Works (24)
2002 journal article
Ohmic contacts on n-type Al0.59Ga0.41N for solar blind detectors
ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 38(14), 755–756.
2002 journal article
UV detectors and focal plane array imagers based on AlGaN p-i-n photodiodes
Opto-Electronics Review, 10(4), 251–260.
2000 patent
Integrated heterostructures of group III-V nitride semiconductor materials including epitaxial ohmic contact comprising multiple quantum well
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
2000 journal article
Solar-blind AlGaN heterostructure photodiodes
MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research, 5(9), 1–7.
2000 journal article
UV-specific (320-365 nm) digital camera based on a 128x128 focal plane array of GaN/AlGaN p-i-n photodiodes
MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research, 5(6), 1–12.

1999 journal article
A critical comparison between MOVPE and MBE growth of III-V nitride semiconductor materials for opto-electronic device applications
MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research, 4S1(G5.10).
1999 journal article
Absorption coefficient and refractive index of GaN, AlN and AlGaN alloys
MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research, 4S1(G5.2).
1999 article
Electronic near-surface defect states of bare and metal covered n-GaN films observed by cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Young, A. P., Schafer, J., Brillson, L. J., Yang, Y., Xu, S. H., Cruguel, H., … Schetzina, J. F. (1999, March). JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, Vol. 28, pp. 308–313.

1999 journal article
Epitaxial lateral overgrowth of GaN on SiC and sapphire substrates
MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research, 4S1(G4.3).
1999 article
Photoemission spectromicroscopy studies on epitaxial lateral overgrowth GaN surfaces
1999 article
Scanning electron microscopy and cathodoluminescence study of the epitaxial lateral overgrowth (ELO) process for gallium nitride
Johnson, M. A. L., Yu, Z. H., Brown, J. D., El-Masry, N. A., Cook, J. W., & Schetzina, J. F. (1999, March). JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, Vol. 28, pp. 295–300.
1999 journal article
Selective area metalorganic molecular-beam epitaxy of GaN and the growth of luminescent microcolumns on Si/SiO2
1999 journal article
Visible-blind UV digital camera based on a 32 x 32 array of GaN/AlGaN p-i-n photodiodes
MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research, 4(9), 1–10.

1998 patent
Integrated heterostructure of group II-VI semiconductor materials including epitaxial ohmic contact and method of fabricating same
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
1998 article
Molecular beam epitaxy growth and properties of GaN, InGaN, and GaN/InGaN quantum well structures
1998 article
Study of the epitaxial-lateral-overgrowth (ELO) process for GaN on sapphire
Yu, Z. H., Johnson, M. A. L., Brown, J. D., El-Masry, N. A., Cook, J. W., & Schetzina, J. F. (1998, December). JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH, Vol. 195, pp. 333–339.
1997 article
Growth of GaN, InGaN, and AlGaN films and quantum well structures by molecular beam epitaxy
Johnson, M. A. L., Hughes, W. C., Rowland, W. H., Cook, J. W., Schetzina, J. F., Leonard, M., … Zavada, J. (1997, May). JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH, Vol. 175, pp. 72–78.
Contributors: M. Johnson n, W. Hughes n, W. Rowland Jr., J. Cook Jr., n, M. Leonard* , H. Kong*, J. Edmond*, J. Zavada*
1997 patent
Integrated heterostructures of Group III-V nitride semiconductor materials including epitaxial ohmic contact, non-nitride buffer layer and methods of fabricating same
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
1997 article
MBE growth and properties of GaN on GaN/SiC substrates
Johnson, M. A. L., Fujita, S., Rowland, W. H., Bowers, K. A., Hughes, W. C., He, Y. W., … Edmond, J. A. (1997, February). SOLID-STATE ELECTRONICS, Vol. 41, pp. 213–218.
1997 journal article
Pulsed operation lasing in a cleaved-facet InGaN/GaN MQW SCH laser grown on 6H-SiC
ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 33(18), 1556–1557.
1997 article
Surface preparation of ZnSe substrates for MBE growth of II-VI light emitters
Hughes, W. C., Boney, C., Johnson, M. A. L., Cook, J. W., & Schetzina, J. F. (1997, May). JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH, Vol. 175, pp. 546–551.
1997 article
UV, blue and green light emitting diodes based on GaN-InGaN multiple quantum wells over sapphire and (111) spinel substrates
Khan, M. A., Chen, Q., Yang, J., Sun, C. J., Lim, B., Temkin, H., … Shur, M. S. (1997, January). MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B-SOLID STATE MATERIALS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 43, pp. 265–268.

1994 patent
Inverted integrated heterostructure of group II-VI semiconductor materials including epitaxial ohmic contact and method of fabricating same
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
1994 patent
Method of fabricating epitaxially deposited ohmic contacts using group II-V I
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.