Works (5)
2023 journal article
Environmental life cycle assessment of premium and ultra hygiene tissue products in the United States
BioResources, 18(2), 4006–4031.

2020 journal article
A Growth and Yield Model for Eucalyptus benthamii in the Southeastern United States
FOREST SCIENCE, 66(1), 25–37.
Contributors: K. Hall*, J. Stape*, B. Bullock*, D. Frederick n, *, H. Scolforo *, R. Cook n

2012 journal article
Fuel properties and suitability of eucalyptus benthamii and eucalyptus macarthurii for torrefied wood and pellets
BioResources, 7(1), 217–235.
2012 journal article
silviculture and economic evaluation of eucalypt plantations in the Southern US
BioResources, 7(2), 1994–2001.
2011 journal article
Exploring the potential of Eucalyptus for energy production in the Southern United States: Financial analysis of delivered biomass. Part I
BIOMASS & BIOENERGY, 35(2), 755–766.
Contributors: R. Gonzalez n , T. Treasure n, n, D. Saloni n , R. Phillips n, R. Abt n, H. Jameel n