Works (3)
2020 journal article
An improved method for quantifying total fine root decomposition in plantation forests combining measurements of soil coring and minirhizotrons with a mass balance model
TREE PHYSIOLOGY, 40(10), 1466–1473.

2017 journal article
A critical analysis of species selection and high vs. low-input silviculture on establishment success and early productivity of model short-rotation wood-energy cropping systems
BIOMASS & BIOENERGY, 98, 214–227.

2017 journal article
Productivity, Biomass Partitioning, and Energy Yield of Low-Input Short-Rotation American Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis L.) Grown on Marginal Land: Effects of Planting Density and Simulated Drought
BIOENERGY RESEARCH, 10(3), 903–914.