Works (49)
2024 article
Ven, Veni, Venga Forms of address among Argentines and Central Americans in North Carolina
2023 journal article
Perceptions of inclusive language in the Spanish of the Southeast: data from a large classroom project
Spanish in Context, 20(1), 96–129.

2023 article
Real and apparent (time) changes in Yucatan Spanish The case of /bdg/

2023 chapter
Real and apparent (time) changes in Yucatan Spanish: the case of /bdg/
In S. Fernández Cuenca, T. Judy, & L. Miller (Eds.), Innovative Approaches to Research in Hispanic Linguistics: Regional, Diachronic, and Learner Profile Variation. (pp. 130–151). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Ed(s): S. Fernández Cuenca, T. Judy & L. Miller
2023 journal article
Spanish Language Maintenance and Shift in a Newly-Forming Community in the Southeastern United States: Insights From a Large-Class Survey
Hispanic Studies Review, 7(2).
2023 journal article
Spanish in the Southeast: What a Swarm of Variables Can Tell Us about a Newly Forming Bilingual Community
Languages, 8(3), 168.

2021 chapter book
Apparently real changes
2020 journal article
A new look at forms of address in the Spanish of Cali, Colombia
Hispanic Studies Review, 4(2), 121–139.
2020 chapter
Examining the (mini-) variable swarm in the Spanish of the Southeast
In Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics (pp. 304–325).

2020 chapter
Sheísmo in Montevideo Spanish
In S. Sessarego, J. J. Colomina-Almiñana, & A. Rodríguez-Riccelli (Eds.), Variation and Evolution: Aspects of language contact and contrast across the Spanish-speaking world (pp. 163–186).
Ed(s): S. Sessarego, J. Colomina-Almiñana & A. Rodríguez-Riccelli
2020 chapter
The acento pujado in Yucatan Spanish: Prosodic rhythm and the search for the yucateco accent
In L. A. Ortiz Lopez, R. E. Guzzardo Tamargo, & M. González-Rivera (Eds.), Hispanic Contact Linguistics: Theoretical, methodological and empirical perspectives (pp. 115–136).
Ed(s): L. Ortiz Lopez, R. Guzzardo Tamargo & M. González-Rivera
2020 chapter
The changing rhythm of Yucatan Spanish
In R. Rao (Ed.), Spanish Phonetics and Phonology in Contact: Studies from Africa, the Americas, and Spain (pp. 33–62).
Ed(s): R. Rao

2019 chapter
Glottal Insertion before Vowel-Initial Words in the Spanish of Asunción, Paraguay
In G. Thomson & S. Alvord (Eds.), Contact, community and connections: Current approaches to Spanish in multilingual populations (pp. 147–171). Wilmington, DE: Vernon Press.
Ed(s): G. Thomson & S. Alvord
2018 chapter
Examining the (mini-)variable swarm in the Spanish of the Southeast
In M. F. A. Morales-Front, R. Leow, & C. Sanz (Eds.), Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 16 (pp. 324–349). Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Ed(s): M. A. Morales-Front, R. Leow & C. Sanz
2018 chapter
Spanish in North Carolina: English-origin loanwords in a newly forming Hispanic community.
In E. W. J. Reaser, W. Wolfram, & K. Wojcik (Eds.), Language Diversity in the New South (pp. 289–305). Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.
Ed(s): E. J. Reaser, . W. Wolfram & K. Wojcik
2016 book review
Iberian Imperialism and Language Evolution in Latin America
[Review of Iberian Imperialism and Language Evolution in Latin America, by S. Salikoko]. Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 93(9), 1649–1650.
2016 chapter book
On glottal stops in Yucatan Spanish
2016 journal article
Reviews of Books
Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 93(9), 1627–1654.
2016 chapter
The changing system of Costa Rican pronouns of address
In Forms of Address in the Spanish of the Americas (pp. 243–266).
2015 journal article
Broad focus declaratives in Veneto-Spanish bilinguals: Peak alignment and language contact
Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 8(1), 35–57.

2015 chapter
In New Perspectives on Hispanic Contact Linguistics in the Americas (pp. 21–42).
2015 chapter
On glottal stops in Yucatan Spanish: language contact and dialect standardization
In S. Sessarego & F. Tejedo (Eds.), Selected Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics. John Benjamins.
Ed(s): S. Sessarego & F. Tejedo
2015 journal article
Sandro Sessarego: Chota Valley Spanish
Revista Internacional De Lingüística Iberoamericana, 13(25), 239–242.
2015 chapter
Subject pronoun expression in Yucatan Spanish
In R. O. Ana M. Carvalho & N. L. Shin (Eds.), Subject Pronoun Expression in Spanish: A Cross-dialectal perspective. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
Ed(s): R. Ana M. Carvalho & N. Shin
2015 journal article
Subject pronoun expression in contact with Maya in Yucatan Spanish
Subject Pronoun Expression in Spanish: A Cross-Dialectal Perspective, 103, 6122.
2015 chapter
The changing system of Costa Rican pronouns of address: tuteo, voseo, and ustedo
In S. Rivera-Mills & M. I. Moyna (Eds.), Forms of address in the Spanish of the Americas. John Benjamins.
Ed(s): S. Rivera-Mills & M. Moyna
2014 chapter
Maya-Spanish contact in Yucatan, Mexico: Context and sociolinguistic implications
In S. Sessarego & M. G. Rivera (Eds.), New Perspectives on Hispanic Contact Linguistics in the Americas. Iberoamericana-Vervuert.
Ed(s): S. Sessarego & M. Rivera
2014 book review
Sociolinguistic Fieldwork
[Review of Sociolinguistic Fieldwork, by N. Schilling]. Linguist List, (25), 38. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2013 chapter
A sociolinguistic analysis of pre-nuclear peak alignment in Yucatan Spanis
In S. E. B. C. Howe & M. L. Quesada (Eds.), Selected proceedings of the 15th hispanic linguistics symposium (pp. 221–235). Somerville: Cascadilla Press.
Ed(s): S. C. Howe & M. Quesada
2013 conference paper
A sociolinguistic analysis of pre-nuclear peak alignment in Yucatan Spanish
Selected proceedings of the 15th Hispanic linguistics symposium, 221–235.
Event: Cascadilla Proceedings Project Somerville
2013 chapter
Peak alignment in bilingual Chipilo Spanish
In A. M. Carvalho & S. Beaudrie (Eds.), Selected proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics (pp. 102–122). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
Ed(s): A. Carvalho & S. Beaudrie
2013 conference paper
Peak alignment in semi-spontaneous bilingual Chipilo Spanish
Selected proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics, 109–122.
Event: Citeseer
2013 journal article
Voiceless stop aspiration in Yucatan Spanish A sociolinguistic analysis
SPANISH IN CONTEXT, 10(3), 410–437.

2012 book review
Díaz-Campos (ed.): The Handbook of Hispanic Sociolinguistics
[Review of The Handbook of Hispanic Sociolinguistics, by M. Díaz-Campos]. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 5(2), 425–434.
2012 chapter
The standardization of Yucatan Spanish: Family case studies in Izamal and Merida
In K. Geeslin & M. Diaz-Campos (Eds.), Selected proceedings of the 14th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium (pp. 102–115). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
Ed(s): K. Geeslin & M. Diaz-Campos
2012 conference paper
The standardization of Yucatan Spanish: Family case studies in Izamal and Mérida
Selected proceedings of the hispanic linguistics symposium 2010, 102–115.
Event: Citeseer
2011 journal article
Dialect Standardization in Merida, Yucatan: The Case of (b d g)
2011 journal article
Dialect standardization in Merida, Yucatan: The case of /bdg/
Revista Internacional De Linguistica Iberoamericana, 18, 191–212.
2010 book review
A sociolinguistic analysis of /s/-aspiration in Madrid Spanish
[Review of A sociolinguistic analysis of /s/-aspiration in Madrid Spanish, by N. B. Momcilovic]. Linguist List, (21), 2487.
2010 journal article
Forms of Address in Chilean Spanish
Hispania, 93(3), 413–429.

2010 journal article
Perceptions of Second Person Singular Pronoun Use in San Salvador, El Salvador
2010 journal article
Perceptions of second person singular pronoun use in San Salvador, El Salvador
Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 3(2), 353–377.
2009 chapter
Intervocalic voiced stops in Yucatan Spanish: A case of contact induced language change?
In M. Lacorte & J. Leeman (Eds.), Espa?ol en Estados Unidos y en otros contextos de contacto: Sociolinguistica, ideologia y pedagogia (pp. 67–84).
Ed(s): M. Lacorte & J. Leeman

2008 journal article
Final nasal variation in Merida, Yucatan
Spanish in Context, 5(2), 278–303.

2008 book review
Selected proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics
[Review of Selected proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics, by M. Westmoreland & J. A. Thomas]. Linguist List, (20), 2376.
2007 chapter
El habla de Yucatam: Final -m in a dialect in contact
In Selected Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics (pp. 38–43). Somerville, MA : Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
2007 conference paper
El habla de Yucatám: Final-m in a dialect in contact
Selected proceedings of the Third Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics (WSS3), 38–43.
Event: Cascadilla Somerville, MA
2006 chapter
Final -m in Yucatan Spanish: A rapid and anonymous survey
In J.-P. Y. Montreuil (Ed.), New Perspectives on Romance Linguistics. Vol 2: Phonetics, phonology and dialectology: selected papers from the 35th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL) (pp. 155–166).
Ed(s): J. Montreuil
Updated: March 22nd, 2023 22:48
2006 - present
Updated: March 22nd, 2023 22:50
2002 - 2006