@article{la hovary_danehower_ma_reberg-horton_williamson_baerson_burton_2016, title={Phytotoxicity and Benzoxazinone Concentration in Field Grown Cereal Rye (Secale cereale L.)}, volume={2016}, ISSN={["1687-8167"]}, url={https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ija/2016/6463826/}, DOI={10.1155/2016/6463826}, abstractNote={Winter rye (Secale cerealeL.) is used as a cover crop because of the weed suppression potential of its mulch. To gain insight into the more effective use of rye as a cover crop we assessed changes in benzoxazinone (BX) levels in rye shoot tissue over the growing season. Four rye varieties were planted in the fall and samples harvested at intervals the following spring. Two different measures of phytotoxic compound content were taken. Seed germination bioassays were used as an estimate of total phytotoxic potential. Dilutions of shoot extracts were tested using two indicator species to compare the relative toxicity of tissue. In addition, BX (DIBOA, DIBOA-glycoside, and BOA) levels were directly determined using gas chromatography. Results showed that rye tissue harvested in March was the most toxic to indicator species, with toxicity decreasing thereafter. Likewise the BX concentration in rye shoot tissue increased early in the season and then decreased over time. Thus, phytotoxicity measured by bioassay and BX levels measured by GC have a similar but not identical temporal profile. The observed decrease in phytotoxic potential and plant BX levels in rye later in the season appears to correlate with the transition from vegetative to reproductive growth.}, journal={International Journal of Agronomy}, author={La Hovary, C. and Danehower, D. A. and Ma, G. and Reberg-Horton, C. and Williamson, J. D. and Baerson, S. R. and Burton, J. D.}, year={2016} } @article{chandi_jordan_york_milla-lewis_burton_culpepper_whitaker_2013, title={Interference and control of glyphosate-resistant and –susceptible Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) populations under greenhouse conditions}, volume={61}, ISSN={["1550-2759"]}, DOI={10.1614/ws-d-12-00063.1}, abstractNote={Interference for 40 d after emergence (DAE) of corn, cotton, peanut, and snap bean by four glyphosate-resistant (GR) and four glyphosate-susceptible (GS) Palmer amaranth populations from Georgia and North Carolina was compared in the greenhouse. Greater interference from Palmer amaranth, measured as crop height and fresh weight reduction, was noted in cotton and peanut compared with corn or snap bean. Crop height 15 to 40 DAE was reduced similarly by GR and GS populations. Crop fresh weight, however, was reduced 25 and 19% in the presence of GS and GR populations, respectively. Measured as percent reduction in fresh weight, GR and GS populations of Palmer amaranth were controlled similarly by glufosinate, lactofen, paraquat, and trifloxysulfuron applied POST. Atrazine and dicamba controlled GR populations more effectively than GS populations.}, number={2}, journal={Weed Science}, publisher={Weed Science Society}, author={Chandi, A. and Jordan, D.L. and York, A.C. and Milla-Lewis, S.R. and Burton, J.D. and Culpepper, A.S. and Whitaker, J.R.}, year={2013}, pages={259–266} } @article{chandi_milla-lewis_jordan_york_burton_zuleta_whitaker_culpepper_2013, title={Use of AFLP Markers to Assess Genetic Diversity in Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) Populations from North Carolina and Georgia}, volume={61}, ISSN={["1550-2759"]}, DOI={10.1614/ws-d-12-00053.1}, abstractNote={Glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth is a serious problem in southern cropping systems. Much phenotypic variation is observed in Palmer amaranth populations with respect to plant growth and development and susceptibility to herbicides. This may be related to levels of genetic diversity existing in populations. Knowledge of genetic diversity in populations of Palmer amaranth may be useful in understanding distribution and development of herbicide resistance. Research was conducted to assess genetic diversity among and within eight Palmer amaranth populations collected from North Carolina and Georgia using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Pair-wise genetic similarity (GS) values were found to be relatively low, averaging 0.34. The highest and the lowest GS between populations were 0.49 and 0.24, respectively, while the highest and the lowest GS within populations were 0.56 and 0.36, respectively. Cluster and principal coordinate (PCO) analyses grouped individuals mostly by population (localized geographic region) irrespective of response to glyphosate or gender of individuals. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) results when populations were nested within states revealed significant variation among and within populations within states while variation among states was not significant. Variation among and within populations within state accounted for 19 and 77% of the total variation, respectively, while variation among states accounted for only 3% of the total variation. The within population contribution towards total variation was always higher than among states and among populations within states irrespective of response to glyphosate or gender of individuals. These results are significant in terms of efficacy of similar management approaches both in terms of chemical and biological control in different areas infested with Palmer amaranth.}, number={1}, journal={WEED SCIENCE}, publisher={Weed Science Society}, author={Chandi, Aman and Milla-Lewis, Susana R. and Jordan, David L. and York, Alan C. and Burton, James D. and Zuleta, M. Carolina and Whitaker, Jared R. and Culpepper, A. Stanley}, year={2013}, pages={136–145} } @article{chahal_jordan_shew_brandenburg_york_burton_danehower_2012, title={Interactions of agrochemicals applied to peanut; part 1: Effects on herbicides}, volume={41}, ISSN={0261-2194}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cropro.2012.05.014}, DOI={10.1016/j.cropro.2012.05.014}, abstractNote={Numerous agrochemicals are applied in peanut production systems. Field and laboratory experiments were conducted in North Carolina to characterize biological and physicochemical interactions when the herbicides clethodim, imazapic, imazethapyr, lactofen, sethoxydim, and 2,4-DB were applied in combination with adjuvants, fungicides, insecticides, and micronutrients. A wide range of interactions was noted when comparing across herbicides, weed species, and agrochemical combinations. There was little consistency across weed species for a herbicide or across herbicides for a weed species when comparing significant main effects and interactions. In most instances, when compared with the standard herbicide treatment and adjuvant applied alone, herbicide efficacy was not affected in the presence of other agrochemicals. Changes in solution pH and formation of precipitates varied according to the herbicide combinations used. Boron, manganese, and 2,4-DB often caused dramatic changes in solution pH.}, journal={Crop Protection}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Chahal, Gurinderbir S. and Jordan, David L. and Shew, Barbara B. and Brandenburg, Rick L. and York, Alan C. and Burton, James D. and Danehower, David}, year={2012}, month={Nov}, pages={134–142} } @article{chahal_jordan_shew_brandenburg_burton_danehower_york_2012, title={Interactions of agrochemicals applied to peanut; part 2: Effects on fungicides}, volume={41}, ISSN={0261-2194}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cropro.2012.05.008}, DOI={10.1016/j.cropro.2012.05.008}, abstractNote={Field and laboratory experiments were conducted during 2008 and 2009 to study biological and physicochemical compatibility when fungicides were applied in combination with herbicides, insecticides, and micronutrients for the control of leaf spot disease and Sclerotinia blight. In both years, the program with three fungicide sprays was more effective in preventing canopy defoliation caused by early and late leaf spot disease than single fungicide spray irrespective of agrochemical combinations. Although several interactions were noted among agrochemical combinations, most combinations did not affect fungicide efficacy against canopy defoliation or Sclerotinia blight. In some instances, fungicide combinations protected peanut more effectively from canopy defoliation or Sclerotinia blight than standard fungicide treatment. Regardless of the other agrochemicals applied, boscalid was more effective than fluazinam in controlling Sclerotinia blight. Boscalid, boron, clethodim plus crop oil concentrate, chlorothalonil plus tebuconazole, manganese, and 2,4-DB had large effects on solution pH, whereas fluazinam, lambda-cyhalothrin, and pyraclostrobin had little effect on solution pH. Precipitates formed with all fungicide combinations and in most cases permanent precipitates were formed.}, journal={Crop Protection}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Chahal, Gurinderbir S. and Jordan, David L. and Shew, Barbara B. and Brandenburg, Rick L. and Burton, James D. and Danehower, David and York, Alan C.}, year={2012}, month={Nov}, pages={143–149} } @article{chahal_jordan_brandenburg_shew_burton_danehower_york_2012, title={Interactions of agrochemicals applied to peanut; part 3: Effects on insecticides and prohexadione calcium}, volume={41}, ISSN={0261-2194}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cropro.2012.05.006}, DOI={10.1016/j.cropro.2012.05.006}, abstractNote={A wide range of agrochemicals can be applied in a peanut production system to control various stresses and manage crop growth and development. Field and laboratory experiments were conducted in North Carolina to define biological and physicochemical interactions when insecticides (fenpropathrin and lambda-cyhalothrin) or plant growth regulator (prohexadione calcium) were applied in combination with other agrochemicals including fungicides, herbicides, and micronutrients. Fenpropathrin or lambda-cyhalothrin combinations did not injure peanut in 2008 and 2009. Two sprays of prohexadione calcium improved row visibility and reduced main stem height compared with one prohexadione calcium spray irrespective of agrochemical combinations. In many instances, applying prohexadione calcium with other agrochemicals resulted in lower main stem height compared to prohexadione calcium alone. In one of the experiments, prohexadione calcium with prothioconazole plus tebuconazole lowered fall army worm population compared with prohexadione calcium alone. Addition of boron, manganese, and 2,4-DB to fenpropathrin, lambda-cyhalothrin, and prohexadione calcium combinations changed solution pH dramatically. Prohexadione calcium had the least effect on pH of the carrier.}, journal={Crop Protection}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Chahal, Gurinderbir S. and Jordan, David L. and Brandenburg, Rick L. and Shew, Barbara B. and Burton, James D. and Danehower, David and York, Alan C.}, year={2012}, month={Nov}, pages={150–157} } @article{brooks_danehower_murphy_reberg-horton_burton_2012, title={Estimation of heritability of benzoxazinoid production in rye (Secale cereale) using gas chromatographic analysis}, volume={131}, ISSN={["1439-0523"]}, DOI={10.1111/j.1439-0523.2011.01885.x}, abstractNote={With 4 tablesAbstractThe 2,4‐dihydroxy‐1,4‐benzoxazin‐3‐one (DIBOA) content of Secale cereale is strongly associated with allelopathy. This has led to interest in developing allelopathic cultivars with increased DIBOA to improve weed control in this important cover crop. Objectives of this study were to determine heritability estimates for DIBOA in rye and determine the utility of gas chromatography (GC) as a screening tool in a rye allelopathy breeding programme. A synthetic population of half‐sib families varying in production of DIBOA was analysed. DIBOA concentrations ranged from 0.52 to 1.15 mg/g dwt tissue (mean = 0.70 mg/g dwt). Analysis of variance indicated significant variability for DIBOA content in rye harvested at the flag leaf stage. Year × location × genotype and block (year × location) interactions were also significant. Several genotypes were consistently ‘high’ or ‘low’ DIBOA producers across all locations and years. Narrow sense heritability estimates were 0.18 ± 0.04 SE on a per plot basis and 0.57 ± 0.07 SE on an entry mean basis. GC analysis was determined to be a good system for moderate throughput screening of lines.}, number={1}, journal={PLANT BREEDING}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Brooks, Ashley M. and Danehower, David A. and Murphy, J. Paul and Reberg-Horton, S. Chris and Burton, James D.}, year={2012}, month={Feb}, pages={104–109} } @article{everman_mayhew_burton_york_wilcut_2009, title={Absorption, Translocation, and Metabolism of C-14-Glufosinate in Glufosinate-Resistant Corn, Goosegrass (Eleusine indica), Large Crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis), and Sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia)}, volume={57}, ISSN={["1550-2759"]}, DOI={10.1614/WS-08-089.1}, abstractNote={Greenhouse studies were conducted to evaluate14C-glufosinate absorption, translocation, and metabolism in glufosinate-resistant corn, goosegrass, large crabgrass, and sicklepod. Glufosinate-resistant corn plants were treated at the four-leaf stage, whereas goosegrass, large crabgrass, and sicklepod were treated at 5, 7.5, and 10 cm, respectively. All plants were harvested at 1, 6, 24, 48, and 72 h after treatment (HAT). Absorption was less than 20% at all harvest intervals for glufosinate-resistant corn, whereas absorption in goosegrass and large crabgrass increased from approximately 20% 1 HAT to 50 and 76%, respectively, 72 HAT. Absorption of14C-glufosinate was greater than 90% 24 HAT in sicklepod. Significant levels of translocation were observed in glufosinate-resistant corn, with14C-glufosinate translocated to the region above the treated leaf and the roots up to 41 and 27%, respectively. No significant translocation was detected in any of the weed species at any harvest timing. Metabolites of14C-glufosinate were detected in glufosinate-resistant corn and all weed species. Seventy percent of14C was attributed to glufosinate metabolites 72 HAT in large crabgrass. Less metabolism was observed for sicklepod, goosegrass, and glufosinate-resistant corn, with metabolites composing less than 45% of detectable radioactivity 72 HAT.}, number={1}, journal={WEED SCIENCE}, author={Everman, Wesley J. and Mayhew, Cassandra R. and Burton, James D. and York, Alan C. and Wilcut, John W.}, year={2009}, pages={1–5} } @article{everman_thomas_burton_york_wilcut_2009, title={Absorption, Translocation, and Metabolism of Glufosinate in Transgenic and Nontransgenic Cotton, Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri), and Pitted Morningglory (Ipomoea lacunosa)}, volume={57}, ISSN={["1550-2759"]}, DOI={10.1614/WS-09-015.1}, abstractNote={Greenhouse studies were conducted to evaluate absorption, translocation, and metabolism of14C-glufosinate in glufosinate-resistant cotton, nontransgenic cotton, Palmer amaranth, and pitted morningglory. Cotton plants were treated at the four-leaf stage, whereas Palmer amaranth and pitted morningglory were treated at 7.5 and 10 cm, respectively. All plants were harvested at 1, 6, 24, 48, and 72 h after treatment (HAT). Absorption of14C-glufosinate was greater than 85% 24 h after treatment in Palmer amaranth. Absorption was less than 30% at all harvest intervals for glufosinate-resistant cotton, nontransgenic cotton, and pitted morningglory. At 24 HAT, 49 and 12% of radioactivity was translocated to regions above and below the treated leaf, respectively, in Palmer amaranth. Metabolites of14C-glufosinate were detected in all crop and weed species. Metabolism of14C-glufosinate was 16% or lower in nontransgenic cotton and pitted morningglory; however, metabolism rates were greater than 70% in glufosinate-resistant cotton 72 HAT. Intermediate metabolism was observed for Palmer amaranth, with metabolites comprising 20 to 30% of detectable radioactivity between 6 and 72 HAT.}, number={4}, journal={WEED SCIENCE}, author={Everman, Wesley J. and Thomas, Walter E. and Burton, James D. and York, Alan C. and Wilcut, John W.}, year={2009}, pages={357–361} } @article{henry_burton_richardson_yelverton_2008, title={Absorption and Translocation of Foramsulfuron in Dallisgrass (Paspalum dilatatum) Following Preapplication of MSMA}, volume={56}, ISSN={["1550-2759"]}, DOI={10.1614/WS-08-035.1}, abstractNote={Abstract Several field studies have observed increased foramsulfuron efficacy for the control of dallisgrass when foramsulfuron is applied after MSMA. Therefore, laboratory studies were conducted with mature dallisgrass to study the absorption and translocation of 14C-foramsulfuron, and then examine the impact of preliminary applications (preapplications) of MSMA or foramsulfuron on herbicide absorption and movement. Herbicide absorption increased rapidly through 4 h, and by 8 h, differences in absorption between pretreated and control plants were evident. After 48 h, foramsulfuron absorption in non-pretreated plants was 55%, whereas plants that received either pretreatment absorbed 70% of the herbicide. Translocation above (younger tissue) and below (older tissue) the treated leaf was 0.65 and 0.62% for non-pretreated plants, respectively. Pretreatment with foramsulfuron resulted in the translocation of 2.12 and 1.55% of applied radioactivity above and below the treated leaf, respectively. Pretreatment with MSMA resulted in the translocation of 2.33 and 2.34% of applied radioactivity above and below the treated leaf, respectively. These data indicated that pretreatment of mature dallisgrass with either foramsulfuron or MSMA results in an increase in both uptake and translocation of foramsulfuron applied 2 wk after pretreatment. The increase in absorption and translocation of foramsulfuron in the pre–MSMA-treated plants may explain the increase in control observed in the field when comparing it to the pre–foramsulfuron-treated dallisgrass plants. Nomenclature: Foramsulfuron; MSMA; dallisgrass, Paspalum dilatatum Poir. PASDI.}, number={6}, journal={WEED SCIENCE}, author={Henry, G. and Burton, J. and Richardson, R. and Yelverton, F.}, year={2008}, pages={785–788} } @article{burton_pedersen_coble_2008, title={Effect of Cyclanilide on Auxin Activity}, volume={27}, ISSN={["1435-8107"]}, DOI={10.1007/s00344-008-9062-7}, number={4}, journal={JOURNAL OF PLANT GROWTH REGULATION}, author={Burton, James D. and Pedersen, Marianne K. and Coble, Harold D.}, year={2008}, month={Dec}, pages={342–352} } @article{naegle_kwanyuen_burton_carter_rufty_2008, title={Seed nitrogen mobilization in soybean: Effects of seed nitrogen content and external nitrogen fertility}, volume={31}, ISSN={["1532-4087"]}, DOI={10.1080/01904160801894921}, abstractNote={ABSTRACT Soybean breeding programs have developed genetic lines with relatively low seed protein, which could negatively impact early seedling growth in low fertility conditions commonly encountered in the field. In these experiments, seed protein mobilization and its regulation in situ in soybean lines with different seed protein levels was investigated. The results showed that rates of nitrogen (N) release from cotyledons were much lower with decreasing levels of N in seed. Patterns of proteolysis of the storage proteins glycinin and β -conglycinin and their subunits were not different, but breakdown rates were slower. Seed N release rates increased somewhat when external N was supplied to roots of the developing seedlings, suggesting the involvement of source/sink controls. The effect appeared to be down-stream from proteolysis, as rates of protein breakdown were not altered. The results indicate that low seed protein levels will lead to reduced seedling fitness in low fertility soil conditions unless fertilizer N is applied.}, number={2}, journal={JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION}, author={Naegle, Erin and Kwanyuen, Prachuab and Burton, Joseph and Carter, Thomas and Rufty, Thomas}, year={2008}, pages={367–379} } @article{burke_holland_burton_york_wilcut_2007, title={Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense) pollen expresses ACCase target-site resistance}, volume={21}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-36448953142&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.1614/WT-06-061.1}, abstractNote={Three studies were conducted to develop pollen tests for the screening of acetyl coenzyme-A carboxylase (ACCase) target-site resistance in a biotype of johnsongrass. The assays were based on germination of johnsongrass pollen in media supplemented with clethodim. Two different methods were used to evaluate pollen germination—a visual assessment and a spectrophotometric assay. The response of pollen to the germination media was linear for 16 h. At 6 h after treatment, absorbance at 500 nm was nearly 0.5; consequently, 6 h was chosen to conduct the pollen assays using the spectrophotometer. Both assessment methods differentiated the susceptible (S) and resistant (R) biotypes. Pollen from the susceptible biotype of johnsongrass was strongly inhibited by increasing concentrations of clethodim, with a GR50 of 25.8 ± 0.6 (SE) µM and GR50 of 16.4 ± 1.7 (SE) µM clethodim by visual assessment and spectrophotometric assessment, respectively. Minimum R/S values were > 3.9 by visual assessment and > 6.1 by spectrophotometric assessment. ACCase target-site resistance is expressed in johnsongrass pollen. Nomenclature: johnsongrass, Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. SORHA.}, number={2}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Burke, Ian C. and Holland, James B. and Burton, James D. and York, Alan C. and Wilcut, John W.}, year={2007}, pages={384–388} } @article{burke_thomas_burton_spears_wilcut_2006, title={A seedling assay to screen aryloxyphenoxypropionic acid and cyclohexanedione resistance in johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense)}, volume={20}, ISSN={["0890-037X"]}, DOI={10.1614/WT-05-160.1}, abstractNote={A seedling bioassay was developed for the rapid diagnosis of resistance to clethodim and fluazifop-P in johnsongrass. The assay was based on differences in the coleoptile length of susceptible (S) and resistant (R) seedlings exposed to clethodim and fluazifop-P in petri dishes for 5 d. Bioassay concentrations of 0.09 mg/L clethodim and 0.18 mg/L fluazifop-P were chosen as discriminant based on rate responses of each biotype to increasing herbicide dose. At 5 d after treatment (DAT), the amounts of clethodim required to reduce coleoptile length by 50% (GR50) for the R and S seedlings were 462.5 and 24.8 mg/L, respectively, resulting in an R:S ratio of 18.7. The fluazifopGR50values for the R and S seedlings were 618.7 and 17.5 mg/L, respectively, resulting in a R:S ratio of 35.4.}, number={4}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Burke, Ian C. and Thomas, Walter E. and Burton, James D. and Spears, Janet F. and Wilcut, John W.}, year={2006}, pages={950–955} } @article{pedersen_burton_coble_2006, title={Effect of cyclanilide, ethephong auxin transport inhibitors, and temperature on whole plant defoliation}, volume={46}, DOI={10.2135/cropsci2005.07.0189}, number={4}, journal={Crop Science}, author={Pedersen, M. K. and Burton, J. D. and Coble, H. D.}, year={2006}, pages={1666–1672} } @article{burke_burton_york_cranmer_wilcut_2006, title={Mechanism of resistance to clethodim in a johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense) biotype}, volume={54}, ISSN={["1550-2759"]}, DOI={10.1614/WS-05-153R.1}, abstractNote={Abstract A biotype of johnsongrass cross resistant to clethodim, sethoxydim, quizalofop-P, and fluazifop-P was identified in several fields in Washington County, MS. Absorption, translocation, and metabolism studies using 14C-clethodim and acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase) activity assays were conducted to determine the resistance mechanism. Absorption of 14C-clethodim was higher in the resistant than the susceptible biotype 4 hours after treatment (HAT), but at 24, 48, and 72 HAT, similar levels of radioactivity were detected in both johnsongrass biotypes. Consequently, resistant plants had more radioactivity present in the treated leaves at 4 and 24 HAT. However, there was no difference between resistant and susceptible biotypes in the translocation of 14C out of the treated leaf at 4, 8, 24, 48, and 72 HAT as a percentage of total absorbed. Metabolism of clethodim was similar in the resistant and susceptible biotypes. There was no difference in the specific activity of ACCase from the susceptible and resistant johnsongrass biotypes (means of 0.221 and 0.223 nmol mg−1 protein min−1, respectively). ACCase from the susceptible biotype was sensitive to clethodim, with an I50 value of 0.29 μM clethodim. The ACCase enzyme from the resistant biotype was less sensitive, with an I50 value of 1.32 μM clethodim. The resultant R/S ratio for clethodim was 4.5. These results indicate that resistance to clethodim in this johnsongrass biotype resulted from an altered ACCase enzyme that confers resistance to clethodim. Nomenclature: Clethodim; johnsongrass, Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers., SORHA.}, number={3}, journal={WEED SCIENCE}, author={Burke, Ian C. and Burton, James D. and York, Alan C. and Cranmer, John and Wilcut, John W.}, year={2006}, pages={401–406} } @article{reberg-horton_burton_danehower_ma_monks_murphy_ranells_williamson_creamer_2005, title={Changes over time in the allelochemical content of ten cultivars of rye (Secale cereale L.)}, volume={31}, ISSN={["1573-1561"]}, DOI={10.1007/s10886-005-0983-3}, abstractNote={Published studies focused on characterizing the allelopathy-based weed suppression by rye cover crop mulch have provided varying and inconsistent estimates of weed suppression. Studies were initiated to examine several factors that could influence the weed suppressiveness of rye: kill date, cultivar, and soil fertility. Ten cultivars of rye were planted with four rates of nitrogen fertilization, and tissue from each of these treatment combinations was harvested three times during the growing season. Concentrations of a known rye allelochemical DIBOA (2,4-dihydroxy-1,4-(2H)benzoxazine-3-one) were quantified from the harvested rye tissue using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Phytotoxicity observed from aqueous extracts of the harvested rye tissue correlated with the levels of DIBOA recovered in harvested tissue. The amount of DIBOA in rye tissue varied depending on harvest date and rye cultivar, but was generally lower with all cultivars when rye was harvested later in the season. However, the late maturing variety 'Wheeler' retained greater concentrations of DIBOA in comparison to other rye cultivars when harvested later in the season. The decline in DIBOA concentrations as rye matures, and the fact that many rye cultivars mature at different rates may help explain why estimates of weed suppression from allelopathic agents in rye have varied so widely in the literature.}, number={1}, journal={JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ECOLOGY}, publisher={Springer Nature}, author={Reberg-Horton, SC and Burton, JD and Danehower, DA and Ma, GY and Monks, DW and Murphy, JP and Ranells, NN and Williamson, JD and Creamer, NG}, year={2005}, month={Jan}, pages={179–193} } @article{finney_danehower_burton_2005, title={Gas chromatographic method for the analysis of allelopathic natural products in rye (Secale cereale L.)}, volume={1066}, ISSN={["1873-3778"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.chroma.2005.01.050}, abstractNote={Accurate and reproducible methods for the analysis of plant allelochemicals are a requirement for the study of chemical interactions between plants. This paper describes a method for sample preparation and quantitative analysis of the allelopathic chemical content of rye (Secale cereale L.) using gas chromatography (GC). Sample preparation consists of extraction of freeze-dried rye vegetative tissue with aqueous ethanol followed by partitioning of the allelochemicals into ethyl acetate, evaporation, and derivatization using the trimethylsilylating reagent N-methyl-N-trimethylsilyltrifluoroacetamide. GC analysis of the silylated mixture was performed using flame ionization detection. This method permits analysis of all known rye allelopathic agents including 2,4-dihydroxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one, its corresponding glucoside, 2-benzoxazolinone, beta-hydroxybutyric acid, and beta-phenyllactic acid. Identities of all compounds were confirmed by GC/MS analysis.}, number={1-2}, journal={JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A}, author={Finney, MM and Danehower, DA and Burton, JD}, year={2005}, month={Feb}, pages={249–253} } @article{troxler_burke_wilcut_smith_burton_2003, title={Absorption, translocation, and metabolism of foliar-applied CGA-362622 in purple and yellow nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus and C-esculentus)}, volume={51}, ISSN={["0043-1745"]}, DOI={10.1614/0043-1745(2003)051[0013:ATAMOF]2.0.CO;2}, abstractNote={Abstract Studies were conducted to evaluate the absorption, translocation, and metabolism of 14C–CGA-362622 when foliar-applied to purple and yellow nutsedge. Less than 53% of the herbicide was absorbed after 96 h. Both nutsedge species translocated appreciable amounts of herbicide (30%) out of treated leaves. Translocation was both acropetal and basipetal, with at least 25% transported basipetally. Neither nutsedge species translocated more than 4% of applied radioactivity to the tubers and roots. Most of the metabolites formed by the nutsedge species were more polar than 14C–CGA-362622 and averaged 69 and 61% of the radioactivity in purple and yellow nutsedge, respectively. The half-life of CGA-362622 was estimated at 4 h in both purple and yellow nutsedge. Nomenclature: CGA-362622, N-([4,6-dimethoxy-2-pyrimidinyl]carbamoyl)-3-(2,2,2,-trifluoroethoxy)-pyridin-2-sulfonamide sodium salt; purple nutsedge, Cyperus rotundus L. CYPRO; yellow nutsedge, Cyperus esculentus L. CYPES.}, number={1}, journal={WEED SCIENCE}, author={Troxler, SC and Burke, IC and Wilcut, JW and Smith, WD and Burton, J}, year={2003}, pages={13–18} } @article{henson_skroch_burton_worsham_2003, title={Herbicide efficacy using a wet-blade application system}, volume={17}, ISSN={["0890-037X"]}, DOI={10.1614/0890-037X(2003)017[0320:HEUAWA]2.0.CO;2}, abstractNote={Field research was conducted to test a method of herbicide application in which chemical is placed directly onto cut surfaces of plants during a mowing operation. Specially designed mowers equipped with a fluid application system allow for low-volume herbicide application from the cutting blades during the mowing process (wet blade). Two prototype wet-blade machines, including a sickle bar cutter and a Burch Wet-Blade rotary mower, were used to apply triclopyr, clopyralid, and 2,4-D at various rates and combinations using a total carrier volume of 25 L/ha. Weed management studies were conducted on dogfennel, annual lespedeza, and clovers during a 2-yr period. Wet-blade herbicide applications were effective and performed as well as or better than comparative rates applied using a foliar spray technique. Triclopyr at 2.24 kg ae/ha controlled dogfennel when applied with either the rotary mower or the sickle bar cutter (94 and 77%, respectively). Rotary mower applications of 0.20 kg ae triclopyr + 0.07 kg ae clopyralid per hectare in rough turf achieved 90% control of annual lespedeza and 95% control of red and white clovers. Nomenclature: Clopyralid; 2,4-D; triclopyr; annual lespedeza, Lespedeza striata (Thunb.) H. & A.; dogfennel, Eupatorium capillifolium (Lam.) Small #3 EUPCP; red clover, Trifolium pratense L. # TRFPR.; white clover, Trifolium repens L. # TRFRE. Additional index words: Buckhorn plantain, clopyralid, clover, dogfennel, herbicide application technology, low volume, Plantago lanceolata L., triclopyr. Abbreviations: BWB, Burch Wet Blade; RCBD, randomized complete block design.}, number={2}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Henson, SE and Skroch, WA and Burton, JD and Worsham, AD}, year={2003}, pages={320–324} } @article{feusi_burton_williamson_pharr_1999, title={Galactosyl-sucrose metabolism and UDP-galactose pyrophosphorylase from Cucumis melo L-fruit}, volume={106}, DOI={10.1034/j.1399-3054.1999.106102.x}, abstractNote={In muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.), sink tissues receive stachyose, raffinose and sucrose through phloem translocation of carbohydrates that are formed as products of leaf photosynthesis. Melon fruits accumulate sucrose massively during the final stages of maturation. This sucrose is derived partially from the catabolism of raffinose saccharides. Rapid galactose metabolism is required, because liberation of free galactose is the first step in the metabolic utilization of the raffinose sugars. The current study demonstrates that the enzyme UDP‐glucose‐hexose‐1‐P uridylyltransferase (EC, the central enzyme in the classical Lelior pathway, is not the central enzyme in galactose metabolism in muskmelon fruit. Rather, a broad substrate specificity UDP‐galactose pyrophosphorylase (PPase) serves the same functional role. This enzyme accepts either UDP‐galactose or UDP‐glucose as a substrate and is different from a UDP‐glucose PPase with more strict substrate specificity for UDP‐glucose that is also present in melon tissue. UDP‐galactose PPase was purified 113‐fold from melon tissue and was shown to be a 54 kDa (size exclusion chromatography) to 68 kDa (SDS‐PAGE) protein that is enzymatically active as a monomer. We also present evidence that the enzyme likely accepts UDP‐galactose and UDP‐glucose at the same catalytic site. Polyclonal antibodies prepared against this protein reacted with numerous other antigens in melon extracts, apparently as a result of the presence of common antigenic epitopes.}, number={1}, journal={Physiologia Plantarum}, author={Feusi, M. E. S. and Burton, J. D. and Williamson, J. D. and Pharr, D. M.}, year={1999}, pages={9–16} } @article{fulcher_ranney_burton_walgenbach_danehower_1998, title={Natural resistance of Malus to adult Japanese beetles}, volume={188}, number={10}, journal={American Nurseryman}, author={Fulcher, A. F. and Ranney, T. G. and Burton, J. D. and Walgenbach, J. F. and Danehower, D. A.}, year={1998}, pages={56–57} } @article{patton_ranney_burton_walgenbach_1998, title={Natural resistance of Prunus to adult Japanese beetles}, volume={187}, number={10}, journal={American Nurseryman}, author={Patton, C. A. and Ranney, T. G. and Burton, J. D. and Walgenbach, J. F.}, year={1998}, pages={70–71} } @article{fulcher_ranney_burton_walgenbach_danehower_1998, title={Role of foliar phenolics in host plant resistance of Malus taxa to adult Japanese beetles}, volume={33}, number={5}, journal={HortScience}, author={Fulcher, A. F. and Ranney, T. G. and Burton, J. D. and Walgenbach, J. F. and Danehower, D. A.}, year={1998}, pages={862–865} } @article{wahlers_burton_maness_skroch_1997, title={A stem cut and blade delivery method of herbicide application for weed control}, volume={45}, number={6}, journal={Weed Science}, author={Wahlers, R. L. and Burton, J. D. and Maness, E. P. and Skroch, W. A.}, year={1997}, pages={829–832} } @article{pedersen_burton_coble_collins_fritz_1997, title={Efficacy of finish and its mechanism of action}, volume={2}, number={1997}, journal={Beltwide Cotton Conferences. Proceedings}, author={Pedersen, M.K. and Burton, J.D. and Coble, H.D. and Collins, J.R. and Fritz, D.}, year={1997}, pages={1363–1365} } @article{patton_ranney_burton_walgenbach_1997, title={Feeding responses of Japanese beetles to naturally occurring metabolites found in rosaceous plants}, volume={15}, number={4}, journal={Journal of Environmental Horticulture}, author={Patton, C. A. and Ranney, T. G. and Burton, J. D. and Walgenbach, J. F.}, year={1997}, pages={222–227} } @book{r. michael roe_kuhr_1997, title={Herbicide activity toxicology, biochemistry and molecular biology}, publisher={Amsterdam ;|aWashington, DC: IOS Press ;|aTokyo: Ohmsha}, author={R. Michael Roe, James D. Burton and Kuhr, Ronald J.}, year={1997} } @article{patton_ranney_burton_walgenbach_1997, title={Natural pest resistance of Prunus taxa to feeding by adult Japanese beetles: Role of endogenous allelochemicals in host plant resistance}, volume={122}, number={5}, journal={Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science}, author={Patton, C. A. and Ranney, T. G. and Burton, J. D. and Walgenbach, J. F.}, year={1997}, pages={668–672} } @article{patton_ranney_burton_walgenbach_1997, title={Naturally occurring pesticides found in cherry trees}, volume={31}, number={6}, journal={Nursery Notes (North Carolina Association of Nurserymen)}, author={Patton, C. A. and Ranney, T. G. and Burton, J. D. and Walgenbach, J. F.}, year={1997}, pages={83} } @article{wahlers_burton_maness_skroch_1997, title={Physiological characteristics of a stem cut and blade delivery method of application}, volume={45}, number={6}, journal={Weed Science}, author={Wahlers, R. L. and Burton, J. D. and Maness, E. P. and Skroch, W. A.}, year={1997}, pages={746–749} } @article{ma_coble_corbin_burton_1997, title={Physiological mechanisms for differential responses of three weed species to Prosulfuron}, volume={45}, number={5}, journal={Weed Science}, author={Ma, G.-Y. and Coble, H. D. and Corbin, F. T. and Burton, J. D.}, year={1997}, pages={642–647} } @article{fulcher_ranney_burton_walgenbach_danehower_1997, title={The role of endogenous phenolics in host plant resistance among Malus taxa to Japanese beetles}, volume={42}, number={1997}, journal={Proceedings of Southern Nurserymen's Association Research Conference Annual Report}, author={Fulcher, A. F. and Ranney, T. G. and Burton, J. D. and Walgenbach, J. F. and Danehower, D. A.}, year={1997}, pages={68–70} } @article{burton_1997, title={The search for novel herbicide target sites: Explorations off the beaten pathway. papers presented February 8, 1996, during the WSSA annual meeting in Norfolk, Virginia, as a sympo}, volume={45}, number={5}, journal={Weed Science}, author={Burton, J. D.}, year={1997}, pages={600} } @article{burton_maness_monks_robinson_1994, title={SULFONYLUREA SELECTIVITY AND SAFENER ACTIVITY IN LANDMARK AND MERIT SWEET CORN}, volume={48}, ISSN={["0048-3575"]}, DOI={10.1006/pest.1994.1017}, abstractNote={Abstract The sulfonylurea herbicides primisulfuron and nicosulfuron are phytotoxic to the sweet corn cultivar Merit, whereas most other cultivars, including ′Landmark,′ are relatively resistant. The mechanism of herbicide resistance between ′Merit′ and Landmark was studied. The sensitivity of acetolactate synthase (ALS) activity to primisulfuron and nicosulfuron in protein extracts from Merit and Landmark was compared as a possible mechanism of resistance. The rates of ALS activity from the two varieties were similar, at 0.58 and 0.57 μmol · (mg protein · hr) −1 for Merit and Landmark, respectively. Enzyme activity from both varieties was sensitive to herbicide inhibition. I 50 values for primisulfuron were 16 and 12 n M for inhibition of ALS activity from Merit and Landmark, respectively. I 50 values for nicosulfuron were 340 and 295 n M for inhibition of ALS activity from Merit and Landmark, respectively. The relative levels of primisulfuron and nicosulfuron metabolism in Merit and Landmark were also considered as a mechanism of resistance. Excised shoots from Landmark had a much greater capacity to metabolize primisulfuron and nicosulfuron than Merit. With Merit, after 8 hr, 8.3 and 13.3% of the extracted radioactivity was found as primisulfuron and nicosulfuron metabolites, respectively, whereas 60.5 and 63.5% of the extracted radioactivity in Landmark was found as primisulfuron and nicosulfuron metabolites, respectively. The effect of the safener BAS 145 138 on ALS activity and herbicide metabolism in both cultivars was also studied. BAS 145 138 did not affect ALS activity or herbicide sensitivity in either species. BAS 145 138 did not affect primisulfuron or nicosulfuron metabolism in Merit, whereas BAS 145 138 increased the metabolism of both herbicides in Landmark. Safener treatment increased the metabolism of primisulfuron from 33% in untreated to 49% in treated Landmark seedlings. The metabolism of nicosulfuron increased from 61% in the untreated Landmark to 84% in the treated seedlings. Because ALS activity from both Merit and Landmark was equally sensitive to both nicosulfuron and primisulfuron, differential sensitivity at the proposed biochemical site of action does not account for the observed selectivity at the whole plant level. The greater level of sulfonylurea metabolism in Landmark than Merit suggests that resistance to these herbicides is due to metabolic detoxication of the parent herbicide. BAS 145 138 enhanced herbicide metabolism in Landmark but not Merit.}, number={3}, journal={PESTICIDE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY}, author={BURTON, JD and MANESS, EP and MONKS, DW and ROBINSON, DK}, year={1994}, month={Mar}, pages={163–172} } @article{burton_maness_1992, title={CONSTITUTIVE AND INDUCIBLE BENTAZON HYDROXYLATION IN SHATTERCANE (SORGHUM-BICOLOR) AND JOHNSONGRASS (S-HALAPENSE)}, volume={44}, ISSN={["1095-9939"]}, DOI={10.1016/0048-3575(92)90007-M}, abstractNote={Bentazon hydroxylation was studied in excised shoots and microsomal preparations from shattercane (Sorghum bicolor) and Johnsongrass (S. halapense). Studies in vivo were conducted using excised shoots from untreated (constitutive) and naphthalic anhydride (NA)-treated (induced) etiolated seedlings. Both shattercane and Johnsongrass rapidly metabolized [14C]bentazon forming two metabolites: A minor metabolite of 6-OH-bentazon and a major metabolite, tentatively identified as the glycosyl conjugate of 6-OH-bentazon. Pretreating the seeds of both species with naphthalic anhydride increased bentazon metabolism in etiolated shoots by twofold. The cytochrome P450 inhibitor tetcyclacis (50 μM) reduced bentazon metabolism in shoots from both NA-treated and untreated seedlings greater than 90%. Studies in vitro were conducted using microsomal preparations derived from NA-treated and untreated shattercance and Johnsongrass seedlings. Bentazon metabolism in microsomal preparations from both treated and untreated shattercane and Johnsongrass seedlings produced a single product: 6-OH-bentazon. Pretreatment of either shattercane or Johnsongrass with NA increased bentazon hydroxylation in vitro approximately twofold. Bentazon hydroxylation was nearly linear for 30 min in microsomal assays with both treated and untreated shattercane and Johnsongrass. Tetcyclacis (10 μM) and PBO (100 μM) inhibited bentazon hydroxylation in microsomes from treated and untreated seedlings from both species. Tridiphane (50 μM) did not affect bentazon hydroxylation. Substrate saturation assays demonstrated that bentazon hydroxylation in vitro was saturable. Kinetic constants calculated for bentazon hydroxylation with NA-treated and untreated shattercane were Km = 234 and 317 μM, respectively, and Vmax = 3.54 and 2.00 nmol · (mg protein · min)−1, respectively. Kinetic constants calculated for bentazon hydroxylation with NA-treated and untreated Johnsongrass were Km = 160 μM and 235 μM, respectively, and Vmax = 1.25 and 0.68 nmol · (mg protein · min)−1, respectively. These data suggest that bentazon hydroxylation in NA-treated and untreated shattercane and Johnsongrass is mediated by constitutive and inducible cytochrome P450 monooxygenase(s).}, number={1}, journal={PESTICIDE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY}, author={BURTON, JD and MANESS, EP}, year={1992}, month={Sep}, pages={40–49} }