Works (10)
2018 review
Fast-Scan Cyclic Voltammetry: Chemical Sensing in the Brain and Beyond
[Review of ]. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 90(1), 490–504.

2017 journal article
Background Signal as an in Situ Predictor of Dopamine Oxidation Potential: Improving Interpretation of Fast-Scan Cyclic Voltammetry Data

2016 journal article
The Hydroxyl Radical is a Critical Intermediate in the Voltammetric Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138(8), 2516–2519.
Contributors: M. Voinov n, A. Schmidt n, T. Smirnova n & L. Sombers n n,

2014 journal article
Multiple Scan Rate Voltammetry for Selective Quantification of Real-Time Enkephalin Dynamics
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 86(15), 7806–7812.

2014 journal article
Reducing the Sampling Rate of Biochemical Measurements Using Fast-Scan Cyclic Voltammetry for In Vivo Applications
IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 14(9), 2975–2980.

2013 journal article
Enzyme-Modified Carbon-Fiber Microelectrode for the Quantification of Dynamic Fluctuations of Nonelectroactive Analytes Using Fast-Scan Cyclic Voltammetry
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 85(18), 8780–8786.

2013 journal article
In Situ Electrode Calibration Strategy for Voltammetric Measurements In Vivo
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 85(23), 11568–11575.

2012 journal article
Trace metal complexation by the triscatecholate siderophore protochelin: structure and stability
BIOMETALS, 25(2), 393–412.
Contributors: J. Harrington n, J. Bargar *, A. Jarzecki *, n, L. Sombers n & O. Duckworth n

2011 journal article
Comparison of electrode materials for the detection of rapid hydrogen peroxide fluctuations using background-subtracted fast scan cyclic voltammetry
Analyst [London], 136(17), 3550–3556.
2010 journal article
Voltammetric Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide at Carbon Fiber Microelectrodes
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 82(12), 5205–5210.