Works (10)
2024 journal article
A Novel Approach for Evaluating a Schoolwide Antiracist Curriculum Intervention
AERA Open, 10.

2024 journal article
Longitudinal associations between critical consciousness, school racial climate, and belonging in school
Applied Developmental Science, 4, 1–17.

2024 journal article
Pathways to Youth Activism Orientation in STEM: the Role of STEM Classroom Inclusivity and Motivational Beliefs
Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 9.
2024 journal article
Patterns of ethnic–racial identity and critical consciousness and associations with science, technology, engineering, and math engagement and perceived barriers: A latent class analysis of youth of color.
Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 9.
2023 article
Correlates of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Secondary Traumatic Stress in School Personnel
Knox, J., Cryer-Coupet, Q., Golden, A. R., Cerda-Smith, J., Wiseman, A., Barber, S., & Gaona, M. (2023, December 14). SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGY, Vol. 12.

2023 article
Factors that predict adolescents' engagement with STEM in and out of school
Mulvey, K. L., Cerda-Smith, J., Joy, A., Mathews, C., & Ozturk, E. (2023, May 23). PSYCHOLOGY IN THE SCHOOLS, Vol. 5.

2023 journal article
STEM‐related outcomes for adolescents with differing perceptions of school racial climate: A latent class analysis
Science Education, 107(3), 651–676.

2022 journal article
Adolescent peer aggression judgments and expected bystander intervention in teen dating violence
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 79, 101389.

2022 journal article
The role of inclusion, discrimination, and belonging for adolescent <scp>Science, Technology, Engineering and Math</scp> engagement in and out of school
Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 59(8), 1447–1464.

2022 journal article
The roles of school racial climate and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics classroom climate in adolescents’ gender and racial peer inclusion and attribution decisions
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 226, 105573.