Jose G Parra
physical chemistry, molecular dynamics, simulation of complex systems
Works (65)
2025 journal article
Interfacial behavior of neem oil (<i>Azadirachta</i><i> indica):</i> Experimental and computational insights

2024 journal article
A computational study of the size effect of SiO2 spherical nanoparticles in water solvent
Journal of Molecular Modeling.
2024 conference paper
Decarbonizing the Energy-Intensive Drying of Cellulosics: Exploring Bound-Water Removal through Computer Simulations
TAPPICon 2024.
2024 article
Elucidation of temperature-induced water structuring on cellulose surfaces for environmental and energy sustainability
Barrios, N., Parra, J. G., Venditti, R. A., & Pal, L. (2024, April 1). CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS, Vol. 329.
Contributors: N. Barrios n , n , R. Venditti n & L. Pal n
2024 journal article
Estudio computacional de las interacciones moleculares entre el timol y los residuos HIS41 y CYS145 presentes en el sitio activo de la proteasa 3CLpro
Revista Colombiana De Química.
2024 conference paper
Innovation in lignocellulosics dewatering and drying for energy sustainability
TAPPICon 2024.
2024 journal article
Unveiling the hydrophilic nature of SDS surfactant through molecular simulations: Exploring the influence of charge distribution on interfacial properties in the vacuum/SDS/water system
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 401.
Contributors: , P. Iza *, H. Dominguez *, E. Schott * & X. Zarate * n

2023 journal article
A Computational Chemistry Approach to the Molecular Design of SiO2 Nanoparticles Coated with Stearic Acid and Sodium Stearate in Ethanol Solvent.
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 679, 132527.
Contributors: G. Galarza-Acosta*, n , R. Hernández-Bravo *, P. Iza *, E. Schott *, X. Zarate *, J. Castillo *, V. Mujica *
2023 article
A Computational Chemistry Approach to the Molecular Design of Sio2 Nanoparticles Coated with Stearic Acid and Sodium Stearate in Ethanol Solvent
Contributors: G. Galarza-Acosta, , R. Hernández-Bravo, P. Iza, E. Schott, X. Zarate, J. Castillo, V. Mujica * *
2023 article
A Computational Chemistry Approach to the Molecular Design of Sio2 Nanoparticles with Stearic Acid and Sodium Stearate in Ethanol Solvent Medium
Contributors: G. Galarza-Acosta, , R. Hernández-Bravo, P. Iza, E. Schott, X. Zarate, J. Castillo, V. Mujica * *
2023 journal article
Comportamiento de la amoxicilina en agua mediante métodos de solvatación implícita y explícita
Revista Colombiana De Química, 51(2).
2023 journal article
Evaluation of the affinity of asphaltene molecular models A1 and A2 by the water/oil interfaces based on a novel concept of solubility parameter profiles obtained from MD simulations
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 376, 121430.
Contributors: , G. Rodriguez *, P. Iza *, X. Zarate * & E. Schott * *

2023 conference paper
Exploration of the molecular interaction of a humic acid model with the water by means of molecular dynamics simulations
LatinXchem 2022.

2023 journal article
Un procedimiento para la obtención de los espectros IR, Raman y RMN de compuestos orgánicos mediante cálculos mecánico-cuánticos con el software ORCA-5.0.3
Educación Química, 34(1), 20–59.
Contributors: J. Figueredo, J. González*, E. Perozo * & P. Iza *
2023 conference paper
Unveiling the Cellulose-Water Interaction Through Computational Simulations (2023
TAPPICon 2023 : Rock the Roll: Unleashing the Harmonies of the Paper Industry. Presented at the TAPPICon 2023 : Rock the Roll: Unleashing the Harmonies of the Paper Industry.
2022 conference paper
A theoretical study of the nitration of Imidazole in gas phase
The Royal Society of Chemistry. Poster presented at the The Royal Society of Chemistry.
2022 journal article
Experimental and theoretical study on the effectiveness of ionic liquids as corrosion inhibitors
Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 1210, 113640.
Contributors: R. Hernández-Bravo *, A. Miranda *, * , J. Alvarado-Orozco *, J. Domínguez-Esquivel * & V. Mujica *
2021 conference paper
DFT study of the reaction of 1,3-Cyclopentadiene with MVK in certain solvents
XIX Mexican Meeting of Theoretical Physicochemistry. Poster presented at the XIX Mexican Meeting of Theoretical Physicochemistry.
2021 conference paper
Effect of NaCl on the Adsorption of SDBS Surfactant at the Water/nOctane Interface With Presence of Linear Alcohols. A Study Using MD Simulations
The Royal Society of Chemistry. Poster presented at the The Royal Society of Chemistry.
2021 journal article
Exploring the hydrogen bond type interactions in organic compounds with pharmaceutical properties using molecular simulation method
LatinXchem 2021, 11.
2021 dataset
Final configuration of surfactants in mixed monolayer in "Effect of Triton X-100 surfactant on the interfacial activity of ionic surfactants SDS, CTAB and SDBS at the air/water interface: A study using molecular dynamic simulations"
Mendeley Data, Vol. V2.
2021 conference paper
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Molecular Interaction of Muricatacine with Phospholipids Membranes
The Royal Society of Chemistry. Poster presented at the The Royal Society of Chemistry.
2021 journal article
Molecular aggregation of Muricatacin in water using MD simulations
LatinXchem 2021, 10.
2021 journal article
Molecular dynamics simulations of the molecular interaction of muricatacin with a charged phospholipid membrane
LatinXchem 2021, 10.
2021 journal article
Una guía para la estimación de la tensión interfasiales y el espesor de la interface de un sistema agua/hidrocarburo usando el programa gromacs-4.5.4
Educación Química, 32(3), 80.
Contributors: J. Figueredo, P. Iza * & E. Perozo *
2020 journal article
Computational Theoretical study of reaction path of the unimolecular decomposition of malonic acid in the gas phase using the neb method
LatinXchem 2020, 9.
2020 conference paper
Computational prediction of C13 chemical shifts of benzoic acid
LatinXchem. Poster presented at the LatinXchem.
2020 journal article
Corrigendum to “Structural and interfacial properties of the CO<sub>2</sub>-in-water foams prepared with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS): A molecular dynamics simulation study” [Colloids Surf. A 578 (2019) 615](S0927775719305989)(10.1016/j.colsurfa.2019.123615)
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 586.
Contributors: , H. Dominguez *, Y. Aray *, P. Iza *, X. Zarate * & E. Schott * *

2020 journal article
Effect of Triton X-100 surfactant on the interfacial activity of ionic surfactants SDS, CTAB and SDBS at the air/water interface: A study using molecular dynamic simulations
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 603, 125284.
Contributors: , P. Iza *, H. Dominguez *, E. Schott * & X. Zarate * *

2020 journal article
Exploring the nature of the interactions between the molecules of the sodium dodecyl sulfate and water in crystal phases and in the water/vacuum interface
Heliyon, 6(6), e04199.
Contributors: Y. Aray *, * , R. Paredes *, L. Álvarez * & A. Diaz-Barrios *

2020 dataset
Final configuration of surfactants in mixed monolayer in "Effect of Triton X-100 surfactant on the interfacial activity of ionic surfactants SDS, CTAB and SDBS at the air/water interface: A study using molecular dynamic simulations"
Contributors: P. Iza, H. Dominguez, E. Schott & X. Zarate

2020 conference paper
Molecular packing of SDS surfactant at the air/water interface by means of MD simulations. An estimation of the area per molecule occupied by the SDS surfactant
LatinXchem. Poster presented at the LatinXchem.
2020 dataset
Reparametrization of vdW parameters between Water and CO2 force fields using solvation free energy in “Structural and interfacial properties of the CO2-in-water foams prepared with Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS): A Molecular Dynamics Simulation study”
Reparametrization of vdW parameters between Water and CO2 force fields using solvation free energy in “Structural and interfacial properties of the CO2-in-water foams prepared with Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS): A Molecular Dynamics Simulation study.”
Contributors: P. Iza, H. Dominguez, Y. Aray, X. Zarate & E. Schott
2019 journal article
Behavior of the SDS/1-butanol and SDS/2-butanol mixtures at the water/n-octane interface through molecular dynamics simulations
Chemical Physics, 523, 138–149.
Contributors: , Y. Aray *, P. Iza *, X. Zarate * & E. Schott * *

2019 journal article
Distribución del 1-butanol y 2-butanol en los sistemas agua/n-octano y agua/Dodecil ´Sulfato de Sodio (SDS)/n-octano usando dinámica molecular. Parte II. Uso de las herramientas gmx-density y gmx-densmap
ACI Avances En Ciencias e Ingenierías, 11(2).
2019 journal article
Structural and interfacial properties of the CO2-in-water foams prepared with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS): A molecular dynamics simulation study
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 578, 123615.
Contributors: , H. Domínguez *, Y. Aray *, P. Iza *, X. Zarate * & E. Schott * *

2017 conference paper
Affinity of asphaltene models of Venezuelan crude oils to water/oil interfaces. A molecular dynamics study
4th International Conference on Materials Science, ICMS 2017. Presented at the 4th International Conference on Materials Science, ICMS 2017, Ponente Cartel. Valdivia-Chile.
2017 journal article
Computational study of one-step polar Diels–Alder reactions using the NEB method for the minimum energy paths search
Molecular Simulation, 43(8), 644–655.

2017 journal article
Exploring the effect of the O-(1-heptylnonyl) benzene sulfonate surfactant on the nature of the linear hydrocarbons/water interface by means of an atomistic molecular dynamics simulation
Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, 17(1), 39–53.
Contributors: Y. Aray *, * , D. Jiménez*, R. Paredes *, A. Martiz *, S. Samaniego*, M. Cornejo *, E. Ludena *, C. Paredes*
Ed(s): F. Ruette, A. Sierralta, M. Sánchez & N. Luiggi

2017 conference paper
Molecular dynamics simulations to study synergism between SDS/1- butanol and SDS/2-butanol mixtures located at the interfacial region of water/noctane system
4th International Conference on Materials Science, ICMS 2017. Poster presented at the 4th International Conference on Materials Science, ICMS 2017, Valdivia-Chile.
2016 journal article
Comportamiento del SDS localizado en la región interfacial del sistema agua/n-octano. Un estudio usando dinámica molecular
Avances En Ciencias e Ingenierias.
2016 journal article
Comportamiento del SDS localizado en la región interfacial del sistema agua/n-octano. Un estudio usando dinámica molecular
ACI Avances En Ciencias e Ingenierías.

2016 journal article
Comportamiento del SDS localizado en la región interfacial del sistema agua/n-octano. Un estudio usando dinámica molecular
Avances En Ciencias e Ingeniería, 8(14).

2016 journal article
Exploring the effect of the O-(1-heptylnonyl) benzene sulfonate surfactant on the nature of the linear hydrocarbons/water interface by means of an atomistic molecular dynamics simulation
Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, 17(1), 39–53,

2015 conference paper
Behavior of certain asphaltene models in different organic solvents by computational techniques
IV Venezuelan Congress of Science, Technology and Innovation within the framework of the LOCTI and PEII. Poster presented at the IV Venezuelan Congress of Science, Technology and Innovation within the framework of the LOCTI and PEII, Caracas Venezuela.
2015 conference paper
Determination of the lateral diffusion of asphaltene models in water/n-heptane and water/toluene by molecular dynamics
IV Venezuelan Congress of Science, Technology and Innovation within the framework of the LOCTI and PEII. Poster presented at the IV Venezuelan Congress of Science, Technology and Innovation within the framework of the LOCTI and PEII, Caracas Venezuela.
2014 journal article
Effect of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) on interfacial film thickness and molecular orientation of water in water/1-pentanol and water/1-hexanol systems
Faraute De Ciencias y Tecnolog Ia, 9(1), 5–11.
2014 conference paper
Estudio de Dinámica Molecular del Dodecil Sulfato de Sodio (sds) Ubicado en la Región Interfacial Agua/Pentanol y Agua/Hexanol
V Congress of Physicochemistry Theoretical and Computational. Presented at the V Congress of Physicochemistry Theoretical and Computational, Venezuela.
2014 journal article
Explorando el comportamiento de los alcoholes 1-butanol y 2-butanol ubicados en la región interfacial de los sistemas n-hexano/agua, ciclohexano/agua y tolueno/agua mediante dinámica molecular
Avances En Química.
2014 journal article
Exploring the behavior of 1-butanol and 2-butanol alcohols located in the interfacial region of the n-hexane/water, cyclohexane/water and toluene/water systems through molecular dynamics,Explorando el comportamiento de los alcoholes 1-butanol y 2-butanol ubicados en la región interfacial de los sistemas n-hexano/agua, ciclohexano/agua y tolueno/agua mediante dinámica molecular
Avances En Quimica, 9(3), 87–96.
2014 conference paper
Exploring the interfacial properties of the n-octane/SDS/ water/SDS/n-octane system by molecular dynamics
III Venezuelan Congress of Science, Technology and Innovation within the framework of LOCTI and PEII. Poster presented at the III Venezuelan Congress of Science, Technology and Innovation within the framework of LOCTI and PEII, Caracas Venezuela.
2014 conference paper
Molecular interactions between amino-g and water using continuous solvation and molecular dynamics methods
Fifth congress of Theoretical and Computational Physicochemistry. Presented at the Fifth congress of Theoretical and Computational Physicochemistry, Venezuela-Edo.
2013 conference paper
Molecular dynamics simulation of C12E2 and C12 E5 surfactants located at the vacuum/water interface
II Venezuelan Congress of Science, Technology and Innovation within the framework of the LOCTI and PEII. Poster presented at the II Venezuelan Congress of Science, Technology and Innovation within the framework of the LOCTI and PEII, Caracas Venezuela.
2013 conference paper
Molecular dynamics simulation of sodium dodecyl sulfate surfactant located at the vacuum/water interface
VIII National Congress and 2nd. International Research Congress of the University of Carabobo. Poster presented at the VIII National Congress and 2nd. International Research Congress of the University of Carabobo, Valencia-Venezuela.
2012 conference paper
Simulation of the n-hexane/1-butanol/water system using molecular dynamics
IV Congress of Theoretical and Computational Physicochemistry. Poster presented at the IV Congress of Theoretical and Computational Physicochemistry., Caracas Venezuela.
2011 journal article
Exploring the Structure–Solubility Relationship of Asphaltene Models in Toluene, Heptane, and Amphiphiles Using a Molecular Dynamic Atomistic Methodology
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 115(42), 11495–11507.
Contributors: Y. Aray *, R. Hernández-Bravo *, * , J. Rodríguez* & D. Coll *

2011 journal article
Predicción del volumen molar y la entalpía molar de vaporización de moléculas orgánicas usando variables determinadas mediante el modelo de apantallamiento tipo conductor (COSMO)
Avances En Química.
2011 journal article
Prediction of Molar Volume and Molar Enthalpy of Vaporization of organic molecules using variables determined by the COSMO model
Avances En Quımica, 6(3), 79–88.
2011 journal article
Relationship between the cohesive energy density of hydrocarbons, linear alcohols and aromatic compounds with the nonbonding free energy density estimated by solvation methods
Faraute De Ciencias y Tecnologıa, 6(2), 12–21.
2010 journal article
Estimation of the Solubility Parameter of models of fractions A1 and A2 of asphaltenes through molecular dynamics
Faraute De Ciencias y Tecnolog Ia, 5(1), 68–76.
2010 conference paper
Relationship between the solubility parameter and the non-bonding free energy density of some solvents estimated using the C-PCM solvation method
VII National Congress and 1st. International Research Congress of the University of Carabobo. Presented at the VII National Congress and 1st. International Research Congress of the University of Carabobo, Valencia-Venezuela.
2009 conference paper
A1 and A2 of asphaltenes through molecular dynamics
IX Venezuelan Congress of Chemistry and I International Congress of the Venezuelan Society of Chemistry (SVQ). Presented at the IX Venezuelan Congress of Chemistry and I International Congress of the Venezuelan Society of Chemistry (SVQ), Cuman ́a-Venezuela.
2009 conference paper
Study of the solubility of models of fractions A1 and A2 of asphaltenes through molecular dynamics
IX Venezuelan Congress of Chemistry and I International Congress of the Venezuelan Society of Chemistry (SVQ). Presented at the IX Venezuelan Congress of Chemistry and I International Congress of the Venezuelan Society of Chemistry (SVQ), Cumana-Venezuela.
2008 conference paper
Estimation of the interaction energies of asphaltene fractions models on dolomite (001) and magnesite (100) surfaces by molecular dynamics
VI Research Congress of the University of Carabobo. Presented at the VI Research Congress of the University of Carabobo, Valencia- Venezuela.
2005 conference paper
Correlation between the molecular structure of surfactants and their lipophilic-hydrophilic character (HLB)
VII Venezuelan Congress of Chemistry of the Venezuelan Chemistry Society. Presented at the VII Venezuelan Congress of Chemistry of the Venezuelan Chemistry Society, Merida-Venezuela.
Updated: June 24th, 2023 09:58
2022 - present
2017 - present
2012 - 2017
2007 - 2012
2004 - 2007
Updated: June 26th, 2024 18:35
2016 - present
1997 - 2002