Works (277)
2024 personal communication
A call from 40 public health scientists for an end to the continuing humanitarian and environmental catastrophe in Gaza
London, L., Watterson, A., Mergler, D., Albin, M., Andrade-Rivas, F., Di Ciaula, A., … White, R. (2024, June 28).
2024 article
Measurement of Hydro-EVE and 6:2 FTS in Blood from Wilmington, North Carolina, Residents, 2017-2018
Kotlarz, N., McCord, J., Wiecha, N., Weed, R. A., Cuffney, M., Enders, J. R., … Hoppin, J. A. (2024, February). ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES, Vol. 132.

2024 journal article
Pesticide exposure, birth size, and gestational age in the ISA birth cohort, Costa Rica

2024 article
Reanalysis of PFO5DoA Levels in Blood from Wilmington, North Carolina, Residents, 2017-2018
Kotlarz, N., McCord, J., Wiecha, N., Weed, R. A., Cuffney, M., Enders, J. R., … Hoppin, J. A. (2024, February). ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES, Vol. 132.

2023 journal article
A cross-sectional analysis of medical conditions and environmental factors associated with fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) in women and children from the ISA birth cohort, Costa Rica

2023 article
Detection of the fungicide transformation product 4-hydroxychlorothalonil in serum of pregnant women from Sweden and Costa Rica
Krais, A. M. M., Joode, B. van W., Liljedahl, E. R., Blomberg, A. J., Ronnholm, A., Bengtsson, M., … Lindh, C. H. H. (2023, July 20). JOURNAL OF EXPOSURE SCIENCE AND ENVIRONMENTAL EPIDEMIOLOGY, Vol. 7.

2023 journal article
Estimation of the Half-Lives of Recently Detected Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Ethers in an Exposed Community

2023 journal article
Factors associated with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) serum concentrations in residents of New Hanover County, North Carolina: The GenX exposure study

2023 journal article
PFAS levels in paired drinking water and serum samples collected from an exposed community in Central North Carolina

2022 article
Allergic and non-allergic wheeze among farm women in the Agricultural Health Study (2005-2010)
Islam, J. Y., Mohamed, A., Umbach, D. M., London, S. J., Henneberger, P. K., Freeman, L. E. B., … Hoppin, J. A. (2022, August 8). OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, Vol. 8.

2022 journal article
Drinking Water-Associated PFAS and Fluoroethers and Lipid Outcomes in the GenX Exposure Study

2022 journal article
Pyrimethanil and chlorpyrifos air concentrations and pregnant women's urinary metabolites in the Infants' Environmental Health Study (ISA) Costa Rica ,

2022 article
Respiratory and allergic outcomes among 5-year-old children exposed to pesticides
Islam, J. Y., Hoppin, J., Mora, A. M., Soto-Martinez, M. E., Cordoba Gamboa, L., Penaloza Castaneda, J. E., … Joode, B. (2022, February 24). THORAX, Vol. 2.

2022 journal article
Source apportionment of serum PFASs in two highly exposed communities

2022 journal article
Timing and Trends for Municipal Wastewater, Lab-Confirmed Case , and Syndromic Case Surveillance of COVID-19 in Raleigh, North Carolina
Contributors: N. Kotlarz n , D. Holcomb n, T. Pasha n, S. Reckling n, J. Kays n, Y. Lai n, S. Daly n, S. Palani n

2021 article
Environmental exposures contribute to respiratory and allergic symptoms among women living in the banana growing regions of Costa Rica
Alhanti, B., Joode, B. van W., Martinez, M. S., Mora, A. M., Gamboa, L. C., Reich, B., … Hoppin, J. A. (2021, December 30). OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, Vol. 12.

2021 journal article
Exposure to common-use pesticides, manganese, lead, and thyroid function among pregnant women from the Infants' Environmental Health (ISA) study, Costa Rica

2021 journal article
Gestational Phthalate Exposure and Preschool Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Norway

2020 journal article
Associations between urine phthalate metabolites and thyroid function in pregnant women and the influence of iodine status

2020 journal article
Gender differences in respiratory health outcomes among farming cohorts around the globe: findings from the AGRICOH consortium

2020 journal article
Measurement of Novel, Drinking Water-Associated PFAS in Blood from Adults and Children in Wilmington, North Carolina

2020 journal article
Prenatal pesticide exposure and respiratory health outcomes in the first year of life: Results from the infants' Environmental Health (ISA) study

2019 journal article
Animal production, insecticide use and self-reported symptoms and diagnoses of COPD, including chronic bronchitis, in the Agricultural Health Study

2019 journal article
Associations between access to healthcare, environmental quality, and end-stage renal disease survival time: Proportional-hazards models of over 1,000,000 people over 14 years
PLOS ONE, 14(3).
Contributors: M. Kosnik n, D. Reif n , D. Lobdell *, T. Astell-Burt *, X. Feng *, J. Hader*, n
Ed(s): W. Cheungpasitporn

2018 journal article
An algorithm for quantitatively estimating non-occupational pesticide exposure intensity for spouses in the Agricultural Health Study

2018 journal article
Endotoxin enhances respiratory effects of phthalates in adults: Results from NHANES 2005-6

2018 journal article
Prenatal Phthalates, Maternal Thyroid Function, and Risk of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort

2018 journal article
STATISTICA SINICA, 30(1), 55–79.

2017 journal article
Assessing the Exposome with External Measures: Commentary on the State of the Science and Research Recommendations
Annual Review of Public Health, 38(1), 215–239.

2017 journal article
Assessing the Potential for Bias From Nonresponse to a Study Follow-up Interview: An Example From the Agricultural Health Study
American Journal of Epidemiology, 186(4), 395–404.

2017 journal article
House Dust Endotoxin Levels Are Associated with Adult Asthma in a U.S. Farming Population
Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 14(3), 324–331.

2017 journal article
House Dust Endotoxin and Periphera lLeukocyte Counts: Results from Two Large Epidemiologic Studies

2017 journal article
Insecticide Use and Breast Cancer Riskamong Farmers' Wives in the Agricultural Health Study

2017 journal article
Organic solvent exposure and depressive symptoms among licensed pesticide applicators in the Agricultural Health Study
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 90(8), 849–857.
2017 journal article
Raw milk consumption and other early-life farm exposures and adult pulmonary function in the Agricultural Lung Health Study
Thorax, 73(3), 279–282.
Contributors: A. Wyss *, J. House n , n , M. Richards*, J. Hankinson, S. Long*, P. Henneberger *, L. Beane Freeman *

2017 journal article
Sleep apnea and pesticide exposure in a study of US farmers
SLEEP HEALTH, 4(1), 20–26.

2016 journal article
Advancing Exposure Science through Chemical Data Curation and Integration in the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database
Environmental Health Perspectives, 124(10), 1592–1599.
Contributors: C. Grondin n, A. Davis n, T. Wiegers n, B. King *, J. Wiegers n, D. Reif n , n , C. Mattingly n

2016 journal article
Early-life farm exposures and adult asthma and atopy in the Agricultural Lung Health Study
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 140(1), 249–256.e14.
Contributors: J. House* , A. Wyss *, n , M. Richards*, S. Long*, D. Umbach *, P. Henneberger *, L. Beane Freeman

2016 journal article
Greater Coronary Heart Disease Risk With Lower Intensity and Longer Duration Smoking Compared With Higher Intensity and Shorter Duration Smoking: Congruent Results Across Diverse Cohorts
Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 19(7), ntw290.

2016 journal article
High pesticide exposure events and DNA methylation among pesticide applicators in the agricultural health study
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, 58(1), 19–29.

2016 journal article
Occupational Exposure to Pesticides and the Incidence of Lung Cancer in the Agricultural Health Study
Environmental Health Perspectives, 125(4), 544–551.

2016 journal article
Organic Food in the Diet: Exposure and Health Implications
Annual Review of Public Health, 38(1), 295–313.

2016 journal article
Pesticide exposure and neurodevelopment in children aged 6–9 years from Talamanca, Costa Rica
Cortex, 85, 137–150.

2016 journal article
Pesticides are Associated with Allergic and Non-Allergic Wheeze among Male Farmers
Environmental Health Perspectives, 125(4), 535–543.

2016 journal article
Relative Contributions of Agricultural Drift, Para-Occupational, and Residential Use Exposure Pathways to House Dust Pesticide Concentrations: Meta-Regression of Published Data
Environmental Health Perspectives, 125(3), 296–305.

2016 journal article
Response to “Comment on ‘Rheumatoid Arthritis in Agricultural Health Study Spouses: Associations with Pesticides and Other Farm Exposures’”
Response to “Comment on ‘Rheumatoid Arthritis in Agricultural Health Study Spouses: Associations with Pesticides and Other Farm Exposures.’” Environmental Health Perspectives, 124(11), A197–A197.

2016 journal article
Rheumatoid Arthritis in Agricultural Health Study Spouses: Associations with Pesticides and Other Farm Exposures
Environmental Health Perspectives, 124(11), 1728–1734.

2016 journal article
Urinary concentrations of phthalate metabolites and bisphenol A and associations with follicular-phase length, luteal-phase length, fecundability, and early pregnancy loss
Environmental Health Perspectives, 124(3), 321–328.
2015 journal article
A Review of Nonoccupational Pathways for Pesticide Exposure in Women Living in Agricultural Areas
Environmental Health Perspectives, 123(6), 515–524.

2015 journal article
Associations of Ozone and PM2.5 Concentrations With Parkinsonʼs Disease Among Participants in the Agricultural Health Study
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 57(5), 509–517.

2015 journal article
Cancer incidence and metolachlor use in the Agricultural Health Study: An update
International Journal of Cancer, 137(11), 2630–2643.

2015 journal article
Ethnic-specific associations of rare and low-frequency DNA sequence variants with asthma
Nature Communications, 6(1).

2015 journal article
Ethnic-specific associations of rare and low-frequency DNA sequence variants with asthma
Nature Communications, 6.
2015 journal article
Farm Characteristics, Allergy Symptoms, and Risk of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoid Neoplasms in the Agricultural Health Study
Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention, 24(3), 587–594.

2015 journal article
IARC Monographs: 40 Years of Evaluating Carcinogenic Hazards to Humans
Environmental Health Perspectives, 123(6), 507–514.

2015 journal article
IARC monographs: 40 years of evaluating carcinogenic hazards to humans
Environmental Health Perspectives, 123(6), 507–514.
2015 journal article
Incidence of solid tumours among pesticide applicators exposed to the organophosphate insecticide diazinon in the Agricultural Health Study: an updated analysis
Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 72(7), 496–503.

2015 journal article
Investing in prospective cohorts for etiologic study of occupational exposures
American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 58(2), 113–122.

2015 journal article
Opinions of clinical veterinarians at a US veterinary teaching hospital regarding antimicrobial use and antimicrobial-resistant infections
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 247(8), 938–944.

2015 journal article
Organic Food Consumption during Pregnancy and Hypospadias and Cryptorchidism at Birth: The Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa)
Environmental Health Perspectives, 124(3), 357–364.

2015 journal article
Organophosphate insecticide use and cancer incidence among spouses of pesticide applicators in the Agricultural Health Study
Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 72(10), 736–744.

2015 journal article
Pesticide Use and Relative Leukocyte Telomere Length in the Agricultural Health Study
PLOS ONE, 10(7), e0133382.
Ed(s): T. Nawrot

2015 journal article
Pesticide exposure and end-stage renal disease risk among wives of pesticide applicators in the Agricultural Health Study
Environmental Research, 143, 198–210.

2015 journal article
Pesticide use and risk of end-stage renal disease among licensed pesticide applicators in the Agricultural Health Study
Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 73(1), 3–12.

2015 journal article
Urinary Concentrations of Phthalate Metabolites and Bisphenol A and Associations with Follicular-Phase Length, Luteal-Phase Length, Fecundability, and Early Pregnancy Loss
Environmental Health Perspectives, 124(3), 321–328.
2015 journal article
Use of Dieselized Farm Equipment and Incident Lung Cancer: Findings from the Agricultural Health Study Cohort
Environmental Health Perspectives, 124(5), 611–618.

2014 journal article
Accuracy of residential geocoding in the Agricultural Health Study
International Journal of Health Geographics, 13(1), 37.

2014 journal article
Association between Class III Obesity (BMI of 40–59 kg/m2) and Mortality: A Pooled Analysis of 20 Prospective Studies
PLoS Medicine, 11(7), e1001673.
Contributors: C. Kitahara *, A. Flint*, A. Gonzalez *, L. Bernstein *, M. Brotzman*, R. MacInnis *, S. Moore *, K. Robien *
Ed(s): K. Khaw

2014 journal article
Is Helicobacter Pylori an endogenous source of diethyl phthalate in humans?
Environmental Research, 134, 402–404.

2014 journal article
Long-Term Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter: Association with Nonaccidental and Cardiovascular Mortality in the Agricultural Health Study Cohort
Environmental Health Perspectives, 122(6), 609–615.
Contributors: S. Weichenthal *, P. Villeneuve *, R. Burnett *, A. Donkelaar *, R. Martin *, R. Jones *, C. DellaValle *, D. Sandler *, M. Ward *, *

2014 journal article
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Risk and Insecticide, Fungicide and Fumigant Use in the Agricultural Health Study
PLoS ONE, 9(10), e109332.
Ed(s): S. Akiba

2014 journal article
Obesity and the cardiovascular health effects of fine particulate air pollution
Obesity, 22(7), 1580–1589.
Contributors: S. Weichenthal *, n & F. Reeves *

2014 journal article
Peptidoglycan recognition protein genes and risk of Parkinson's disease
Movement Disorders, 29(9), 1171–1180.
Contributors: S. Goldman *, F. Kamel *, G. Ross*, S. Jewell *, C. Marras *, n , D. Umbach *, G. Bhudhikanok*

2014 journal article
Perfluoroalkyl Substances During Pregnancy and Validated Preeclampsia Among Nulliparous Women in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study
American Journal of Epidemiology, 179(7), 824–833.
Contributors: A. Starling *, S. Engel*, D. Richardson *, D. Baird *, L. Haug *, A. Stuebe *, K. Klungsøyr *, Q. Harmon *

2014 journal article
Pesticide Exposure and Depression among Male Private Pesticide Applicators in the Agricultural Health Study
Environmental Health Perspectives, 122(9), 984–991.
2014 journal article
Pesticide use and incident diabetes among wives of farmers in the Agricultural Health Study
Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 71(9), 629–635.
Contributors: A. Starling *, D. Umbach *, F. Kamel *, S. Long*, D. Sandler * & n

2014 journal article
Prevalence of allergic sensitization in the United States: Results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2005-2006
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 134(2), 350–359.
Contributors: P. Salo *, S. Arbes Jr., R. Jaramillo*, A. Calatroni *, C. Weir*, M. Sever *, * , K. Rose*

2014 journal article
Protective glove use and hygiene habits modify the associations of specific pesticides with Parkinson's disease
Environment International, 75, 144–150.

2014 journal article
Reliability of triclosan measures in repeated urine samples from Norwegian pregnant women
Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, 24(5), 517–521.
Contributors: R. Bertelsen *, S. Engel *, T. Jusko *, A. Calafat *, * , S. London *, M. Eggesbø *, H. Aase *

2014 journal article
Respiratory disease in United States farmers
Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 71(7), 484–491.
Contributors: , D. Umbach *, S. Long*, J. Rinsky*, P. Henneberger *, P. Salo *, D. Zeldin *, S. London * *

2014 journal article
Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Data Support the General Unrelatedness of the Males in the Agricultural Health Study
Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention, 23(10), 2192–2195.

2013 journal article
A-clustering: a novel method for the detection of co-regulated methylation regions, and regions associated with exposure
Bioinformatics, 29(22), 2884–2891.
Contributors: T. Sofer *, E. Schifano *, * , L. Hou * & A. Baccarelli *
2013 journal article
Agricultural Exposures and Stroke Mortality in the Agricultural Health Study
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 76(13), 798–814.
Contributors: J. Rinsky*, * , A. Blair*, K. He*, L. Beane Freeman* & H. Chen *

2013 journal article
Arsenic Exposure and Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes in Southwestern American Indians
American Journal of Epidemiology, 177(9), 962–969.

2013 journal article
Association between Perfluoroalkyl substances and thyroid stimulating hormone among pregnant women: a cross-sectional study
Environmental Health, 12(1).
Contributors: Y. Wang *, A. Starling *, L. Haug *, M. Eggesbo *, G. Becher*, C. Thomsen *, G. Travlos*, D. King*
2013 journal article
Determinants of plasma concentrations of perfluoroalkyl substances in pregnant Norwegian women
Environment International, 54, 74–84.
Contributors: A. Brantsæter *, K. Whitworth *, T. Ydersbond*, L. Haug *, M. Haugen *, H. Knutsen *, C. Thomsen *, H. Meltzer *

2013 journal article
Dietary fat intake, pesticide use, and Parkinson's disease
Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 20(1), 82–87.
Contributors: F. Kamel *, S. Goldman *, D. Umbach *, H. Chen *, G. Richardson*, M. Barber*, C. Meng*, C. Marras *
2013 journal article
Exacerbation of symptoms in agricultural pesticide applicators with asthma
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 87(4), 423–432.
Contributors: P. Henneberger *, X. Liang *, S. London *, D. Umbach *, D. Sandler * & *

2013 journal article
Genetic Susceptibility Loci, Pesticide Exposure and Prostate Cancer Risk
PLoS ONE, 8(4), e58195.
Contributors: S. Koutros *, S. Berndt *, K. Hughes Barry *, G. Andreotti *, * , D. Sandler *, M. Yeager *, L. Burdett*
Ed(s): M. Scheurer
2013 journal article
Hypothyroidism and Pesticide Use Among Male Private Pesticide Applicators in the Agricultural Health Study
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 55(10), 1171–1178.
2013 journal article
Joint effects between five identified risk variants, allergy, and autoimmune conditions on glioma risk
Cancer Causes & Control, 24(10), 1885–1891.
Contributors: M. Safaeian*, P. Rajaraman *, P. Hartge*, M. Yeager *, M. Linet *, M. Butler*, A. Ruder*, M. Purdue *

2013 journal article
Lifetime Pesticide Use and Telomere Shortening among Male Pesticide Applicators in the Agricultural Health Study
Environmental Health Perspectives, 121(8), 919–924.
Contributors: L. Hou *, G. Andreotti *, A. Baccarelli *, S. Savage *, * , D. Sandler *, J. Barker, Z. Zhu *

2013 journal article
Perfluoroalkyl substances and lipid concentrations in plasma during pregnancy among women in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study
Environment International, 62, 104–112.
Contributors: A. Starling *, S. Engel *, K. Whitworth *, D. Richardson *, A. Stuebe *, J. Daniels *, L. Haug *, M. Eggesbø *

2013 journal article
Pesticide Exposure and Inherited Variants in Vitamin D Pathway Genes in Relation to Prostate Cancer
Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention, 22(9), 1557–1566.
Contributors: S. Karami *, G. Andreotti *, S. Koutros *, K. Barry *, L. Moore *, S. Han *, * , D. Sandler *
2013 journal article
Pesticide exposure and self-reported incident depression among wives in the Agricultural Health Study
Environmental Research, 126, 31–42.
Contributors: J. Beard *, * , M. Richards*, M. Alavanja*, A. Blair*, D. Sandler *, F. Kamel *
2013 journal article
Pesticides and respiratory health: where do we go from here?
Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 71(2), 80–80.

2013 journal article
Phthalate Exposure and Allergy in the U.S. Population: Results from NHANES 2005–2006
Environmental Health Perspectives, 121(10), 1129–1134.
Contributors: , R. Jaramillo*, S. London *, R. Bertelsen *, P. Salo *, D. Sandler *, D. Zeldin * *
2013 journal article
The concentration of bisphenol A in urine is affected by specimen collection, a preservative, and handling
Environmental Research, 126, 211–214.
Contributors: M. Longnecker *, K. Harbak*, G. Kissling*, * , M. Eggesbo *, T. Jusko *, J. Eide, H. Koch *

2012 journal article
Consumer product exposures associated with urinary phthalate levels in pregnant women
Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, 22(5), 468–475.
Contributors: J. Buckley *, R. Palmieri*, J. Matuszewski*, A. Herring *, D. Baird *, K. Hartmann *, *
2012 journal article
Exposure to Tobacco Smoke in Utero and Subsequent Plasma Lipids, ApoB, and CRP among Adult Women in the MoBa Cohort
Environmental Health Perspectives, 120(11), 1532–1537.