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2003 journal article

Relationships among rheological and sensorial properties of young cheeses

JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 86(10), 3054–3067.

By: J. Brown n, E. Foegeding n, C. Daubert n, M. Drake n & M. Gumpertz n

author keywords: cheese; texture; rheology; sensory
MeSH headings : Cheese / analysis; Elasticity; Food Technology; Humans; Rheology; Sensation; Viscosity
topics (OpenAlex): Meat and Animal Product Quality; Sensory Analysis and Statistical Methods; Probiotics and Fermented Foods
TL;DR: Analysis of the sensory and rheological properties of young cheeses showed that the cheeses' solid-like response decreased during aging, while phase angle, maximum compliance, and retardation time increased. (via Semantic Scholar)
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Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

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