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Jean Goodwin
rhetoric, science communication, argumentation, expertise
Works (48)
2024 personal communication
Incorporate ethics into US public health plans
Anthony, R., Miller, D. S., Hoenig, D. E., Millar, K. M., Goodwin, J., Dean, W. R., … De Paula Vieira, A. (2024, March 8).

2023 journal article
An Iterative Approach toward Development of Ensemble Visualization Techniques for High-Impact Winter Weather Hazards

2023 journal article
An Iterative Approach toward Development of Ensemble Visualization Techniques for High-Impact Winter Weather Hazards Part I: Product Development

2022 journal article
A Digital Communication Twin for Addressing Misinformation: Vision, Challenges, Opportunities
IEEE Internet Computing, 26(2), 36–41.
2022 journal article
Extreme arguments: Anwar al-Awlaki's radicalizing discourse

2022 journal article
Two Views of Speech Acts: Analysis and Implications for Argumentation Theory

2022 article
What is community-level environmental literacy, and how can we measure it? A report of a convening to conceptualize and operationalize CLEL
Gibson, L. M., Busch, K. C., Stevenson, K. T., Cutts, B. B., DeMattia, E. A., Aguilar, O. M., … Wheaton, M. (2022, April 19). ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION RESEARCH, Vol. 5.

2020 chapter
Norms of advocacy
In J. A. Blair & C. W. Tindale (Eds.), Rigour and Reason : Essays in Honour of Hans Vilhelm Hansen (pp. 111–142).
Ed(s): J. Blair & C. Tindale
2020 journal article
Should Climate Scientists Fly?
Informal Logic, 40(2), 157–203.

2019 chapter
Chapter 9. Radically reframing the climate debate
In Argumentation in Context (pp. 157–172).

2019 journal article
Sophistical refutations in the climate change debates
Journal of Argumentation in Context, 8(1), 40–64.

2019 journal article
The Pragmatic Force of Making an Argument
Topoi, 38(4), 669–680.
2018 monograph
Ethics and Practice in Science Communication
2018 journal article
The role of citizen science in addressing grand challenges in food and agriculture research
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 285(1891), 20181977.
Contributors: S. Ryan *, N. Adamson*, A. Aktipis *, L. Andersen *, R. Austin* , L. Barnes, M. Beasley, K. Bedell *

2015 journal article
Comment exercer une autorité experte ? Un scientifique confronté aux Sceptiques
Argumentation Et Analyse Du Discours, 9(15).

2014 journal article
Conceptions of Speech Acts in the Theory and Practice of Argumentation: A Case Study of a Debate About Advocating
Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 36(1), 79–98.
2014 chapter
Walter Lippmann, the indispensable opposition
In B. Jackson & G. Clark (Eds.), Trained capacities: John Dewey, rhetoric, and democratic practice (pp. 142–158). Columbia, SC: University of South Caroline Press.
Ed(s): B. Jackson & G. Clark
2013 journal article
Communication strategies for earning trust in climate change debates
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 5(1), 151–160.

2013 conference paper
Ethical issues in science communication: A theory-based approach
2013 journal article
L'autorità di Wikipedia
Sistemi Intelligenti, 25, 9–38.
2012 conference paper
Between Scientists & Citizens: Assessing Expertise In Policy Controversies
Between Scientists & Citizens: Assessing Expertise In Policy Controversies. Ames, IA: Great Plains Society for the Study of Argumentation and the Science Communication at Iowa State University Project.
2011 journal article
Accounting for the Appeal to the Authority of Experts
Argumentation, 25(3), 285–296.

2011 journal article
Talking Sustainability: Identification and Division in an Iowa Community
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 35(4), 436–461.

2010 journal article
Theorists’ and practitioners’ spatial metaphors for argumentation: A corpus-based approach
Verbum, 23(1), 163–178.
2010 chapter
Trust in experts as a principal-agent problem
In C. Reed & C. W. Tindale (Eds.), Dialectics, dialogue, and argumentation: An Examination of Douglas Walton's Theories of Reasoning and Argument (pp. 133–143). London: College Publications.
Ed(s): C. Reed & C. Tindale
2009 chapter
Actually Existing Rules for Closing Arguments
In Pondering on Problems of Argumentation (pp. 287–298).
2009 journal article
When science goes public: From technical arguments to appeals to authority
Studies in Communication Sciences, 9(2), 125–136.
2008 journal article
Argument Has No Function
Informal Logic, 27(1), 69.

2007 journal article
Theoretical Pieties, Johnstone's Impiety, and Ordinary Views of Argumentation
Philosophy and Rhetoric, 40(1), 36–50.
2006 journal article
Using environmental and ethical issues for debate in an introductory agronomy course
North American Colleges & Teachers of Agriculture Journal, 50(4), 54–61.
2005 chapter
Designing premises
In F. H. Eemeren & P. Houtlosser (Eds.), Argumentation in practice (pp. 99–114). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Benjamins.
Ed(s): F. Eemeren & P. Houtlosser
2005 journal article
The Public Sphere and the Norms of Transactional Argument
Informal Logic, 25(2).
2005 journal article
What Does Arguing Look Like?
Informal Logic, 25(1).
2003 journal article
Students' Perspectives on Debate Exercises in Content Area Classes
Communication Education, 52(2), 157–163.

2002 chapter
Designing Issues
In Dialectic and Rhetoric (pp. 81–96).

2002 conference paper
We should be studying the norms of debate
In G. T. Goodnight (Ed.), Arguing Communication & Culture Selected papers from the Twelfth NCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation (pp. 51–58). Washington, DC: National Communication Association.
Ed(s): G. Goodnight
2001 journal article
Cicero's Authority
Philosophy and Rhetoric, 34(1), 38–60.
2001 journal article
Henry Johnstone, Jr.'s Still-Unacknowledged Contributions to Contemporary Argumentation Theory
Informal Logic, 21(1).
2001 conference paper
The noncooperative pragmatics of arguing
In E. T. Nemeth (Ed.), Pragmatics in 2000 (pp. 263–277). Antwerp, Belgium: International Pragmatics Association.
Ed(s): E. Nemeth
2000 journal article
Comments on [Jacobs's] Rhetoric and dialectic from the standpoint of normative pragmatics
Argumentation, 14, 287–292.
2000 journal article
Dialogic Figures and Dialectical Argument in Lincoln's Rhetoric
Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 3(1), 59–69.

2000 journal article
Three Faces of the Future
Argumentation and Advocacy, 37(2), 71–85.
2000 journal article
Wigmore's Chart Method
Informal Logic, 20(3).

1998 journal article
Argumentation, 12(2), 267–280.
1998 conference paper
Deliberation and character
In J. F. Klumpp & T. A. Hollihan (Eds.), Argument in a time of change : definitions, frameworks, and critiques : proceedings of the Tenth NCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation (pp. 70–74). Annandale, VA: National Communication Association.
Ed(s): J. Klumpp & T. Hollihan
1997 journal article
Deliberation in the ancient Roman Senate
Parliamentary Journal, 38(1), 33–36.
1995 journal article
Perelman, adhering and convictions
Philosophy and Rhetoric, 28(3), 215–233.
Updated: September 2nd, 2018 17:42
2017 - present
2016 - 2017
2002 - 2016
1995 - 2002
Updated: February 4th, 2015 09:51
1989 - 1996
1980 - 1984
1976 - 1979