Works (11)
2008 journal article
Genetic parameter estimates for growth traits from diallel tests of loblolly pine throughout the southeastern United States
SILVAE GENETICA, 57(3), 101–110.

2007 conference paper
Improvements in stem form and growth of elite genotypes in loblolly pine
Proceedings of the 29th Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference, 108–111.
2007 conference paper
Using markers in breeding, testing and selection in loblolly pine ? current and future research.
Conference Proceedings.
2007 article
Using markers in breeding, testing and selection in loblolly pine: Current and future research
GENECAR Meeting: Application of DNA Based Tools for Genetic Research, Molecular Breeding, Management and Monitoring of Genetic Resources.
2004 journal article
Phenotypic plasticity of fine roots increases plant productivity in pine seedlings
BMC Ecology, 4, 14.
2004 conference paper
Ten-year response of diverse families of loblolly pine to fertilization
In B. Li & S. McKeand (Eds.), Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding in the Age of Genomics: Progress and Future, IUFRO Joint Conference of Division 2, Conference Proceedings (pp. 453–455).
Ed(s): B. Li & S. McKeand
2003 conference paper
Responsiveness of diverse families of loblolly pine to fertilization: eight-year results from SETRES-2
Proceedings of the 27th Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference, 30–33.
2001 conference paper
Comparative physiology of contrasting genotypes of loblolly pine under dry field conditions
Proceedings of the 26th Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference, 122–124.
2000 journal article
Root architectural plasticity to nutrient stress in two contrasting ecotypes of loblolly pine
Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 10(3), 307.

1999 conference paper
Growth and biomass allocation of grafted loblolly pine seedlings from diverse families following fertilization
Proceedings of the 25th Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference, 67–69.
1997 conference paper
Early growth response of diverse families of loblolly pine to nutrient amendments on a poor site
Proceedings of the 24th Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference, 267–274.