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Works (107)

Updated: March 22nd, 2025 05:02

2025 journal article

Efficacy of hyperimmunized egg yolk antibodies (IgY) against <i>Campylobacter</i> <i>jejuni</i>: <i>In Vitro </i>and<i> In Vivo</i> evaluations


By: N. Soltani*, S. Rahimi*, P. Khaki*, M. Torshizi*, B. Eskandari* & J. Grimes n

author keywords: Bacterin; Broiler chicken; Campylobacter jejuni; Egg yolk immunoglobulins
topics (OpenAlex): Animal health and immunology; Viral gastroenteritis research and epidemiology; Salmonella and Campylobacter epidemiology
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: February 17, 2025

2025 journal article

Physiological impacts of overweight on semen parameters and fertility in male broiler breeders


By: A. Behnamifar*, S. Rahimi*, M. Torshizi*, M. Sharafi* & J. Grimes n

author keywords: Testosterone; Artificial insemination; Sperm concentration; Sperm viability; Sperm total motility
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Sperm and Testicular Function; Agriculture and Biological Studies
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: March 17, 2025

2025 journal article

Research note: Effects of L-carnitine and L-arginine on sperm quality and fertility potential of aged broiler breeder roosters


By: H. Samiei*, S. Rahimi*, M. Torshizi*, A. Baghbanzadeh*, R. Torshizi*, V. Esmaeili*, J. Grimes n

author keywords: L-arginine; L-carnitine; Sperm motility; Roosters; Sperm quality
topics (OpenAlex): Sperm and Testicular Function; Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Coccidia and coccidiosis research
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: February 17, 2025

2024 journal article

Chromium propionate in turkeys: effect on performance and animal safety


By: J. Spears n, K. Lloyd n, K. Flores n, K. Krafka, J. Hyda & J. Grimes n

author keywords: chromium propionate; turkeys; performance; animal safety
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Chromium effects and bioremediation; Trace Elements in Health
Source: Web Of Science
Added: January 16, 2024

2024 journal article

Chromium propionate in turkeys: effects on insulin sensitivity


By: J. Spears n, K. Lloyd n, K. Krafka, J. Hyda & J. Grimes n

author keywords: turkeys; chromium propionate; insulin sensitivity; glucose
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Drug Transport and Resistance Mechanisms; Trace Elements in Health
Source: Web Of Science
Added: January 2, 2024

2024 journal article

Comparing the effect of phytobiotic, coccidiostat, toltrazuril, and vaccine on the prevention and treatment of coccidiosis in broilers


By: H. Shahininejad*, S. Rahimi*, M. Torshizi*, F. Arabkhazaeli*, M. Ayyari*, A. Behnamifar*, M. Abuali*, J. Grimes n

author keywords: coccidiosis; vaccine; monensin; lesion scores; oocyst excretion
topics (OpenAlex): Coccidia and coccidiosis research; Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Insect and Pesticide Research
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
3. Good Health and Well-being (Web of Science; OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: April 29, 2024

2024 journal article

Comparison of the effect of anticoccidial drug, probiotic, synbiotic, phytochemicals and vaccine in prevention and control of coccidiosis in broiler chickens challenged with <i>Eimeria</i> spp


By: E. Javanmiri*, S. Rahimi*, M. Torshizi*, S. Nabiyan*, A. Behnamifar* & J. Grimes n

author keywords: coccidiosis; Eimeria; feed additives; gene expression; oocyst; broiler chicken
topics (OpenAlex): Coccidia and coccidiosis research; Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Veterinary medicine and infectious diseases
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
3. Good Health and Well-being (OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: November 4, 2024

2024 journal article

Effect of brooding conditions on the blood chemistry and performance of turkey poults


By: R. Crespo n & J. Grimes n

author keywords: blood chemistry; brooding; environment; management; performance; turkey poult
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Effects of Environmental Stressors on Livestock; Meat and Animal Product Quality
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
6. Clean Water and Sanitation (OpenAlex)
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: January 29, 2024

2024 journal article

Engineered Miscanthus Biochar Performance as a Broiler Litter Amendment

AGRIENGINEERING, 6(4), 4911–4924.

By: C. Graves n, M. Sharara n, S. Shah n, P. Kolar n & J. Grimes n

author keywords: agricultural emissions; air quality; ammonia; acidified biochar; sustainable agriculture
topics (OpenAlex): Bioenergy crop production and management
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: December 19, 2024

2024 journal article

The effect of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) as a mediator of dietary fatty acids and thiazolidinedione in pulmonary arterial hypertension induced by cold stress of broilers


By: M. Rahimi*, S. Rahimi*, M. Torshizi*, M. Sharafi*, A. Masoudi* & J. Grimes n

author keywords: Ascites; Broiler chickens; Fish oil; Pioglitazone; PPAR gamma; Omega-3
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors; Meat and Animal Product Quality
Source: Web Of Science
Added: April 1, 2024

2023 journal article

Low Airspeed Impacts on Tom Turkey Response to Moderate Heat Stress

AgriEngineering, 5(4), 1971–1988.

By: D. Uemura, P. Regmi*, J. Grimes n, L. Wang-Li n & S. Shah n

author keywords: infrared camera; ventilation; subcutaneous; wind chill; weight gain; hematocrit; corticosterone
topics (OpenAlex): Effects of Environmental Stressors on Livestock; Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Animal Behavior and Welfare Studies
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
7. Affordable and Clean Energy (OpenAlex)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries, ORCID, Crossref
Added: January 16, 2024

2023 journal article

Low-cost Calibration Method for the Infrared Camera

Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 39(5), 529–534.

By: D. Uemura, S. Shah*, P. Regmi*, J. Grimes* & L. Wang-Li

author keywords: Absolute error; Accuracy; Emissivity; Heat stress; IR; Precision; Reflected air temperature; Sensitivity analysis
topics (OpenAlex): Effects of Environmental Stressors on Livestock; Calibration and Measurement Techniques
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries, Crossref
Added: January 16, 2024

2023 journal article

Machine learning and data mining methodology to predict nominal and numeric performance body weight values using Large White male turkey datasets

Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 32(4), 100366.

By: K. Flores n, L. de Carvalho, B. Reading n, A. Fahrenholz n, P. Ferket n & J. Grimes n

author keywords: turkey production; machine learning; data mining; turkey performance
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Bird parasitology and diseases; Aquaculture Nutrition and Growth
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries, ORCID, Crossref
Added: October 16, 2023

2023 journal article

Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR & gamma;) activation: a potential treatment for ascites syndrome in broiler chickens

Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR & gamma;) activation: a potential treatment for ascites syndrome in broiler chickens. POULTRY SCIENCE, 102(9).

By: M. Rahimi*, S. Rahimi*, M. Torshizi*, M. Shara*, A. Masoudi* & J. Grimes n

author keywords: ascites; broiler; peroxisome proliferators-activated receptor gamma; vascular smooth muscle cell
topics (OpenAlex): Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors; Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Nitric Oxide and Endothelin Effects
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 7, 2023

2022 review

Can Biochar Improve the Sustainability of Animal Production?

[Review of ]. APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 12(10).

By: C. Graves n, P. Kolar n, S. Shah n, J. Grimes n & M. Sharara n

author keywords: manure management; emission mitigation; odor; sustainable agriculture; composting; adsorption
topics (OpenAlex): Composting and Vermicomposting Techniques; Phosphorus and nutrient management; Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
15. Life on Land (Web of Science)
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: May 18, 2022

2022 journal article

Performance and processing yield comparisons of Large White male turkeys by genetic lines, sources, and seasonal rearing


By: K. Flores n & J. Grimes n

Contributors: K. Flores n & J. Grimes n

author keywords: Genetic lines; processing; performance; growth rate; seasonal rearing
MeSH headings : Animal Feed / analysis; Animals; Chickens; Diet / veterinary; Male; Seasons; Turkeys / genetics
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Livestock and Poultry Management; Silkworms and Sericulture Research
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID
Added: March 28, 2022

2021 journal article

Effect of methionine chelated Zn and Mn and corn particle size on Large White male turkey live performance and carcass yields

Poultry Science, 100(11), 101444.

By: K. Flores n, A. Fahrenholz n, P. Ferket n, T. Biggs & J. Grimes n

Contributors: K. Flores n, A. Fahrenholz n, P. Ferket n, T. Biggs & J. Grimes n

author keywords: turkey; zinc; manganese; chelate; carcass yield
MeSH headings : Animal Feed / analysis; Animal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena; Animals; Chickens; Diet / veterinary; Dietary Supplements; Manganese; Methionine; Particle Size; Turkeys; Zea mays; Zinc
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Bird parasitology and diseases; Livestock and Poultry Management
TL;DR: Increasing the corn mean particle size and adding it post pellet could save money during feed milling; however, birds might have a slightly lower BW and a combination of inorganic and chelated Zn and Mn may improve performance and increase total breast meat yields. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
7. Affordable and Clean Energy (OpenAlex)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries, ORCID, Crossref
Added: October 18, 2021

2021 journal article

Effect of pellet quality and biochar litter amendment on male turkey performance

Poultry Science, 100(4), 101002.

By: K. Flores n, A. Fahrenholz n & J. Grimes n

Contributors: K. Flores n, A. Fahrenholz n & J. Grimes n

author keywords: turkey; feed-fine; pellet quality; biochar; miscanthus grass
MeSH headings : Animals; Body Weight; Charcoal; Floors and Floorcoverings / standards; Male; Random Allocation; Turkeys / growth & development
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Economic and Environmental Valuation; Banana Cultivation and Research
TL;DR: Strategies to reduce the abundance of fines in feed through feed formulation, feed manufacturing, feed transport, and in-house feed management should be considered to increase male turkeys' performance. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries, Crossref
Added: May 24, 2021

2021 journal article

Effects of dietary alpha-lipoic acid supplementation on the seminal parameters and fertility potential in aging broiler breeder roosters

POULTRY SCIENCE, 100(2), 1221–1238.

By: A. Behnamifar*, S. Rahimi*, M. Torshizi*, M. Sharafi* & J. Grimes n

author keywords: antioxidant; lipid peroxidation; malondialdehyde; progressive motility
MeSH headings : Aging / physiology; Animal Feed / analysis; Animals; Body Weight / physiology; Chickens / physiology; Dietary Supplements; Female; Fertility / drug effects; Fertility / physiology; Insemination, Artificial / veterinary; Male; Semen / chemistry; Semen / physiology; Semen Analysis / veterinary; Sperm Motility; Spermatozoa / physiology; Thioctic Acid / administration & dosage
topics (OpenAlex): Biochemical Acid Research Studies; Sperm and Testicular Function
TL;DR: 95 mg dietary ALA as an antioxidant supplement can improve semen quality of aging breeder roosters while higher doses resulted in no further improvement, while with increasing ALA levels, improvement in semen parameters had an incremental trend until the level of 95 mg ALA. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: March 8, 2021

2021 journal article

Impact of microbial waste additives and glucose on ammonia emissions from broiler litter in the lab


By: S. Shah n, W. McKettrick n, A. Najafian* & J. Grimes n

author keywords: Glucose; glycolysis; nitrification; immobilization; amendment; acidifier; poultry; manure
MeSH headings : Air Pollutants / analysis; Air Pollutants / metabolism; Ammonia / analysis; Ammonia / metabolism; Animals; Biodegradation, Environmental; Chickens; Glucose / metabolism; Manure / analysis; Nitrification; Nitrogen / analysis; Nitrogen / metabolism; Poultry
topics (OpenAlex): Odor and Emission Control Technologies; Wastewater Treatment and Nitrogen Removal; Composting and Vermicomposting Techniques
TL;DR: More research on cost-effective labile carbon sources and higher application rates are required to achieve greater NH3 reduction and the effectiveness of glucose in reducing NH3 emission could have been due to greater N immobilization and nitrification vs. the other treatments. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
6. Clean Water and Sanitation (OpenAlex)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: March 15, 2021

2021 journal article

The effect of a heat-stable xylanase on digesta viscosity, apparent metabolizable energy and growth performance of broiler chicks fed a wheat-based diet


By: I. Barasch n & J. Grimes n

author keywords: xylanase; enzyme; AME(n); digesta viscosity; broiler
MeSH headings : Animal Feed / analysis; Animal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena; Animals; Chickens / metabolism; Diet / veterinary; Dietary Supplements / analysis; Endo-1,4-beta Xylanases / metabolism; Energy Metabolism; Hot Temperature; Triticum / metabolism; Viscosity
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Livestock and Poultry Management; Bird parasitology and diseases
TL;DR: The xylanase proved effective for broilers to 21 d when fed the diets used herein with changes in digesta viscosity, increased dietary AMEn, and improved bird performance represented by either BW gain or FCR. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
7. Affordable and Clean Energy (OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: September 7, 2021

2021 journal article

The effect of feed processing of novel unheated, low trypsin inhibitor soybeans on the performance of young female turkeys reared from hatch to 21 days of age


By: C. Evans n, J. Garlich n, C. Stark* & J. Grimes n

author keywords: turkey; unheated soybeans; trypsin inhibitor; anti-nutritional factor
MeSH headings : Animal Feed / analysis; Animal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena; Animals; Chickens; Diet / veterinary; Soybeans; Trypsin Inhibitors; Turkeys
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Aquaculture Nutrition and Growth; Phytase and its Applications
TL;DR: Based on the results of this trial, it is possible to include up to 20% unheated full fat LTI soybeans into poult starter diets after pelleting, allowing for greater incorporation of the L TI soybean in the crumbled diet compared to the mash diet. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: October 18, 2021

2021 journal article

The effect of methyl-beta-cyclodextrin on DNA absorption and quality of posttransfected sperm


By: M. Rahimi*, S. Rahimi*, M. Sharafi*, A. Shahverdi* & J. Grimes n

author keywords: chicken; exogenous DNA; sperm; transfection
MeSH headings : Animals; Chickens; Cryopreservation / veterinary; DNA; Female; Male; Semen Preservation / veterinary; Sperm Motility; Spermatozoa; beta-Cyclodextrins
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Genetics and Reproduction; Sperm and Testicular Function; RNA Interference and Gene Delivery
TL;DR: It is demonstrated that rooster spermatozoa spontaneously can uptake exogenous DNA; this was assessed using exogenousDNA amplification (sperm genomic DNA used as a template for PCR reaction) after DNase I treatment. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: March 21, 2022

2020 journal article

Effect of feed form, soybean meal protein content, and Rovabio Advance on poult live performance to 3 wk of age

Poultry Science, 99(12), 6705–6714.

By: K. Flores n, A. Fahrenholz n & J. Grimes n

Contributors: K. Flores n, A. Fahrenholz n & J. Grimes n

author keywords: feed form; feed quality; particle size; enzyme; soybean meal
MeSH headings : Animal Feed / analysis; Animal Feed / standards; Animal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena; Animals; Diet / veterinary; Dietary Proteins / metabolism; Dietary Supplements; Enzymes / pharmacology; Random Allocation; Soybean Proteins / metabolism; Turkeys / growth & development
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Livestock and Poultry Management; Rabbits: Nutrition, Reproduction, Health
TL;DR: It was concluded that both the feed form and quality, as used in this study, affect poult performance. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries, Crossref
Added: January 4, 2021

2020 journal article

Effects of stocking density on large white, commercial tom turkeys reared to 20 weeks of age: 1. growth and performance

POULTRY SCIENCE, 99(11), 5582–5586.

By: B. Bartz n, K. Anderson n, E. Oviedo-Rondon n, K. Livingtson n & J. Grimes n

author keywords: Turkey; stocking density; growth; performance
MeSH headings : Animal Husbandry / methods; Animals; Housing, Animal; Male; Population Density; Turkeys / growth & development; Weight Gain
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Livestock and Poultry Management; Animal Behavior and Welfare Studies
TL;DR: It was concluded that birds reared at looser density had improved performance, based on linear regression, as stocking density decreased, m2/bird increased, BW and BW increased, and FCR tended to decrease (improve) at 20 wk. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: December 21, 2020

2020 journal article

Sodium bisulfate feed additive aids broilers in growth and intestinal health during a coccidiosis challenge

POULTRY SCIENCE, 99(11), 5324–5330.

By: E. Chadwick n, S. Rahimi*, J. Grimes n, J. Pitts & R. Beckstead n

author keywords: broiler; coccidiosis; sodium bisulfate
MeSH headings : Animal Feed / analysis; Animals; Chickens / growth & development; Chickens / parasitology; Coccidiosis / prevention & control; Coccidiosis / veterinary; Diet / veterinary; Dietary Supplements; Eimeria; Intestines / drug effects; Male; Poultry Diseases / prevention & control; Sulfates / pharmacology
topics (OpenAlex): Coccidia and coccidiosis research; Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Veterinary medicine and infectious diseases
TL;DR: Overall, the addition of SB during coccidial enteropathy aided in BW, feed conversion ratio, and villi health with no observed effects on parasite cycling. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: December 21, 2020

2020 journal article

The effect of sodium bisulfate and coccidiostat on intestinal lesions and growth performance of Eimeria spp.-challenged broilers

POULTRY SCIENCE, 99(10), 4769–4775.

By: M. Talghari*, A. Behnamifar*, S. Rahimi*, M. Torshizi*, R. Beckstead n & J. Grimes n

author keywords: broiler; coccidiosis; lesion score; monensin; sodium bisulfate
MeSH headings : Animal Feed / analysis; Animals; Chickens; Coccidiosis / drug therapy; Coccidiosis / prevention & control; Coccidiosis / veterinary; Coccidiostats / pharmacology; Coccidiostats / therapeutic use; Diet / veterinary; Eimeria; Growth and Development / drug effects; Intestines / drug effects; Poultry Diseases / drug therapy; Poultry Diseases / prevention & control; Sulfates / pharmacology
topics (OpenAlex): Coccidia and coccidiosis research; Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Helminth infection and control
TL;DR: Based on the results of this study, SBS has protective effects against coccidiosis in ceca, and the combination of M and SBS (SBSM) did not show any further improvement effect compared with M alone on the control of cocCidiosis. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: November 9, 2020

2019 journal article

Chromium propionate in broilers: human food and broiler safety

Poultry Science, 98(12), 6579–6585.

By: J. Spears n, K. Lloyd n, C. Pickworth n, Y. Huang n, K. Krafka, J. Hyda, J. Grimes n

author keywords: chromium; broilers; tissue chromium
MeSH headings : Animal Feed / analysis; Animals; Chickens / physiology; Diet / veterinary; Dietary Supplements / analysis; Dose-Response Relationship, Drug; Female; Food Safety; Humans; Male; Propionates / administration & dosage; Propionates / metabolism; Random Allocation; Tissue Distribution
topics (OpenAlex): Chromium effects and bioremediation; Analytical chemistry methods development; Trace Elements in Health
TL;DR: Results of this study support the safety of Cr Prop in broiler diets, and indicate that Cr Prop supplementation to broilers diets at 2 or 10× the approved feeding level does not present a human health concern. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
Sources: Web Of Science, Crossref, NC State University Libraries
Added: January 13, 2020

2019 journal article

Effect of a direct-fed microbial and prebiotic on performance and intestinal histomorophology of turkey poults challenged with Salmonella and Campylobacter

POULTRY SCIENCE, 98(12), 6572–6578.

By: S. Rahimi*, S. Kathariou n, O. Fletcher n & J. Grimes n

author keywords: direct-fed microbial; mannanoligosaccharide; Salmonella; Campylobacter; poult
MeSH headings : Animal Feed / analysis; Animal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena; Animals; Bacterial Shedding / drug effects; Campylobacter / drug effects; Campylobacter Infections / drug therapy; Campylobacter Infections / veterinary; Diet / veterinary; Feces / microbiology; Female; Gastrointestinal Microbiome / drug effects; Intestines / drug effects; Intestines / physiology; Poultry Diseases / drug therapy; Prebiotics / administration & dosage; Probiotics / pharmacology; Random Allocation; Salmonella / drug effects; Salmonella Infections, Animal / drug therapy; Turkeys / growth & development; Turkeys / physiology
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Salmonella and Campylobacter epidemiology; Probiotics and Fermented Foods
TL;DR: There is potential for CALSPORIN and IMW50 to reduce Salmonella shedding in feces, enhance ileal mucosal health, and improve growth performance of turkey poults. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: January 13, 2020

2019 journal article

The Effects of Miscanthus Grass as a Bedding Source and the Dietary Inclusion of Unheated, Low-Trypsin Inhibitor Soybeans on the Performance of Commercial Tom Turkeys Reared to Market Age

Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 28(4), 982–996.

By: C. Evans n, J. Garlich n, I. Barasch n, C. Stark*, A. Fahrenholz n & J. Grimes n

author keywords: turkey; soybean; trypsin inhibitor; litter; Miscanthus grass
topics (OpenAlex): Agronomic Practices and Intercropping Systems; Bioenergy crop production and management
TL;DR: Turkey toms feeding diets containing low trypsin inhibitor soybeans had improved BW gain and feed intake with a lower overall FCR compared to turkeys fed diets containing conventional raw whole soybeans, and there was improved digestibility of the novel soybean lines. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (OpenAlex)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries, Crossref
Added: February 3, 2020

2018 journal article

Effects of Management Related Practices on Turkey Hen Performance Supplemented With Either Original XPC (TM) or AviCare (TM)


By: B. Bartz, D. McIntyre & J. Grimes

topics (OpenAlex):
Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: December 17, 2018

2018 journal article

Evaluation of a novel, low-cost plastic solar air heater for turkey brooding


By: M. Poole n, S. Shah n, J. Grimes n, M. Boyette n & L. Stikeleather n

author keywords: UTC; Unglazed; Livestock; Suction velocity; Efficiency; Heat exchanger effectiveness
topics (OpenAlex): Heat Transfer Mechanisms; Greenhouse Technology and Climate Control; Solar Thermal and Photovoltaic Systems
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
7. Affordable and Clean Energy (Web of Science; OpenAlex)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries, Crossref
Added: August 6, 2018

2018 journal article

Evaluation of landscape fabric as a solar air heater

Renewable Energy, 127, 998–1003.

By: M. Poole n, S. Shah n, M. Boyette n, J. Grimes n & L. Stikeleather n

author keywords: Transpired solar collector; UTC; Landscape fabric; Temperature rise; Modeling
topics (OpenAlex): Heat Transfer Mechanisms; Solar Thermal and Photovoltaic Systems; Wind and Air Flow Studies
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries, Crossref
Added: August 6, 2018

2016 journal article

Chromium propionate in broilers: effect on insulin sensitivity

POULTRY SCIENCE, 95(5), 1096–1104.

By: M. Brooks n, J. Grimes n, K. Lloyd n, K. Krafka, A. Lamptey & J. Spears n

author keywords: chromium; insulin; broiler; glucose
MeSH headings : Animals; Blood Glucose / drug effects; Chickens; Fatty Acids, Nonesterified / blood; Glycogen / metabolism; Insulin Resistance; Liver / metabolism; Male; Muscle, Skeletal / metabolism; Propionates / pharmacology
topics (OpenAlex): Chromium effects and bioremediation; Analytical chemistry methods development; Trace Elements in Health
TL;DR: Results of this study indicate that Cr propionate supplementation of a control diet containing 0.43 to 0.45 mg Cr/kg enhanced insulin sensitivity in newly hatched male Ross broilers. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2016 journal article

Routes of transmission of Salmonella and Campylobacter in breeder turkeys


author keywords: Salmonella; Campylobacter; breeder turkeys; routes of transmission
topics (OpenAlex): Salmonella and Campylobacter epidemiology; Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Viral gastroenteritis research and epidemiology
TL;DR: Monitoring of turkey breeder hens and toms from d of hatch to 65 wk of age showed that Campylobacter spread rapidly and cross-contaminated turkeys throughout the growout house, confirming the importance of proper pest control and biosecurity to reduce the spread of the bacteria. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2016 journal article

The effects of probiotics, organic acid, and a medicinal plant on the immune system and gastrointestinal microflora in broilers challenged with Campylobacter jejuni


By: H. Ebrahimi, S. Rahimi, P. Khaki, J. Grimes* & S. Kathariou*

author keywords: Broilers; Campylobacter jejuni; colonization; Echinacea purpurea; organic acid; probiotics
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Herbal Medicine Research Studies; Viral gastroenteritis research and epidemiology
TL;DR: Evidence is provided that some commercial feed and water additives can reduce chickens' susceptibility to C. Jejuni colonization and also can effectively increase immune system efficiency. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
6. Clean Water and Sanitation (OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2015 journal article

Evaluation of different water flow rates of nipple drinkers on broiler productivity


By: C. Quilumba*, E. Quijia*, A. Gernat*, G. Murillo* & J. Grimes n

author keywords: broiler; nipple; water flow; litter; water utilization
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Bird parasitology and diseases; Avian ecology and behavior
TL;DR: As birds become heavier, they attempt to utilize larger amounts of water from ND with greater WFR without any beneficial effect on bird performance, and as WFR increase, litter moisture under the ND will initially increase but then decrease as the birds age. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
6. Clean Water and Sanitation (OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2014 journal article

Acidifier application rate impacts on ammonia emissions from US roaster chicken houses

Atmospheric Environment, 92, 576–583.

By: S. Shah n, J. Grimes n, E. Oviedo-Rondón n & P. Westerman n

author keywords: Broiler; Litter amendment; Acid trap; Impingers; Bubblers; Emission rate; Ventilation
topics (OpenAlex): Odor and Emission Control Technologies; Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Indoor Air Quality and Microbial Exposure
Sources: Web Of Science, Crossref, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2014 journal article

Footpad dermatitis severity on turkey flocks and correlations with locomotion, litter conditions, and body weight at market age1

The Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 23(2), 268–279.

By: M. Da Costa n, J. Grimes n, E. Oviedo-Rondón n, I. Barasch n, C. Evans n, M. Dalmagro n, J. Nixon n

author keywords: footpad dermatitis; turkey; gait score; litter condition; welfare; walking ability
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Animal Behavior and Welfare Studies; Insect and Pesticide Research
TL;DR: FPD and GS are correlated with BW at market age and litter condition is a major factor in FPD development and walking ability in turkeys. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, Crossref, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2014 journal article

Transpired solar collector duct for tempering air in North Carolina turkey brooder barn and swine nursery

Solar Energy, 102, 308–317.

By: C. Love, S. Shah n, J. Grimes n & D. Willits n

author keywords: Solar heating; UTC; Propane saving; Simple payback period
topics (OpenAlex): Greenhouse Technology and Climate Control; Solar Thermal and Photovoltaic Systems; Heat Transfer and Optimization
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
7. Affordable and Clean Energy (Web of Science; OpenAlex)
Sources: Crossref, Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2013 journal article

Acidifier dosage effects on inside ammonia concentrations in roaster houses

Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 29(4), 573–580.

By: S. Shah*, E. Oviedo-Rondon*, J. Grimes*, P. Westerman* & D. Campeau*

topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Odor and Emission Control Technologies
Sources: NC State University Libraries, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2013 journal article

Ancillary effects of different acidifier application rates in roaster houses


By: S. Shah*, P. Westerman*, J. Grimes n, E. Oviedo-Rondon n & D. Campeau*

author keywords: propane; electricity; ammonia; nitrogen; fertilizer value; sodium bisulfate
topics (OpenAlex): Odor and Emission Control Technologies; Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Economic and Environmental Valuation
Sources: Web Of Science, Crossref, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2013 journal article

Bioavailability in chicks of zinc from zinc propionate


By: M. Brooks, J. Grimes n, K. Lloyd*, S. Verissimo n & J. Spears*

author keywords: chick; trace mineral; bioavailability; zinc propionate; zinc sulfate
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Trace Elements in Health; Plant Micronutrient Interactions and Effects
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2013 journal article

Live performance of roasters raised in houses receiving different acidifier application rates

The Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 22(4), 922–928.

By: E. Oviedo-Rondon*, S. Shah n, J. Grimes*, P. Westerman n & D. Campeau*

author keywords: ammonia; roaster; litter amendment; sodium bisulfate
topics (OpenAlex): Odor and Emission Control Technologies; Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Indoor Air Quality and Microbial Exposure
TL;DR: The significant reductions in NH3 levels observed in the whole flock across all 6 flocks receiving SBS treatments did not significantly improve broiler live performance or affect condemnations at the processing plant. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, Crossref, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2013 journal article

Nitrogen mass balance in commercial roaster houses receiving different acidifier application rates


By: S. Shah*, J. Grimes n, E. Oviedo-Rondon n, P. Westerman* & D. Campeau*

author keywords: ammonia emission; cake; litter; feed; tissue; sodium bisulfate
topics (OpenAlex): Odor and Emission Control Technologies; Hygrothermal properties of building materials
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
6. Clean Water and Sanitation (OpenAlex)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2012 journal article

Relative bioavailability in chicks of manganese from manganese propionate


By: M. Brooks, J. Grimes n, K. Lloyd*, F. Valdez & J. Spears*

author keywords: bioavailability; chick; manganese; manganese propionate; trace mineral
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Trace Elements in Health; Bird parasitology and diseases
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2009 journal article

Effect of a direct-fed microbial (Primalac) on structure and ultrastructure of small intestine in turkey poults

Poultry Science, 88(3), 491–503.

By: S. Rahimi*, J. Grimes*, O. Fletcher n, E. Oviedo & B. Sheldon*

author keywords: probiotic; turkey; intestine; morphology; Salmonella
MeSH headings : Animal Feed; Animal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena; Animals; Diet / veterinary; Female; Intestine, Small / drug effects; Intestine, Small / ultrastructure; Poultry Diseases / drug therapy; Poultry Diseases / prevention & control; Probiotics / pharmacology; Salmonella Infections, Animal / prevention & control; Turkeys
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Livestock and Poultry Management; Moringa oleifera research and applications
TL;DR: Changes in intestinal morphology as observed in this study support the concept that poultry gut health and function, and ultimately bird performance, can be improved by dietary supplementation with DFM products such as Primalac as used in thisStudy. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, Crossref, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2009 journal article

Organic trace minerals and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol affect performance characteristics, leg abnormalities, and biomechanical properties of leg bones of turkeys

POULTRY SCIENCE, 88(1), 118–131.

By: P. Ferket*, E. Oviedo-Rondon*, P. Mente n, D. Bohorquez*, A. Santos*, J. Grimes*, J. Richards, J. Dibner, V. Felts*

author keywords: turkey; organic trace mineral; 25-hydroxycholecalciferol; leg problem; bone
MeSH headings : Animal Feed / analysis; Animal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena; Animals; Biomechanical Phenomena; Bone Development / drug effects; Bone and Bones / drug effects; Calcifediol / pharmacology; Diet; Dietary Supplements; Hindlimb / pathology; Lameness, Animal / drug therapy; Male; Trace Elements / pharmacology; Turkeys / growth & development; Walking / physiology
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Trace Elements in Health; Bird parasitology and diseases
TL;DR: Dietary MIN supplementation may improve feed conversion of turkeys, likely by decreasing leg problems and maximum shear stress at failure of femoral bones in a torsion assay was increased by supplementation with both MIN and HyD together. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
3. Good Health and Well-being (OpenAlex)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2009 journal article

The effect of a direct-fed microbial (Primalac) on turkey live performance


By: S. Russell n & J. Grimes n

author keywords: direct-fed microbial; Primalac; probiotic; turkey
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Livestock and Poultry Management; Salmonella and Campylobacter epidemiology
TL;DR: The DFM product (Primalac) used in these studies was effective in improving turkey live performance and there was a nominal improvement in performance associated with the DFM. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2009 journal article

The role of respiratory donor enzymes in Campylobacter jejuni host colonization and physiology


By: D. Weerakoon n, N. Borden n, C. Goodson n, J. Grimes n & J. Olson n

author keywords: Campylobacter; Colonization; Respiration; Hydrogen; Formate
MeSH headings : Animals; Bacterial Proteins / genetics; Bacterial Proteins / metabolism; Campylobacter Infections / microbiology; Campylobacter jejuni / enzymology; Campylobacter jejuni / pathogenicity; Chickens; Formate Dehydrogenases / genetics; Formate Dehydrogenases / metabolism; Gene Knockout Techniques; Humans; Hydrogenase / genetics; Hydrogenase / metabolism; Ketone Oxidoreductases / genetics; Ketone Oxidoreductases / metabolism; Mutagenesis, Insertional; Virulence; Virulence Factors / genetics; Virulence Factors / metabolism
topics (OpenAlex): Salmonella and Campylobacter epidemiology; Porphyrin Metabolism and Disorders; Cassava research and cyanide
TL;DR: The importance of hydrogenase, formate dehydrogenase and OOR as well as the complex I of C. jejuni are elucidated by chicken colonization assays, where the double mutant Hyd::Fdh, OorB::CM and nuo mutants are severely impaired in host colonization. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2008 journal article

Effects of a direct-fed microbial (Primalac) on turkey poult performance and susceptibility to oral Salmonella challenge

POULTRY SCIENCE, 87(7), 1464–1470.

author keywords: direct-fed microbial; probiotic; feed pelleting; Salmonella; turkey
MeSH headings : Animal Feed / analysis; Animal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena; Animals; Diet / veterinary; Female; Poultry Diseases / drug therapy; Poultry Diseases / prevention & control; Probiotics / pharmacology; Salmonella Infections, Animal / prevention & control; Turkeys / growth & development
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Livestock and Poultry Management; Salmonella and Campylobacter epidemiology
TL;DR: Dietary DFM improved bird performance, reduced Salmonella populations, and was not affected by feed processing. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2008 journal article

Effects of incubator temperature and oxygen concentration during the plateau stage of oxygen consumption on turkey embryo long bone development

POULTRY SCIENCE, 87(8), 1484–1492.

By: E. Oviedo-Rondon n, J. Small n, M. Wineland n, V. Christensen n, J. Grimes n, S. Funderburk n, D. Ort n, K. Mann n

author keywords: turkey; incubation; leg health; bone development
MeSH headings : Animal Husbandry / methods; Animals; Bone Development / physiology; Chondrocytes / cytology; Chondrocytes / metabolism; Embryonic Development / physiology; Femur / cytology; Femur / embryology; Immunohistochemistry / veterinary; Oxygen / administration & dosage; Oxygen Consumption / physiology; Random Allocation; Temperature; Tibia / cytology; Tibia / embryology; Turkeys / embryology
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Comparative Animal Anatomy Studies; Aquaculture Nutrition and Growth
TL;DR: It is concluded that incubation conditions affect long bone development in turkeys via TEM and O(2) in resting and hypertrophic zones. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2008 journal article

Role of Campylobacter jejuni respiratory oxidases and reductases in host colonization


By: R. Weingarten n, J. Grimes n & J. Olson n

MeSH headings : Animals; Campylobacter jejuni / enzymology; Campylobacter jejuni / growth & development; Cecum / microbiology; Chickens / microbiology; Colony Count, Microbial; DNA Primers / genetics; Gene Components; Mass Spectrometry; Mutagenesis; Nitrates / metabolism; Oxidoreductases / genetics; Oxidoreductases / metabolism; Oxygen / metabolism; Species Specificity
topics (OpenAlex): Salmonella and Campylobacter epidemiology; Trace Elements in Health; Chemical and Physical Properties in Aqueous Solutions
TL;DR: While there appears to be a role for anaerobic respiration in host colonization, oxygen is the most important respiratory acceptor for C. jejuni in the chicken cecum. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2008 journal article

The effect of quicklime (CaO) on litter condition and broiler performance

POULTRY SCIENCE, 87(5), 823–827.

By: V. Ruiz*, D. Ruiz*, A. Gernat*, J. Grimes n, J. Murillo*, M. Wineland n, K. Anderson n, R. Maguire*

author keywords: broiler; litter treatment; quicklime; phosphorus; litter pathogen
MeSH headings : Animal Welfare; Animals; Body Composition / drug effects; Calcium Compounds / pharmacology; Chickens / growth & development; Floors and Floorcoverings / standards; Housing, Animal / standards; Male; Oxides / pharmacology
topics (OpenAlex): Soil and Water Nutrient Dynamics; Water Quality and Pollution Assessment
TL;DR: It is concluded that the use of quicklime as a treatment for broiler litter would initially reduce nitrogen and soluble phosphorus and bacteria counts without negatively affecting bird productivity. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2007 journal article

A novel bedding material made from cotton waste, gypsum, and old newsprint for rearing turkeys


By: J. Grimes n, T. Carter n, A. Gernat* & J. Godwin n

author keywords: turkey; turkey production; bedding; performance; body weight; feed conversion
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Insect-Plant Interactions and Control; Insect and Pesticide Research
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2007 journal article

Comparison of the performance of 1966-versus 2003-type turkeys when fed representative 1966 and 2003 turkey diets: Growth rate, livability, and feed conversion

POULTRY SCIENCE, 86(2), 232–240.

By: G. Havenstein n, P. Ferket n, J. Grimes n, M. Qureshi* & K. Nestor*

author keywords: turkey; body weight; feed conversion; livability; genetic change
MeSH headings : Aging; Animal Feed; Animal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena; Animals; Diet / veterinary; Female; Longevity / genetics; Male; Turkeys / genetics; Turkeys / growth & development; Weight Gain / genetics
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Livestock and Poultry Management; Bird parasitology and diseases
TL;DR: Overall livability was very good for all groups, but the mortality level of the RBC2 was consistently higher, although not significantly so, than for the modern birds, which appeared to be strongly affected by type of feed used and seasonal changes in ambient temperature. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2006 journal article

Effect of chelated calcium proteinate fed in the maternal diet of turkey breeders on embryo cardiac physiology and poult quality

International Journal of Poultry Science, 5(4), 337.

By: V. Christensen*, J. Grimes*, R. Rowland & D. Ort*

topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Aquaculture Nutrition and Growth; Livestock and Poultry Management
TL;DR: It is concluded that CCP improves egg shell conductance, and the subsequent eggshell conductance constant (k) of eggs from turkey breeder hens, which improved embryo cardiac health and poult BW after hatching. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2006 journal article

Liming poultry manures to decrease soluble phosphorus and suppress the bacteria population


By: R. Maguire n, D. Hesterberg n, A. Gernat*, K. Anderson n, M. Wineland n & J. Grimes n

Contributors: R. Maguire n, D. Hesterberg n, A. Gernat*, K. Anderson n, M. Wineland n & J. Grimes n

MeSH headings : Animals; Bacteria / isolation & purification; Colony Count, Microbial; Hydrogen-Ion Concentration; Manure / microbiology; Phosphorus / analysis; Poultry; Soil / analysis; Solubility
topics (OpenAlex): Soil and Water Nutrient Dynamics; Phosphorus and nutrient management; Mine drainage and remediation techniques
TL;DR: The liming process used to evaluate CaO and Ca(OH)2 for killing manure bacterial populations and stabilizing P in poultry wastes and to investigate the influence on soils following amendment with the treated wastes. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries, ORCID
Added: August 6, 2018

2006 journal article

Use of a litter material made from cotton waste, gypsum, and old newsprint for rearing broiler chickens

POULTRY SCIENCE, 85(3), 563–568.

By: J. Grimes n, T. Carter n & J. Godwin n

author keywords: broiler; litter; performance; body weight; feed conversion
MeSH headings : Animal Husbandry / methods; Animals; Calcium Sulfate; Chickens / growth & development; Cotton Fiber; Floors and Floorcoverings; Housing, Animal; Paper; Weight Gain
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Livestock and Poultry Management; Insect and Pesticide Research
TL;DR: Three experiments, which included 4 broiler flocks, were conducted to examine the usefulness of a novel bedding material for rearing broilers, and broilers reared on AC bedding perform as well as those rearing on pine shavings. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2005 journal article

Effect of dietary phosphorus and phytase levels on the reproductive performance of large white turkey breeder hens

POULTRY SCIENCE, 84(3), 485–493.

By: J. Godwin n, J. Grimes n, V. Christensen n & M. Wineland n

author keywords: turkey breeder hen; phosphorus; phytase; reproductive performance
MeSH headings : 6-Phytase / administration & dosage; Animals; Body Weight; Chick Embryo / anatomy & histology; Chick Embryo / physiology; Diet / veterinary; Eating; Egg Shell / anatomy & histology; Female; Fertility; Light; Phosphorus / analysis; Phosphorus, Dietary / administration & dosage; Reproduction; Turkeys / physiology
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Aquaculture Nutrition and Growth; Livestock and Poultry Management
TL;DR: It was concluded that phosphorus could be lowered in turkey breeder hen diets, compared with current surveyed industry levels, without impairing reproductive performance. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2005 journal article

Effects of diacetoxyscirpenol and fusaric acid on poults: Individual and combined effects of dietary diacetoxyscirpenol and fusaric acid on turkey poult performance

International Journal of Poultry Science, 4(6), 350.

By: A. Fairchild*, J. Grimes*, J. Porter, W. Croom*, L. Daniel* & W. Hagler*

topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Mycotoxins in Agriculture and Food; Insect and Pesticide Research
TL;DR: Turkey poults were randomly placed in batteries and fed one of four dietary treatments: control; control plus 4ppm diacetoxyscirpenol (DAS); control plus 300ppm Fusaric Acid (FA); and control plus 2ppm DAS and 3ppm FA (FD). (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2005 journal article

Effects of virginiamycin and a man mannanoligosaccharide-virginiamycin shuttle program on the growth and performance of large white female turkeys

POULTRY SCIENCE, 84(12), 1967–1973.

By: C. Parks*, J. Grimes n & P. Ferket n

author keywords: turkey; virginiamycin; mannanoligosaccharide; growth; shuttle program; carcass yield
MeSH headings : Aging; Animal Feed; Animals; Anti-Bacterial Agents / administration & dosage; Anti-Bacterial Agents / pharmacology; Diet; Dietary Supplements; Drug Administration Schedule; Female; Mannans / administration & dosage; Mannans / pharmacology; Turkeys / growth & development; Virginiamycin / administration & dosage; Virginiamycin / pharmacology; Weight Gain / drug effects
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Livestock and Poultry Management; Bird parasitology and diseases
TL;DR: The MOS-VM shuttle program resulted in early growth depression for birds less than 3 wk of age, possibly influenced by an unplanned cold stress, but better growth than the nonmedicated control birds after 6 wK of age. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
3. Good Health and Well-being (OpenAlex)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2005 journal article

Enzyme supplementation may improve diets

World Poultry (Doetinchem, Netherlands), 21(8), 14.

By: J. Grimes & J. Godwin

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2005 journal article

Phytase helps to reduce the phosphorus load into the environment

World Poultry (Doetinchem, Netherlands), 21(9), 13.

By: J. Grimes & J. Godwin

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2005 journal article

Recycling paper products into litter material

World Poultry (Doetinchem, Netherlands), 19.

By: J. Grimes

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2004 journal article

Dietary pentosanase supplementation of diets containing different qualities of wheat on growth performance and metabolizable energy of turkey poults

International Journal of Poultry Science, 3(1), 33.

By: A. Santos n, P. Ferket*, J. Grimes* & F. Edens*

topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Livestock and Poultry Management; Agricultural Practices and Plant Genetics
Sources: NC State University Libraries, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2004 journal article

Dietary supplementation of endoxylanases and phospholipase for turkeys fed wheat-based rations

International Journal of Poultry Science, 3(1), 20.

By: A. Santos n, P. Ferket*, J. Grimes* & F. Edens*

topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Moringa oleifera research and applications; Livestock and Poultry Management
TL;DR: Growth performance and energy utilization of turkeys fed wheat-based diets can be significantl y enhanced by phospholipase supplementation of starter feeds and endoxylanase supplements of growing and finishing feeds, however, enzyme blends may provide a positive response regardless of turkey age. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
7. Affordable and Clean Energy (OpenAlex)
Sources: NC State University Libraries, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2004 journal article

Effect of a chelated calcium proteinate dietary supplement on the reproductive performance of large white turkey breeder hens


By: J. Grimes n, S. Noll*, J. Brannon*, J. Godwin n, J. Smith* & R. Rowland

author keywords: chelated calcium proteinate; turkey breeder hen; reproduction; egg production; egg fertility; egg hatchability
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Livestock and Poultry Management; Moringa oleifera research and applications
TL;DR: It was concluded that feeding 500 ppm calcium from chelated calcium proteinate improved hatchability of turkey eggs during the later period of egg production, which was associated with decreased late embryo mortality. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2004 journal article

Response of turkey poults to soybean lectin levels typically encountered in commercial diets. 1. Effect on growth and nutrient digestibility

POULTRY SCIENCE, 83(9), 1559–1571.

By: Y. Fasina*, J. Garlich n, H. Classen*, P. Ferket n, G. Havenstein n, J. Grimes n, M. Qureshi n, V. Christensen n

author keywords: turkey poult; soybean lectin; semipurified diet; soybean meal; nutrient digestibility
MeSH headings : Animals; Antibodies / blood; Dietary Proteins / administration & dosage; Dietary Proteins / immunology; Digestion / physiology; Digestive System Physiological Phenomena; Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay; Feces / chemistry; Female; Microvilli / enzymology; Organ Size / drug effects; Pancreas / drug effects; Plant Lectins / administration & dosage; Plant Lectins / immunology; Soybean Proteins / administration & dosage; Soybean Proteins / immunology; Spectrophotometry; Turkeys / growth & development
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Proteins in Food Systems; Livestock and Poultry Management
TL;DR: SBL present at levels up to 0.024% of the diet would not cause antinutritional effect in turkey poults up to 2 wk of age, as well as inconsistent results for feed efficiency (FE) and brush border enzyme levels. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (OpenAlex)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2004 journal article

Turkey sire effects on embryonic survival and physiology

International Journal of Poultry Science, 3(1), 80.

By: V. Christensen*, D. Ort*, M. Wineland* & J. Grimes*

topics (OpenAlex): Livestock and Poultry Management; Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Genetic and Clinical Aspects of Sex Determination and Chromosomal Abnormalities
Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2003 journal article

Accelerating embryonic growth during incubation following prolonged egg storage 1. Embryonic livability

POULTRY SCIENCE, 82(12), 1863–1868.

By: V. Christensen n, J. Grimes n, M. Wineland n & G. Davis n

author keywords: egg storage; embryonic growth; hatchability; incubation
MeSH headings : Animals; Embryo, Nonmammalian / physiology; Embryonic Development; Incubators / veterinary; Quality Control; Temperature; Time Factors; Turkeys / embryology
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Genetics and Reproduction; Reproductive Biology and Fertility; Sperm and Testicular Function
TL;DR: It was concluded that delayed growth and depressed metabolism of fertilized turkey eggs stored for 15 d can be compensated for by exposure to higher incubation temperatures for the initial 1 or 2 wk of incubation. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2003 journal article

Accelerating embryonic growth during incubation following prolonged egg storage 2. Embryonic growth and metabolism

Poultry Science, 82(12), 1869–1878.

By: V. Christensen n, J. Grimes n, M. Wineland n & G. Davis n

MeSH headings : Animals; Blood Glucose / analysis; Creatine Kinase / blood; Embryo, Nonmammalian / metabolism; Embryonic Development; Energy Metabolism; Glucose / analysis; Glycogen / analysis; Heart / embryology; Incubators / veterinary; L-Lactate Dehydrogenase / blood; Lactic Acid / analysis; Liver / chemistry; Liver / embryology; Muscle, Skeletal / chemistry; Muscle, Skeletal / embryology; Temperature; Thyroxine / blood; Time Factors; Triiodothyronine / blood; Turkeys / embryology
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Aquaculture Nutrition and Growth; Reproductive biology and impacts on aquatic species
TL;DR: It was concluded that a possible mechanism for the improved livability of faster growing embryos observed after prolonged egg storage might be due to better utilization of carbohydrate. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2003 journal article

Heat treatment of turkey litter for reuse as bedding

International Journal of Poultry Science, 2(5), 287.

By: J. Grimes*, C. Williams*, J. Godwin* & J. Smith*

topics (OpenAlex): Invertebrate Taxonomy and Ecology; Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Economic and Environmental Valuation
TL;DR: Litter treated by the heat process used for this study produces a bedding material suitable for rearing market turkeys, and did not affect bird mortality. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2003 journal article

Physiological factors associated with weak neonatal poults (Meleagris gallopavo)

International Journal of Poultry Science, 2(1), 7.

By: V. Christensen n, D. Ort* & J. Grimes*

topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Livestock and Poultry Management; Cardiovascular Conditions and Treatments
TL;DR: The data suggest that management to aid weak neonatal turkey poult deaths may need to focus on conditions fostering heart growth and function. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
3. Good Health and Well-being (OpenAlex)
Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2003 journal article

Relationship of the eggshell conductance constant to intestinal physiology

International Journal of Poultry Science, 2(3), 207.

By: V. Christensen n, D. Ort*, S. Suvarna*, W. Croom* & J. Grimes*

topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Animal Behavior and Welfare Studies; Meat and Animal Product Quality
TL;DR: Differences in EW, G and IP observed at hatching were shown to affect the growth of poults for the first week following hatching, suggesting that large eggs with low permeability may be at risk for weak poulting when they are exposed to shorter IP. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2003 journal article

Relationship of the eggshell conductance constant to neonatal cardiac physiology

International Journal of Poultry Science, 2(3), 220.

By: V. Christensen*, D. Ort* & J. Grimes*

topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Meat and Animal Product Quality
TL;DR: Changes in functional qualities of eggs, or the eggshell conductance constant (k), may affect cardiac weight and physiology and predispose poults to a weakened condition and improved knowledge of this relationship may allow selection of k to optimize hatchling cardiac health. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2003 journal article

Turkey breeder hen weight control

Zootecnica International, (11), 18.

By: J. Grimes & P. Ferket

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2002 journal article

Effect of mannan-endo-1,4-beta-mannosidase on the growth performance of turkeys fed diets containing 44 and 48% crude protein soybean meal

POULTRY SCIENCE, 81(9), 1322–1331.

By: N. Odetallah n, P. Ferket n, J. Grimes n & J. McNaughton n

author keywords: turkey; soybean meal; enzyme; mannan-endo-1,4-beta-mannosidase; growth performance
MeSH headings : Animal Feed; Animals; Body Weight / drug effects; Dietary Proteins; Dietary Supplements; Energy Intake; Feeding Behavior; Mannosidases / pharmacology; Soybeans; Turkeys / growth & development
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Banana Cultivation and Research; Livestock and Poultry Management
TL;DR: The results of these experiments indicate that some of the adverse effects of antinutritional factors of SBM of on turkey growth performance can be alleviated by dietary mannan-endo-1,4-beta-mannosidase supplementation. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (OpenAlex)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2002 journal article

Effect of physical feed restriction during rearing on Large White turkey breeder hens: 3. Body and carcass composition

POULTRY SCIENCE, 81(12), 1792–1797.

By: A. Crouch*, J. Grimes*, V. Christensen* & K. Krueger*

author keywords: turkey breeder hen; feed restriction; body and carcass composition; prolactin
MeSH headings : Adipose Tissue; Aging; Animals; Body Composition; Body Water; Body Weight; Crop, Avian / anatomy & histology; Female; Food Deprivation; Light; Muscle, Skeletal / anatomy & histology; Organ Size; Oviducts / anatomy & histology; Oviposition; Prolactin / blood; Proteins / analysis; Seasons; Turkeys / growth & development; Turkeys / physiology
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Livestock and Poultry Management; Agricultural Practices and Plant Genetics
TL;DR: Further research on quantitative feed-restriction programs, which result in body weight reductions as described in this study, should address specific physiological and nutritional requirements and not be implemented as general programs. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2002 journal article

Effect of physical feed restriction during rearing on large white turkey breeder hens: 1. Growth performance

POULTRY SCIENCE, 81(1), 9–15.

By: A. Crouch*, J. Grimes n, V. Christensen n & K. Krueger*

author keywords: turkey breeder hen; feed restriction; body weight gain; feed consumption; feed conversion
MeSH headings : Animal Feed; Animal Husbandry / methods; Animals; Body Weight / physiology; Eating / physiology; Female; Food Deprivation / physiology; Oviposition / physiology; Random Allocation; Turkeys / growth & development; Turkeys / physiology
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Livestock and Poultry Management; Agricultural Practices and Plant Genetics
TL;DR: Large White turkey breeder hens were fed ad libitum for a 20-wk summer season egg production cycle, feed-restricted from 16 to 24 wk (CR), feed- restricted from 3 to 16 wK (RC), or feed- restricts for 3 to 24Wk (RR), and at the end of the study, cumulative feed consumption was significantly less for restricted treatments. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2002 journal article

Effect of physical feed restriction during rearing on large white turkey breeder hens: 2. Reproductive performance

POULTRY SCIENCE, 81(1), 16–22.

By: A. Crouch*, J. Grimes n, V. Christensen n & K. Krueger*

author keywords: turkey breeder hen; feed restriction; egg production; fertility; hatchability
MeSH headings : Animal Feed; Animal Husbandry / methods; Animals; Body Weight; Female; Fertility / physiology; Food Deprivation / physiology; Oviposition / physiology; Random Allocation; Temperature; Time Factors; Turkeys / growth & development; Turkeys / physiology
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Livestock and Poultry Management; Silkworms and Sericulture Research
TL;DR: Age of breeder, season of implementation, and length of physical feed restriction have significant effects on the reproductive performance of turkey breeder hens. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2002 journal article

Hen age relationship with embryonic mortality and fertility in commercial turkeys


By: B. Fairchild n, V. Christensen n, J. Grimes n, M. Wineland n & L. Bagley

author keywords: embryo mortality; fertility; hatchability; hen age; turkey
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Genetic and phenotypic traits in livestock; Livestock and Poultry Management
TL;DR: It is suggested that hen age influences embryonic mortality in modern commercial turkeys and could be used as an experimental model for further study of embryonic mortality. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
3. Good Health and Well-being (OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2002 review

Some alternative litter materials used for growing broilers and turkeys

[Review of ]. WORLDS POULTRY SCIENCE JOURNAL, 58(4), 515–526.

By: J. Grimes n, J. Smith n & C. Williams n

author keywords: alternative litter; poultry litter; poultry bedding; pine shavings; broilers; turkeys
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Rabbits: Nutrition, Reproduction, Health; Agronomic Practices and Intercropping Systems
TL;DR: While bird performance will always be a threshold criterion, cost and availability will ultimately determine the adoption of new or alternative litter materials by poultry growers and the poultry industry. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2001 journal article

A novel delivery of oxytetracycline in turkey breeder hens

AVIAN DISEASES, 45(2), 437–441.

By: D. Carver n, J. Grimes*, V. Christensen*, K. Joyce, B. Fairchild & A. Fairchild*

author keywords: turkey; antibiotic treatment; oxytetracycline; long acting
topics (OpenAlex): Microbial infections and disease research; Pharmaceutical and Antibiotic Environmental Impacts; Bacterial Identification and Susceptibility Testing
TL;DR: SQ12 may provide for a novel treatment of bacterial infection in turkey breeder hens with longer lasting serum levels compared with other single injectable OTC products. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2001 journal article

Effects of hen age, Bio-Mos,(R) and Flavomycin (R) on poult susceptibility to oral Escherichia coli challenge

POULTRY SCIENCE, 80(5), 562–571.

By: A. Fairchild n, J. Grimes n, F. Jones*, M. Wineland n, F. Edens n & A. Sefton*

author keywords: Escherichia coli; hen age; mannanoligosaccharide; antibiotic; performance
MeSH headings : Age Factors; Animals; Anti-Bacterial Agents / administration & dosage; Bambermycins / administration & dosage; Body Weight; Chickens; Colony Count, Microbial; Disease Susceptibility; Drug Combinations; Escherichia coli / drug effects; Escherichia coli / isolation & purification; Escherichia coli Infections / drug therapy; Escherichia coli Infections / prevention & control; Escherichia coli Infections / veterinary; Male; Poultry Diseases / drug therapy; Poultry Diseases / microbiology; Poultry Diseases / prevention & control; Serotyping
topics (OpenAlex): Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria; Plant Pathogenic Bacteria Studies; Animal Nutrition and Physiology
TL;DR: It may be concluded that dietary Bio-Mos and Flavomycin can improve the overall performance of poults, especially when they are faced with an E. coli challenge. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
6. Clean Water and Sanitation (OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2001 journal article

Effects of turkey breeder hen age, strain, and length of the incubation period on survival of embryos and hatchlings


By: V. Christensen n, J. Grimes n, M. Wineland n & L. Bagley

author keywords: commercial hatchery; conductance; turkey; hatchability
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Livestock and Poultry Management; Agricultural Practices and Plant Genetics
TL;DR: The results suggest that the conductance constant principle, which describes the relationship among egg weight, length of incubation, and eggshell conductance, can be used in commercial hatcheries to improve embryo survival and poult quality. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2001 journal article

Restriction of feed consumption and body weight in turkey breeder hens during the rearing period to improve reproductive performance

Zootecnica International, (5), 50.

By: A. Crouch, J. Grimes, V. Christensen & J. Garlich

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2001 journal article

The effect of mannanoligosaccharides, bambermycins, and virginiamycin on performance of large white male market turkeys

POULTRY SCIENCE, 80(6), 718–723.

By: C. Parks n, J. Grimes n, P. Ferket n & A. Fairchild n

author keywords: turkey; growth promotant; mannanoligosaccharide; bambermycin; virginiamycin
MeSH headings : Animal Feed; Animals; Anti-Bacterial Agents / pharmacology; Bambermycins / pharmacology; Body Weight / drug effects; Body Weight / physiology; Dietary Supplements; Energy Metabolism; Male; Mannose / chemistry; Oligosaccharides / chemistry; Oligosaccharides / pharmacology; Random Allocation; Turkeys / growth & development; Turkeys / physiology; Virginiamycin / pharmacology; Weight Gain / drug effects; Weight Gain / physiology
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Agricultural Practices and Plant Genetics; Plant Pathogenic Bacteria Studies
TL;DR: Dietary supplemental MOS, BAM, and VIR resulted in improved growth performance of Large White turkeys, indicating that MOS may be utilized as an alternative to antibiotic growth promotants to improve turkey performance. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
3. Good Health and Well-being (OpenAlex)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2001 journal article

Using enzyme supplementation to improve wheat utilization by broilers and turkeys

Zootecnica International, (6), 50.

By: J. Grimes

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2000 journal article

A comparison of the microbiological profile of poults from young versus old turkey breeder hens


By: A. Fairchild n, J. Grimes n, M. Wineland n & E. Jones*

author keywords: bacteria; hen age; microbial profile; poults; turkey breeder hen
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Salmonella and Campylobacter epidemiology; Livestock and Poultry Management
TL;DR: It was concluded that factors such as individual farm management, poult environment, biosecurity and traffic control, breeder flock bacterial profiles, and weekly conditions in the hatchery probably have a greater effect on poult bacterial profile than age of breeder hen. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2000 journal article

Correlation of body weight with hatchling blood glucose concentration and its relationship to embryonic survival

POULTRY SCIENCE, 79(12), 1817–1822.

By: V. Christensen*, J. Grimes n, W. Donaldson n & S. Lerner*

author keywords: embryonic livability; turkeys; growth; hatchability; blood glucose
MeSH headings : 3-Hydroxybutyric Acid / blood; Animals; Blood Glucose / analysis; Body Weight; Egg Shell / physiology; Embryo, Nonmammalian / metabolism; Embryonic Development; Energy Metabolism; Female; Gluconeogenesis; Glycogen / analysis; Ketoglutaric Acids / blood; Male; Mortality; Turkeys / embryology; Uric Acid / blood
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Animal Behavior and Welfare Studies; Livestock and Poultry Management
TL;DR: The negative correlation between selection for rapid growth and embryonic survival is related to egg-shell conductance constants and embryonic energy metabolism, suggesting a greater reliance on gluconeogenesis for the High group. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
7. Affordable and Clean Energy (OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2000 journal article

Heat processing of turkey litter for re-use as a bedding material

Proceedings, 2000 National Poultry Waste Management Symposium, 353.

By: J. Grimes, C. Williams, T. Carter & J. Godwin

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2000 journal article

Paternal influences on turkey embryonic growth in the absence of changes in egg weight and eggshell conductance

POULTRY SCIENCE, 79(12), 1810–1816.

By: V. Christensen n, J. Grimes n, W. Donaldson n & S. Lerner*

author keywords: turkey; sires; embryonic growth; blood glucose
MeSH headings : Animals; Blood Glucose / analysis; Body Weight; Egg Shell / physiology; Eggs; Female; Gluconeogenesis; Glucose-6-Phosphatase / blood; Glycogen / metabolism; Heart / anatomy & histology; Insemination, Artificial / veterinary; Liver / anatomy & histology; Male; Muscles / anatomy & histology; Organ Size; Turkeys / embryology
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Livestock and Poultry Management; Aquaculture Nutrition and Growth
TL;DR: It is concluded that poult embryonic growth differs even when not mediated by egg size and functional characteristics, as measured by plasma organic acids and glucose-6-phosphatase activity. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2000 journal article

The case for mannanoligosaccharides in poultry diets. An alternative to growth promotant antibiotics?

Biotechnology in the Feed Industry. Proceedings of Alltech's 16th Annual Symposium: the Future of Food, 45.

By: C. Parks, J. Grimes, P. Ferket & A. Fairchild

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2000 journal article

The effect of hen age on antibiotic resistance of Escherichia coli isolates from turkey poults


By: A. Fairchild n, J. Grimes n, M. Wineland n & F. Jones*

author keywords: antibiotics; Escherichia coli; hen age; microbial profile; poults
topics (OpenAlex): Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria; Pharmaceutical and Antibiotic Environmental Impacts; Antibiotics Pharmacokinetics and Efficacy
TL;DR: The data suggest that age of breeder flock and hatchery-related environmental differences might influence the effectiveness of antibiotics against avian E. coli isolates from turkey poults, which may be due to pronounced seasonal effects. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2000 journal article

The use of litter plus(R) as a bedding material for broilers

Proceedings, 2000 National Poultry Waste Management Symposium, 344.

By: J. Godwin, T. Carter & J. Grimes

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

1999 review

A survey and overview of lighting practices in the US turkey breeder industry

[Review of ]. JOURNAL OF APPLIED POULTRY RESEARCH, 8(4), 493–498.

By: J. Grimes n & T. Siopes n

author keywords: turkey breeder hens; turkey egg production; turkey industry; turkey lighting practices
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Effects of Environmental Stressors on Livestock; Animal Behavior and Welfare Studies
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

1999 journal article

Increased egg production in juvenile turkey hens after active immunization with vasoactive intestinal peptide

Poultry Science, 78(6), 899–901.

By: S. Caldwell*, A. Johnson*, T. Yule*, J. Grimes*, M. Ficken* & V. Christensen*

MeSH headings : Animal Husbandry; Animals; Eggs; Female; Fertility; Light; Turkeys / physiology; Vaccination / veterinary; Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide / administration & dosage
topics (OpenAlex): Antimicrobial Peptides and Activities; Protein Hydrolysis and Bioactive Peptides; Animal Nutrition and Physiology
TL;DR: It is demonstrated that VIP immunization of turkey hens is potentially economically relevant and the first egg laying cycle was extended for an additional 7 wk without a significant decline in egg production. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

1999 journal article

Restriction of feed consumption and body weight in two strains of large white turkey breeder hens

POULTRY SCIENCE, 78(8), 1102–1109.

By: A. Crouch n, J. Grimes n, V. Christensen n & J. Garlich n

author keywords: turkey breeder hen; restrictive feeding; body weight; egg production
MeSH headings : Animal Feed; Animal Husbandry; Animals; Body Weight; Eating; Female; Fertility; Male; Turkeys / growth & development
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Livestock and Poultry Management; Agricultural Practices and Plant Genetics
TL;DR: It was concluded that early severe feed restriction of female line breeder hens might improve subsequent reproductive performance and achieve the cumulative feed consumption or BW of control fed hens by 56 WOA. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

1999 journal article

The use of poultry litter as Co-substrate and source of inorganic nutrients and microorganisms for the ex situ biodegradation of petroleum compounds

POULTRY SCIENCE, 78(7), 956–964.

By: C. Williams n, J. Grimes n & R. Mikkelsen n

author keywords: poultry litter; biodegradation; petroleum hydrocarbons; nitrogen; phosphorus
MeSH headings : Animals; Biodegradation, Environmental; Chickens; Feces; Petroleum; Turkeys
topics (OpenAlex): Pesticide and Herbicide Environmental Studies; Microbial bioremediation and biosurfactants; Radioactive element chemistry and processing
TL;DR: The results showed that the remediation of soil contaminated with petroleum compounds is significantly enhanced when supplemented with poultry litter ( pelleted or nonpelleted) in concentrations of 10% soil volume, demonstrating the potential for a specialized market for the use of poultry litter. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

1997 journal article

Enzyme supplementation may improve bird performance

Feedstuffs, 69(22), 18–193334.

By: J. Grimes & A. Crouch

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

1997 journal article

Enzyme supplementation to enhance wheat utilization in starter diets for broilers and turkeys


By: A. Crouch n, J. Grimes n, P. Ferket n, L. Thomas n & A. Sefton*

author keywords: body weight; chicks; enzyme; feed conversion; gut viscosity; poults; wheat
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Agronomic Practices and Intercropping Systems; Legume Nitrogen Fixing Symbiosis
TL;DR: It was concluded that supplementation of wheat sources for both chicks and poults lowered intestinal viscosity, and enzyme supplementation of NC wheat diets improved performance of chicks andpoults and source of wheat affected chick and poult performance. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

1997 journal article

Filtering and the viability of turkey spermatozoa


By: J. Grimes n, V. Christensen n & R. Whittaker

author keywords: filtering; semen; spermatozoa; turkey; viability
topics (OpenAlex): Sperm and Testicular Function; Reproductive biology and impacts on aquatic species
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

1997 journal article

The effect of dietary Fermacto on layer hen performance


By: J. Grimes n, D. Maurice*, S. Lightsey* & J. Lopez

author keywords: egg proteins; egg shell quality; feed efficiency; fermentation feed; fermentation feed additive; SCWL laying hens
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Moringa oleifera research and applications; Rabbits: Nutrition, Reproduction, Health
TL;DR: It is demonstrated that, under conditions of this study, inclusion of FER at 0.2% improved feed utilization, and this was associated with feed staying longer in the digestive tract, and that metabolizable energy values of diets were higher when FER was included in the diet. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

1997 journal article

Wheat and enzymes for broiler, turkey diets differ in formulation

Poultry Digest, 56(7), 20.

By: J. Grimes & A. Crouch

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

1996 journal article

A survey of commercial turkey hatcheries in the United States

Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 5(3), 231.

By: J. Grimes n & S. Pardue n

topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Livestock and Poultry Management; Agricultural Practices and Plant Genetics
TL;DR: The objective of this survey was to determine hatchery practices and production variables for commercial turkey hatcheries in the United States to help identify areas that need further research and Extension education. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

1989 journal article


POULTRY SCIENCE, 68(11), 1436–1441.

By: J. Grimes n, J. Ort n, V. Christensen n & H. Ball n

MeSH headings : Animal Feed; Animals; Body Composition; Body Weight; Circadian Rhythm; Dietary Proteins / administration & dosage; Dietary Proteins / metabolism; Eating; Female; Fertility; Light; Oviposition; Random Allocation; Regression Analysis; Turkeys / growth & development; Turkeys / physiology
topics (OpenAlex): Animal Nutrition and Physiology; Moringa oleifera research and applications; Livestock and Poultry Management
TL;DR: Evidence is evidence that a 12% protein prebreeder ration is adequate for subsequent reproductive performance; observed effects of age on body characteristics agree with published data. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

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