CFD Drinking Water Wastewater Bioinformatics Metabolic Engineering
Professor in Civil, Construction, Environmental Engineering at NC State University
2024 journal article
Fat, Oil, and Grease Sewer Waste Management System: A Modeling Platform for Simulating the Formation of FOG Deposits in Sewer Networks
2024 article
Measurement and Temperature Prediction from Ash Disposed in Landfills Using a Quasi-Adiabatic Flow Reactor
Narode, A., Hao, Z., Pourghaz, M., Ducoste, J. J., & Barlaz, M. A. (2024, May 13). ACS ES&T ENGINEERING, Vol. 5.
2024 journal article
Microbial community assembly in engineered bioreactors
Contributors: S. Smith n, J. Weaver *, n & F. Iii
2024 article
Perturbations to common gardens of anaerobic co-digesters reveal relationships between functional resilience and microbial community composition
Wang, L., Ducoste, J. J., & de los Reyes III, F. L. (2024, August 27). (I. Cann, Ed.). APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, Vol. 8.
Ed(s): I. Cann
2024 conference paper
WIP: Piloting a Comprehensive Needs Assessment to Enhance Engineering Faculty Development
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings. Presented at the 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, Oregon.
Event: 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition at Portland, Oregon on June 23, 2024
2023 journal article
Biotransformation of micropollutants in moving bed biofilm reactors under heterotrophic and autotrophic conditions
2023 journal article
Growth of Dunaliella viridis in multiple cycles of reclaimed media after repeated high pH-induced flocculation and harvesting
Contributors: Y. Lai n, n & F. de los Reyes III
2023 journal article
Microplate-Based Cell Viability Assay as a Cost-Effective Alternative to Flow Cytometry for Microalgae Analysis
Contributors: D. Wang n, F. de los Reyes III & n
2023 article
Quasi-Mechanistic 3D Finite Element Model Predicts Temperatures in a U.S. Landfill
Hao, Z., Barlaz, M. A., & Ducoste, J. J. (2023, November 28). ACS ES&T ENGINEERING, Vol. 11.
2022 article
Effects of UV-C Disinfection on N95 and KN95 Filtering Facepiece Respirator Reuse
Bernardy, C., Elardo, N., Trautz, A., Malley, J., Wang, D., & Ducoste, J. (2022, September 21). APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, Vol. 9.
2021 article
AEESP Endured Despite a Challenging Year
Ducoste, J. J. (2021, September 1). ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, Vol. 38, pp. 819–821.
2021 speech
Algae Dynamic and functional modeling of carbon metabolism in photosynthetic microalgae
Wang, D., Lai, Y., Karam, A. L., de los Reyes, F. L., III, & Ducoste, J. J. (2021, June). Presented at the 10th Algal Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts Conference.
Event: 10th Algal Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts Conference on June 16, 2021
2021 journal article
Chlorophyll a and non-pigmented biomass are sufficient predictors for estimating light attenuation during cultivation of Dunaliella viridis
Contributors: A. Karam n, Y. Lai n, F. Reyes n & n
2021 journal article
Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Suspended Solids Transport in a Secondary Facultative Lagoon Used for Wastewater Treatment
WATER, 13(17).
2021 speech
Ding Ding Ding, Fatberg right ahead!: The challenges of sewer collection system sustainability and dealing with fats, oils, and grease discharge
Ducoste, J. J. (2021, March). Presented at the Drexel University, (Virtual).
Event: Drexel University at (Virtual)
2021 speech
Factors that Influence the Formation and Surface Adhesion of Fat, Oil, and Grease (FOG) Deposits
Kusum, S. A., Pour-Ghaz, M., & Ducoste, J. (2021, March). Presented at the Water Environment Foundation Collection Systems Virtual Event, (Virtual).
Event: Water Environment Foundation Collection Systems Virtual Event at (Virtual) on March 23-25, 2021
2021 journal article
Measurement of heat release during hydration and carbonation of ash disposed in landfills using an isothermal calorimeter
Waste Management, 124, 348–355.
2021 speech
Modeling environmental bioreactors treating wastewater by integrating biological processes, floc microenvironments, and computational fluid dynamics
Weaver, J., de los Reyes, F., & Ducoste, J. J. (2021, June). Presented at the Early Career Research Conference, (Virtual).
Event: Early Career Research Conference at (Virtual) on June 15-19, 2021
2021 journal article
The Healing and Joyful Power of the Service to Others
Environmental Engineering Science, 38(4), 209–210.
2021 journal article
The effect of activated sludge floc morphology on the measurement of biomass half-saturation coefficient: A 2D CFD biofilm model-based evaluation and experimental verification
Biochemical Engineering Journal, 168, 107931.
2021 speech
Understanding the Generation of Elevated Temperature Landfills through Finite Element Modeling
Ducoste, J. J. (2021, April). Presented at the University of Florida, (Virtual).
Event: University of Florida at (Virtual)
2020 journal article
AEESP: A Collective Force to Achieve Educational and Research Heights in Environmental Engineering and Science
Environmental Engineering Science, 38(1), 1–3.
2020 journal article
Assessment of alternative herbicides for residential sewer root treatment and their effects on downstream treatment plant nitrification
Journal of Environmental Management, 258, 110058.
Contributors: M. Eslamiamirabadi n, J. Burton n, F. Reyes n & n
2020 journal article
Biodegradation of organophosphorus pesticides in moving bed biofilm reactors: Analysis of microbial community and biodegradation pathways
2020 speech
Changing the Tide of Post Tenure Review
Ducoste, J. J. (2020, June). Presented at the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Virtual Annual Conference, (Virtual).
Event: American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Virtual Annual Conference at (Virtual) on June 24, 2020
2020 conference paper
Clearing the Haze from Grease Interceptor Design
Ducoste, J. J. (2020, August 27). Presented at the Water Environment Association of Texas (WEAT) Capacity, Management, Operation & Maintenance (CMOM) Virtual Conference, (Virtual).
Event: Water Environment Association of Texas (WEAT) Capacity, Management, Operation & Maintenance (CMOM) Virtual Conference at (Virtual) on August 27, 2020
2020 conference paper
Development of methods to measure heat released from ash hydration and carbonation in landfills
Narode, A., Pour-Ghaz, M., Ducoste, J., & Barlaz, M. (2020, February 23). Presented at the Global Waste Management Symposium, Indian Wells, CA.
Event: Global Waste Management Symposium at Indian Wells, CA on February 23-26, 2020
2020 conference paper
Does the inoculum source improve anaerobic digestion of marine microalgae Dunaliella viridis?
Lai, Y.-C., Ducoste, J. J., & de los Reyes, F. L. (2020, June 15). Presented at the 10th International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts, Pittsburgh, PA (Conference postponed).
Event: 10th International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts at Pittsburgh, PA (Conference postponed) on June 15-17, 2020
2020 conference paper
Dynamic and functional modeling of carbon metabolism in photosynthetic microalgae
Presented at the 10th Algal Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts Conference, Pittsburgh, PA (Conference postponed).
Event: 10th Algal Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts Conference at Pittsburgh, PA (Conference postponed) on June 15-17, 2020
2020 conference paper
Evaluation of Fly Ash as a cement replacement to reduce sewer collection system infrastructure maintenance and enhance sustainability
Kusum, S., Pour-Ghaz, M., & Ducoste, J. (2020, March 18). Presented at the Water Resource Research Institute (WRRI) Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC (Conference Cancelled).
Event: Water Resource Research Institute (WRRI) Annual Conference at Raleigh, NC (Conference Cancelled) on March 18-19, 2020
2020 conference paper
Experimental Measurement of Heat Production from Al Corrosion under Landfill-Relevant Conditions
Hao, Z., Ducoste, J., & Barlaz, M. (2020, February 23). Presented at the Global Waste Management Symposium, Indian Wells, CA.
Event: Global Waste Management Symposium at Indian Wells, CA on February 23-26, 2020
2020 speech
Explaining the Formation of Elevated Temperatures in Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
Ducoste, J. J. (2020, February). Presented at the Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas.
Event: Southern Methodist University at Dallas, Texas on February 12, 2020
2020 journal article
Finite-Element Modeling of Landfills to Estimate Heat Generation, Transport, and Accumulation
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 146(12), 04020134.
2020 speech
Improving Diversity in Environmental Engineering and Science
Ducoste, J. J. (2020, August). Presented at the CentrEau Webinar, Laval University, (Virtual).
Event: CentrEau Webinar, Laval University at (Virtual) on August 6, 2020
2020 journal article
Reducing fat, oil, and grease (FOG) deposits formation and adhesion on sewer collection system structures through the use of fly ash replaced cement-based materials
Water Research, 186, 116304.
2020 speech
Successfully Obtaining Tenure and Promotion at an R1 University
Ducoste, J. J. (2020, May). Presented at the Preparing Future Minority Faculty (PFMF) 2020 Symposium, NC A&T University.
Event: Preparing Future Minority Faculty (PFMF) 2020 Symposium at NC A&T University on May 14, 2020
2019 speech
Designing Efficient Grease Abatement Systems
Ducoste, J. J. (2019, March). Presented at the National Precast Concrete Association Annual Conference, Louisville, KY.
Event: National Precast Concrete Association Annual Conference at Louisville, KY on March 2, 2019
2019 journal article
Dynamic Modeling of Microalgae Growth and Lipid Production under Transient Light and Nitrogen Conditions
Environmental Science & Technology, 53(19), 11560–11568.
Contributors: D. Wang n, Y. Lai n, A. Karam n, F. De Los Reyes n & n
2019 journal article
Dynamic modelling of the iron deficiency modulated transcriptome response in Arabidopsis thaliana roots
In Silico Plants, 1(1).
2019 speech
Evaluation of alternative light models for estimating light attenuation during microalgal cultivation
Karam, A., de los Reyes, F., III, & Ducoste, J. (2019, May). Presented at the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) 2019 Research and Education Conference, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
Event: Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) 2019 Research and Education Conference at Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ on May 14-16, 2019
2019 speech
Full of Gold (FOG): Identifying value added initiatives for Fats, oil, and Grease waste streams
Ducoste, J. J. (2019, August). Presented at the Water Environment Association of Texas (WEAT) Capacity, Management, Operation & Maintenance (CMOM) Conference, Austin, TX.
Event: Water Environment Association of Texas (WEAT) Capacity, Management, Operation & Maintenance (CMOM) Conference at Austin, TX on August 19, 2019
2019 journal article
Increased loading stress leads to convergence of microbial communities and high methane yields in adapted anaerobic co-digesters
Water Research, 169, 115155.
Contributors: L. Wang n, E. Hossen n, T. Aziz n , n & F. Reyes n
2019 conference paper
It’s Time to Disrupt this Industry
Presented at the Water Environment Federation (WEF) Interactive Knowledge Exchange (IKE) video submission, Water Environment Federation Technology Conference, Chicago, IL.
Event: Water Environment Federation (WEF) Interactive Knowledge Exchange (IKE) video submission, Water Environment Federation Technology Conference at Chicago, IL on September 21-25, 2019
2019 journal article
Measuring the Shape and Size of Activated Sludge Particles Immobilized in Agar with an Open Source Software Pipeline
Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2019(143).
Contributors: J. Weaver n , J. Williams n, n & F. De Los Reyes n
2019 journal article
Modeling cell aggregate morphology during aerobic granulation in activated sludge processes reveals the combined effect of substrate and shear
Water Research, 170(115384), 115384.
Contributors: J. Wu *, F. Reyes n & n
2019 journal article
Relating nitrogen concentration and light intensity to the growth and lipid accumulation of Dunaliella viridis in a photobioreactor
Journal of Applied Phycology, 31(6), 3397–3409.
Contributors: Y. Lai n, A. Karam n, H. Sederoff n , n & F. Reyes n
2019 speech
Tips on Successfully Navigating Graduate School
Ducoste, J. J. (2019, October). Presented at the Florida International University, Miami, FL.
Event: Florida International University at Miami, FL on October 18, 2019
2018 speech
A Spatial Variation Model Describing Generation, Accumulation, and Propagation of Heat in Municipal Solid
Hao, Z., Ducoste, J., & Barlaz, M. (2018, February). Presented at the Global Waste Management Symposium, Indian Wells, CA.
Event: Global Waste Management Symposium at Indian Wells, CA on February 11-14, 2018
2018 speech
A life’s Journey in Being a Transformative Agent of Change
Ducoste, J. J. (2018, November). Presented at the Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL.
Event: Florida State University at Tallahassee, FL on November 19, 2018
2018 conference paper
Alternative Binder Materials and its Application in Concrete Sewer Structures for Possible Reduction in Fat, Oil and Grease (FOG) Related Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs)
Presented at the North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NC AWWA) Water Environment Association (WEA) Spring Symposium Conference, Ashville, NC.
Event: North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NC AWWA) Water Environment Association (WEA) Spring Symposium Conference at Ashville, NC on March 25-27, 2018
2018 speech
Assessing Surface Characteristics to reduce the adhesion of Fats, Oils, and Grease Deposits
Ducoste, J. J. (2018, October). Keynote presented at the North Carolina ONSITE Water Protection Conference.
Event: North Carolina ONSITE Water Protection Conference on October 16, 2018
2018 journal article
Assessing the impact of the 4CL enzyme complex on the robustness of monolignol biosynthesis using metabolic pathway analysis
PLOS ONE, 13(3), e0193896.
Contributors: P. Naik n, J. Wang n , R. Sederoff n, V. Chiang n, C. Williams n & n
Ed(s): D. Cullen
2018 speech
Building your Academic Brand
Ducoste, J. J. (2018, March). Presented at the Academic and Research Leadership Network Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA.
Event: Academic and Research Leadership Network Symposium at Pittsburgh, PA on March 23-24, 2018
2018 journal article
Controlling aerobic biological floc size using Couette-Taylor Bioreactors
Water Research, 147, 177–183.
Contributors: J. Weaver* , H. Hong, * & F. Reyes
2018 speech
Development of Photochemical Microsensors for Evaluating Light Distributions within Algal Photosynthetic Bioreactors
Ducoste, J. J. (2018, April). Presented at the Clemson University, Clemson, SC.
Event: Clemson University at Clemson, SC on April 13, 2018
2018 journal article
Development of Photochemical Microsensors for Evaluating Photosynthetic Light Dose Distributions in Microalgal Photobioreactors
Environmental Science & Technology, 52(21), 12538–12545.
Contributors: A. Karam n, F. De Los Reyes n & n
2018 conference paper
Dynamic modeling of Dunaliella viridis growth and storage molecule production under different light and nitrogen conditions
Presented at the North Carolina Microbiome Consortium Symposium, Raleigh, NC.
Event: North Carolina Microbiome Consortium Symposium at Raleigh, NC on May 15, 2018
2018 conference paper
Evaluating alternative binder materials for Sewer Collection System Concrete Structures to reduce FOG related SSOs
Kusum, S., Pour-Ghaz, M., & Ducoste, J. (2018, April 8). Presented at the Water Environment Foundation (WEF) Collection System Specialty Conference, Virginia Beach, VA.
Event: Water Environment Foundation (WEF) Collection System Specialty Conference at Virginia Beach, VA on April 8-11, 2018
2018 journal article
Flux modeling for monolignol biosynthesis
Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 56, 187–192.
Contributors: J. Wang n , M. Matthews n, P. Naik n, C. Williams n , n , R. Sederoff n, V. Chiang n
2018 journal article
Genetic Algorithm–Genetic Programming Approach to Identify Hierarchical Models for Ultraviolet Disinfection Reactors
Journal of Environmental Engineering, 145(2), 04018139.
Contributors: J. Monroe n, n & E. Berglund n
2018 journal article
Improving wood properties for wood utilization through multi-omics integration in lignin biosynthesis
Nature Communications, 9(1), 1579.
Contributors: J. Wang n , M. Matthews n, C. Williams n , R. Shi n, C. Yang n, S. Tunlaya-Anukit n, H. Chen n, Q. Li *
2018 conference paper
Preliminary tests of sensors to detect sewer network blockages
ASABE 2018 Annual International Meeting.
Contributors: T. Curran *, C. Broderick * & n
2018 speech
Slip Sliding away: Minimizing FOG Deposit Adhesion to Sewer Surfaces
Ducoste, J. J. (2018, August). Presented at the Water Environment Association of Texas (WEAT), Capacity, Management, Operation & Maintenance (CMOM) Conference, Austin, TX.
Event: Water Environment Association of Texas (WEAT), Capacity, Management, Operation & Maintenance (CMOM) Conference at Austin, TX on August 20, 2018
2018 speech
The Art of a graduate school Application: What’s in the mind of Faculty
Ducoste, J. J. (2018, November). Presented at the University of Alabama, Huntsville, AL.
Event: University of Alabama at Huntsville, AL on November 13, 2018
2018 speech
Tips/information to successfully navigate graduate school Application/Decision and Fellowship Opportunities
Ducoste, J. J. (2018, October). Presented at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC.
Event: University of North Carolina at Charlotte, NC on October 30, 2018
2018 conference paper
Unintended Consequences of a Local Fats, Oils, and Grease Limits
Sadler, M., Wischer, B., Gordon, J., Wilkerson, C., Tabor, C., Fredericks, D., & Ducoste, J. (2018, March 5). Presented at the Virginia Water Environment Association (WEA) Industrial Waste & Pretreatment Conference, Charlottesville, VA.
Event: Virginia Water Environment Association (WEA) Industrial Waste & Pretreatment Conference at Charlottesville, VA on March 5-6, 2018
2017 conference paper
A Model to Describe Heat Generation and Accumulation at Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
Geotechnical Frontiers 2017, (276), 281–288.
Event: Geotechnical Frontiers 2017 at Orlando, FL on March 12-15, 2017
2017 journal article
A critical review of fat, oil, and grease (FOG) in sewer collection systems: Challenges and control
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 47(13), 1191–1217.
Contributors: X. He n, F. Reyes n & n
2017 journal article
Another Grand Challenge: Diversity in Environmental Engineering
Environmental Engineering Science, 35(6), 568–572.
Contributors: L. Blaney *, J. Perlinger *, S. Bartelt-Hunt *, R. Kandiah * & n
2017 journal article
Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy for determination of Long Chain Free Fatty Acid concentration in oily wastewater using the double wavenumber extrapolation technique
TALANTA, 165, 526–532.
2017 journal article
Construction and Setup of a Bench-scale Algal Photosynthetic Bioreactor with Temperature, Light, and pH Monitoring for Kinetic Growth Tests
Journal of Visualized Experiments, 6(124).
Contributors: A. Karam n, C. McMillan n, Y. Lai n, F. De Los Reyes n , H. Sederoff n , A. Grunden n, R. Ranjithan n, J. Levis n, n
2017 journal article
Construction and setup of a bench-scale algal photosynthetic bioreactor with temperature, light, and ph monitoring for kinetic growth tests
Jove-Journal of Visualized Experiments, (124).
2017 speech
Development of Photochemical Microsensors for Evaluating Light Distribution within Microalgal Photosynthetic Bioreactors
Karam, A. L., Ducoste, J. J., & de los Reyes, F. L., III. (2017, June). Presented at the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Event: Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) Conference, at Ann Arbor, Michigan on June 22-24, 2017
2017 speech
Drinking Water Treatment: What Happens from Source to Tap
Seminar presented at the St Augustine University, Raleigh, NC.
Event: St Augustine University at Raleigh, NC
2017 journal article
Heat Generation and Accumulation in Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
Environmental Science & Technology, 51(21), 12434–12442.
Contributors: Z. Hao n, M. Sun *, n , C. Benson *, S. Luettich*, M. Castaldi *, M. Barlaz n
2017 speech
Holy Dish Pan Hands Batman, there are Soaps in the Sewers: Fats, Oil, and Grease Issues in Sewer Systems
Seminar presented at the University of South Florida, Tampa, FL.
Event: University of South Florida at Tampa, FL
2017 speech
Integrative Dynamic Modeling Using Diverse Biological Datasets
Williams, C., Koryachko, A., Matthiadis, A., Muhammad, D., Brady, S. M., Ducoste, J., … Long, T. A. (2017, June). Presented at the Crops In Silico Symposium and Workshop, University of Oxford, UK.
Event: Crops In Silico Symposium and Workshop at University of Oxford, UK on June 12, 2017
2017 journal article
Modeling fats, oil and grease deposit formation and accumulation in sewer collection systems
2017 conference paper
Physiological responses of microalgae, Dunaliella viridis, during nitrogen–limited growth
Lai, Y. C., Karam, A., Ranjithan, R., Levis, J., de los Reyes, F. L., III, & Ducoste, J. (2017, June 18). Presented at the 7th International Conference on Biofuels, Biomass, and Bioproducts, Miami, FL.
Event: 7th International Conference on Biofuels, Biomass, and Bioproducts at Miami, FL on June 18-21, 2017
2017 conference paper
Quantifying Light Distributions within Microalgal Photosynthetic Bioreactors Using Novel Microsensors
Karam, A., Lai, Y. C., Liu, J., Ranjithan, R., Levis, J., de los Reyes, F. L., III, & Ducoste, J. (2017, June 18). Presented at the 7th International Conference on Biofuels, Biomass, and Bioproducts, Miami, FL.
Event: 7th International Conference on Biofuels, Biomass, and Bioproducts at Miami, FL on June 18-21, 2017
2017 speech
Raising the Value of Water: A strategy for Greater Public Health Protection
Seminar presented at the Shaw University, Raleigh, NC.
Event: Shaw University at Raleigh, NC
2017 magazine article
Unintended Consequences of a Local Fats, Oils, and Grease Limits Revisions: One Utilizity’s Experience with FOG
Sadler, M., Wischer, B., Gordon, J., Wilkerson, C., Tabor, C., Fredericks, D., & Ducoste, J. (2017, August 28). Horizons New Letter.
2017 conference paper
Unintended consequences of a local limits revision: One utility's experience with fats, oils, and grease
Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference 2017, WEFTEC 2017, 8, 5522–5534.
2016 chapter
A Proteomic-Based Quantitative Analysis of the Relationship Between Monolignol Biosynthetic Protein Abundance and Lignin Content Using TransgenicPopulus trichocarpa
In V. C. Kumi Yoshida & S. Quideau (Eds.), Recent Advances in Polyphenol Research (Vol. 5, pp. 89–107).
Ed(s): V. Kumi Yoshida & S. Quideau
2016 journal article
CFD for wastewater treatment: an overview
Contributors: R. Samstag*, n , A. Griborio*, I. Nopens *, D. Batstone *, J. Wicks *, S. Saunders *, E. Wicklein, G. Kenny, J. Laurent *
2016 speech
Clustering and Differential Alignment Algorithm: Identification of Early Stage Regulators in the A. thaliana Iron Deficiency Response
Williams, C., Koryachko, A., Matthiadis, A., Muhammad, D., Foret, J., Brady, S. M., … Long, T. A. (2016, March). Presented at the Pittcon Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Event: Pittcon Conference at Atlanta, GA
2016 speech
Computational prediction of regulatory relationships: New players in the Arabidopsis thaliana iron deficiency response
Matthiadis, A., Koryachko, A., Muhammad, D., Foret, J., Brady, S. M., Ducoste, J., … Long, T. A. (2016, July). Presented at the Salt & Minerals Symposium, American Society of Plant Biology (ASPB) Annual Meeting, Austin, TX.
Event: Salt & Minerals Symposium, American Society of Plant Biology (ASPB) Annual Meeting at Austin, TX
2016 conference paper
Determination of Long Chain Free Fatty Acid (LCFFA) in Wastewater Using a Novel Double Wavenumber FTIR Technique for the Protection of Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems
Hao, Z., Malyala, D., & Ducoste, J. (2016, November 13). Presented at the North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NCAWWA)-Water Environment Association (WEA), Raleigh, NC.
Event: North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NCAWWA)-Water Environment Association (WEA) at Raleigh, NC on November 13-16, 2016
2016 conference paper
Determining the fate of Long Chain Free Fatty Acids and Fats, Oils and Grease in Sewer Collection Systems using a double waveband FTIR technique
Malyala, D., Hao, Z., & Ducoste, J. (2016, November 13). Presented at the North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NCAWWA)-Water Environment Association (WEA), Raleigh, NC.
Event: North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NCAWWA)-Water Environment Association (WEA) at Raleigh, NC on November 13-16, 2016
2016 speech
Directing microbial community assembly in anaerobic reactors: implications for increasing methane yields and improving start-up
de los Reyes, F. L., III, Wang, L., Shen, P., Yeh, J., Aziz, T., & Ducoste, J. J. (2016, March). Presented at the Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI) Conference, Raleigh, NC.
Event: Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI) Conference at Raleigh, NC on March 17-18, 2016
2016 speech
Drinking Water Treatment: What Happens from Source to Tap
Presented at the Durham Technical Community College, Durham, NC.
Event: Durham Technical Community College at Durham, NC
2016 conference paper
Fluid shear variation potentially plays a role in aerobic granular sludge formation
WEFTEC 2016 - 89th Water Environment Federation Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference, 3, 5737–5744.
2016 speech
Game Changer: A New Technique for Measuring the Performance of Grease Interceptors
Presented at the Water Environment Association of Texas (WEAT) Capacity, Management, Operation & Maintenance (CMOM) Conference, Austin, TX.
Event: Water Environment Association of Texas (WEAT) Capacity, Management, Operation & Maintenance (CMOM) Conference at Austin, TX
2016 speech
Grease Removal Devices: Challenges in the Removal of FOG Emulsions and the Impact of Food Service Establishment Operations
Presented at the 32nd Annual Onsite Water Protection Conference, Raleigh, NC.
Event: 32nd Annual Onsite Water Protection Conference at Raleigh, NC
2016 conference paper
Inducing Aerobic Granular Sludge Formation Through Unevenly Distributed Hydrodynamic Shear Rates
Weaver, J. E., Ducoste, J. J., & de los Reyes, F. L. (2016, November 13). Presented at the North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NCAWWA)-Water Environment Association (WEA), Raleigh, NC.
Event: North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NCAWWA)-Water Environment Association (WEA) at Raleigh, NC on November 13-16, 2016
2016 conference paper
Photochemical Micro-sensors for Evaluating Light Distribution within Photosyntheitic Biioreactors for Biofuels Production
Karam, A., de los Reyes, F. L., III, Levis, J., Ranjithan, R., & Ducoste, J. (2016, June 26). Presented at the 6th International Conference on Algal Biomass and Bioproducts, San Diego, CA.
Event: 6th International Conference on Algal Biomass and Bioproducts at San Diego, CA on June 26-29, 2016
2016 journal article
Structural characteristics and development of the cake layer in a dynamic membrane bioreactor
Contributors: J. Xiong*, D. Fu *, R. Singh * & n
2016 journal article
Trends in Population and Demographics of US Environmental Engineering Students and Faculty from 2005 to 2013
Contributors: L. Blaney *, R. Kandiah *, n , J. Perlinger * & S. Bartelt-Hunt *
2016 speech
Understanding and Predicting Temperatures in Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
Hao, Z., Sun, M., Ducoste, J., Barlaz, M., Benson, C., Castaldi, M., & Luettich, S. (2016, January). Presented at the Global Waste Management Symposium, Indian Wells, CA.
Event: Global Waste Management Symposium at Indian Wells, CA on January 31 - February 3, 2016
2015 speech
Algorithm application to identify novel regulators in the Arabidopsis thaliana iron deficiency response
Matthiadis, A., Koryachko, A., Muhammad, D., Foret, J., Brady, S. M., Ducoste, J., … Long, T. A. (2015, July). Presented at the Ionomics Workshop, International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR), Paris, France.
Event: Ionomics Workshop, International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR) at Paris, France
2015 journal article
Clustering and Differential Alignment Algorithm: Identification of Early Stage Regulators in the Arabidopsis thaliana Iron Deficiency Response
PLOS ONE, 10(8).
Contributors: A. Koryachko n, A. Matthiadis n, D. Muhammad n, J. Foret *, S. Brady *, n , J. Tuck n , T. Long n , C. Williams n
2015 journal article
Computational approaches to identify regulators of plant stress response using high-throughput gene expression data
Current Plant Biology, 3-4, 20–29.
Contributors: A. Koryachko n, A. Matthiadis n, n , J. Tuck n , T. Long n & C. Williams n
2015 conference paper
Coupling fluid dynamics with kinetic modeling to quantify the effects of photosynthetic bioreactor design and operation on yield performance
Presented at the 249th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting, Denver, CO.
Event: 249th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting at Denver, CO on March 22-26, 2015
2015 conference paper
Directing Microbial Community Assembly by Deterministic Niche Differentiaion in Anaerobic Digesters
WEFTEC 2015 : the water quality event : conference program and exhibitor guide : 88th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference, McCormick Place, Chicago, Illinois, USA, September 26-30, 2015. Presented at the 88th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference, Chicago, IL.
Event: 88th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference at Chicago, IL on September 26-30, 2015
2015 journal article
Good modelling practice in applying computational fluid dynamics for WWTP modelling
Contributors: E. Wicklein, D. Batstone *, n , J. Laurent *, A. Griborio*, J. Wicks *, S. Saunders, R. Samstag*, O. Potier *, I. Nopens *
2015 journal article
Heuristic optimization of a continuous flow point-of-use UV-LED disinfection reactor using computational fluid dynamics
Water Research, 83, 310–318.
Contributors: R. Jenny n, M. Jasper n, O. Simmons n, M. Shatalov* & n
2015 speech
How Restaurant Kitchen Practices Influence FOG Deposit Formation in Sewer Collection Systems
Presented at the Water Environment Association of Texas (WEAT) Capacity, Management, Operation & Maintenance (CMOM) Conference, Austin, TX.
Event: Water Environment Association of Texas (WEAT) Capacity, Management, Operation & Maintenance (CMOM) Conference at Austin, TX
2015 conference paper
How to train your digester - Using step and pulse feeding of grease waste to increase community resistance and methane yield by up to 336%
Proceedings of the Air and Waste Management Association's Annual Conference and Exhibition, AWMA, 3, 1581–1589.
2015 speech
Internal and External Grease Interceptors: Challenges in the Removal of FOG Emulsions and the Impact of Food Service Establishment Kitchen Operations
Keynote presented at the Fat, Oil and Grease (FOG) - New Times New Solutions Conference, Cranfield University UK.
Event: Fat, Oil and Grease (FOG) - New Times New Solutions Conference at Cranfield University UK
2015 conference paper
Pore Channel Tortuosity in 3D Nonwoven Structures
Vallabh, R., Seyam, A., Banks-Lee, P., & Ducoste, J. (2015, May 26). Presented at the 6th World Conference on 3D Fabrics and their Applications, Raleigh, NC.
Event: 6th World Conference on 3D Fabrics and their Applications at Raleigh, NC on May 26-28, 2015
2015 journal article
Quantifying fat, oil, and grease deposit formation kinetics
WATER RESEARCH, 88, 786–795.
2015 conference paper
Using 16s metagenomics to determine microbial population shifts associated with a 336% boost in methane yield during anaerobic co-digestion of grease waste
88th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference, WEFTEC 2015, 8, 6112–6118.
2014 journal article
A protocol for the use of computational fluid dynamics as a supportive tool for wastewater treatment plant modelling
Contributors: J. Laurent *, R. Samstag*, n , A. Griborio*, I. Nopens *, D. Batstone *, J. Wicks *, S. Saunders, O. Potier *
2014 conference paper
CFD as a tool for WWTP Unit Process Modeling
Samstag, R., Ducoste, J., Gribrio, A., Nopens, I., Batstone, D., Wicks, J., … Potier, O. (2014, March 30). Presented at the International Water Association (IWA)/Water Environment Federation (WEF) Waste Water Treatment (WWT) MOD, Belgium.
Event: International Water Association (IWA)/Water Environment Federation (WEF) Waste Water Treatment (WWT) MOD at Belgium on March 30 - April 2, 2014
2014 conference paper
Challenges in Designing a UV LED Reactor for Disinfection: Why CFD Should be your Best Friend
Jenny, R., & Ducoste, J. (2014, November 16). Presented at the American Water Works Association, Water Quality Technology Conference (AWWA WQTC), New Orleans, LA.
Event: American Water Works Association, Water Quality Technology Conference (AWWA WQTC) at New Orleans, LA on November 16-20, 2014
2014 journal article
Complete Proteomic-Based Enzyme Reaction and Inhibition Kinetics Reveal How Monolignol Biosynthetic Enzyme Families Affect Metabolic Flux and Lignin in Populus trichocarpa
The Plant Cell, 26(3), 894–914.
2014 conference paper
Computational Fluid Dynamics Optimization of a Continuous Flow Point of Use UV LED Disinfection Reactor
Presented at the International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA) Regional Conference, White Plains, NY.
Event: International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA) Regional Conference at White Plains, NY on October 26, 2014
2014 journal article
Computational fluid dynamics modeling alternatives for UV-initiated advanced oxidation processes
2014 conference paper
Creating Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Program Awareness in Schools: A tool Towards the Success of Community WASH Programs,
EDULEARN14 Proceedings, 6922–6927. IATED.
Event: 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies at Barcelona Spain on July 7-9, 2014
2014 speech
Data and CFD to Compare Horizontal and Vertical/enclosed UV Reactors
Presented at the IUVA Specialty Conference UV Disinfection for Wastewater and Reuse Program, Irvine, CA.
Event: IUVA Specialty Conference UV Disinfection for Wastewater and Reuse Program at Irvine, CA
2014 journal article
Effect of source and environmental factors on properties and kinetics of FOG deposits in sewer collection systems
Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, 2014(4), 1–11.
2014 journal article
Enhanced Nitrogen Removal by Rice Husk Amended Dynamic Membrane Bioreactors
Journal of Environmental Engineering, 140(11), 04014035.
Contributors: D. Fu *, H. Kai *, R. Singh * & n
2014 speech
Evaluation of Alternative Herbicides for Root Control: Should we be worried about their impact on Wastewater Treatment Plants?
Presented at the Capacity, Management, Operation & Maintenance (CMOM) Conference, Austin, TX.
Event: Capacity, Management, Operation & Maintenance (CMOM) Conference at Austin, TX
2014 journal article
FOGISEW: Modeling FOG Deposit Formation in Sewer Collection System
Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, 2014(4), 1–10.
2014 conference paper
Influencing Aerobic Granulation through Variable Shear in an Eccentric Couette Micro-Reactor
Weaver, J., Ducoste, J., & de los Reyes, F. L. (2014, November 16). Presented at the North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NC AWWA) Water Environment Association (WEA) Conference, Winston Salem NC.
Event: North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NC AWWA) Water Environment Association (WEA) Conference at Winston Salem NC on November 16-19, 2014
2014 journal article
Modeling a continuous flow ultraviolet Light Emitting Diode reactor using computational fluid dynamics
Contributors: R. Jenny n, O. Simmons n, M. Shatalov* & n
2014 conference paper
PBMs: A Modeling Framework for WWTP Modeling
Nopens, I., Torfs, E., Ducoste, J., Vanrolleghem, P., & Gernaey, K. (2014, March 30). Presented at the International Water Association (IWA)/Water Environment Federation (WEF) Waste Water Treatment (WWT) MOD, Belgium.
Event: International Water Association (IWA)/Water Environment Federation (WEF) Waste Water Treatment (WWT) MOD at Belgium on March 30 - April 2, 2014
2014 journal article
Population balance models: a useful complementary modelling framework for future WWTP modelling
Contributors: I. Nopens *, E. Torfs *, n , P. Vanrolleghem * & K. Gernaey *
2014 conference paper
Pulse Feeding Of Anaerobic Digesters Treating Grease Waste To Increase Community Resistance
Wang, L., Hossen, E. H., Aziz, T. N., Ducoste, J., Bullard, M., & de los Reyes, F. L. (2014, September 21). Presented at the International Water Association (IWA) World Water Congress & Exhibition, Lisbon, Portugal.
Event: International Water Association (IWA) World Water Congress & Exhibition at Lisbon, Portugal on September 21-26, 2014
2014 conference paper
Step and Pulse Feeding Of Anaerobic Co-Digesters Treating Thickened Waste Activated Sludge and Grease Interceptor Waste
Wang, L., Hossen, E. H., Aziz, T. N., Ducoste, J., Bullard, M., & de los Reyes, F. L. (2014, March 19). Presented at the Water Resources Research Institute Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC.
Event: Water Resources Research Institute Annual Conference at Raleigh, NC on March 19, 2014
2014 journal article
Systems Biology of Lignin Biosynthesis in Populus trichocarpa: Heteromeric 4-Coumaric Acid:Coenzyme A Ligase Protein Complex Formation, Regulation, and Numerical Modeling
The Plant Cell, 26(3), 876–893.
2014 conference paper
Using a systems biology approach to identify key transcriptional regulators in the Arabidopsis thaliana iron deficiency response
Poster presented at the 9th International BioMetals Symposium, Duke University, Durham, NC.
Event: 9th International BioMetals Symposium at Duke University, Durham, NC
2013 conference paper
A numerical method to simulate and assess the formation of Fats, Oils & Grease (FOG) deposits in a sewer collection system
86th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference, WEFTEC 2013, 8, 5063–5068.
2013 conference paper
Developing Resilient Anaerobic Co-digesting Microbial Communities
86th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference, WEFTEC 2013, 2, 764–770.
2013 conference paper
Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of a UV-LED Point of Use Disinfection Device
Jenny, R. M., Simmons, O. D., & Ducoste, J. (2013, November 10). Presented at the North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NC AWWA) Water Environment Association (WEA), Concord, NC.
Event: North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NC AWWA) Water Environment Association (WEA) at Concord, NC on November 10-13, 2013
2013 journal article
Factors that influence properties of FOG deposits and their formation in sewer collection systems
WATER RESEARCH, 49, 92–102.
2013 journal article
Mechanisms of Fat, Oil and Grease (FOG) deposit formation in sewer lines
WATER RESEARCH, 47(13), 4451–4459.
Contributors: X. He n, F. Reyes n, M. Leming n, L. Dean n, S. Lappi n & n
2013 journal article
Monolignol Pathway 4-Coumaric Acid: Coenzyme A Ligases in Populus trichocarpa: Novel Specificity, Metabolic Regulation, and Simulation of Coenzyme A Ligation Fluxes
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 161(3), 1501–1516.
Contributors: H. Chen n, J. Song n, C. Williams n , C. Shuford n, J. Liu n, J. Wang n , Q. Li n, R. Shi n
2013 speech
New Tools to Assess the Potential Risk of FOG deposit Accumulation in a Wastewater Collection System
Presented at the Capacity, Management, Operation & Maintenance (CMOM) Conference, Austin, TX.
Event: Capacity, Management, Operation & Maintenance (CMOM) Conference at Austin, TX
2013 conference paper
Quantifying Fat, Oil, and Grease (FOG) Deposits Formation Kinetics in Sewer Collection System
Iasmin, M., & Ducoste, J. (2013, November 10). Presented at the North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NC AWWA) Water Environment Association (WEA), Concord, NC,
Event: North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NC AWWA) Water Environment Association (WEA) at Concord, NC, on November 10-13, 2013
2013 conference paper
Simulating the Formation of Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Deposits in a Sewer Collection System
Presented at the North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NC AWWA) Water Environment Association (WEA), Concord, NC.
Event: North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NC AWWA) Water Environment Association (WEA) at Concord, NC on November 10-13, 2013
2013 journal article
Understanding the spatial formation and accumulation of fats, oils and grease deposits in the sewer collection system
Contributors: C. Dominic n, M. Szakasits n, L. Dean * & n
2012 conference paper
A Comprehensive Mechanistic Model Showing How Fat, Oil, and Grease (FOG) Deposits Form in Sewer Lines,
Presented at the North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NC AWWA) Water Environment Association (WEA), Raleigh, NC.
Event: North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NC AWWA) Water Environment Association (WEA) at Raleigh, NC on November 11-14, 2012
2012 conference paper
Aerobic granulation can be induced by shear variability
WEFTEC 2012 - 85th Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference, 11, 6921–6926.
2012 conference paper
Anaerobic co-digestion of grease trap waste
WEFTEC 2012 - 85th Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference, 9, 5428–5434.
2012 speech
Challenges in the Measurements of Fat, Oil and Grease in Food Service Establishment Waste Streams
Presented at the North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NC AWWA) Water Environment Association (WEA) Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC.
Event: North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NC AWWA) Water Environment Association (WEA) Annual Conference at Raleigh, NC on November 11-14, 2012
2012 speech
Chemical and Hydraulic Factors that influence the formation of FOG Deposits in Sewer Collection Systems
Presented at the Capacity, Management, Operation & Maintenance (CMOM) Conference, Austin, TX.
Event: Capacity, Management, Operation & Maintenance (CMOM) Conference at Austin, TX
2012 speech
Exploring Sustainable Energy from Grease Interceptor Waste
Presented at the Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI) Annual Conference & North Carolina Water Resources Association (NCWRA) Symposium, Raleigh, NC.
Event: Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI) Annual Conference & North Carolina Water Resources Association (NCWRA) Symposium at Raleigh, NC
2012 speech
Factors that Influence the Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Fat, Oil, and Grease Deposits in Sewer Systems
Presented at the North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute.
Event: North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute on March 28, 2012
2012 speech
Fat, Oil, and Grease (FOG) in Sanitary Sewer Systems: Factors that influence Deposit formation
Presented at the NC Annual Onsite Water Protection Conference, Raleigh NC.
Event: NC Annual Onsite Water Protection Conference at Raleigh NC
2012 journal article
Field Characterization of External Grease Abatement Devices
Contributors: T. Aziz n , L. Holt, K. Keener *, J. Groninger * & n
2012 speech
How do Fat, Oil, and Grease Deposits form in Sewer Lines
Presented at the North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute.
Event: North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute on March 28, 2012
2012 conference paper
Life cycle assessment of grease trap waste co-digestion, land application, and composting
WEFTEC 2012 - 85th Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference, 9, 5413–5418.
2012 speech
Mechanistic Modeling Frameworks for Multiple Enzyme Regulation in Metabolic Pathway
Presented at the Korean-American Scientist and Engineers Association (KSEA) South Atlantic Regional Conference.
Event: Korean-American Scientist and Engineers Association (KSEA) South Atlantic Regional Conference on November 15-17, 2012
2012 speech
Modeling Advance Oxidation Processes for Optimizing Reactor Performance
Presented at the International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA) Conference, Washington, DC.
Event: International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA) Conference at Washington, DC
2012 speech
Modeling the removal of EDC chemicals using Advance Oxidation
Presented at the 85th annual Water Environment Federation technical exhibition and conference (WEFTEC), New Orleans, LA.
Event: 85th annual Water Environment Federation technical exhibition and conference (WEFTEC) at New Orleans, LA
2012 speech
Numerical Approach to Modeling UV Disinfection Processes: A State of the Art Review
Presented at the Southeast University, Nanjing, PR China.
Event: Southeast University at Nanjing, PR China
2012 speech
Predictive Models of Regulatory and Metabolic Pathways for Monolignol Biosynthesis in Populus trichocarpa
Presented at the Plant & Animal Genome XX Conference, San Diego, CA.
Event: Plant & Animal Genome XX Conference at San Diego, CA on January 14-18, 2012
2012 speech
Sustainable Energy from Grease Interceptor Waste Co-Digestion
Presented at the North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NC AWWA) Water Environment Association (WEA) Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC.
Event: North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NC AWWA) Water Environment Association (WEA) Annual Conference at Raleigh, NC on November 11-14, 2012
2012 journal article
UV LEDs for Water Disinfection
International Ultraviolet Association News, 14(2), 20–27.
2012 conference paper
Understanding the spatial formation and accumulation of fats, oils and grease deposits in the sewer collection system
WEFTEC 2012 - 85th Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference, 13, 7989–7994.
2012 speech
Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling to guide design decisions
Presented at the American Water Works Association (AWWA) UVCFD Presentation, Dallas, TX.
Event: American Water Works Association (AWWA) UVCFD Presentation at Dallas, TX on June 10-14, 2012
2012 conference paper
Using computational fluid dynamics modeling to help inform assessment of low wavelength inactivation
American Water Works Association Annual Conference and Exposition 2012, ACE 2012, 6437–6451.
2011 journal article
Anaerobic co-digestion of fat, oil, and grease (FOG): A review of gas production and process limitations
2011 conference paper
Assessing the UV Dose Delivered from Two UV Reactors in Series: Can you always assume doubling the UV dose from individual reactor validations?
Presented at the International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA), Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Event: International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA) at Toronto, Ontario, Canada on September 18-20, 2011
2011 journal article
Assessment of Internal and External Grease Interceptor Performance for Removal of Food-Based Fats, Oil, and Grease from Food Service Establishments
Water Environment Research, 83(9), 882–892.
Contributors: E. Gallimore n, T. Aziz n , Z. Movahed & n
2011 journal article
Cellulosic Substrates for Removal of Pollutants from Aqueous Systems: A Review 1. Metals
Bioresources, 6(2), 2161–2287.
2011 conference paper
Combining CFD, FLOC Dynamics, and Biological Reaction Kinetics to Model Carbon and Nitrogen Removal in an Activated Sludge System
Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, 2011(13), 3272–3282.
Event: Water Environment Federation's Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC) at Los Angeles, CA on October 16-19, 2011
2011 speech
Combining CFD, floc dynamics, and biological reaction kinetics to model carbon and nitrogen removal in an activated sludge system
Presented at the Water Resource Research Institute (WRRI), Raleigh, NC.
Event: Water Resource Research Institute (WRRI) at Raleigh, NC on March 21, 2011
2011 journal article
Evidence for Fat, Oil, and Grease (FOG) Deposit Formation Mechanisms in Sewer Lines
Contributors: X. He n, M. Iasmin n, L. Dean n, S. Lappi n, n & F. De Los Reyes n
2011 speech
Fat, Roots, Oil, and Grease (FROG) in Sanitary Sewer Systems: Is a Sustainable Sewer system in Jeopardy
Presented at the NC Annual Onsite Water Protection Conference, Raleigh NC.
Event: NC Annual Onsite Water Protection Conference at Raleigh NC
2011 journal article
How are Fat, Oil and Grease (FOG) Deposits Formed in Sewer Lines?
Presented at the North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NC AWWA) Water Environment Association (WEA), Winston-Salem, NC.
Event: North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NC AWWA) Water Environment Association (WEA) at Winston-Salem, NC on November 15-16, 2011
2011 speech
Modeling and experimental Evaluation of UV LED Reactor using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Poster presented at the North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NC AWWA) Water Environment Association (WEA), Winston-Salem, NC.
Event: North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NC AWWA) Water Environment Association (WEA) at Winston-Salem, NC on November 15-16, 2011
2011 conference paper
Modeling of a Flow Through UV LED Reactor using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Presented at the North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NC AWWA) Water Environment Association (WEA), Concord, NC.
Event: North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NC AWWA) Water Environment Association (WEA) at Concord, NC on November 13-16, 2011
2011 journal article
Modeling tortuosity in thin fibrous porous media using computational fluid dynamics
Journal of Porous Media, 14(9), 791–804.
Contributors: R. Vallabh n, n , A. Seyam n & P. Banks-Lee n
2011 conference paper
Numerical and experimental evaluation of UV light emitting diodes for drinking water disinfection
American Water Works Association Annual Conference and Exposition 2011, ACE 2011, 5666–5696.
2011 journal article
Optimization of waste stabilization pond design for developing nations using computational fluid dynamics
ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, 37(11), 1878–1888.
Contributors: D. Olukanni * & *
2011 speech
Studying Formation of Nitrifying Aerobic Granules and Effect of Shear Distribution on Granulation
Presented at the North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NC AWWA) Water Environment Association (WEA), Winston-Salem, NC.
Event: North Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association (NC AWWA) Water Environment Association (WEA) at Winston-Salem, NC on November 15-16, 2011
2011 conference paper
UV-LEDs for Water Disinfection – Are We Close?
Presented at the International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA), Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Event: International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA) at Toronto, Ontario, Canada on September 18-20, 2011
2011 speech
Velocity Profiles and their Relevance in UV Reactor Validation
Presented at the International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA) workshop, Tracy, CA.
Event: International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA) workshop at Tracy, CA
2011 speech
Water and Waster Treatment Process on Steriods: Using Computational Fluid Dynamics to Drive out Unit Process Inefficiencies
Presented at the KECKS Futures Initiative, Irvine, CA.
Event: KECKS Futures Initiative at Irvine, CA on November 10-13, 2011
2010 conference paper
A Numerical Approach for Modeling Carbon and Nitrogen Removal Under the Influence of Floc Size Distribution
Presented at the International Water Association (IWA) Leading Edge Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
Event: International Water Association (IWA) Leading Edge Conference at Phoenix, AZ on June 4-8, 2010
2010 conference paper
Assessment of Grease Abatement Systems
Presented at the Water Environment Foundation (WEF) Sewer Collection System Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
Event: Water Environment Foundation (WEF) Sewer Collection System Conference at Phoenix, AZ on June 7-10, 2010
2010 speech
Can CFD Answer Hydraulic Questions and make Validation more broadly applicable?
Presented at the American Water Works Association (AWWA) Nation Conference Workshop: UV Today – Ten Years Post-Cryptosporidium– Myths and Reality.
Event: American Water Works Association (AWWA) Nation Conference Workshop: UV Today – Ten Years Post-Cryptosporidium– Myths and Reality
2010 report
Evaluation of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for Modeling UV Initiated Advance Oxidation Processes
Denver, CO: Water Research Foundation.
2010 speech
Factors Affecting the Formation of FOG Deposits in Sewer Lines
Presented at the Urban Water Consortium Meeting, Raleigh NC.
Event: Urban Water Consortium Meeting at Raleigh NC on June 4, 2010
2010 speech
Fat, Roots, Oil, and Grease (FROG) in Sanitary Sewer Systems: Is a Sustainable Sewer system in Jeopardy
Presented at the NC Annual Onsite Water Protection Conference, Raleigh NC.
Event: NC Annual Onsite Water Protection Conference at Raleigh NC
2010 speech
Fats Roots Oil and Grease in US Sewer Systems: An overview
Presented at the FOGS Buildup and Removal: Problems and Solutions Workshop, Cranfield University, UK.
Event: FOGS Buildup and Removal: Problems and Solutions Workshop at Cranfield University, UK
2010 conference paper
Field Assessment of Grease Abatement Devices
Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, 2010(14), 2916–2917.
Event: Water Environment Federation's Technical Exhibition and Conference at New Orleans, LA on October 10-13, 2010
2010 speech
Grease Interceptors vs Under the Sink Grease Traps: Who won the Taste Test of Removing influent Fats, Oils, and Grease
Presented at the Capacity, Management, Operation & Maintenance (CMOM) Conference, Austin, TX.
Event: Capacity, Management, Operation & Maintenance (CMOM) Conference at Austin, TX
2010 speech
Investigating the Formation of Fat Oil and Grease Deposits in Sewer Collection Systems
Presented at the Water Resource Research Institute (WRRI) Conference, Raleigh, NC.
Event: Water Resource Research Institute (WRRI) Conference at Raleigh, NC on March 15, 2010
2010 journal article
Microbial UV fluence-response assessment using a novel UV-LED collimated beam system
WATER RESEARCH, 45(5), 2011–2019.
2010 journal article
Modeling Hydroxyl Radical Distribution and Trialkyl Phosphates Oxidation in UV-H2O2 Photoreactors Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Contributors: D. Santoro n, M. Raisee n, M. Moghaddami n, n , M. Sasges n, L. Liberti n, M. Notarnicola n
2010 journal article
Performance of Grease Abatement Devices for Removal of Fat, Oil, and Grease
Contributors: T. Aziz n , L. Holt n, K. Keener n, J. Groninger n & n
2010 speech
Predicting regulatory control of lignin biosynthesis using signaling graph methodology
Presented at the Forest Biotechnology Industry Research Consortium (FORBIRC) Annual Meeting, McKimmon Center, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
Event: Forest Biotechnology Industry Research Consortium (FORBIRC) Annual Meeting at McKimmon Center, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC on May 26-28, 2010
2010 speech
Regulatory constrained flux balance analysis of monolignol biosynthesis
Presented at the Forest Biotechnology Industry Research Consortium (FORBIRC) Annual Meeting, McKimmon Center, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
Event: Forest Biotechnology Industry Research Consortium (FORBIRC) Annual Meeting at McKimmon Center, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC on May 26-28, 2010
2010 speech
Simulating the UV/H2O2 Advanced Oxidation Process using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Presented at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY.
Event: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute at Troy, NY
2010 conference paper
The Value of Numerical Modeling in the Design and Operation of Drinking Water Treatment Processes
Presented at the American Water Works Association (AWWA) National Conference, Chicago IL.
Event: American Water Works Association (AWWA) National Conference at Chicago IL on June 20-24, 2010
2010 conference paper
Tortuosity in Fibrous Porous Media
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of Textile Research Division. Presented at the 7th International Conference of Textile Research Division, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt.
Event: 7th International Conference of Textile Research Division at National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt on October 10-12, 2010
2010 conference paper
Tortuosity of Nonwoven Structures
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of Textile Research Division. Presented at the 7th International Conference of Textile Research Division, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt.
Event: 7th International Conference of Textile Research Division at National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt on October 10-12, 2010
2009 conference paper
A CFD modeling protocol for simulating the UV/H<inf>2</inf>O<inf>2</inf> advanced oxidation process
Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition 2009, 1795–1816.
2009 speech
Analysis of Fat, Oil, and Grease (FOG) in Sanitary Sewer Systems: Challenges to a Sustainable system
Presented at the Villanova University, Villanova, PA.
Event: Villanova University at Villanova, PA
2009 speech
Analysis of Field Grease Interceptors
Presented at the Capacity, Management, Operation & Maintenance (CMOM) Conference, Austin, TX.
Event: Capacity, Management, Operation & Maintenance (CMOM) Conference at Austin, TX
2009 speech
Assessment of Root Control Methods and Root Regrowth in a Pilot Scale Sanitary Sewer
Presented at the Capacity, Management, Operation & Maintenance (CMOM) Conference, Austin, TX.
Event: Capacity, Management, Operation & Maintenance (CMOM) Conference at Austin, TX
2009 speech
CFD Modeling for UV Disinfection and UV-Initiated Advanced Oxidation Processes
Presented at the Disinfection, Atlanta, GA.
Event: Disinfection at Atlanta, GA
2009 article
Celebrating a milestone in Population Balance Modeling
Nopens, I., Briesen, H., & Ducoste, J. (2009, February 16). CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, Vol. 64, pp. 627–627.
Contributors: I. Nopens *, H. Briesen * & n
2009 speech
Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling for Unit Process simulations in Drinking Water Treatment
Presented at the Water Reuse Workshop, Polytechnic University at Bari, Taranto, Italy.
Event: Water Reuse Workshop at Polytechnic University at Bari, Taranto, Italy
2009 journal article
Computational Fluid Dynamics as an Integral Part of Water and Wastewater Treatment Process Design
Influents: Water Environment Association of Ontario, 4, 40–44.
2009 speech
Factors Affecting the Formation of FOG Deposits in Sewer Lines
Presented at the Urban Water Consortium Meeting, Burlington, NC.
Event: Urban Water Consortium Meeting at Burlington, NC on March 11, 2009
2009 journal article
Modeling the UV/hydrogen peroxide advanced oxidation process using computational fluid dynamics
WATER RESEARCH, 44(6), 1797–1808.
Contributors: S. Alpert n, D. Knappe n & n
2009 speech
Population Balance Modeling in CFD Simulations
Presented at the Water Reuse Workshop, Polytechnic University at Bari, Taranto, Italy.
Event: Water Reuse Workshop at Polytechnic University at Bari, Taranto, Italy
2009 speech
Simulating Ultraviolet Advance Oxidation Processes in Continuous Flow UV Reactors
Presented at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
Event: University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, MI
2009 speech
Simultaneous Modeling Carbon and Nitrogen Removal under the Influence of Floc Size Distribution
Presented at the NC American WaterWorks Association/Water Environment Association Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC.
Event: NC American WaterWorks Association/Water Environment Association Annual Conference at Raleigh, NC on November 15-18, 2009
2009 speech
The Intricacies of Analyzing/Designing Ultraviolet UV Disinfection Reactors using CFD
Presented at the Water Reuse Workshop, Polytechnic University at Bari. Taranto, Italy.
Event: Water Reuse Workshop at Polytechnic University at Bari. Taranto, Italy
2009 speech
Validation of CFD Models Simulating the UV/H2O2 Advanced Oxidation Process
Presented at the North Carolina American Water Works Association (AWWA) & Water Environment Association (WEA) Conference, Raleigh, NC.
Event: North Carolina American Water Works Association (AWWA) & Water Environment Association (WEA) Conference at Raleigh, NC
2008 speech
A Numerical Approach for Modeling Carbon and Nitrogen Removal under the Influence of Floc Size Distribution
Poster presented at the North Carolina American Water Works Association (AWWA) & Water Environment Association (WEA) 88th Annual Conference, Winston Salem, NC.
Event: North Carolina American Water Works Association (AWWA) & Water Environment Association (WEA) 88th Annual Conference at Winston Salem, NC on November 16-19, 2008
2008 speech
An Introduction to Population Balance Modeling
Presented at the MBR Training Seminar, Ghent University, Belgium.
Event: MBR Training Seminar at Ghent University, Belgium
2008 speech
An Overview of Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling
Presented at the MBR Training Seminar, Ghent University, Belgium.
Event: MBR Training Seminar at Ghent University, Belgium
2008 speech
Analysis and Design of Grease Interceptors
Presented at the Water Environment Technology Conference, Chicago, IL.
Event: Water Environment Technology Conference at Chicago, IL
2008 speech
Analysis of FAT, Roots, Oil, and Grease (FROG) in Sanitary Sewers
Presented at the Capacity, Management, Operation & Maintenance (CMOM) Conference, Austin, TX.
Event: Capacity, Management, Operation & Maintenance (CMOM) Conference at Austin, TX
2008 speech
Analysis of FOG and Roots in Sewer Collection systems
Presented at the Water Environment Research Foundation Forum, Clearwater Beach, FL.
Event: Water Environment Research Foundation Forum at Clearwater Beach, FL
2008 speech
Analysis of Fat, Oil, and Grease Deposits in Sanitary Sewer Systems
Presented at the Borchardt Conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
Event: Borchardt Conference at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
2008 speech
Analysis of Grease Interceptors for the Removal of FAT, Oil, and Grease (FOG): Are they Sufficient to Stop FOG related Sanitary Sewer Overflows
Presented at the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
Event: Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Arizona State University at Tempe, AZ
2008 conference paper
Analysis of a LPHO UV reactor under multiple upstream elbow configurations using UV sensitive fluorescent microspheres
American Water Works Association - American Water Works Association Association Annual Conference and Exposition, ACE 2008, 179–190.