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Works (8)
2012 book
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
2012 book
Mobile interfaces in public spaces: locational privacy, control, and urban sociability
In Mobile Interfaces in Public Spaces: Locational Privacy, Control, and Urban Sociability (pp. 1–209).
Contributors: A. Silva & *
2012 journal article
Splintered space: Hybrid spaces and differential mobility
Mobilities, 7(1), 131–149.
2011 review
Personal connections in the digital age
[Review of ]. New Media & Society, 13(8), 1396–1397.
2011 journal article
Review Essay: Understanding Digital Media and Society
2011 article
The shallows: What the Internet is doing to our brains
Frith, J., Morain, M., Cummings, C., & Berube, D. (2011, February). JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, Vol. 61, pp. E9–E12.
2010 journal article
Locational privacy in public spaces: Media discourses on location-aware mobile technologies
Communication, Culture & Critique, 3(4), 503–525.

2010 journal article
Locative Mobile Social Networks: Mapping Communication and Location in Urban Spaces
MOBILITIES, 5(4), 485–505.
Contributors: A. Silva n & n