James B Holland
Works (193)
2025 journal article
Analysis of Ga2 genome structure and activity reveals widespread distribution of functional alleles in modern maize germplasm
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics.
Ed(s): E. Akhunov
2025 article
Not so local: the population genetics of convergent adaptation in maize and teosinte
Tittes, S., Lorant, A., McGinty, S., Holland, J. B., Jesus Sánchez-González, J., Seetharam, A., … Ross-Ibarra, J. (2025, January 8).
2025 journal article
Oaxacan Green Dent maize is not from Oaxaca
Crop Science.
2025 journal article
The population genetics of convergent adaptation in maize and teosinte is not locally restricted
ELIFE, 12.
2024 article
Don't BLUP Twice
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics.
Ed(s): A. Lipka
2024 article
Global Genotype by Environment Prediction Competition Reveals That Diverse Modeling Strategies Can Deliver Satisfactory Maize Yield Estimates
Washburn, J. D., Varela, J. I., Xavier, A., Chen, Q., Ertl, D., Gage, J. L., … Leon, N. (2024, September 20).
2024 article
Global genotype by environment prediction competition reveals that diverse modeling strategies can deliver satisfactory maize yield estimates
Washburn, J. D., Varela, J. I., Xavier, A., Chen, Q., Ertl, D., Gage, J. L., … Leon, N. (2024, December 27). (M. Sillanpää, Ed.). GENETICS, Vol. 12.
Ed(s): M. Sillanpää
2024 article
Impact of genotype x environment interaction and selection history on genomic prediction in maize (<i>Zea mays</i> L.)
Costa, M., Holland, J. B., Leon, N., & Kaeppler, S. M. (2024, October 15). CROP SCIENCE, Vol. 10.
2024 article
Phenotypic characterization of Southeastern United States open-pollinated maize landraces
Woore, M. S., Flint-Garcia, S. A., & Holland, J. B. (2024, February 15). CROP SCIENCE, Vol. 2.

2024 journal article
Prediction of resistance, virulence, and host-by-pathogen interactions using dual-genome prediction models
2023 journal article
2018-2019 field seasons of the Maize Genomes to Fields (G2F) G x E project

2023 article
2020-2021 field seasons of Maize GxE project within the Genomes to Fields Initiative
Lima, D. C., Aviles, A. C., Alpers, R. T., Perkins, A., Schoemaker, D. L., Costa, M., … Leon, N. (2023, September 14). BMC RESEARCH NOTES, Vol. 16.

2023 article
Bearded or smooth? Awns improve yield when wheat experiences heat stress during grain fill
DeWitt, N., Lyerly, J., Guedira, M., Holland, J. B., Ward, B. P., Murphy, J. P., … Brown-Guedira, G. (2023, March 1).

2023 journal article
Bearded or smooth? Awns improve yield when wheat experiences heat stress during grain fill in the southeastern United States
Ed(s): S. Dreisigacker

2023 article
Characterization of a Host-Specific Toxic Activity Produced by Bipolaris cookei, Causal Agent of Target Leaf Spot of Sorghum
Samira, R., Lopez, L. F. S., Holland, J., & Balint-Kurti, P. J. (2023, January 16). PHYTOPATHOLOGY, Vol. 1.

2023 journal article
Characterization of a host-specific toxic activity produced by Bipolaris cookei, causal agent of Target Leaf Spot of Sorghum
Phytopathology®, 113(7), 1301–1306.

2023 article
Enhancing adaptation of tropical maize to temperate environments using genomic selection
Choquette, N. E., Weldekidan, T., Brewer, J., Davis, S. B., Wisser, R. J., & Holland, J. B. (2023, June 27). (A. Lipka, Ed.). G3-GENES GENOMES GENETICS, Vol. 6.
Ed(s): A. Lipka

2023 article
Environment-specific selection alters flowering-time plasticity and results in pervasive pleiotropic responses in maize
Choquette, N. E., Holland, J. B., Weldekidan, T., Drouault, J., Leon, N., Flint-Garcia, S., … Wisser, R. J. (2023, February 25). NEW PHYTOLOGIST, Vol. 2.

2023 article
Genomes to Fields 2022 Maize genotype by Environment Prediction Competition
Lima, D. C., Washburn, J. D., Varela, J. I., Chen, Q., Gage, J. L., Romay, M. C., … Leon, N. (2023, July 17). BMC RESEARCH NOTES, Vol. 16.
Contributors: D. Lima *, J. Washburn, J. Varela *, Q. Chen n , J. Gage n , M. Romay *, * , D. Ertl

2023 article
Not so local: the population genetics of convergent adaptation in maize and teosinte
Tittes, S., Lorant, A., McGinty, S., Holland, J. B., Jesus Sánchez-González, J., Seetharam, A., … Ross-Ibarra, J. (2023, November 21).
2023 article
Variability structure and heritability of germination timing in <i>Capsella bursa-pastoris</i> (L.) Medik. (Shepherd's purse)
Dobbs, A. M., Sousa-Ortega, C., Holland, J. B., Snyder, L. U., & Leon, R. G. (2023, December 9). WEED RESEARCH, Vol. 12.

2022 article
Empirical comparison of genomic and phenotypic selection for resistance to Fusarium ear rot and fumonisin contamination in maize
Butoto, E. N., Brewer, J. C., & Holland, J. B. (2022, July 4). THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS, Vol. 7.
2022 journal article
Environment-specific genomic prediction ability in maize using environmental covariates depends on environmental similarity to training data
Ed(s): A. Lipka

2022 article
Genomic prediction for the Germplasm Enhancement of Maize project
Rogers, A. R., Bian, Y., Krakowsky, M., Peters, D., Turnbull, C., Nelson, P., & Holland, J. B. (2022, October 24). PLANT GENOME.

2022 journal article
Outlook for Implementation of Genomics-Based Selection in Public Cotton Breeding Programs

2022 journal article
Prediction ability of genome-wide markers in Pinus taeda L. within and between population is affected by relatedness to the training population and trait genetic architecture
Ed(s): A. Lipka

2022 article
Saving Genetic Diversity in Seed Banks
Holland, J. (2022, August 11).
2022 article
The History of Maize
Holland, J. (2022, August 11).

2021 journal article
A conserved genetic architecture among populations of the maize progenitor, teosinte, was radically altered by domestication

2021 journal article
Characterizing the oligogenic architecture of plant growth phenotypes informs genomic selection approaches in a common wheat population

2021 article
Domestication Reshaped the Genetic Basis of Inbreeding Depression in a Maize Landrace Compared to its Wild Relative, Teosinte
Domestication reshaped the genetic basis of inbreeding depression in a Maize landrace compared to its wild relative, Teosinte. BioRxiv, Vol. 9.
Contributors: L. Samayoa n, B. Olukolu *, C. Yang*, Q. Chen* , M. Stetter *, A. York *, J. Jesus Sanchez-Gonzalez *, J. Glaubitz*
2021 journal article
Domestication reshaped the genetic basis of inbreeding depression in a maize landrace compared to its wild relative, teosinte
Contributors: L. Samayoa n, B. Olukolu*, C. Yang *, Q. Chen* , M. Stetter *, A. York *, J. Jesus Sanchez-Gonzalez *, J. Glaubitz*
Ed(s): B. Walsh

2021 article
Drought resilience in CIMMYT maize lines adapted to Africa resulting from transpiration sensitivity to vapor pressure deficit and soil drying
Chiango, H., Jafarikouhini, N., Pradhan, D., Figueiredo, A., Silva, J., Sinclair, T. R., & Holland, J. (2021, August 5). JOURNAL OF CROP IMPROVEMENT, Vol. 8.

2021 article
Effects of artificial inoculation on trait correlations with resistance to Fusarium ear rot and fumonisin contamination in maize
Butoto, E. N., Marino, T. P., & Holland, J. B. (2021, June 18). CROP SCIENCE, Vol. 5.
2021 journal article
Eleven biosynthetic genes explain the majority of natural variation in carotenoid levels in maize grain
PLANT CELL, 33(4), 882–900.

2021 article
Not so local: the population genetics of convergent adaptation in maize and teosinte
Tittes, S., Lorant, A., McGinty, S., Holland, J. B., Jesus Sánchez-González, J., Seetharam, A., … Ross-Ibarra, J. (2021, September 10).
2021 article
Registration of tropical populations of maize selected in parallel for early flowering time across the United States
Weldekidan, T., Manching, H., Choquette, N., Leon, N., Flint-Garcia, S., Holland, J., … Wisser, R. J. (2021, October 13). JOURNAL OF PLANT REGISTRATIONS, Vol. 10.

2021 journal article
The importance of dominance and genotype-by-environment interactions on grain yield variation in a large-scale public cooperative maize experiment

2021 article
The potential to breed a low-protein maize for protein-restricted diets
Woore, M. S., Flint-Garcia, S. A., & Holland, J. B. (2021, September 19). CROP SCIENCE, Vol. 61.

2021 journal article
Utility of Climatic Information via Combining Ability Models to Improve Genomic Prediction for Yield Within the Genomes to Fields Maize Project

2020 journal article
A Genome-Wide Association Study To Understand the Effect of Fusarium verticillioides Infection on Seedlings of a Maize Diversity Panel
G3-GENES GENOMES GENETICS, 10(5), 1685–1696.
Contributors: L. Stagnati *, V. Rahjoo *, L. Samayoa n, * , V. Borrelli*, M. Busconi *, A. Lanubile *, A. Marocco *
2020 journal article
Association mapping and genomic prediction for ear rot disease caused by Fusarium verticillioides in a tropical maize germplasm
CROP SCIENCE, 60(6), 2867–2881.

2020 journal article
Dominance Effects and Functional Enrichments Improve Prediction of Agronomic Traits in Hybrid Maize
GENETICS, 215(1), 215–230.
Contributors: G. Ramstein *, S. Larsson *, J. Cook *, J. Edwards *, E. Ersoz *, S. Flint-Garcia *, C. Gardner *, n

2020 article
Eleven biosynthetic genes explain the majority of natural variation for carotenoid levels in maize grain
Diepenbrock, C. H., Ilut, D. C., Magallanes-Lundback, M., Kandianis, C. B., Lipka, A. E., Bradbury, P. J., … DellaPenna, D. (2020, July 15). (Vol. 7). Vol. 7.

2020 article
Genetic variation for plant growth traits in a common wheat population is dominated by known variants and novel QTL
DeWitt, N., Guedira, M., Lauer, E., Murphy, J. P., Marshall, D., Mergoum, M., … Brown-Guedira, G. (2020, December 16).
2020 journal article
Genetic variation for response to mixed triazole and strobilurin application in diverse maize
Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment, 3(1).

2020 journal article
Genome-wide association analysis of the strength of the MAMP-elicited defense response and resistance to target leaf spot in sorghum
Scientific Reports, 10(1).
Contributors: R. Samira n, J. Kimball*, L. Samayoa n, n , T. Jamann*, P. Brown *, G. Stacey *, P. Balint-Kurti*

2020 journal article
Genomic prediction for resistance to Fusarium ear rot and fumonisin contamination in maize
CROP SCIENCE, 60(4), 1863–1875.
Contributors: , T. Marino n, H. Manching * & R. Wisser * n
2020 journal article
Heterosis of leaf and rhizosphere microbiomes in field‐grown maize
New Phytologist, 228(3), 1055–1069.
Contributors: M. Wagner *, J. Roberts n, P. Balint-Kurti n & n

2020 journal article
Maize genomes to fields (G2F): 2014-2017 field seasons: Genotype, phenotype, climatic, soil, and inbred ear image datasets
BMC Research Notes, 13(1).
Contributors: B. McFarland *, N. Alkhalifah*, M. Bohn *, J. Bubert *, E. Buckler *, I. Ciampitti *, J. Edwards, D. Ertl *

2020 journal article
Relative utility of agronomic, phenological, and morphological traits for assessing genotype-by-environment interaction in maize inbreds
Crop Science, 60(1), 62–81.
Contributors: C. Falcon*, S. Kaeppler *, E. Spalding *, N. Miller *, N. Haase*, N. AlKhalifah*, M. Bohn *, E. Buckler *

2020 journal article
The genetic architecture of the maize progenitor, teosinte, and how it was altered during maize domestication
Contributors: Q. Chen* , L. Samayoa n, C. Yang *, P. Bradbury *, B. Olukolu*, M. Neumeyer *, M. Romay *, Q. Sun *
Ed(s): R. Mauricio

2019 journal article
A Genome Wide Association Study Reveals Markers and Genes Associated with Resistance to Fusarium verticillioides Infection of Seedlings in a Maize Diversity Panel
Contributors: L. Stagnati *, A. Lanubile *, L. Samayoa n, M. Bragalanti*, P. Giorni *, M. Busconi *, n , A. Marocco *
2019 journal article
Diverse Components of Resistance to Fusarium verticillioides Infection and Fumonisin Contamination in Four Maize Recombinant Inbred Families
TOXINS, 11(2).
Contributors: L. Morales *, C. Zila n, D. Mejía*, M. Arbelaez*, P. Balint-Kurti n , n , R. Nelson *
2019 journal article
Genomic-Wide Association Study of Popping Expansion in Tropical Popcorn and Field Corn Germplasm
CROP SCIENCE, 59(5), 2007–2019.
Contributors: H. Senhorinho*, M. Coan*, T. Marino n, M. Kuki *, R. Pinto *, C. Scapim *, n

2019 journal article
Optimal Designs for Genomic Selection in Hybrid Crops
MOLECULAR PLANT, 12(3), 390–401.
Contributors: T. Guo *, X. Yu *, X. Li *, H. Zhang *, C. Zhu *, S. Flint-Garcia *, M. McMullen*, n , R. Wisser*, J. Yu *

2019 journal article
The Genomic Basis for Short-Term Evolution of Environmental Adaptation in Maize
GENETICS, 213(4), 1479–1494.
Contributors: R. Wisser*, Z. Fang n, n , J. Teixeira*, J. Dougherty*, T. Weldekidan *, N. De Leon *, S. Flint-Garcia *

2019 journal article
The genetic architecture of teosinte catalyzed and constrained maize domestication
Contributors: C. Yang *, L. Samayoa n, P. Bradbury *, B. Olukolu *, W. Xue *, A. York *, M. Tuholski*, W. Wang *

2019 journal article
Training population selection and use of fixed effects to optimize genomic predictions in a historical USA winter wheat panel
Contributors: J. Sarinelli n, J. Murphy n, P. Tyagi n, n , J. Johnson*, M. Mergoum*, R. Mason*, A. Babar *

2019 journal article
Validation and Characterization of Maize Multiple Disease Resistance QTL
G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics, 9(9), 2905–2912.
Contributors: L. Martins n, E. Rucker *, W. Thomason *, R. Wisser*, n & P. Balint-Kurti n

2018 journal article
Accounting for Genotype-by-Environment Interactions and Residual Genetic Variation in Genomic Selection for Water-Soluble Carbohydrate Concentration in Wheat
G3-GENES GENOMES GENETICS, 8(6), 1909–1919.
Contributors: B. Ovenden *, A. Milgate *, L. Wade *, G. Rebetzke * & n

2018 journal article
Defining the Role of the MADS-Box Gene, Zea Agamous-like1, a Target of Selection During Maize Domestication
JOURNAL OF HEREDITY, 109(3), 333–338.
Contributors: D. Wills*, Z. Fang n, A. York *, n & J. Doebley *

2018 journal article
Dissecting Symptomatology and Fumonisin Contamination Produced by Fusarium verticillioides in Maize Ears
PHYTOPATHOLOGY, 108(12), 1475–1485.
Contributors: L. Morales n, T. Marino n, A. Wenndt n, J. Fouts n, n & R. Nelson n
2018 journal article
Ecogeography of teosinte
PLOS ONE, 13(2).
Contributors: J. De Jesús Sánchez González *, J. Corral *, G. García *, G. Ojeda *, L. De La Cruz Larios *, n , R. Medrano*, G. Romero*

2018 chapter
Harnessing Maize Biodiversity
In Compendium of Plant Genomes.
2018 journal article
Maize Genomes to Fields: 2014 and 2015 field season genotype, phenotype, environment, and inbred ear image datasets
BMC Research Notes, 11(1).
Contributors: N. Alkhalifah*, D. Campbell *, C. Falcon*, J. Gardiner *, N. Miller *, M. Romay *, R. Walls *, R. Walton*

2018 article
Plant Genetics: Two Steps on the Path to Maize Adaptation
Holland, J. B. (2018, September 24). CURRENT BIOLOGY, Vol. 28, pp. R1098–R1101.

2017 journal article
Enhancing genomic prediction with genome-wide association studies in multiparental maize populations
HEREDITY, 118(6), 585–593.
Contributors: Y. Bian n & n

2017 book
Genetic Data Analysis for Plant and Animal Breeding

2017 journal article
Genome-Wide Associations for Water-Soluble Carbohydrate Concentration and Relative Maturity in Wheat Using SNP and DArT Marker Arrays
G3-GENES GENOMES GENETICS, 7(8), 2821–2830.
Contributors: B. Ovenden *, A. Milgate *, L. Wade *, G. Rebetzke * & n

2017 journal article
Genomic estimation of complex traits reveals ancient maize adaptation to temperate North America
SCIENCE, 357(6350), 512–515.
Contributors: K. Swarts *, R. Gutaker *, B. Benz *, M. Blake *, R. Bukowski*, n , M. Kruse-Peeples, N. Lepak*

2017 journal article
High-Throughput Resequencing of Maize Landraces at Genomic Regions Associated with Flowering Time
PLOS ONE, 12(1).
Contributors: T. Jamann *, S. Sood*, R. Wisser * & n

2017 journal article
Modifications to a LATE MERISTEM IDENTITY1 gene are responsible for the major leaf shapes of Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114(1), E57–66.

2017 journal article
Population extremes for assessing trait value and correlated response of genetically complex traits
Field Crops Research, 201, 122–132.
Contributors: G. Rebetzke *, R. Richards * & *

2017 journal article
Selection for water-soluble carbohydrate accumulation and investigation of genetic x environment interactions in an elite wheat breeding population
Contributors: B. Ovenden *, A. Milgate, C. Lisle *, L. Wade *, G. Rebetzke * & n

2017 journal article
The effect of artificial selection on phenotypic plasticity in maize
Contributors: J. Gage* , D. Jarquin *, C. Romay *, A. Lorenz *, E. Buckler *, S. Kaeppler *, N. Alkhalifah*, M. Bohn *

2017 journal article
Variation in the Fusarium verticilloides-maize pathosystem and implications for sorting mycotoxin-contaminated maize grain
Phytopathology, 107(2), 11–11.
2016 journal article
Genetic Architecture of Domestication-Related Traits in Maize
GENETICS, 204(1), 99-+.
Contributors: S. Xue n, P. Bradbury *, T. Casstevens * & n

2016 journal article
Genetic Characterization of the North Carolina State University Maize Lines
CROP SCIENCE, 56(1), 259–275.
Contributors: P. Nelson n, M. Krakowsky *, N. Coles *, * , D. Bubeck*, J. Smith *, M. Goodman n

2016 journal article
Modifications to a LATE MERISTEM IDENTITY1 gene are responsible for the major leaf shapes of Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(1), E57–E66.
Contributors: R. Andres n, V. Coneva *, M. Frank *, J. Tuttle n, L. Samayoa n, S. Han n, B. Kaur n, L. Zhu n

2016 journal article
Responses to Recurrent Index Selection for Reduced Fusarium Ear Rot and Lodging and for Increased Yield in Maize
CROP SCIENCE, 56(1), 85–94.
Contributors: D. Horne n, M. Eller n & n
2016 journal article
The Genetics of Leaf Flecking in Maize and Its Relationship to Plant Defense and Disease Resistance
Plant Physiology, 172(3), 1787–1803.
Contributors: B. Olukolu n, Y. Bian n, B. De Vries *, W. Tracy *, R. Wisser *, n , P. Balint-Kurti n

2015 journal article
Charles W. Stuber: Maize Geneticist and Pioneer of Marker-Assisted Selection
Plant Breeding Reviews, Vol 39, 39, 1–22.

2015 book
Charles W. Stuber: Maize Geneticist and Pioneer of Marker-Assisted Selection
In Plant Breeding Reviews (Vol. 39, pp. 1–22).
2015 journal article
Ensemble Learning of QTL Models Improves Prediction of Complex Traits
G3-GENES GENOMES GENETICS, 5(10), 2073–2084.
Contributors: Y. Bian n & n

2015 journal article
Genome-wide association study reveals a set of genes associated with resistance to the Mediterranean corn borer (Sesamia nonagrioides L.) in a maize diversity panel
Contributors: L. Samayoa *, R. Malvar *, B. Olukolu n, n & A. Butrón *

2015 journal article
Hallauer's Tuson: a decade of selection for tropical-to-temperate phenological adaptation in maize
HEREDITY, 114(2), 229–240.
Contributors: J. Teixeira*, T. Weldekidan *, N. De Leon *, S. Flint-Garcia *, * , N. Lauter *, S. Murray *, W. Xu *

2015 journal article
Joint-multiple family linkage analysis predicts within-family variation better than single-family analysis of the maize nested association mapping population
HEREDITY, 114(6), 552–563.
Contributors: F. Ogut n, Y. Bian n, P. Bradbury * & *

2015 article
MAGIC maize: a new resource for plant genetics
Holland, J. B. (2015, September 11). GENOME BIOLOGY, Vol. 16.

2015 journal article
New insight into a complex plant–fungal pathogen interaction
Nature Genetics, 47(2), 101–103.
Contributors: P. Balint-Kurti n & n

2015 chapter book

2015 journal article
Registration of the Ki14 × B73 Recombinant Inbred Mapping Population of Maize
Journal of Plant Registrations, 9(2), 262–265.
Contributors: R. Pratt, , P. Balint-Kurti n , N. Coles n, J. Zwonitzer n, M. Casey, M. McMullen* n

2014 journal article
A Genome-Wide Association Study of the Maize Hypersensitive Defense Response Identifies Genes That Cluster in Related Pathways
PLoS Genetics, 10(8), e1004562.
Contributors: B. Olukolu n, G. Wang n, V. Vontimitta*, B. Venkata *, S. Marla *, J. Ji*, E. Gachomo *, K. Chu*
Ed(s): J. McDowell

2014 chapter
Breeding and genetic diversity
In Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Maize (pp. 14–50).
2014 chapter
Breeding: Plants, Modern
In Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food Systems (pp. 187–200).
2014 journal article
Causes and Consequences of Genetic Background Effects Illuminated by Integrative Genomic Analysis
GENETICS, 196(4), 1321-+.
2014 journal article
Genome-wide association study of Fusarium ear rot disease in the USA maize inbred line collection
Contributors: C. Zila n, F. Ogut n, M. Romay *, C. Gardner *, E. Buckler * & n
2014 journal article
Insights into the effects of long-term artificial selection on seed size in maize
Genetics, 198(1), 409-.
Contributors: C. Hirsch *, S. Flint-Garcia *, T. Beissinger *, S. Eichten *, S. Deshpande*, K. Barry *, M. McMullen*, n

2014 journal article
Limits on the reproducibility of marker associations with southern leaf blight resistance in the maize nested association mapping population
Contributors: Y. Bian n, Q. Yang n, P. Balint-Kurti n , R. Wisser * & n

2014 chapter
Mining natural variation for maize improvement: Selection on phenotypes and genes
In Genomics of Plant Genetic Resources: Volume 1. Managing, Sequencing and Mining Genetic Resources (pp. 615–649).
Contributors: S. Sood n, S. Flint-Garcia *, M. Willcox & *

2014 journal article
Protein profiling reveals novel proteins in pollen and pistil of W22 (ga1; Ga1) in maize
Proteomes, 2(2), 258–271.

2014 journal article
The Genetic Architecture Of Maize Height
GENETICS, 196(4), 1337-+.
Contributors: J. Peiffer n, M. Romay *, M. Gore *, S. Flint-Garcia *, Z. Zhang *, M. Millard*, C. Gardner *, M. McMullen*

2014 journal article
Yield effects of two southern leaf blight resistance loci in maize hybrids
Crop Science, 54(3), 882–894.
Contributors: J. Santa-Cruz*, K. Kump*, C. Arellano *, M. Goodman*, M. Krakowsky *, * , P. Balint-Kurti*

2013 journal article
A Connected Set of Genes Associated with Programmed Cell Death Implicated in Controlling the Hypersensitive Response in Maize
GENETICS, 193(2), 609-+.
Contributors: B. Olukolu*, A. Negeri, R. Dhawan, B. Venkata *, P. Sharma *, A. Garg*, E. Gachomo *, S. Marla *

2013 journal article
A Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals Genes Associated with Fusarium Ear Rot Resistance in a Maize Core Diversity Panel
G3-GENES GENOMES GENETICS, 3(11), 2095–2104.
Contributors: C. Zila n, L. Samayoa *, R. Santiago *, A. Butrón * & n
2013 journal article
Comprehensive genotyping of the USA national maize inbred seed bank
Contributors: M. Romay *, M. Millard*, J. Glaubitz*, J. Peiffer n, K. Swarts *, T. Casstevens *, R. Elshire *, C. Acharya *

2013 journal article
Confirming quantitative trait loci for aflatoxin resistance from Mp313E in different genetic backgrounds
Molecular Breeding, 32(1), 15–26.
Contributors: M. Willcox *, G. Davis*, M. Warburton *, G. Windham*, H. Abbas *, J. Betrán*, * , W. Williams *
2012 journal article
Diallel Analysis of Resistance to Fusarium Ear Rot and Fumonisin Contamination in Maize
CROP SCIENCE, 52(5), 2173–2181.
Contributors: H. Hung n & n
2012 journal article
Genetic Architecture of Maize Kernel Composition in the Nested Association Mapping and Inbred Association Panels
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 158(2), 824–834.
Contributors: J. Cook n, M. McMullen n, n , F. Tian n, P. Bradbury n, J. Ross-Ibarra n, E. Buckler n, S. Flint-Garcia n

2012 journal article
Maize HapMap2 identifies extant variation from a genome in flux
Nature Genetics, 44(7), 803–807.
Contributors: J. Chia*, C. Song *, P. Bradbury *, D. Costich *, N. De Leon *, J. Doebley *, R. Elshire *, B. Gaut*

2012 journal article
Multivariate Mixed Linear Model Analysis of Longitudinal Data: An Information-Rich Statistical Technique for Analyzing Plant Disease Resistance
PHYTOPATHOLOGY, 102(11), 1016–1025.
Contributors: Y. Veturi *, K. Kump n, E. Walsh n, O. Ott n, J. Poland n, J. Kolkman n, P. Balint-Kurti n , n , R. Wisser

2012 journal article
Quantitative Trait Loci Affecting Oil Content, Oil Composition, and Other Agronomically Important Traits in Oat
PLANT GENOME, 5(3), 164–175.
Contributors: B. Hizbai*, K. Gardner*, C. Wight *, R. Dhanda, S. Molnar*, D. Johnson *, J. Frégeau-Reid*, W. Yan *

2012 journal article
The relationship between parental genetic or phenotypic divergence and progeny variation in the maize nested association mapping population
HEREDITY, 108(5), 490–499.
Contributors: H. Hung n, C. Browne *, K. Guill*, N. Coles n, M. Eller n, A. Garcia*, N. Lepak*, S. Melia-Hancock*

2012 journal article
ZmCCT and the genetic basis of day-length adaptation underlying the postdomestication spread of maize
Contributors: H. Hung n, L. Shannon *, F. Tian *, P. Bradbury *, C. Chen *, S. Flint-Garcia *, M. McMullen*, D. Ware *

2011 journal article
A novel genetic framework for studying response to artificial selection
Contributors: R. Wisser *, P. Balint-Kurti n & n

2011 journal article
Allelic Effect Variation at Key Photoperiod Response Quantitative Trait Loci in Maize
CROP SCIENCE, 51(3), 1036–1049.
Contributors: N. Coles n, C. Zila n & n

2011 journal article
Comparison of Conventional, Modified Single Seed Descent, and Doubled Haploid Breeding Methods for Maize Inbred Line Development Using Germplasm Enhancement of Maize Breeding Crosses
CROP SCIENCE, 51(4), 1534–1543.
Contributors: M. Jumbo*, T. Weldekidan *, n & J. Hawk*

2011 journal article
Distinct Genetic Architectures for Male and Female Inflorescence Traits of Maize
Contributors: P. Brown *, N. Upadyayula*, G. Mahone*, F. Tian *, P. Bradbury *, S. Myles *, n , S. Flint-Garcia *

2011 journal article
Genome-wide association study of leaf architecture in the maize nested association mapping population
NATURE GENETICS, 43(2), 159–U113.
Contributors: F. Tian *, P. Bradbury *, P. Brown *, H. Hung n, Q. Sun *, S. Flint-Garcia*, T. Rocheford *, M. McMullen*, n , E. Buckler *

2011 journal article
Genome-wide association study of quantitative resistance to southern leaf blight in the maize nested association mapping population
NATURE GENETICS, 43(2), 163–U120.
Contributors: K. Kump n, P. Bradbury *, R. Wisser*, E. Buckler *, A. Belcher n, M. Oropeza-Rosas n, J. Zwonitzer n, S. Kresovich *

2011 journal article
Genomic localization of the maize cross-incompatibility gene, Gametophyte factor 1 (ga1)
Maydica, 56(4), 379–387. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84857675839&partnerID=MN8TOARS
2011 journal article
Mapping QTL controlling southern leaf blight resistance by joint analysis of three related recombinant inbred line populations
Crop Science, 51(4), 1571–1579.
Contributors: A. Negeri n, N. Coles n, n & P. Balint-Kurti n

2011 journal article
Multivariate analysis of maize disease resistances suggests a pleiotropic genetic basis and implicates a GST gene
Contributors: R. Wisser*, J. Kolkman *, M. Patzoldt*, * , J. Yu *, M. Krakowsky*, R. Nelson *, P. Balint-Kurti*

2011 journal article
QTL controlling masculinization of ear tips in a maize (Zea mays L.) intraspecific cross
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 1(5), 337–341.
Contributors: & N. Coles n n

2011 journal article
Seed Dormancy in Mexican Teosinte
CROP SCIENCE, 51(5), 2056–2066.
Contributors: A. López*, J. González *, J. Corral *, L. Larios *, F. Santacruz-Ruvalcaba *, C. Hernández *, n

2011 journal article
Contributors: J. Sánchez*, L. La Cruz*, V. Vidal*, J. Ron*, S. Taba*, F. Santacruz-Ruvalcaba *, S. Sood n, n

2010 journal article
A heritability-adjusted GGE biplot for test environment evaluation
EUPHYTICA, 171(3), 355–369.
Contributors: W. Yan * & n

2010 chapter
Dedication: Major M. Goodman: Maize Geneticist and Breeder
In Plant Breeding Reviews (Vol. 33, pp. 1–29).

2010 journal article
Direct mapping of density response in a population of B73 x Mo17 recombinant inbred lines of maize (Zea Mays L.)
HEREDITY, 104(6), 583–599.
Contributors: M. Gonzalo, , T. Vyn * & L. McIntyre * n

2010 journal article
Genetic Control of Photoperiod Sensitivity in Maize Revealed by Joint Multiple Population Analysis
GENETICS, 184(3), 799–U301.
Contributors: N. Coles n, M. McMullen*, P. Balint-Kurti n , R. Pratt * & n

2010 article
Increased Food and Ecosystem Security via Perennial Grains
Glover, J. D., Reganold, J. P., Bell, L. W., Borevitz, J., Brummer, E. C., Buckler, E. S., … Xu, Y. (2010, June 25). SCIENCE, Vol. 328, pp. 1638–1639.
Contributors: J. Glover*, J. Reganold *, L. Bell *, J. Borevitz *, E. Brummer *, E. Buckler *, C. Cox*, T. Cox*

2010 journal article
Mapping resistance quantitative trait loci for three foliar diseases in a maize recombinant inbred line population - Evidence for multiple disease resistance?
Phytopathology, 100(1), 72–79.
Contributors: J. Zwonitzer n, N. Coles, M. Krakowsky, C. Arellano, * , M. McMullen, R. Pratt, P. Balint-Kurti*

2010 journal article
Science, 330(6000), 33–34. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-77957375418&partnerID=MN8TOARS
Contributors: J. Glover, J. Reganold, L. Bell, J. Borevitz, E. Brummer, E. Buckler, C. Cox, T. Cox
2010 journal article
Selection for Reduced Fusarium Ear Rot and Fumonisin Content in Advanced Backcross Maize Lines and Their Topeross Hybrids
CROP SCIENCE, 50(6), 2249–2260.
2009 journal article
Genetic properties of the maize nested association mapping population
Science, 325(5941), 737–740.
Contributors: M. McMullen*, S. Kresovich *, H. Villeda*, P. Bradbury *, H. Li *, Q. Sun *, S. Flint-Garcia *, J. Thornsberry*

2009 chapter
Harnessing quantitative genetics and genomics for understanding and improving complex traits in crops
In Drought Frontiers in Rice: Crop Improvement for Increased Rainfed Production (pp. 123–136).

2009 journal article
Quantitative Trait Loci and Epistasis for Oat Winter-Hardiness Component Traits
CROP SCIENCE, 49(6), 1989–1998.
Contributors: D. Wooten n, D. Livingston III, H. Lyerly n, n , E. Jellen *, D. Marshall n, J. Murphy n

2009 journal article
The Genetic Architecture of Maize Flowering Time
SCIENCE, 325(5941), 714–718.
Contributors: E. Buckler *, n , P. Bradbury *, C. Acharya *, P. Brown *, C. Browne *, E. Ersoz *, S. Flint-Garcia *

2008 journal article
A Comparison of leaf appearance rates among teosinte, maize landraces and modern maize
Maydica, 53(2), 117–123.
2008 journal article
A comparison of leaf appearance rates among teosinte, maize landraces and modern maize
Maydica, 53(2), 117–123. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-57849127135&partnerID=MN8TOARS
2008 journal article
TOXIN REVIEWS, 27(3-4), 371–389.
2008 journal article
Climatic adaptation and ecological descriptors of 42 Mexican maize races
CROP SCIENCE, 48(4), 1502–1512.
Contributors: J. Ruiz Corral *, N. Durán Puga, J. Sánchez González, J. Ron Parra, D. González Eguiarte, n , G. Medina García *

2008 journal article
Genetic design and statistical power of nested association mapping in maize
GENETICS, 178(1), 539–551.
Contributors: J. Yu *, n , M. McMullen* & E. Buckler *

2008 journal article
Grain yield and fusarium ear rot of maize hybrids developed from lines with varying levels of resistance
Maydica, 53(1-4), 231–237. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-77956931980&partnerID=MN8TOARS
Contributors: M. Eller, L. Robertson-Hoyt, G. Payne &
2008 journal article
Molecular characterization of maize inbreds with expired US plant variety protection
CROP SCIENCE, 48(5), 1673–1685.
Contributors: P. Nelson n, N. Coles n, n , D. Bubeck*, S. Smith* & M. Goodman n

2008 journal article
Quantitative trait loci and epistasis for crown freezing tolerance in the 'Kanota' x 'Ogle' hexaploid oat mapping population
CROP SCIENCE, 48(1), 149–157.
Contributors: D. Wooten n, D. Livingston III, n , D. Marshall n & J. Murphy n

2008 book
Theoretical and Biological Foundations of Plant Breeding
In Plant Breeding: The Arnel R. Hallauer International Symposium (pp. 127–140).

2007 review
Genetic architecture of complex traits in plants
[Review of ]. CURRENT OPINION IN PLANT BIOLOGY, 10(2), 156–161.

2007 journal article
Genotypic correlation and multivariate QTL analyses for cell wall components and resistance to stalk tunneling by the European corn borer in maize
CROP SCIENCE, 47(2), 485–490.
Contributors: M. Krakowsky *, M. Lee* & n

2007 journal article
Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense) pollen expresses ACCase target-site resistance
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 21(2), 384–388.

2007 journal article
Mapping reciprocal effects and interactions with plant density stress in Zea mays L.
HEREDITY, 99(1), 14–30.
Contributors: M. Gonzalo, T. Vyn *, n & L. McIntyre *

2007 journal article
Mapping resistance to Southern rust in a tropical by temperate maize recombinant inbred topcross population
Contributors: M. Jines n, P. Balint-Kurti n , L. Robertson-Hoyt n, T. Molnar, n & M. Goodman n

2007 journal article
Precise mapping of quantitative trait loci for resistance to southern leaf blight, caused by Cochliobolus heterostrophus race O, and flowering time using advanced intercross maize lines
GENETICS, 176(1), 645–657.
Contributors: P. Balint-Kurti n , J. Zwonitzer n, R. Wisser n, M. Carson*, M. Oropeza-Rosas n, n , S. Szalma n

2007 journal article
QTL mapping with near-isogenic lines in maize
Contributors: S. Szalma n, B. Hostert*, J. LeDeaux*, C. Stuber n & n

2007 journal article
Relationships among resistances to Fusarium and Aspergillus ear rots and contamination by fumonisin and aflatoxin in maize
PHYTOPATHOLOGY, 97(3), 311–317.
Contributors: L. Robertson-Hoyt*, J. Betrán, G. Payne*, D. White, T. Isakeit, C. Maragos, T. Molnár, *
2007 journal article
Relationships of resistance to Fusarium ear rot and fumonisin contamination with agronomic performance of maize
CROP SCIENCE, 47(5), 1770–1778.
Contributors: L. Robertson-Hoyt n, C. Kleinschmidt*, D. White*, G. Payne n, C. Maragos * & n
2006 journal article
A unified mixed-model method for association mapping that accounts for multiple levels of relatedness
Nature Genetics, 38(2), 203–208.
Contributors: J. Yu *, G. Pressoir *, W. Briggs*, I. Bi*, M. Yamasaki *, J. Doebley *, M. McMullen*, B. Gaut*

2006 journal article
Erratum: Heritabilities and correlations of fusarium ear rot resistance and fumonisin contamination resistance in two maize populations (Crop Science 46, 1 (353-361))
Crop Science, 46(3).
2006 journal article
Estimating genotypic correlations and their standard errors using multivariate restricted maximum likelihood estimation with SAS Proc MIXED
CROP SCIENCE, 46(2), 642–654.

2006 journal article
Gains from selection during the development of semiexotic inbred lines from Latin American maize accessions
Maydica, 51(1), 15–23. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-33646828357&partnerID=MN8TOARS
2006 journal article
Heritabilities and correlations of fusarium ear rot resistance and fumonisin contamination resistance in two maize populations
CROP SCIENCE, 46(1), 353–361.
Contributors: L. Robertson n, C. Kleinschmidt*, D. White*, G. Payne n, C. Maragos * & n
2006 journal article
Identification of quantitative trait loci for resistance to southern leaf blight and days to anthesis in a maize recombinant inbred line population
PHYTOPATHOLOGY, 96(10), 1067–1071.
Contributors: P. Balint-Kurti* , M. Krakowsky, M. Jines*, L. Robertson*, T. Molnár, M. Goodman*, *

2006 journal article
Mapping density response in maize: A direct approach for testing genotype and treatment interactions
GENETICS, 173(1), 331–348.
Contributors: M. Gonzalo*, T. Vyn *, n & L. McIntyre *

2006 journal article
Panzea: a database and resource for molecular and functional diversity in the maize genome.
Nucleic Acids Research., 34(Database issue). http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-33644874840&partnerID=MN8TOARS
Contributors: W. Zhao, P. Canaran, R. Jurkuta, T. Fulton, J. Glaubitz, E. Buckler, J. Doebley, B. Gaut
2006 journal article
QTL mapping for fusarium ear rot and fumonisin contamination resistance in two maize populations
Crop Science, 46(4), 1734–1743.
Contributors: L. Robertson-Hoyt n, M. Jines n, P. Balint-Kurti n , C. Kleinschmidt*, D. White*, G. Payne n, C. Maragos *, T. Molnár, n
2006 journal article
Responses to selection for partial resistance to crown rust in oat
CROP SCIENCE, 46(3), 1260–1265.
Contributors: J. Long *, n , G. Munkvold * & J. Jannink *

2004 journal article
Recovery of exotic alleles in semiexotic maize inbreds derived from crosses between Latin American accessions and a temperate line
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 109(3), 609–617. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-4344701300&partnerID=MN8TOARS
2003 journal article
Combining ability of a tropical-derived maize population with isogenic BT and conventional testers
Maydica, 48(1), 1–8. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0038419797&partnerID=MN8TOARS
2003 journal article
Genome-wide genetic diversity among components does not cause cultivar blend responses
Crop Science, 43(5), 1618–1627. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0141459295&partnerID=MN8TOARS
2003 journal article
Testcross Performance of Semiexotic Inbred Lines Derived from Latin American Maize Accessions
Crop Science, 43(6), 2272–2278. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0242653940&partnerID=MN8TOARS
2002 journal article
Breeding perennial grain crops
Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 21(2), 59–91. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0036216289&partnerID=MN8TOARS
2002 journal article
Correlated responses to selection for greater β-glucan content in two oat populations
Crop Science, 42(3), 730–738. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0036235335&partnerID=MN8TOARS
2002 journal article
Genomic regions controlling vernalization and photoperiod responses in oat

2001 journal article
A linkage map of hexaploid oat based on grass anchor DNA clones and its relationship to other oat maps
Genome, 44(2), 249–265.

2001 journal article
A restriction fragment length polymorphism based linkage map of a diploid Avena recombinant inbred line population
Genome, 44(2), 192–204.
2001 journal article
Blend response and stability and cultivar blending ability in oat
Crop Science, 41(6), 1689–1696. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0035656793&partnerID=MN8TOARS
2001 journal article
Correlated responses of fatty acid composition, grain quality, and agronomic traits to nine cycles of recurrent selection for increased oil content in oat
Correlated responses of fatty acid composition, grain quality and agronomic traits to nine cycles of recurrent selection for increased oil content in oat. Euphytica, 122(1), 69–79.

2001 journal article
Genetic relationships of crown rust resistance, grain yield, test weight, and seed weight in oat
Crop Science, 41(4), 1041–1050. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0034891094&partnerID=MN8TOARS
2001 journal article
Polymorphism of PCR-based markers targeting exons, introns, promoter regions, and SSRs in maize and introns and repeat sequences in oat
Genome, 44(6), 1065–1076.

2001 journal article
Polymorphism of PCR-based markers targeting exons, introns, promoter regions, and SSRs in maize and introns and repeat sequences in oat
Genome, 44(6), 1065–1076.
2001 journal article
Selection for greater β-glucan content in oat grain
Crop Science, 41(4), 1085–1091. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0034890343&partnerID=MN8TOARS
2000 journal article
Recurrent selection in oat for adaptation to diverse environments
EUPHYTICA, 113(3), 195–205.

1999 journal article
Cultivar effects on oat-berseem clover intercrops
Agronomy Journal, 91(2), 321–329. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0032772190&partnerID=MN8TOARS
1999 journal article
Heritability of lipase activity of oat caryopses
Crop Science, 39(4), 1055–1059. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0032770550&partnerID=MN8TOARS
1999 journal article
Nine cycles of recurrent selection for increased groat-oil content in oat
Crop Science, 39(6), 1636–1641. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0033374759&partnerID=MN8TOARS
1998 journal article
EPISTACY: A SAS program for detecting two-locus epistatic interactions using genetic marker information
Journal of Heredity, 89(4), 374–375.
1998 journal article
Inheritance of resistance to southern corn rust in tropical by corn-belt maize populations
Contributors: , D. Uhr, D. Jeffers * & M. Goodman n *

1998 journal article
Recombination values for the Ms6-W1 chromosome region in different genetic backgrounds in soybean
Crop Science, 38(2), 293–296. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0031811862&partnerID=MN8TOARS
1997 journal article
QTLs and epistasis associated with vernalization responses in oat
Crop Science, 37(4), 1306–1316. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0030822104&partnerID=MN8TOARS
1996 journal article
Identification of agronomically superior Latin American maize accessions via multi-stage evaluations
Crop Science, 36(3), 778–784. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0029832942&partnerID=MN8TOARS
1996 journal article
Inheritance of β-glucan content of oat grain
Crop Science, 36(3), 567–572. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0029789190&partnerID=MN8TOARS
1995 journal article
Combining ability of tropical maize accessions with U.S. germplasm
Crop Science, 35(3), 767–773. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0029165570&partnerID=MN8TOARS
1994 journal article
Genetic improvement for yield and fertility of alfalfa cultivars representing different eras of breeding
Crop Science, 34(4), 953–957. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0027995637&partnerID=MN8TOARS
Updated: May 5th, 2015 22:17
1999 - present
1999 - present
1994 - 1999
Updated: April 27th, 2015 13:07
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1985 - 1989