.}, journal={Forest Ecology and Management}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Lewandowski, Tera E. and Forrester, Jodi A. and Mladenoff, David J. and Stoffel, Jennifer L. and Gower, Stith T. and D’Amato, Anthony W. and Balser, Teri C.}, year={2015}, month={Mar}, pages={82–94} } @article{forrester_mladenoff_d'amato_fraver_lindner_brazee_clayton_gower_2015, title={Temporal trends and sources of variation in carbon flux from coarse woody debris in experimental forest canopy openings}, volume={179}, ISSN={["1432-1939"]}, DOI={10.1007/s00442-015-3393-4}, abstractNote={Pulses of respiration from coarse woody debris (CWD) have been observed immediately following canopy disturbances, but it is unclear how long these pulses are sustained. Several factors are known to influence carbon flux rates from CWD, but few studies have evaluated more than temperature and moisture. We experimentally manipulated forest structure in a second-growth northern hardwood forest and measured CO2 flux periodically for seven growing seasons following gap creation. We present an analysis of which factors, including the composition of the wood-decay fungal community influence CO2 flux. CO2 flux from CWD was strongly and positively related to wood temperature and varied significantly between substrate types (logs vs. stumps). For five growing seasons after treatment, the CO2 flux of stumps reached rates up to seven times higher than that of logs. CO2 flux of logs did not differ significantly between canopy-gap and closed-canopy conditions in the fourth through seventh post-treatment growing seasons. By the seventh season, the seasonal carbon flux of both logs and stumps had decreased significantly from prior years. Linear mixed models indicated the variation in the wood inhabiting fungal community composition explained a significant portion of variability in the CO2 flux along with measures of substrate conditions. CO2 flux rates were inversely related to fungal diversity, with logs hosting more species but emitting less CO2 than stumps. Overall, our results suggest that the current treatment of CWD in dynamic forest carbon models may be oversimplified, thereby hampering our ability to predict realistic carbon fluxes associated with wood decomposition.}, number={3}, journal={OECOLOGIA}, author={Forrester, J. A. and Mladenoff, D. J. and D'Amato, A. W. and Fraver, S. and Lindner, D. L. and Brazee, N. J. and Clayton, M. K. and Gower, S. T.}, year={2015}, month={Nov}, pages={889–900} } @article{brazee_lindner_anthony w. d'amato_fraver_forrester_mladenoff_2014, title={Disturbance and diversity of wood-inhabiting fungi: effects of canopy gaps and downed woody debris}, volume={23}, ISSN={["1572-9710"]}, DOI={10.1007/s10531-014-0710-x}, number={9}, journal={BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION}, author={Brazee, Nicholas J. and Lindner, Daniel L. and Anthony W. D'Amato and Fraver, Shawn and Forrester, Jodi A. and Mladenoff, David J.}, year={2014}, month={Aug}, pages={2155–2172} } @article{burton_d.j. mladenoff_j.a._clayton_2014, title={Diversity and productivity in northern temperate deciduous forest understories: experimentally testing predictions of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis}, volume={102}, journal={Journal of Ecology}, author={Burton, J.I. and D.J. Mladenoff, Forrester and J.A. and Clayton, M.K.}, year={2014}, pages={1634–1648} } @article{palmer_forrester_rothstein_mladenoff_2014, title={Establishment phase greenhouse gas emissions in short rotation woody biomass plantations in the Northern Lake States, USA}, volume={62}, ISSN={["1873-2909"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.biombioe.2014.01.021}, abstractNote={Uncertainty exists over the magnitude of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with open land conversion to short-rotation woody biomass crops (SRWC) for bioenergy in the Northern U.S. Lake States. GHG debts incurred at the plantation establishment phase may delay the climate mitigation benefits of SRWC production. To better understand GHG debts associated with converting open lands to SRWC, we established research plantations with willow (Salix spp.), hybrid-poplar (Populus spp.), and control plots in spring 2010 at two sites in northern Michigan (ES) and Wisconsin (RH). These sites had similar climates, but differed in time since last cultivation: 5 vs. 42 years. To address the short-term effects of plantation establishment, we compared two-year biomass production and GHG emissions. We hypothesized that the long-idle ES site, with higher initial soil C and N stocks, would have higher GHG emissions following conversion compared to the recently-idle RH site, but that this would be balanced in part by greater SRWC productivity at the ES site. As hypothesized, grassland conversion resulted in two-year net GHG emissions due to land conversion of 43.21 and 33.02 Mg-CO2eq ha−1 for poplar and willow at ES that was far greater than the 4.81 and −1.54 Mg-CO2eq ha−1 for poplar and willow at RH. Contrary to our hypothesis, we did not observe greater SRWC productivity at ES, which will take longer than RH to reach C neutrality and begin mitigating GHG emissions. Our results show that site-specific soil and management factors determine the magnitude of GHG emissions.}, journal={BIOMASS & BIOENERGY}, author={Palmer, Mann M. and Forrester, Jodi A. and Rothstein, David E. and Mladenoff, David J.}, year={2014}, month={Mar}, pages={26–36} } @article{forrester_lorimer_dyer_gower_mladenoff_2014, title={Response of tree regeneration to experimental gap creation and deer herbivory in north temperate forests}, volume={329}, ISSN={["1872-7042"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.foreco.2014.06.025}, abstractNote={Structural heterogeneity has become a goal of contemporary forest management, yet the effect of incorporating variable sized canopy openings characteristic of older forests on ecosystem services is still largely unknown. Single-tree selection silviculture reduces tree species diversity, and group-selection harvests often produce inconsistent results in maintaining the proportion of species with low or intermediate shade tolerance. It is unclear how much variability is related to inherent growth rate differences among shade tolerance classes, asymmetric competition, sprouting behavior, herbivory, and other factors. We conducted an experiment to control several of these factors. The northern hardwood study area in north-central Wisconsin included 15 replicates of each of 3 sizes of experimental gaps (50 m2, 200 m2, and 380 m2). Ten main plots (80 × 80 m2) were fenced to exclude deer. Vertical height growth of saplings and stump sprouts was monitored for two years pre-treatment and four years post-treatment. Overstory gaps significantly increased height growth rates, but there was no significant difference between rates of the very shade-tolerant Acer saccharum and several midtolerant species in any gap size. Saplings dominated the regeneration layer in small gaps. Stump sprouts were more abundant and grew faster than saplings in large gaps, but after 4 years, A. saccharum advance regeneration still predominated in the upper height classes. Deer had limited effects on sapling development or species composition because tall advance regeneration was beyond their reach, but they severely affected the sprout layer. In unfenced plots, the unpalatable Ostrya viriginiana had the tallest sprouts. Overall, midtolerant species made up about 16% of the gap regeneration layer and appear to be increasing their proportion over time. Height growth rates of many saplings and sprouts exceeded 50 cm per year, suggesting that successful gap capture would be likely for both shade-tolerance groups under current environmental conditions. The non-significant difference in growth rates between shade-tolerant and midtolerant species across the light gradient could change as more time elapses since gap creation. However, our findings after four years are consistent with other studies in suggesting that there may be no consistent trends in the relative growth responses of shade-tolerant and midtolerant tree species to increased light and gap size.}, journal={FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT}, author={Forrester, Jodi A. and Lorimer, Craig G. and Dyer, Jacob H. and Gower, Stith T. and Mladenoff, David J.}, year={2014}, month={Oct}, pages={137–147} } @article{palmer_forrester_rothstein_mladenoff_2014, title={Conversion of open lands to short-rotation woody biomass crops: site variability affects nitrogen cycling and N2O fluxes in the US Northern Lake States}, volume={6}, ISSN={["1757-1707"]}, DOI={10.1111/gcbb.12069}, abstractNote={AbstractShort‐rotation woody biomass crops (SRWC) have been proposed as a major feedstock source for bioenergy generation in the Northeastern US. To quantify the environmental effects and greenhouse gas (GHG) balance of crops including SRWC, investigators need spatially explicit data which encompass entire plantation cycles. A knowledge gap exists for the establishment period which makes current GHG calculations incomplete. In this study, we investigated the effects of converting pasture and hayfields to willow (Salix spp.) and hybrid‐poplar (Populus spp.) SRWC plantations on soil nitrogen (N) cycling, nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, and nitrate (NO3−) leaching at six sites of varying soil and climate conditions across northern Michigan and Wisconsin, following these plantations from pre conversion through their first 2 years. All six sites responded to establishment with increased N2O emissions, available inorganic N, and, where it was measured, NO3− leaching; however, the magnitude of these impacts varied dramatically among sites. Soil NO3− levels varied threefold among sites, with peak extractable NO3− concentrations ranging from 15 to 49 g N kg−1 soil. Leaching losses were significant and persisted through the second year, with 44–112 kg N ha−1 leached in SRWC plots. N2O emissions in the first growing season varied 30‐fold among sites, from 0.5 to 17.0 Mg‐CO2eq ha−1 (carbon dioxide equivalents). N2O emissions over 2 years resulted in N2O emissions due to plantation establishment that ranged from 0.60 to 22.14 Mg‐CO2eq ha−1 above baseline control levels across sites. The large N losses we document herein demonstrate the importance of including direct effects of land conversion in life‐cycle analysis (LCA) studies of SRWC GHG balance. Our results also demonstrate the need for better estimation of spatial variability of N cycling processes to quantify the full environmental impacts of SRWC plantations.}, number={4}, journal={GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY BIOENERGY}, author={Palmer, Marin M. and Forrester, Jodi A. and Rothstein, David E. and Mladenoff, David J.}, year={2014}, month={Jul}, pages={450–464} } @article{forrester_mladenoff_gower_2013, title={Experimental Manipulation of Forest Structure: Near-Term Effects on Gap and Stand Scale C Dynamics}, volume={16}, ISSN={["1435-0629"]}, DOI={10.1007/s10021-013-9695-7}, number={8}, journal={ECOSYSTEMS}, author={Forrester, Jodi A. and Mladenoff, David J. and Gower, Stith T.}, year={2013}, month={Dec}, pages={1455–1472} } @article{wang_mladenoff_forrester_keough_parton_2013, title={Global sensitivity analysis of a modified CENTURY model for simulating impacts of harvesting fine woody biomass for bioenergy}, volume={259}, DOI={10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2013.03.008}, abstractNote={Modeling the long-term effects of intensive forest biomass harvesting scenarios over time, including the more complete removal of tree tops and branches, is a scientific and policy need. Yet, due to our incomplete understanding about complex forest ecosystems, model simulations are to various degrees uncertain. In this study we first modified a well-evaluated and widely used ecosystem model – CENTURY 4.5 – to model management scenarios that retain various sizes and quantities of small-diameter woody material after intensive biomass harvests. Second, we used a global sensitivity analysis approach to evaluate the sensitivity of nine model outputs to 55 parameters, grouped into 17 factors. The values of the parameters were generated with a normal distribution and sampled with the extended Fourier amplitude sensitivity test. Our analysis indicated that within a harvest rotation, the model output sensitivity varied over years in response to different factors. The model was most sensitive to factors consisting of temperature effects on potential production as well as N deposition and non-symbiotic N fixation. In response to the uncertain parameter values, the model simulation revealed that outputs of net N mineralization rates in slow and passive soil organic matter pools had the highest uncertainties. However, due to the very low fraction of the N supplied from these two pools, forest production and other simulations were not strongly affected, ending with overall variations less than 6%. Ultimately, this study exhibits a novel approach in modeling the effects of harvesting fine woody debris for bioenergy on long-term ecosystem C and N cycles, and illustrates that sensitivity testing the most uncertain parameters is crucial for minimizing model uncertainty.}, journal={Ecological Modelling}, author={Wang, F. G. and Mladenoff, D. J. and Forrester, Jodi A. and Keough, C. and Parton, W. J.}, year={2013}, pages={16–23} } @article{wang_mladenoff_forrester_blanco_scheller_peckham_keough_lucash_gower_2014, title={Multimodel simulations of forest harvesting effects on long-term productivity and CN cycling in aspen forests}, volume={24}, ISSN={["1939-5582"]}, DOI={10.1890/12-0888.1}, abstractNote={The effects of forest management on soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) dynamics vary by harvest type and species. We simulated long‐term effects of bole‐only harvesting of aspen (Populus tremuloides) on stand productivity and interaction of CN cycles with a multiple model approach. Five models, Biome‐BGC, CENTURY, FORECAST, LANDIS‐II with Century‐based soil dynamics, and PnET‐CN, were run for 350 yr with seven harvesting events on nutrient‐poor, sandy soils representing northwestern Wisconsin, United States. Twenty CN state and flux variables were summarized from the models' outputs and statistically analyzed using ordination and variance analysis methods. The multiple models' averages suggest that bole‐only harvest would not significantly affect long‐term site productivity of aspen, though declines in soil organic matter and soil N were significant. Along with direct N removal by harvesting, extensive leaching after harvesting before canopy closure was another major cause of N depletion. These five models were notably different in output values of the 20 variables examined, although there were some similarities for certain variables. PnET‐CN produced unique results for every variable, and CENTURY showed fewer outliers and similar temporal patterns to the mean of all models. In general, we demonstrated that when there are no site‐specific data for fine‐scale calibration and evaluation of a single model, the multiple model approach may be a more robust approach for long‐term simulations. In addition, multimodeling may also improve the calibration and evaluation of an individual model.}, number={6}, journal={ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS}, author={Wang, Fugui and Mladenoff, David J. and Forrester, Jodi A. and Blanco, Juan A. and Scheller, Robert M. and Peckham, Scott D. and Keough, Cindy and Lucash, Melissa S. and Gower, Stith T.}, year={2014}, month={Sep}, pages={1374–1389} } @article{schatz_forrester_mladenoff_2012, title={Spatial Patterns of Soil Surface C Flux in Experimental Canopy Gaps}, volume={15}, ISSN={["1435-0629"]}, DOI={10.1007/s10021-012-9535-1}, number={4}, journal={ECOSYSTEMS}, author={Schatz, Jason D. and Forrester, Jodi A. and Mladenoff, David J.}, year={2012}, month={Jun}, pages={616–623} } @article{forrester_mladenoff_gower_stoffel_2012, title={Interactions of temperature and moisture with respiration from coarse woody debris in experimental forest canopy gaps}, volume={265}, ISSN={["0378-1127"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.foreco.2011.10.038}, abstractNote={Coarse woody debris (CWD) and canopy gaps are thought to be important structural components that influence forest ecosystem processes, yet few studies have assessed whether these features interact to influence decay dynamics, and we know of none that does so under controlled experimental canopy gap conditions. By manipulating forest structure to create canopy openings, we tested whether canopy gaps, through their influence on microclimate, affect the respiration rate of CWD in a mature second-growth northern hardwood forest of Wisconsin, USA. We sought to determine the relative contribution of moisture or temperature as predictors of respiration, and to provide estimates of the annual C emission from CWD in these treatments. Differences in the surface temperature of CWD were apparent immediately following gap treatments, with debris in gaps staying significantly warmer than beneath undisturbed canopy. Coarse woody debris moisture content differed more between gaps and undisturbed canopy in the second post-treatment year due to higher insolation and temperature in gaps relative to undisturbed canopy. The gap treatment increased respiration rates and altered the relationship with CWD temperature and moisture in complex ways. The impacts of gap creation on C fluxes from CWD depended on the range of temperature and moisture being examined. The interaction of the temperature and moisture of the debris in combination with the decay class explained 60% of the observed variation in CWD respiration beneath undisturbed canopies. In gaps, only 23% of the variation of flux could be explained by environmental variables. Annual C fluxes were 128.2 g C kg−1 year−1 in canopy openings and 108.5 g C kg−1 year−1 in undisturbed canopy locations.}, journal={FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT}, author={Forrester, Jodi A. and Mladenoff, David J. and Gower, Stith T. and Stoffel, Jennifer L.}, year={2012}, month={Feb}, pages={124–132} } @article{burton_mladenoff_clayton_forrester_2011, title={The roles of environmental filtering and colonization in the fine-scale spatial patterning of ground-layer plant communities in north temperate deciduous forests}, volume={99}, ISSN={["1365-2745"]}, DOI={10.1111/j.1365-2745.2011.01807.x}, abstractNote={Summary1. The majority of plant species in northern temperate deciduous forests are restricted to the ground layer, but the importance of colonization processes relative to environmental filtering in structuring spatial variation in ground‐layer plant communities is poorly understood.2. Using multivariate analyses, structural equation modelling and geostatistics, we examined interactions among ground‐layer plant communities, the live overstorey and environmental gradients across a 70‐ to 90‐year‐old northern hardwood forest in Wisconsin (USA). We hypothesized that (i) fine‐scale variation is related to environmental filtering rather than dispersal limitation and colonization processes; and (ii) exogenous ‘site’ filters exert more control than the composition and structure of the overstorey.3. A transition from communities of spring ephemerals to communities of evergreen‐dimorphic species is related to a hierarchy of controls driven by elevation, soil texture and associated effects on soil moisture, overstorey composition, and O‐horizon and soil properties. An orthogonal axis distinguished among sparse communities associated with high levels of soil moisture early in the growing season and rich communities of early summer forbs associated with increasing O‐horizon N:P and %Ca, and short‐distance dispersal mechanisms. Indirect effects of tree species are significant, but cumulatively less important than exogenous site filters.4. Synthesis.The spatial patterning of ground‐layer plant communities is related to both environmental filtering and colonization. These patterns were related to species’ functional and dispersal characteristics, suggesting that processes structuring ground‐layer plant communities are not merely neutral. Loose regulation of environmental and resource gradients resulting in a coarse‐grained spatial patterning of plant communities observed in second‐growth forests may therefore be related to a simplification in overstorey composition and the absence of heterogeneity accumulating through gap dynamics.}, number={3}, journal={JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY}, author={Burton, Julia I. and Mladenoff, David J. and Clayton, Murray K. and Forrester, Jodi A.}, year={2011}, month={May}, pages={764–776} } @article{dyer_gower_forrester_lorimer_mladenoff_burton_2010, title={Effects of selective tree harvests on aboveground biomass and net primary productivity of a second-growth northern hardwood forest}, volume={40}, ISSN={["1208-6037"]}, DOI={10.1139/x10-184}, abstractNote={Restoring structural features of old-growth forests, such as increased canopy gap sizes and coarse woody debris, is a common management goal for second-growth, even-aged stands. We experimentally manipulated forest structure by creating variable-size canopy gaps in a second-growth northern hardwood forest in north-central Wisconsin following two growing seasons of pre-treatment monitoring. The objectives of this study were to quantify the influence of canopy gaps of different sizes (50–380 m2) on aboveground biomass and productivity of each vegetation stratum two growing seasons following treatment. Two years after treatment, ground layer biomass in canopy openings increased significantly relative to surrounding undisturbed transition zones. The response of ground layer biomass was greatest in the large versus the medium and small gaps. Sapling aboveground net primary productivity was significantly greater in undisturbed transition zones than within gaps across gap sizes following the second post-treatment growing season. Annual stem diameter increment was greatest for trees along gap borders and was correlated with crown class, percentage of crown perimeter exposed, gap area, and shade tolerance. Total aboveground net primary productivity was significantly lower in the gap addition plots the first year but by the second post-treatment growing season no longer differed from that in the control plots.}, number={12}, journal={CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH}, author={Dyer, Jacob H. and Gower, Stith T. and Forrester, Jodi A. and Lorimer, Craig G. and Mladenoff, David J. and Burton, Julia I.}, year={2010}, month={Dec}, pages={2360–2369} } @misc{foster_burton_forrester_liu_muss_sabatini_scheller_mladenoff_2010, title={Evidence for a recent increase in forest growth is questionable}, volume={107}, ISSN={["0027-8424"]}, url={http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000278054700081&KeyUID=WOS:000278054700081}, DOI={10.1073/pnas.1002725107}, abstractNote={In a recent article, McMahon et al. (1) examined forest-plot biomass accumulation across a range of stands in the mid-Atlantic United States and suggest that climate change and trends in atmospheric CO2 explain an increase in forest growth. To show this increase, they fit a simple model to live above-ground forest biomass (AGB) as a function of stand age, and then propose that the derivative of this model is the expected rate of ensemble biomass change (). They conclude that biomass changes within census plots that exceed the ensemble expectation constitute recent increases in growth rates.}, number={21}, journal={PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA}, author={Foster, Jane R. and Burton, Julia I. and Forrester, Jodi A. and Liu, Feng and Muss, Jordan D. and Sabatini, Francesco M. and Scheller, Robert M. and Mladenoff, David J.}, year={2010}, month={May}, pages={E86–E87} } @article{stoffel_gower_forrester_mladenoff_2010, title={Effects of winter selective tree harvest on soil microclimate and surface CO2 flux of a northern hardwood forest}, volume={259}, ISSN={["0378-1127"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.foreco.2009.10.004}, abstractNote={Soil surface CO2 flux (Sflux) is the second largest terrestrial ecosystem carbon flux, and may be affected by forest harvest. The effects of clearcutting on Sflux have been studied, but little is known about the effect of alternative harvesting methods such as selective tree harvest on Sflux. We measured Sflux before and after (i) the creation of forest canopy gaps (simulating group tree selection harvests) and (ii) mechanized winter harvest but no tree removal (simulating ground disturbance associated with logging). The experiment was carried out in a sugar maple dominated forest in the Flambeau River State Forest, Wisconsin. Pre-treatment measurements of soil moisture, temperature and Sflux were measured throughout the growing season of 2006. In January–February 2007, a harvester created the canopy gaps (200–380 m2). The mechanization treatment consisted of the harvester traveling through the plots for a similar amount of time as the gap plots, but no trees were cut. Soil moisture and temperature and Sflux were measured throughout the growing season for 1 year prior to harvest and for 2 years after harvest. Soil moisture and temperature were significantly greater in the gap than mechanized and control treatments. Instantaneous Sflux was positively correlated to soil moisture and soil temperature at 2 and 10 cm, but temperature at 10 cm was the single best predictor. Annual Sflux was not significantly different among treatments prior to winter 2007 harvest, and was not significantly different among treatments after harvest. Annual (+1 std. err.) Sflux averaged 967 + 72, 1011 + 72, and 1012 + 72 g C m−2 year−1 in the control, mechanized and gap treatments, respectively, for the 2-year post-treatment period. The results from this study suggest selective group tree harvest significantly increases soil moisture and temperature but does not significantly influence Sflux.}, number={3}, journal={FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT}, author={Stoffel, Jennifer L. and Gower, Stith T. and Forrester, Jodi A. and Mladenoff, David J.}, year={2010}, month={Jan}, pages={257–265} } @article{forrester_leopold_art_2007, title={Disturbance history and mortality patterns in a rare Atlantic barrier island maritime Holly Forest}, volume={27}, ISSN={["2162-4399"]}, DOI={10.3375/0885-8608(2007)27[169:dhampi]2.0.co;2}, abstractNote={Abstract We describe the long-term regeneration dynamics of the maritime holly forest, a plant community restricted to two known locations on Atlantic barrier islands: the Sunken Forest, part of Fire Island National Seashore, New York, and the Sandy Hook holly forest, part of Gateway National Recreation Area, New Jersey. In order to assess the short-term changes in vegetation apparent at one location, we examined the long-term dynamics of these two forests. Analysis of permanent plots in the Sunken Forest indicated the overstory structure and composition had changed minimally, but the understory decreased in cover and diversity over a period of 35 years (1967–2002). Patterns differed at Sandy Hook, with little change in the forest understory evident in permanent plots monitored over a period of 14 years (1989–2003). The age distributions indicate that both forests are uneven aged, but the trees at the Sunken Forest are older than those at Sandy Hook. While there has been an overall lack of establishment of any species since the 1970s at the Sunken Forest, several stems were present in the smallest age and size classes within the Sandy Hook holly forest. Release patterns in the tree cores reveal responses to frequent moderate disturbances including hurricanes, tropical storms, and northeasters. No recent changes in the frequency of canopy disturbances were evident in the tree core analysis, but herbivory has likely increased with the dramatically rising Odocoileus virginianus population at the Sunken Forest since the 1970s. The maritime holly forest relies on new individuals establishing in openings created by moderate disturbances; the current high level of herbivory at the Sunken Forest is disrupting the long-term regeneration patterns of this critically imperiled maritime holly forest.}, number={2}, journal={NATURAL AREAS JOURNAL}, author={Forrester, Jodi A. and Leopold, Donald J. and Art, Henry W.}, year={2007}, month={Apr}, pages={169–182} } @article{forrester_bohn_2007, title={Effects of mechanical site preparation on the abundance and diversity of ground-layer vegetation in adirondack northern hardwood stands}, volume={24}, number={1}, journal={Northern Journal of Applied Forestry}, author={Forrester, J. A. and Bohn, K. K.}, year={2007}, pages={14–21} } @article{forrester_leopold_2006, title={Extant and potential vegetation of an old-growth maritime Ilex opaca forest}, volume={183}, ISSN={["1573-5052"]}, DOI={10.1007/s11258-005-9045-8}, number={2}, journal={PLANT ECOLOGY}, author={Forrester, Jodi A. and Leopold, Donald J.}, year={2006}, pages={349–359} } @article{forrester_leopold_underwood_2006, title={Isolating the effects of white-tailed deer on the vegetation dynamics of a rare maritime American holly forest}, volume={156}, ISSN={["1938-4238"]}, DOI={10.1674/0003-0031(2006)156[135:iteowd]2.0.co;2}, abstractNote={Abstract Effects of multiple herbivores were isolated in a rare, old-growth, maritime forest that has been affected by high white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) populations for several decades. Three decades of change in the plant community was described using permanent plots and nearly two decades of recovery using deer exclosures. Additional short-term exclosure experiments were used to separate the effect of rabbit and vole herbivory and the influence of canopy type on understory vegetation. We assessed whether natural enclosures formed by high densities of greenbrier (Smilax rotundifolia and S. glauca) provide spatial refugia for plant species from deer. Significant differences in fenced plots indicate that deer, rabbits and voles individually affect the understory vegetation, though rabbits and voles are secondary to deer that are the major herbivore in the American holly (Ilex opaca) forest. Plant cover decreased within permanent plots from 1967 to 1986; during the same time period deer densities increased drastically island-wide. Since plots were fenced in 1986 no additional significant changes were detected, but this is likely due to an inadequate sample size. The cover of all species depended on the interaction of fencing and canopy type with significantly higher plant cover in fenced plots beneath mixed or exclusively deciduous canopy. The proportion of woody stems surpassing 0.5 m tall was significantly higher when stems were fenced. Browsing impacts were apparent on approximately a quarter of the vegetation in June 2003. Plant cover, richness and diversity were higher within natural greenbrier enclosures. Overall the exclosure studies indicate the potential natural recovery that could occur within the forest if deer herbivory were limited. Few species have been extirpated, although several are confined to the greenbrier enclosures. Under the current level of herbivory, the maritime holly forest composition will be altered, changing the characteristic canopy of a critically imperiled plant community.}, number={1}, journal={AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST}, author={Forrester, Jodi A. and Leopold, Donald J. and Underwood, H. Brian}, year={2006}, month={Jul}, pages={135–150} } @article{forrester_yorks_leopold_2005, title={Arboreal vegetation, coarse woody debris, and disturbance history of mature and old-growth stands in a coniferous forested wetland}, volume={132}, ISSN={["1940-0616"]}, DOI={10.3159/1095-5674(2005)132[252:avcwda]2.0.co;2}, abstractNote={Abstract Forrester, J. A. (SUNY, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, 1 Forestry Drive, Syracuse, NY 13210-2778), T. E. Yorks (Environmental Studies Program, Cazenovia College, 22 Sullivan Street, Cazenovia, NY 13035) and D. J. Leopold (SUNY, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, 1 Forestry Drive, Syracuse, NY 13210-2778). Arboreal vegetation, coarse woody debris, and disturbance history of mature and old-growth stands in a coniferous forested wetland. J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 132: 252–261. 2005.—We quantified the forest age and tree size structure of an old-growth and mature stand in a coniferous forested wetland in central New York, USA. We also determined the volume and decay class distribution of standing and downed coarse woody debris. The old-growth stand contains eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.) > 400 years old and other species > 200 years old. Live tree basal area in the old-growth area (36 m2·ha−1) was dominated by approximately equal amounts of balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Miller.), eastern white pine, and northern white-cedar (Thuja occidentalis L.; 11, 10, and 10 m2·ha−1, respectively), but eastern white pine was less abundant in the mature stand. Snag basal area was 7 m2·ha−1 in the old-growth and mature stands and was dominated by balsam fir and northern white-cedar. Total coarse woody debris (CWD) volumes were 145 and 83 m3·ha−1 in the old-growth and mature stand, respectively. The decay class distribution in each area was skewed toward advanced decay classes. Most CWD was in the form of logs and snags in both areas, but snag volume in the old-growth area was approximately 3 times that in the mature stand (75 vs. 26 m3·ha−1). In both stands, balsam fir and northern white-cedar each accounted for 21–30% of total CWD. Eastern white pine contributed 28% of the CWD in the old-growth area but was not present as CWD in the mature stand. Both forests are uneven-aged, with the earliest species establishing in the 1600s and 1750s for the old-growth and mature stands, respectively. No species exhibited major growth releases in the old-growth or mature stands, but several exhibited moderate releases. The age and diameter distributions of the old-growth area suggest that no stand-initializing disturbances have affected the forest for at least 250 years. Instead, fine-scale treefall gaps created by single or multiple treefalls are the dominant mode of regeneration in this forest.}, number={2}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE TORREY BOTANICAL SOCIETY}, author={Forrester, JA and Yorks, TE and Leopold, DJ}, year={2005}, pages={252–261} } @article{forrester_leopold_hafner_2005, title={Maintaining critical habitat in a heavily managed landscape: Effects of power line corridor management on Karner blue butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis) habitat}, volume={13}, ISSN={["1526-100X"]}, DOI={10.1111/j.1526-100x.2005.00061.x}, abstractNote={Abstract The Karner blue butterfly (KBB) (Lycaeides melissa samuelis), a federally listed species, has historically been a component of barren and savannah ecosystems in the northeastern and midwestern United States. In New York, it now occurs primarily on managed, early‐successional sites such as power line corridors (utility rights‐of‐way) from Albany to Glens Falls. Blue lupine (Lupinus perennis), the exclusive larval food source of the KBB, has been suggested to be the most limiting factor for the butterfly within the eastern portion of its range. Power line corridor management maintains early‐successional habitats by suppressing the regrowth of woody species, creating potentially important habitat for the conservation and restoration of the KBB complex. This research compared the effects of several vegetation‐clearing methods on Blue lupine populations and associated communities of nectar species for KBB over an 8‐year period. Methods evaluated differed in intensity (annual, 4‐, or 8‐year intervals) and type (herbicide or mechanical). Blue lupine and plant community responses did not significantly differ among the treatment types applied to the power line corridors. However, Blue lupine cover, clump size, and density of stems per clump increased following the application of treatments in general. The number and cover of nectar species, total herbaceous cover, and species richness also responded positively to treatment overall. The percentage of non‐native species temporarily increased following treatment but declined to near pre‐treatment levels again as woody cover increased. Temporal changes in plant community composition were not related to management methods. The management tools assessed, mowing and herbicide application, will accomplish the goal of halting or reversing succession, maintaining critical habitat for the KBB in a landscape that provides little other suitable habitat. }, number={3}, journal={RESTORATION ECOLOGY}, author={Forrester, JA and Leopold, DJ and Hafner, SD}, year={2005}, month={Sep}, pages={488–498} } @article{forrester_mcgee_mitchell_2003, title={Effects of beech bark disease on aboveground biomass and species composition in a mature northern hardwood forest, 1985 to 2000}, volume={130}, ISSN={["0040-9618"]}, DOI={10.2307/3557531}, abstractNote={FORRESTER, J. A., G. G. MCGEE, AND M. J. MITCHELL (SUNY, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, 1 Forestry Drive, Syracuse, NY 13210-2778). Effects of beech bark disease on aboveground biomass and species composition in a mature northern hardwood forest, 1985 to 2000. J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 130: 70-78. 2003.-We examined changes in species composition and aboveground biomass of a maturing, Adirondack northern hardwood forest over a 15-yr period in order to assess the potential effects of beech bark disease on the structure and nutrient cycling processes of the stand. Aboveground biomass of living and dead stems, and annual litter production were estimated in 1985 and 2000 within a 1.96 ha area using total stem inventories (5 cm dbh). A comparison of species composition and biomass of the forest, as well as mortality and growth rates between the two sampling years are presented. The aboveground biomass of living stems decreased from 209.8 Mg ha-l in 1985 to 195.7 Mg * ha ' in 2000. Acer rubrum was the only species to increase in biomass. Fagus grandifolia and Acer saccharum were the most important species in 1985 and 2000, although F. grandifolia increased in importance while A. saccharum decreased in importance during this time. Large stems of F. grandifolia experienced high mortality rates, but were balanced by ingrowth of smaller stems. In 2000, 58% of F. grandifolia exhibited no to minor signs or symptoms of beech bark disease, while 28 and 13% displayed moderate and high signs of infection, respectively. Ninety-nine percent of the uninfected stems were < 15 cm dbh. Although total aboveground biomass decreased during the 15-yr period, annual litter production remained constant. Furthermore, the increase in F. grandifolia importance value did not substantially alter the lignin content of litter. We conclude that the presence of BBD is hastening the onset of uneven-aged conditions in this second-growth stand but may not lead to large changes in forest nutrient cycling processes based on the lack of change in total lignin content of the leaf litter layer. Currently it appears the canopy will continue to be dominated by shade tolerant species, although the importance of F. grandifolia and A. saccharum are changing especially with respect to the relative importance of different size classes.}, number={2}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE TORREY BOTANICAL SOCIETY}, author={Forrester, JA and McGee, GG and Mitchell, MJ}, year={2003}, pages={70–78} } @article{forrester_runkle_2000, title={Mortality and replacement patterns of an old-growth acer-fagus woods in the holden arboretum, Northeastern Ohio}, volume={144}, ISSN={["1938-4238"]}, DOI={10.1674/0003-0031(2000)144[0227:marpoa]2.0.co;2}, abstractNote={Abstract The objective of this study was to establish baseline data for the structure and dynamics of an old-growth beech (Fagus grandifolia)-sugar maple (Acer saccharum) woods in northeastern Ohio before the anticipated future impacts of disturbances such as beech bark disease. Several parameters were selected for study based on their likelihood of being influenced by these disturbances including: (1) species composition; (2) mortality and growth rates of trees, overall, by species and by size class; (3) canopy replacement patterns; (4) coarse woody debris (CWD) characteristics; and (5) the understory response to existing openings and its implications for change in the forest under present conditions. This study extends our understanding of beech-sugar maple old growth because our site is, perhaps, the most northeasterly one not yet affected by beech bark disease and because it is the only studied site influenced by weather conditions generated by Lake Erie. The overall annual mortality rate (from 1992 to 1997) of 2.3% was higher than that reported for other old-growth woods (1%). Mortality was highest for the large canopy stems (≥50 cm dbh) of beech and the subcanopy stems (10–25 cm dbh) of sugar maple. Growth rates decreased with stem size for beech, but increased with stem size for sugar maple. Over the 5 y period beech decreased in relative basal area and relative density whereas sugar maple increased in both measures. CWD mass (35.9 Mg ha−1) was similar to other old-growth deciduous forests. Beech mortality has been greater than sugar maple mortality for several years. Sugar maple and beech were dominant in the understory although few stems <1 cm dbh were found near treefall gaps. Older gaps had more numerous and larger stems. Currently, the structure and dynamics of the woods are very similar to other old-growth beech-sugar maple forests of the region. Beech is present in all size classes. However, the number of large beech stems has been declining steadily even though beech bark disease has not yet reached the area.}, number={2}, journal={AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST}, author={Forrester, JA and Runkle, JR}, year={2000}, month={Oct}, pages={227–242} }