@article{aguilar-camacho_harry_zakas_2024, title={Comparative Hox genes expression within the dimorphic annelid Streblospio benedicti reveals patterning variation during development}, volume={15}, ISSN={["2041-9139"]}, DOI={10.1186/s13227-024-00231-5}, abstractNote={Hox genes are transcriptional regulators that elicit cell positional identity along the anterior-posterior region of the body plan across different lineages of Metazoan. Comparison of Hox gene expression across distinct species reveals their evolutionary conservation; however, their gains and losses in different lineages can correlate with body plan modifications and morphological novelty. We compare the expression of 11 Hox genes found within Streblospio benedicti, a marine annelid that produces two types of offspring with distinct developmental and morphological features. For these two distinct larval types, we compare Hox gene expression through ontogeny using hybridization chain reaction (HCR) probes for in situ hybridization and RNA-seq data. We find that Hox gene expression patterning for both types is typically similar at equivalent developmental stages. However, some Hox genes have spatial or temporal differences between the larval types that are associated with morphological and life-history differences. This is the first comparison of developmental divergence in Hox gene expression within a single species and these changes reveal how body plan differences may arise in larval evolution.}, number={1}, journal={EVODEVO}, author={Aguilar-Camacho, Jose Maria and Harry, Nathan D. and Zakas, Christina}, year={2024}, month={Sep} } @article{aguilar-camacho_foreman_jaimes-becerra_aharoni_gruender_moran_2023, title={Functional analysis in a model sea anemone reveals phylogenetic complexity and a role in cnidocyte discharge of DEG/ENaC ion channels}, volume={6}, ISSN={["2399-3642"]}, DOI={10.1038/s42003-022-04399-1}, abstractNote={AbstractIon channels of the DEG/ENaC family share a similar structure but serve strikingly diverse biological functions, such as Na+ reabsorption, mechanosensing, proton-sensing, chemosensing and cell-cell communication via neuropeptides. This functional diversity raises the question of the ancient function of DEG/ENaCs. Using an extensive phylogenetic analysis across many different animal groups, we found a surprising diversity of DEG/ENaCs already in Cnidaria (corals, sea anemones, hydroids and jellyfish). Using a combination of gene expression analysis, electrophysiological and functional studies combined with pharmacological inhibition as well as genetic knockout in the model cnidarian Nematostella vectensis, we reveal an unanticipated role for a proton-sensitive DEG/ENaC in discharge of N. vectensis cnidocytes, the stinging cells typifying all cnidarians. Our study supports the view that DEG/ENaCs are versatile channels that have been co-opted for diverse functions since their early occurrence in animals and that respond to simple and ancient stimuli, such as omnipresent protons.}, number={1}, journal={COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY}, author={Aguilar-Camacho, Jose Maria and Foreman, Katharina and Jaimes-Becerra, Adrian and Aharoni, Reuven and Gruender, Stefan and Moran, Yehu}, year={2023}, month={Jan} } @article{cruz-barraza_carballo_aguilar-camacho_2023, title={Taxonomy and molecular phylogenetic position of new species and new records of Coelosphaeridae (Demospongiae: Poecilosclerida) from the Mexican Pacific}, ISSN={["1096-3642"]}, DOI={10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad036}, abstractNote={Abstract Poecilosclerida is the largest and the most diverse order in the class Demospongiae and one of the least studied in the tropical Pacific Ocean. In this study, two new species and two new faunistic records of Coelosphaeridae are described from the Mexican Pacific Ocean. Celtodoryx chichiltik sp. nov. and Lissodendoryx (Anomodoryx) incrustans sp. nov. also constitute the first records of the monotypic genus Celtodoryx and the subgenus Anomodoryx from the Eastern Pacific Region. In addition, the re-description of Lissodendoryx (Waldoschmittia) hawaiiana and Lissodendoryx (Lissodendoryx) albemarlensis with new regional records are included. The cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) mtDNA and 28S rDNA (C1–D2 domains) were sequenced, and molecular phylogenetic analyses of the two loci revealed that Coelosphaeridae is not monophyletic. In the 28S tree topology, neither Lissodendoryx nor Celtodoryx are monophyletic, and sequences of the two genera are members of two distinct clades containing sequences of other Poecilosclerida species. 28S sequences of L. (W.) hawaiiana show high similarities between specimens from the Mexican Pacific and a specimen from Hawaii (type locality), suggesting a wide distribution range of this sponge species in the Pacific Ocean. COI topology shows that the majority of Lissodendoryx (including our sequences) were grouped within the same molecular clade.}, journal={ZOOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY}, author={Cruz-Barraza, Jose Antonio and Carballo, Jose Luis and Aguilar-Camacho, Jose Maria}, year={2023}, month={Jul} }