Joseph Raymond Herkert
Works (101)
2024 journal article
In This Special Issue: Ethics in the Global Innovation Helix
IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society.
2023 conference paper
ETHICS-2023: Welcome messages
2023 IEEE International Symposium on Ethics in Engineering, Science, and Technology: Ethics in the Global Innovation Helix, ETHICS 2023.
2023 journal article
Remembering an Ethical Engineering Advocate
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine.

2022 chapter
Addressing Intelligent Systems and Ethical Design in the IEEE Code of Ethics
In International Library of Ethics, Law and Technology (Vol. 23, pp. 145–159).
Contributors: G. Adamson * & n
2022 chapter
Ethics, Autonomous Vehicles, and the Future City
In Autonomous Vehicle Ethics: The Trolley Problem and Beyond (pp. 415–431).

2022 chapter
Planes, Trains, and Flying Taxis
In Test-Driving the Future: Autonomous Vehicles and the Ethics of Technological Change.
2021 conference paper
Proceedings - 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Ethics in Engineering, Science and Technology: Engineering and Corporate Social Responsibility, ETHICS 2021.
2020 conference paper
2020 journal article
Autonomous Vehicles and the Ethical Tension Between Occupant and Non-Occupant Safety
Journal of Sociotechnical Critique.
2020 conference paper
Integrating Microethics And Macroethics In Graduate Science And Engineering Education: Developing Instructional Models
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings.
Contributors: , J. Wetmore *, H. Canary * & K. Ellison * *
2020 conference paper
Microethics and macroethics in graduate education for scientists and engineers: Developing and assessing instructional models
ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings.
Contributors: H. Canary *, * , K. Ellison * & J. Wetmore *
2020 chapter
Responsibilities to the Public—Professional Engineering Societies
In The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Engineering (pp. 592–606).

2020 journal article
Responsible innovation in biotechnology: Stakeholder attitudes and implications for research policy
Ed(s): A. Iles & P. Macnaghten

2020 conference paper
2020 journal article
The Boeing 737 MAX: Lessons for Engineering Ethics
Contributors: , J. Borenstein * & K. Miller* n
2020 conference paper
Yogi Meets Moses: Ethics, Progress, and the Grand Challenges for Engineering
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings.

2020 conference paper
“Write Things Worth Reading, Or Do Things Worth The Writing:” A Dual Degree Program In Engineering And The Liberal Arts
2005 Annual Conference Proceedings, 16015–16028.
2018 chapter
Designing an EAC program for the school of life sciences at Arizona state university: Early initiatives and lessons from the literature
In Ethics Across the Curriculum-Pedagogical Perspectives (pp. 343–361).
Contributors: K. Ellison *, C. Facemire* & n
2018 conference paper
Ethics and Responsible Innovation in Biotechnology Communities: A Pedagogy of Engaged Scholarship
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings, 2017-June.
Contributors: , J. Kuzma n, J. Roberts, E. Banks n & S. Stauffer* n
2017 chapter
Commentary Concrete Ethics
In Engineering Ethics (pp. 663–665).
2017 conference paper
Ethics and responsible innovation in biotechnology communities: A pedagogy of engaged scholarship
ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2017-June.
2017 chapter
Future Directions in Engineering Ethics Research: Microethics, Macroethics and the Role of Professional Societies
In Engineering Ethics (pp. 551–562).
2017 journal article
Self-Driving Cars and Engineering Ethics: The Need for a System Level Analysis
Contributors: J. Borenstein *, n & K. Miller *
2017 journal article
Self-Driving Cars: Ethical Responsibilities of Design Engineers
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 36(2), 67–75.
Contributors: J. Borenstein *, * & K. Miller

2015 chapter
Energy Ethics in Science and Engineering Education
In Philosophy of Engineering and Technology (Vol. 20, pp. 249–259).
Contributors: , R. Hollander*, C. Miller *, F. Benya *, C. Monfreda* & L. Osborne* *

2015 chapter
Overcoming the Challenges of Teaching Engineering Ethics in an International Context: A U.S. Perspective
In Philosophy of Engineering and Technology (Vol. 22, pp. 167–187).
2015 chapter
Societal Implications of the Smart Grid: Challenges for Engineering
In Philosophy of Engineering and Technology (Vol. 21, pp. 287–306).

2015 journal article
Special Issue on Ethics 2014/ISTAS 2014 [Guest Editorial]
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 34(2), 31.
Contributors: K. Miller * & n
2015 conference paper
The Online Resource Center for Ethics Education in Engineering and Science
2015 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings, 122nd ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition: Making Value for Society(122nd ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition: Making Value for Society).
Contributors: , F. Benya *, K. Ellison *, R. Hollander*, K. Laas * & S. Raghavan* *
2015 conference paper
The online resource center for ethics education in engineering and science
ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 122nd ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition: Making Value for Society(122nd ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition: Making Value for Society).
2015 conference paper
What is Gained by Articulating Non-canonical Engineering Ethics Canons?
2015 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings, 122nd ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition: Making Value for Society(122nd ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition: Making Value for Society).
Contributors: D. Riley *, A. Slaton * & *
2014 journal article
Engaging Students in Integrated Ethics Education: A Communication in the Disciplines Study of Pedagogy and Students' Roles in Society
Communication Education, 63(2), 83–104.
Contributors: H. Canary *, J. Taylor*, * , K. Ellison, J. Wetmore & C. Tarin *
2014 chapter
Engineering ethics
In Cambridge Handbook of Engineering Education Research (pp. 673–692).
2012 journal article
Computing ethics: Societal implications of the emerging smart grid
Communications of the ACM, 55(11), 34–36.

2012 journal article
Engineering Ethics: Looking Back, Looking Forward
Science and Engineering Ethics, 19(3), 1395–1404.
Contributors: R. Burgess, M. Davis *, M. Dyrud*, * , R. Hollander*, L. Newton*, M. Pritchard *, P. Vesilind*
2012 journal article
I Have Seen the Future! Ethics, Progress, and the Grand Challenges for Engineering
International Journal of Engineering, Social Justice, and Peace, 1(2).
2012 conference paper
Microethics and macroethics in graduate education for scientists and engineers: Developing and assessing instructional models
ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings.
2011 conference paper
Energy and society: challenges ahead
2011 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS).
2011 chapter
Ethical Challenges of Emerging Technologies
In International Library of Ethics, Law and Technology (Vol. 7, pp. 35–44).
2011 book
The Growing Gap Between Emerging Technologies and Legal-Ethical Oversight
In Springer Netherlands.
Ed(s): G. Marchant *, B. Allenby & *
2011 journal article
The Lincoln Teaching Fellows Program at the ASU Polytechnic Campus
Teaching Ethics, 11(2), 1–5.
2011 conference paper
Yogi meets Moses: Ethics, progress and the grand challenges for engineering
ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings.
2010 conference paper
Special session - Henry's daughters: A new engineering ethics movie
Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE.
Contributors: M. Loui *, J. Smith*, * & S. Nichols*
2010 journal article
Volunteerism and humanitarian engineering - Part II
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 29(1), 9–11.
2009 conference paper
2009 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society May 18-20, 2009, Phoenix, AZ
2009 IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, ISSST '09 in Cooperation with 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society, ISTAS.
2009 chapter
Macroethics in engineering: The case of climate change
In Engineering in context.
2008 book
Engineering ethics and STS subcultures
In Research in Social Problems and Public Policy (Vol. 16, pp. 51–69).
2007 journal article
2006 journal article
Confessions of a Shoveler: STS Subcultures and Engineering Ethics
Bulletin of Science, Technology &Amp; Society, 26(5), 410–418.
2006 conference paper
Ethical responses of large organizations to the challenge of sustainable development
IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, 2006, 53–54.

2006 article
2005 conference paper
"Write things worth reading, or do things worth the writing:" A dual-degree program in engineering and the liberal arts
ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 16015–16028.
2005 conference paper
Continuing and emerging issues in engineering ethics education and research: integrating microethics and macroethics
IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2004.
2005 article
Ways of thinking about and teaching ethical problem solving: Microethics and macroethics in engineering
Herkert, JR. (2005, July). SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ETHICS, Vol. 11, pp. 373–385.
2004 chapter
A multidisciplinary course on technological catastrophes
In K. A. N. D. F. Ollis & H. C. Luegenbiehl (Eds.), Liberal education in twenty-first century engineering: responses to ABET/EC 2000 criteria (WPI studies ; v. 23) (pp. 283–295). New York: Peter Lang.
Ed(s): K. D. F. Ollis & H. Luegenbiehl
2004 journal article
Engineering Ethics and Computer Ethics
Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology, 8(1), 36–56.
2004 chapter
Integrating engineering, ethics, and public policy
In K. A. N. D. F. Ollis & H. C. Luegenbiehl (Eds.), Liberal education in twenty-first century engineering: responses to ABET/EC 2000 criteria (WPI studies ; v. 23) (pp. 129–144). New York: Peter Lang.
Ed(s): K. D. F. Ollis & H. Luegenbiehl
2004 chapter
STS for engineers: Integrating engineering, humanities, and social sciences through STS courses and programs
In K. A. N. D. F. Ollis & H. C. Luegenbiehl (Eds.), Liberal education in twenty-first century engineering: responses to ABET/EC 2000 criteria (WPI studies ; v. 23) (pp. 245–254). New York: Peter Lang.
Ed(s): K. D. F. Ollis & H. Luegenbiehl
2004 article
Scholarly/professional scientific and engineering societies and globalization
2004 International Symposium on Technology and Society (IEEE Cat. No.04CH37548).
2004 article
Something old and something new
2004 conference paper
Teaching product liability as an ethical issue in engineering and computer science
33rd Annual Frontiers in Education, 2003. FIE 2003.

2003 article
ISTAS ' 02 - Social implications of information and . communication technology
2003 journal article
Professional societies, microethics, and macroethics: Product liability as an ethical issue in engineering design
International Journal of Engineering Education, 19(1 SPEC.), 163–167.
2002 conference paper
Engineering and humanities: bridging the gap
Technology-Based Re-Engineering Engineering Education Proceedings of Frontiers in Education FIE'96 26th Annual Conference.
2002 conference paper
International Symposium on Technology and Society: Introduction
International Symposium on Technology and Society, 1.
2002 article
Sustainable development and engineering: Ethical and public policy implications
2001 article
Commentary on: "The greening of engineers: A cross-cultural experience"
Herkert, JR. (2001, January). SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ETHICS, Vol. 7, pp. 120–122.

2001 article
Engineering ethics: Continuing and emerging issues - Part II - Education - Guest editors introduction

2001 article
Engineering ethics: Continuing and emerging issues Part I - Analytical frameworks
2001 article
Future directions in engineering ethics research: Microethics, macroethics and the role of professional societies
Herkert, JR. (2001, July). SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ETHICS, Vol. 7, pp. 403–414.
2000 conference paper
Engineering ethics education as a bridge from technology to society: The US experience
International Symposium on Technology and Society, 29–32.
2000 journal article
Engineering ethics education in the USA: content, pedagogy and curriculum
European Journal of Engineering Education, 25(4), 303–313.

2000 conference paper
Ethical responsibility and societal context: Integrating ethics and public policy considerations in the engineering curriculum
Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, 2.
1999 journal article
Concrete ethics
Science and Engineering Ethics, 5(4), 554–555.
1999 encyclopedia entry
Ethics and Professional Responsibility
In Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
1999 journal article
Ethics and professional responsibility
Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 7, 173–182.
1999 conference paper
Incorporating women's studies into teaching about technology: problems and prospects
International Symposium on Technology and Society, 139.
1999 conference paper
Incorporating women's studies into teaching about technology: problems and prospects
International Symposium on Technology and Society, 139.
1999 book
Social, Ethical, and Policy Implications of Engineering
1999 journal article
The ethics of intellectual property and the new information technologies
IEEE Spectrum, 36(8), 29–37.
Contributors: & M. Loui *
1998 journal article
Assessing the impact of shift to electronic communication and information dissemination by a professional organization - An analysis of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

1998 journal article
Educating ethical engineers
IEEE SPECTRUM, 35(6), 51–61.
1998 journal article
Guest Editor's Gloss: Reflections on the Future: Special Issue on the NSF/IEEE Workshop on the Socioeconomic Dimensions of Electronic Publishing
The Journal of Electronic Publishing, 4(2), 1–11.
1998 book
Proceedings, Socioeconomic Dimensions of Electronic Publishing Workshop: Meeting the needs of the engineering and scientific communities: Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 23-25 April 1998
Piscataway, NJ: IEEE.
1998 article
Special issue: ISTAS '97: Computers and society at a time of sweeping change - Introduction
1998 article
Sustainable development, engineering and multinational corporations: Ethical and public policy implications
Herkert, JR. (1998, July). SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ETHICS, Vol. 4, pp. 333–346.

1998 journal article
Sustainable development: Ethical and public policy implications
CHEMTECH, 28(11), 47–53.
1998 journal article
The conscience of computer science: Organizations that target the ethical & social implication of technology
The conscience of computer science: Organizations that target the ethical & social implication of technology. Change (New Rochelle, N.Y.), 30(1), 61–63.
1997 journal article
Collaborative learning in engineering ethics
Science and Engineering Ethics, 3(4), 447–462.
1997 journal article
Making connections: engineering ethics on the World Wide Web
IEEE Transactions on Education, 40(4), 7 pp.
1997 conference paper
Sustainable development and engineering: Ethical and public policy implications
International Symposium on Technology and Society, 175–180.
1996 conference paper
Identifying obstacles in the shift to electronic media by professional societies: a Delphi study of the IEEE
International Symposium on Technology and Society, 337–346.
1996 conference paper
Making connections: Engineering ethics on the World Wide Web
Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, 3, 1445.
1996 journal article
Technology choice for sustainable development
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 15(2), 12–20.
Contributors: , A. Farrell * & J. Winebrake * n

1995 journal article
1995 conference paper
Operationalizing sustainable development in a technology choice context: moving from theory to practice
Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Canadian Conference on Foundations and Applications of General Science Theory, 130–139.
1994 journal article
Ethical Risk Assessment: Valuing Public Perceptions
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 13(1), 4–10.
1993 conference paper
Ethics, risk communication and the culture of engineering
1991 journal article
Introducing professionalism and ethics in engineering curriculum
Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 117(4), 383–388.
1991 journal article
Management's hat trick: Misuse of "engineering judgment" in the challenger incident
Journal of Business Ethics, 10(8), 617–620.
1990 journal article
Science, Technology and Society Education for Engineers
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 9(3), 22–26.